Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It IS Unusual...Let's Dish #47

Good evening, Ladies!

Sorry I had to post and run last week, a few trips to the doc, it was a little scary. Thanks for the good thoughts.

We shall see.

I did visit every entry, thanks so much for taking part.


It gives people a better chance for visits.

It has to be dish related, not just food.  Thanks!

Jan 2013 070

A few things were my inspiration for this week's table.  The napkins are a red and purple print.  A little different, I think!

Jan 2013 083

They were from a sale in Nov. at World Market.  Big napkin sale, 1.00, marked 4.

Too bad 90 % of my order didn't arrive.  Two weeks later they email me they are out of stock!  Not good, when most of the things I ordered were for Cmas gifts!

Jan 2013 085

Also, Alma, The Tablescaper, gave me these beautiful purple compotes and this  purple flatware for Christmas.

I was anxious to use them, so a little different spin on Valentine's Day!

I used a lavender matelasse throw with  a felt heart mat.

Red square plate , square white plate topped with the compote.

Jan 2013 073

Hearts hold the napkins, and glass x and o scatters from PB Outlet are at each place.

Jan 2013 068

Fresh white mums in a lavender urn with some heart pics serves as the centerpiece.

Jan 2013 065

My breakfast nook chandy is decked out for ♥ Day too.

Jan 2013 075

Purple stems and a tulip shaped water glass complete the setting.

Jan 2013 070

Pier One love bird salt and pepper sit on a lacey heart plate, a CTS buy several years ago.

I had no idea what I was going to do today, or if I would feel up to doing a table, but I gave it a shot!

Jan 2013 086

Dinner is...Frico , recipe found here.

Jan 2013 007 It is shredded potatoes, onions, cheese, etc.  It was ok, I like potato pancakes better, but I saw Mary Ann Esposito make it on TV, and I wanted to try it.

Jan 2013 064

I served it with sliced filet mignon with carmelized onion and a spinach salad.

I cut the filet mignon into steaks about 1 and 1/4 in thick.

Get your pan very hot and sprinkle with salt.

Sear the steak on both sides, then lower the heat and use you meat thermometer to check how you want them cooked.  It might take 5 min or less total!

Remove from the pan, let it rest, and slice.

Jan 2013 063

Friday, Yvonne is co hosting a ♥ party, Laurie's is Monday at Bargain Hunting with Laurie.  They will be fun, and I hope to join in!  You too?

table 588

I am joining Yvonneat Stone Gable for TT and T, Thrifty Things Friday,Gollum for Foodie Friday,Susan for TablescapeThursday.

Please ...

one link only, and it must show dishes, glasses, etc , not just food.

BLOG NAME FIRST.  Unlimited amount of letters to describe your post.


Please leave a comment and visit as many as you can!  Most kind   people here do that, and I appreciate it.

A link back to this party is required.

Thanks for visiting! Your turn!


  1. Pretty table K! Love how you mixed red and purple for Valentine's Day! Hope all is well-take care:@)

  2. Wow, what a pretty --and unusual -- color combo! I love your new purple additions, and those napkins were a terrific bargain! Thank you so much for hosting AND for managing to visit our tables and leave comments. I know that's a big job! Take care -- I hope you are soon feeling better.

  3. That is such a pretty table! I love your take on Valentine's Day with the red & purple. How sweet of Alma to gift you the flatware & compotes!

  4. Hi Kathleen, I'm checking in here early as I sit while my hubby is resting in the hospital. Hope you'll be feeling like yourself soon. You sure made a pretty table with your purple and red. I love the compotes and especially LOVE the lacey plates. Your meal looks tasty. We love filet mignon and feel it's a winner since there's not any waste to it. Thanks for your review on the frico and what you like better :)

  5. Great inspiration to change things up a bit with some purple! Love the X O scatters, too.
    Hope you continue to feel better....that sort of thing isn't a pleasant experience.

  6. Hope all is well Kathleen. I love the matelasse and purple accents from the flatware and your compotes! Thanks for hosting!

  7. This is just gorgeous! You do a more beautiful tablescape not feeling well than I do when I'm feeling my best. Love it all!

  8. Pretty, fun, romantic and inviting table for Valentine's Kathleen! I love all the details, specially the dishes you picked for this one. I'm copying the food right now!! Hope all is well with you. Thank you for the fun party at Let's Dish!

  9. Love your purple and red together and the food looks yummy! I totally understand about a company not telling you that they were out of stock of an item that you ordered. I ended up with 7 red goblets, after Christmas. I had ordered eight and never knew they were one short, until the goblets arrived - ugh! I will be setting a table for six, I guess!! Thanks for hosting the party tonight!!

  10. I love the color combination. Great Valentine's table, Kathleen.

    Hope you are better. I had an appt Monday. New meds. Heart rate way too I am good on that. This is a new doc after our other doctor of 25 years got sick and retired. Stressful change but we are okay with it. This new one seems to be on top of things and draws his patients into the circle. Love that in a doctor. New med has heart rate where it needs to be. I set my V day table and took photos without becoming exhausted. Who knew.:-) Been going on for awhile and took awhile to figure it all out. What a difference. Sleeping better after a very long time of sleeplessness.
    Hope you have the same success with your health issue.

  11. This looks very nice, Kathleen!!! I love those napkins and you've tied everything in together so nicely! Hope you're feeling better and that everything is ok with your health! Have a great rest of the week!

  12. Hope everything's ok with you, Kathleen. Lovely table and so romantic! The food looks so pretty and delicious...Christine

  13. I don't know why, but I'm having a heck of a time linking up tonight. It just won't take it. I'm already linked to you, so that's not it. Hmmmm...who knows? Computers! Anyhoooooo.....I think the combination of purple and red is perfectly natural. They are both the color of royalty (different countries, perhaps, but still...royalty!), they are both the color of precious gems, and they are both H-O-T!!! Oo la la, baby!!! That filet mignon looks so good that I am just beside myself. What a great dinner!!!!!! Enjoy your evening! I'll keep trying to link up!

  14. What a fabulously creative table setting!!
    Hope you are healthy and well. [hugs]

  15. I really need to find some pretty purples for my table! Yours are just gorgeous!

  16. What a nice tablescape the combination of purple and red look beautiful!
    I hope averything is ok with you healt, you be on pray

  17. Thinking of you, Kathleen! Your steak looks perfect and the table with the red and purple is beautiful.

  18. Kathleen, love the red and purple color combo. I was at World Market this afternoon. They have a glass cake plate in that purple color. It's beautiful. Hope you are feeling better. I've been wondering how you are. Thanks for hosting and take care. Will link up later. Still working on a post. Running behind this week.......Sarah

  19. Love the colors....Purple is my fav. Hope you're feeling better and just wanted to say thanks for hosting a great party.

  20. I hope the doctors were able to pinpoint what's wrong so you'll be feeling like yourself again soon. I love seeing holiday tables set with every day dishes. Your red, purple and white things are all lovely, but I especially like the purple compotes and the white lacy dishes. Thanks for hosting the party.

  21. Kathleen thank you for hosting this each week! I hope things are going well for you and that the health issues are resolved. Love this table...what fun colors to combine! I am always inspired by your tables!

  22. Hope things are okay at your home!! Love the new compotes and flatware. The color combination is a fun spin for Valentine's Day. Love the X and O scatters. Went to two Christmas Tree Shops in VA and loved them. Couldn't bring a lot as I was bringing home a suit for my son and had to lug what I brought home as a carry-on. Such a fun store, but I did not find as great of bargains as you did? Joni

  23. Good to see that you were up to doing a table. Love the addition of purple. It's fun. Those napkins bring it all together.

    I'm glad you're enjoying your gifts.

    - The Tablescaper

  24. Glad to know that all will be okay. You worked those napkins so well with the two colors on the table.. the compotes are sooo pretty. Fabulous table. Thanks soo much for hosting this fabulous party each week.. rain or shine! xo marlis

  25. Oh how wonderful it all looks. Love every bit of it. And the header is GORGEOUS too.
    I found your page through Linda's A La Carte. This sounds like a wonderful party and so do the others you've suggested. I must join in soon.

  26. Oooooh...I LOVE those purple compotes! The whole table is just beautiful! Thanks for hosting, Kathleen!

  27. Kathleen, I'm still saying prayers for you. So sorry you're having medical troubles. I think your table is beautiful! Even when you're not feeling well, you set a fabulous table. The purple is such a unique and pretty addition to the red and white and sets this table apart from other V'tine settings. Those compotes are exquisite. You are so kind to mention my party, and thank you for hosting Let's Dish. laurie

  28. I hope everything is ok. Medical issues is not somthing you want. Healing thoughts are being sent your way. Thanks you as always for hosting. The purple and red combo is very pretty. What lovely treasures those compotes are. All of the details are perfectly coordinated.

  29. Hi Kathleen! Just having a browse here before heading off to work this hard to get going after looking at you beautiful t'scape! I want to sit down and have a leisurely cup of coffee and maybe a "sweet" with you instead. Love the purple with red! I have some similar purple compotes and now want to do a purple V's table! I'm working on a red rose/choc brown one right now though so hope to join in with your party next week. Off to work I go...


  30. Hope you get good news back from the visits to the doc....

  31. Hi Kathleen,

    This is such a pretty table. I LOVE the purple compotes -- they're just beautiful! I also love your purple urn with the fleur de lis, your lacy white plates, and your lavender matelasse throw. I get the impression that lavenders are coming into fashion for the home right now, and I'm glad because I've always loved lavender. Yours looks very pretty with red.

    Feel better soon, Kathleen!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  32. Let's see, we've both been sick, and we both added amethyst to our tablescapes this week. What can we assume...sick minds think alike? LOL. Your compotes are special pieces; I can see you using them in many designs. Once again, you're my champion...when I'm sick Sweet Mister takes over meals, which mostly means take-out. When your sick, you still prepare a banquet. You never cease to amaze me. Were you born cooking? You're just the very best! Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak at your table. Happy Valentines and I hope that you feel better! Cherry Kay

  33. Loved the mix of red and amethyst. Such a pretty unique table. The flatware was perfect. Really how many people have flatware to match an amethyst tablescape? Perfect.

  34. Hello Katleen,

    I been visiting you many times and I did not realized until now that you are hosting a meme too?

    How I love to join you next week. Thank you for explaining your rules of joining the fun. I know that there are many a so called "bloggers" don't even dare to reply. I tried that several times, posting a comment in every participant in one of the meme we are joining and almost a hundred, not even 20 responded back. That was really a shocked! But, I can't force our readers, ain't we? They might find my blog is uninteresting. But honestly, I compared my presentation the theirs? There are many ways my blog is good enough or better enough, as I say. But I did not mind it all.

    Hope your players have the spirit of sportmanship as we are in the same boat. I am earning a single cent from my blog by the way, compare to many of us. I have a great job in financial world and that's good enough or more enough to survive in the economical crises or the recession. Thanks God, Sweden is still fit for fight from these problems.

    Good Luck Meme Mother and I will try my first "Let's Dish" next week.

    Happy W/end ahead.

    Greetings from D´Box in Stockholm,
    /CC girl

  35. P.S
    A typo in " I am "NOT" earning a single cent... that is what I meant.

    /CC girl

  36. I love this color combo, very striking...gorgeous table. Interesting the flatware.

  37. I always enjoy your tablescapes but this one is special! The colors of purple and red are a nice change from the traditional hues for Valentine's. The napkins are terrific with the purple compotes and the pretty purple flatware. Hope you are feeling better! Your party is always so nice to linkup with and visit.


  38. Such a beautiful table and the food is to die for.
    You are so good at all this...just remember, with all your buying, try to let something go or you are going to find yourself smothered in dishes and such.
    During this getting ready to move, I have culled my belongings down to a precious few. Just don't need all this STUFF. :)
    xo bj

  39. This table is a winner, Kathleen, especially the mix of red and purple. I saw some similar napkins the other day and was tempted, but the $8 price held me back. Yours are a much better deal.

  40. Kathleen, Great color combination with the red and purple. Love the napkins and compotes, and I'm drooling over your filet mignon and the shredded potato dish. YUM! Hope you don't get snowbound with Nemo.

  41. Hi,
    I am your new follower...

    Happy w/end.
    /CC girl

  42. Hi lovely lady.
    Hope everything's ok with you, Kathleen. Lovely table and so romantic! The food looks so pretty and delicious... I hope you and yours have a wonderful Valentine's Day..
    XXOO Diane

  43. Your table is beautiful! I'm loving the purple flatware!!

  44. The purple and red is really striking..another gorgeous table. All your little details makr it so inviting. You must have every color in flatware by!!


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!