Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Aqua and Blue and a Polish Lady Too~ Let’s Dish


Hello, Ladies, hope you have had a good week!

I am still trying to get use to my new computer, it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but I will persevere. :)

Would you be so kind to take my Blog Crawl button and put it on your sidebar?  Thanks so much!


I got these plates in the clearance at Christmas Tree Shop.  Johnson Bros. Farmhouse Kitchen Blue Fern.


Navy with aqua, so that is what I went with tonight.


A pale aqua tablecloth that was in the clearance of BBB is the start.  It is made from recycled plastic soda bottles, who knew!  Very soft and spill resistant.

Navy blue placemats serve as the charger, again, CTS.

My Pier One Birdies sit on a plate.


Flatware is from HG, and the square navy  bakers for our soup are from CTS.  I think they were $1.99.


The aqua rim bubble glass, ( it really is aqua irl, just like the water glass) and aqua water glass are both from a .99 store.

The little candle holders are from Walmart, .25, years ago.


Navy blue cotton napkins from CTS, in clearance, 6 for $1.24.


My newly gifted Polish Cheese Lady serves as the centerpiece, sitting on a navy bowl flipped over. Isn’t she cute?  Christine has a whole bevy of them!


Lift her up and put some cheese in her!

My neighbor gave it to me for posting her Polish Pottery.


I know, very simple.  I am trying to get back in the groove!


Now it is your turn!

Time to review the details…

PLEASE, be a follower before you link up


Make sure you have no word ID so that people will leave you a comment.

Post must be table, china, linen related, not just food

One link per week

A link back to this party is required in your post.

Most important, please visit as many as you can.  Some of you visit everyone, and that is terrific, thank you!  Please be sure to visit a minimum of 5 if you link up.

I truly appreciate those who are kind and leave me a comment!

Don’t forget the 5th Annual Blog Crawl 2 weeks from tonight. Gift card give away. 2 if I get to a magic number of followers.  :)

Lots of green ideas in the archives of the last 4 years.

table 1980

Time to get your green on!

My tip for Yvonne’s TT and T is join in the blog crawl and you’ll have the luck of the Irish, or maybe just your teeth will turn green! :)

Thanks so much for stopping by, and again for your kind thoughts and prayers on the loss of my sister’s 8 year old grandson.

Let’s see what you have for us this week, dishies!

I am joining :

Yvonne for TT and T Yvonne

Diann for Thrifty Things Fri.,

Susan for Tablescape Thursday


  1. This is so beautiful! I SURE wish we had a Christmas Tree Store near us! What a steal for those beautiful Johnson Brothers plates! I love this tablescape!! Thanks for sharing it! =D

  2. Kathleen, I love the color combination of the two shades of blue. I, too, wish that I had a Christmas Tree Shop and a Home Goods nearby. Thank heavens for online shopping! Your Polish cheese girl is too adorable and how sweet of your friend to give you a "thank you" gift that you can use on your blog. Thanks for sharing this very creative table!

  3. Oooh, the blue with aqua looks gorgeous! And what a deal you got on those dishes! I may have to make a special field trip to your CTS. The Polish girl dish is the cutest thing!

  4. I love the cheese lady! And everything else about your table, Kathleen.

  5. I love your dishes, I saw them at CTS too but didn't get them. Love the navy and aqua combo. Now, I don't see the link button????? I would love to link my latest table. XO, Pinky will reach me faster

  6. JUST saw your note about the links. I'll try again later.

  7. I love the way that the blue and aqua play together. I think that there are a number of us in a great big blue boat this week. Your Polish lady is going to be a wonderful asset for your tablescaping. I pray that all the prayers coming your way will bring you a measure of comfort. I know that your heart still hurts. Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  8. Love your table, I never ever catch the CTS sales! I would have bought them at $2.99 lol. Love the table in your header, too. xo

  9. Great bargains as always K and I'm lovin' your new Polish lady too! Pretty mild weather the last couple days... maybe Punky Phil was right and we'll get an early spring this year-enjoy:@)

  10. Love your bargains, as always, Kathleen! Your little Polish lady is a cutie. That was so sweet of your neighbor to gift her to you. Thank you for hosting as I know you're still grieving and I'm still praying. xo

  11. First of all...I'm so glad to hear you sound more like your cheery and happy self, Kathleen, even if your heart is crying. I am like you, no matter what, I just have a happy gene inside me and that helps so much! This table is gorgeous with all the bargains. Your Polish butter-lady from your friend is adorable! Can't wait for the St. Patty's fun too! God bless you and your family.

  12. Gorgeous gift.. wow, she is a cutie!! Love the navy and aqua. You got some wonderful bargains!! So nice to see blue and white this week. It's cheerful and just classic. Continued prayers for God's comfort to touch each of you. xo marlis

  13. Love your Polish Cheese Lady~ she looks happy to be at your table! Once again, I have CTS shop envy, the prices boggle the mind :) Taking your Blog Crawl button, thanks for hosting!

  14. Great colors! These are among my favorites; I especially love the Polish lady.

  15. We saw your Polish Lady at the Polish shop at Pike Place Market with our visitors and lots of other Polish Pottery. I like the blues on your table. I'm a tired girl after all our site seeing fun and preparing meals along the way...

  16. Oh, I love your butter keeper lady. I'm not believing the price on those dishes. Darn, you always get the best deals on stuff. Your table looks so pretty, and I also can't believe that cloth is made from recycled bottles. The blog crawl button is already on my sidebar. Looking forward to it. Your Irish blog background is perfect. There are two Mr. Linky thingies. laurie

  17. Hi lovely lady.
    Your Tablescape is full of some great deals. I love your blue and white dishes how Beautiful on your Table. Thanks so much for hosting your linky party for us tonight. hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    XXOO Diane

  18. Once again you prove that you are the best shopper! Love all the blue going on here. The dinner plates are just beautiful. Love the turqoise flatware too, but of course I am in love with the cheese lady. I have never seen one like it! Joni

  19. Your dishes are so pretty Kathleen, and I especially love the flatware! Thanks for hosting.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  20. Thanks so much for hosting! I want to go shopping with you!! You find the best buys. I hear a rumor there maybe a Christmas Tree Store coming to Ohio! Hope my source is right!! Your little Polish lady is too cute.

  21. I love all of your blue. I still can't believe the deal you got on those Johnson Bros. plates, eventhough I was there with you! So happy you got the Polish lady. I know you had your eyes looking for one.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Beautiful new dishes! I'm feeling in the mood to put together a blue and white table. Working on that!
    Thanks for hosting. Looking forward to the Blog Crawl.........Sarah

  23. The blue and aqua is such an unexpected combo but you have certainly made it work! I am wild about those square bowls, how much fun!! The centerpiece looks great, clever using the bowl to elevate the cheese lady! Looking forward to the blog crawl!

  24. One of these old days I'm going to make it to your neck of the woods, and I'm going to visit that CTS, and I'm going to buy, buy, buy all the bargains!!!!! Just 50 cents for a $2.99 salad plate!!! I hope you have a good attorney, cause that's highway robbery, sister! :-) :-) :-) I had no idea Bed, Bath & Beyond offered recycled tablecloths! I have never heard of recycled soda cans. What a great idea! I like to conserve wherever possible. Due to the ceiling being cut out of my dining room to repair the damage from the pipe leak, I don't think I'm going to be able to enter a table in the blog crawl next week. That really ticks me off! :-( My house will be taking on a crawl of another kind...crawling with various workers trying to get the pipe fixed and then the bathroom & dining room put back together again!

  25. Blue and white tables are among my favorites so this really scores with me. For some reason, I like them best in the winter months, too. I love your Polish lady the best of everything on the table.

    I understand about being out of a groove. I stand outside my own right now, too.

    I hope your sister and her family are finding comfort and peace.

  26. We do not have a Christmas Tree store in our area, but I sure wish we did. It's amazing that you found those dishes at that price. Great table!

    Jocelyn @

  27. Love the table! I really love the pretty blue, white and aqua colors! I wish a CTS was near me! Hugs, Linda

  28. That Polish chick is quite the looker!

    Sorry I haven't had time to do dishy things lately, but I always enjoy looking.

  29. Love Kathleen! Pretty color combination that I have never tried on my table! You always get the best bargains and I love the Polish Lady! You and your family have been in my prayers!

  30. Beautiful table! I love the color, Kathleen, and you know how much I love the cheese lady....Christine

  31. I love everything about this just can't go wrong with blue and white. Those square bakers are really cute.

  32. Love your table always find such great bargains at CTS....Have a great weekend!

  33. Love this table and super in love with the flatware!

  34. Oh those beautiful blue hues and that wonderful price! I'm on the hunt for something similar! Hopefully I can join in the party next time!

  35. Your Polish cheese lady is adorable! What a thoughtful gift from your neighbor.

  36. This is a great info regarding Kitchen Decor. It's a good online reference to things like hotel kitchen equipment. Thanks a lot for posting this info on your blog.

  37. Love your bargains and your little Polish lady. I know you're still grieving, and I will keep you in my prayers.

  38. Thank you so much Kathleen, for you lovely comments on my blog and also thank for your invitation on March,13 I will join the party!

  39. I usually don't like blue but this is beautiful! Kevin @


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