Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Let's Dish #46

I want to make sure the link is up for those who want to post.

Explanations later.

Thanks so much to all those who took the challenge last week.  The theme was winter, and all but a few stuck to it.

If you haven't seen the amazing collection of Polish Pottery in the previous post, please take a look.


  1. I love your feminine and elegant table. Such sweet heart bowls, beautiful napkin and great napkin ring. The dainty flower spray adds a special look for a valentine celebration.

  2. Love your table Kathleen. But then you ALWAYS do the most beautiful tables!!! I wanted to hook up last week but was in the midst of a total blog revamp so couldn't. I will later today but then I can't remember the rules so will have to wait to read them. I LOVE my new blog look and name and would love to have you come by. I so respect your opinion. Nann

  3. Looking forward to the latest Let's Dish! Hope all is ok! I love the Valentine's Day table! Those heart bowls with the ruffled edge are so pretty!!!

  4. Will be back later to link up. Hope all is OK with you and your family. Sweet table for Valentine's Day! ~ Sarah

  5. Hi Kathleen,
    Love your pretty heart bowls! Been trying to get over here for awhile.
    Hope all is well with you my friend,

  6. Hope everything is okay with you, Kathleen! Your header sure looks so pretty with your pretty pink heart and lace tablecloth.

  7. Hope all is well, Kathleen! Thanks for your faithfulness in starting the party.

  8. Add my good wishes to the list - hope all is well! Your header is so, so pretty! Thanks for hosting.

  9. Hope all is well with you weather & health wise! We're bracing ourselves for stormy weather later this evening! Thanks for hosting :)

  10. I hope all is well Kathleen. Thank you for hosting!

  11. Hi Kathleen, I hope all is well with you. Thank you for hosting this even when your attention is needed elsewhere. We will be looking forward to hearing that you are ok. Linda

  12. Hello Kathleen.. I hope you are ok. Your table is very pretty. Thanks for hosting.

  13. I love your header and the beautiful table...those heart bowls are making me drool! I did make a winter cold table with silver, crystal and blue. You haven't visited, is it cause you didn't think it looked winter enough, Kathleen?! Hope not!
    Thank you again for hosting this fun party.

  14. I also hope everything is just fine with you and yours, Kathleen!

  15. Your heart shaped ruffled bowl is so pretty, Kathleen. The color is so sweet....Christine

  16. Thanks for a wonderful party, I can't wait to look at all the wonderful tablescapes! I LOVE the way you tucked those delicate little pink blooms around your plate like a wreath, so pretty!

  17. Darling header with so many pretties. I'm sure something is up.. Hope it's all good. Thanks for hosting this party.. xo marlis

  18. That is a beautiful Valentine's table in your header! Love the pink bowls rather than red! Hope all is well with you!

  19. I hope everything is OK. Thanks for hosting each week. XO, Pinky

  20. I hope everythin is okay, Kathleen. I'm saying a prayer for you, just in case. Thank you for hosting the party, in spite of whatever is going on in your life. laurie

  21. Lifting you in a prayer. Thanks for hosting us. Please, let us know if we need to be praying for anything specific. Cherry Kay

  22. Thinking of you Kathleen. Even though I can't participate this week, I always enjoy seeing the beautiful tables.

  23. Hope all is well K! Take care:@)

  24. I hope everything is alright, Kathleen! Wishing you and yours well.

  25. I haven't been blogging for almost a year and have missed you! Hope you are okay!


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