Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Let's Dish~A Long Way till Spring

 I still can't get Live Writer loaded on this new computer, so I am forced to use the antiquated blogger to post.  :(

You can click on the pictures to enlarge.

I took these the other day at the beach here,  Pretty...but really cold!
Spring seems a long way off.

Please remember the 5th Annual Blog Crawl on March 13th.  Anything green, or Irish, is the theme.  Hope you will join in!

Put on your green thinking caps!

Big Paddy will be here to lead us through Blogland, to share the showing of the green!

My thanks again to all those who said prayers for my sister's family on the loss of 8 year old Tommy.

I am not ready to party yet, but I want to open it up for you.


  1. Kathleen, thank you for hosting again this week. I know this past week has been especially hard for you and your family. I have a seven year old grandson named Thomas myself. I will continue to pray for your sister and niece, especially.

  2. Hi sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss in your family, thoughts and prayers to the family during this time.
    Thanks for hosting each week.. hugs ~lynne~

  3. Thanks for hosting Kathleen. We are under a winter storm warning. Snow, Sleet, Ice. Will see what happens.:-)

    I will mark my calender for St Pat's.

  4. Thanks for hosting Kathleen, despite not being in the party mind set. Thinking & praying for your sister & niece. Looking forward to a St. Paddy's Day crawl and putting on my green thinking cap :)

  5. I thinking green and thinking of you. Cherry Kay

  6. Oh Kathleen, I just read about your families loss. I am so sorry and I am sending prayers and love to your sister and niece.
    A huge hug to you and your family,

  7. Thanks for hosting, Kathleen.

  8. Kathleen, needless to say, it is you and your family that we are all thinking of during this time of loss.
    Can't imagine all that snow. Stay warm. ~ Sarah

  9. I got some finds and I thought of you pretty Irish soon as I saw saw all my greens and I said to myself: I bet Kathleen will have a St. Patty's Day link here are some lovely GREENS, can't wait to use them on a tablescape come March!! Still praying for your dear family. Thank you for opening up the party, my goodness, you are so generous! Big hugs,

  10. I have been praying for Tommy and his family. I know he is in good hands but I know how badly you all feel....Christine

  11. Kathleen, you and your family are on my prayer list. I've thought of you so often this week. It's so nice of you to post the linkup. Thank you. laurie

  12. Hard certainly don't need computer issues too. I am so sorry for your family's loss.

  13. So sorry for your family's loss. I am sending healing thoughts. You are such a beautiful person to carry on with the party.

  14. Still holding you close in prayer and asking for warm comfort during these cold days ...

  15. My thoughts and prayers to your family for their incredible loss....

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I know that your world feels about as stark and cold as those photos right now. I'm truly, truly sorry.

  18. I can't imagine this loss to all of you but I am praying for God's comfort to you all. Sending you a hug!


  19. Got your message. Take care and try to stay warm. We fighting a huge winter storm here today.

  20. Continuing to keep you and your loved ones in my prayers, love.

  21. Kathleen, hope your week is far better than the last one. Your family has been in my prayers.
    We are getting our winter...9"-10" inches of that white stuff and in the last few minutes started snowing again...maybe freezing rain tomorrow and then more snow Monday...nothing like getting it all in one whack!

  22. Sending prayers to you and your family. Such a tragic loss. I am so sorry. XO, Pinky

  23. Sending prayers your way, Kathleen, and looking forward to celebrating St. Paddy's Day with you.

  24. Kathleen you and your family still in my thoughts and prayers.
    Your snow looks so pretty, we are getting rain almost every other day here.
    Your St. Patrick's Day party sounds like a lot of fun.

    The French Hutch


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