Saturday, February 23, 2013

Just a Reminder…March 13th ~ 5th Annual Blog Crawl


You are Irishly invited!  ♣

Hope you will join in the fun as we crawl from blog to blog for the showing of the green!table 1980 (2)

Share a table to make us GREEN with envy…

table 2021

Or maybe just a Gaelic snack…

table 2014

Some food to celebrate the grand day…

table 1992

table 1995


St. Pat ricot Cake?

Or Chicken Kerry?

table 1948

Maybe a Shamrock Meatloaf…:)


table 1998

I sure hope you will be there, wearing green!table 3456

If you need some ideas you can go back to Crawl 1 through 4 and check it out.

No excuses, we can all use a little green these days!  Last year we had over 100 crawlers, so be sure to join in the fun!

Thanks for visiting!  I was able to get Live Writer working with some free Tech support.  It is different than my older version, so it takes a bit of playing around to get it right, but I am very thankful .

QVC offered 4 years of free support from TREND with the purchase and the support is  right here in the USA!

DELL wanted to charge me almost $300 to do it. 

They said I would need a software contract to fix the problem on my 5 day old computer.  TREND MICRO did it in 10 minutes.

If you haven’t tried Live Writer, download it for free and give it a shot.  You will love it, I think!

Thanks for visiting!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday

Marty for Tabletop Tues.

Kathe for You’re Gonna Love It Tuesday


  1. I had fun last year, so I'm making plans to join you this time too. Hope you are doing better Kathleen.

  2. Always a fun time K! Happy Sunday:@)

  3. Cute, cute pictures. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  4. I am looking forward to seeing all the Irish among us show their matter what heritage they have been blessed with. Good for you on the computer stuff. $400!!!! pfffffft....xo Diana

  5. I am looking forward to it! Still thinking of you and your family, Kathleen...

  6. Thank you, Diane. My family appreciates your good thoughts and prayers. We will never understand God's will.

  7. I did not see a way to comment, Kathleen until I clicked on reply by your comment. I hope it is not my 6 month old laptap having hissy fits!!! Oy vey. But I will be there on the 13th. Have some new things too. xo

  8. I am seeing it on my end, Barbara. Anyone else?

  9. Just rechecked and I saw 9 comments and clicked. Phew!!! xo

  10. I think I've been on all your Blog Crawls...but this year, all my things are packed and moved to the new place...I am certain I won't have things unpacked by March 13th....HOWEVER, if I can find a 4 leaf clover...a pretty GREEN cup, I'll bet I can come up with SOMEthing. I surely am going to give it a try....:)

  11. Comment box was here, but it wouldn't let me comment. Trying again.
    Looking forward to the Crawl. Not sure what I'll share just yet. Have to work on that.
    Haven't used Live Writer. Can you use it with Blogger? ~ Sarah

  12. Hi Kathleen, I will be at the party to celebrate all things green!!! I'm on a Mac so no Live Writer for me...are you also switching to itsy bitsy font size or am I getting to need reading glasses? I would love to change my blog but I need help. I can't even figure out how to make a button or use a font other than those that blogger offers! I figure I'm doing well if I get one post per week up. Linda

  13. I'm looking forward to your crawl, Kathleen! Your family is still in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. I hope to join in, Kathleen! I always love to be a part of your annual St, Pat's blog crawl!

  15. Hmmm, I will have to put my thinking cap on Kathleen!
    Thanks for giving me some ideas food maybe.
    Hugs friend,
    thinking of you and your family.

  16. Enjoyed your Irish green posts. It would be fun to participate but if I can't I will enjoy viewing.

    I was saddened by your family loss.

  17. Kathleen,

    Great post!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    I have you entered in my Giveaway...Good Luck to you!!


  18. Love the walk down the memory lane of greeness!

    Glad you've got your computer problems sorted out and can finally enjoy your new computer.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. We were gone all last week on vacation so thanks for the reminder! I'll put your logo up right away :)

  20. Trying your cabbage recipe tomorrow night along with corned beef, irish soda bread, irish mashed potatoes with irish butter, guinness and an irish apple cake for dessert. Hoping to join in when I get a new camera and learn everything about perma-links etc! Wish I could do it before the Pub Crawl but just not in the cards until next week when my computer guru friend comes down to show me how. Love the table and all your ideas! The cabbage looks wonderful-I'm like you don't like it boiled with the meat. This sound s scrumptious.


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