Saturday, February 9, 2013

Valentine Wreath Makeover~

I am so happy to have power after yesterday's blizzard!

Shall we have lunch outdoors?  :)  It would be SNOW delightful, and unlimited snow cones for all!  :)

Jan 2013 089

We got about 20 inches or so, and the plows have piled over 3 ft at the end of the driveway.

Jan 2013 093

For all you Southern gals talking about Spring, you can see how we are nowhere near seeing any signs of it!

Jan 2013 090

Enough about snow, there are so many of you who have it, and I don't want to bore you!

I made this simple  wreath a few years ago, and it was looking tired.

table 547

I was going to pitch the ribbon and redo the wreath somehow.  After I removed all the ribbon, I decided to give it a rebirth!

Jan 2013 108

Instead of throwing it out, I cut the wired ribbon into pieces, and pulled the wire on one end.  You can form flowers that way.

I glued them on the heart shaped wreath along with the baby's breath.

Jan 2013 110
Not bad for a recycled wreath!  Another year of life for it.

Jan 2013 111Cost...nada!

Have you made things with pulled wire ribbon?  Easy and fun!

Don't forget Laurie's Valentine Party on the 11th!  Bargain Hunting with Laurie.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Susan for Met Monday
Beverly for Pink Saturday


  1. Kathleen, the new look is lovely. I've never pulled wired ribbon,but will try some of this myself. Can't believe all the snow. Hope you are staying warm and cozy. Glad you have power........Sarah

  2. The wreath is beautiful! I never knew that about wired ribbon!! Good tip.

  3. So pretty. I love no cost projects! In fact I have one to show soon!

  4. I've been getting text photos from my son in CT of the snow! We are to get....less than an inch tonight lol. I'm glad you have power! I have not tried pulling the wire in ribbon but I am going to give it a go! Love the look of your "new" wreath :-)

  5. I wish for snow! It seems my children won't know what it's like to have real snow as I did as a child! Cute wreath!

  6. Love your new wreath!!! I did not know about the pulled wire ribbon, made your wreath so beautiful!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  7. Hi Kathleen,

    I really love your new wreath better than the original. Those gauzy pink flowers are sooo pretty! I never knew you could make flowers by pulling the wire ribbon; I'll definitely have to try that 'cause I have bunches of wired ribbon. :-D

    I like your snowy pictures -- we were hoping for one good-sized, pretty snow here this year. But now I'm starting to get spring fever, so maybe next year.

    Visiting from Seasonal Sunday -- have a great weekend, Kathleen.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  8. Hi Kathleen,
    Loved how your wreath came out. Love to be able to recycle things, and this was a great project. Will have to try that with the ribbon, never
    saw it or heard of it before, but looks really neat.

    Blessings for a Happy Valentines day,

  9. Hi there! Your snow looks magical- wow! The wreath re-do is fantastic. Happy Valentine's Day~

  10. Your wreath turned out great K! You got a lot more snow than we did, just 5" of the light fluffy stuff here. It was sunny yesterday so things cleared up nicely. Happy Sunday:@)

  11. Holy guys really got dumped on! I am SOOOO glad you still have power...that has to be the worst. I've been begging DH to get a generator, even when we lived in FL.

    Your wreath re-do is just lovely...very nicely done! Seems like lots of us didn't know you could do that with wired ribbon. I'll have to give it a try, too. Thanks for the tip!

    Stay warm & safe,

  12. Oh how I wish we could have a snow as lovely what you've pictured though I do have to say that I'm very thankful for the mild winter temps. While I love a snow day it is nice to have mild temps every day.

    Your wreath has a touch of spring to it and I can't wait!

    As for the Valentines, making valentines for veterans has motivated me to be a bit more festive with the season!

    Enjoy the snow, hot chocolate and hopefully a good book or two.

  13. Katleen,
    Thanks so much for the visit and the Birthday Wishes! We only got 5 inches here in Pa. but I was wondering how much you got up there in N.Y.

    Stay safe and Stay Warm!!


  14. Oh Kathleen, what a bunch of snowy fluff!! At least you have power and can go about normal activities in the house. I did not know about pulling wire ribbon! Your wreath looks so updated now and has on a new outfit. Pretty, pretty!!

  15. The pristine snow is so someone else's yard! I am happy to hear of no power loss, it is far too cold for that. Stay inside snuggled by the fire with a good book and cup of hot chocolate.

  16. Kathleen, Your pink wreath is just beautiful, I love it! Glad you made it through the blizzard okay! Your snow photos are so pretty. My family lives in now infamous Hamden, CT...the 40 inches of snow town!

  17. Your wreath turned out lovely!!
    Love the snow shots even though we had the same..
    Don't mind it just the cold temps.

  18. What a very pretty redo on your wreath. It's so sweet and delicate looking just like the baby's breath. Love the snow shots and glad to hear you have power. Stay warm!

  19. Now that's some serious snow for sure! We have some fog this morning that's almost as thick as snow! Glad you kept your power. Love the wreath redo.

  20. Glad you have power! I was concerned about you. I like the new look! You are so creative.

  21. It is beautiful but yikes that's a lot of snow! (yes I'm one of those Southern gals)! Glad you have power and yes I love the new look of the wreath! Didn't know you could do that with wired ribbon!

  22. Hi lovely lady.
    The wreath is beautiful! I never knew that about wired ribbon!! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  23. Hey Kathleen, you will really be enjoying a 'romantic' Valentine's Day, all snowed in and no way to get out............;-) I'm sure it will melt with the 50 degree weather tomorrow and Tuesday, plus rain. I didn't clean my car yet, otherwise we are dug out. THIS WREATH, though: what a makeover, it turned out great. Looks better than new. xo

  24. I came over to see how much you received of the white stuff. So much time wasted for clean up but it is a good work out:)
    I love what you did with that wreath. I have tons of that ribbon and never thought of making flowers with it. Of course I also have tons of silk flowers too that I need to make use of. Just cleaned out my storage area and man do I have too much stuff. I am sure you understand:)
    stay warm my LI friend

  25. Kathleen - I am so glad that you have power and that everything is O.K. there! Obviously, I had no snow, but we did get rain - not quite the same, is it? Anyway, I love what you did with the wreath - that pink ribbon is so pretty that I am glad you did not have to throw it out - clever change!

  26. So glad you and the TAblescaper did not lose power! That snow is unreal. We had snow once like that when I lived in Colorado.

    It was 70 degrees yesterday! Today it is rainy and stormy -- holding my breath the internet doesn't go.

  27. Want no part of a snow like that. I do love the wreath, and you did a super job on the makeover. Stay warm.

  28. That is so clever!! I love it! Great way to recycle. XO, Pinky

  29. So happy to see you pulling through it all. That's a lot of snow!

    Wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  30. I LOVE your new wreath!! It truly is so feminine and beautiful! I wondered how you were doing with that horrible storm this weekend and I'm so glad you now have power again. I was on the Today Show a week ago for the pre superbowl stuff and it was cold and windy and I am so grateful. As I watched the weather and the blizzard you got with all the plane cancellations I just said a little prayer of thanks that it didn't happen a week ago. I for one don't like being stuck at an airport. Take care Kathleen. And even tho it is so bad your photos are gorgeous!! Nann

  31. Leave it to you to make it look brand new - love that it looks so frilly and feminine! The amount of snow you received just blows me away..crossing my fingers we are out the the path of any big storms!

  32. I just wandered in to check on you!!! I'm glad that you have electricity and are doing okay. Blessings to you and I have you on our prayer list.

  33. Very pretty, Kathleen (and I don't mean the snow). I never knew you could do that with wired ribbon! Does it have to be a special kind of wire ribbon to do that?

    Glad to hear you kept your power during the storm! Hope your driveway has been cleared now.

  34. Kathleen~ So glad you still have power! I would like about 3-6 inches of your white fluffy powder since you have some to spare :) We have had the equivalent of inches in rain.

    Love your repurposed wreath, brilliant!


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