Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Brunch Table for 2~ Egg and Cheese Hash Brown Haystacks

I haven't done a Sunday post in ages, so today I was determined!  The sun was out for awhile, but by the time I was ready, dark and dreary!  Pictures are suffering!
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I set the table for the two of us, 2 different shades of orange felt placemats from the $ Tree, a copperish brown charger, salad plates I got for .70 in TJM a few years ago.
  Someone had gifted me the platter, so when I saw he salads, I grabbed them.
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Pumpkin baker  from CTS filled with grapes.
The napkins were a recent find at CTS.
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8 for 1.24
Not huge, but perfect for brunch, or a casual Halloween Party.  Of course, when I wash them they may shrink, so we will see.

Either they will be fine or I will be stylin' in orange hankies year round!  :)  I'll let you know!

I made egg and cheese hash brown potato haystacks in a recent purchase from QVC.  Temptations brand, a muffin baker with rack, pie plate with rack and 4 individual bakers.

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Six easy payments, so the pain is minimal!  I am a QVC in the Kitchen with David junkie.
 Most of the time I resist, but I gave in on this one.  I will say, they didn't stick, cleaned up easily, and kept the haystacks hot.

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They are red, with a brown trim, which I wasn't so crazy about!  Guess I wasn't paying close attention.

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I used a bag of Simply Potatoes hash browns that were on sale for .99.

Season liberally with salt and pepper, added freshly minced onions and some oil. ( I used some of the bacon fat from the bacon I had just cooked.  Bad, but so good!)

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Mix the potatoes, seasonings and oil together.  Press into a sprayed cupcake tin, reserving some of the potato mixture for the top.

Mix eggs, I used 2 eggs and 4 egg whites, some milk , and some shredded cheddar cheese together.

Bake the potato in the muffin tins for about 10 min.
 Take out, scoop egg mixture in to potato cups, and return to oven and bake till potatoes are brown and egg mixture is firm, maybe 20 mins.

I fried the set aside potatoes till very crisp and piled them on top.

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Two haystacks, a piece of bacon, and toasted baguette.  Pass the ketchup, a must for me, and dig in.

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Add some fresh fruit,and call it done till dinner time!

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I hope you are enjoying your Sunday!

Please join me on Wednesday night at 7 PM for Let's Dish.

It's not just for tablescapes.  Show us your dish related collections, napkins, stemware, new finds, anything you'd use to set your table.

 We have a great little group and they are so good about visiting the links.

  Hardly any link and runners!  :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and spending some time here.  It is very much appreciated!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Stone Gable for On the Menu Monday
Marty for Tabletop Tuesday
Kathe at Your Gonna Love it Tuesday


  1. I love QVC and David Venable and Temp-tations, your table, the brunch, the fact that you used copper and ORANGE in your 'scape :) Hope to be partying this week, but I am getting ready for my trip to the SBC Friday a.m. so not too sure. I love those hash browns, cheap and delish. xo

  2. Oh I love your table, your frugalness and this yummy-ness!

    What a place to be- I am hungry when reading and I WANT to eat there right now, haha.

    I may have to go to Bob Evans for hash browns now, haha.

    Such a perfect fall tablescape and menu, thanks so much.

  3. The table is great! I have a couple of those same pumpkin plates! Love the haystacks and now I'm hungry!!! hugs, Linda

  4. What a great comfort food breakfast! And the sun disappearing just makes it more cozy.

  5. Oh Kathleen, I love your fall tablescape and your pretty pumpkin salad plates. I also love your new baking set from QVC; maybe I should start watching that (poor Mr. Forest Manor) :) I'm really enjoying decorating for fall at our house.

    Your egg, cheese, and hash brown haystacks look so pretty and sound YUMMY! As usual, your post is making me hungry. :) I've got chili in the crockpot, and I can't wait to dig in!

    I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  6. You always set such a pretty table. That set of muffin cups are awesome. I would be happy to join you for some of those haystacks. Nom, nom.

  7. This looks mighty tasty, Ma'am! It is chilly enough today that I am making chili! Ha. Your baking set looks interesting. I never have watched QVC -- maybe I shouldn't start?

    I opened up my blog again, hoping the spammers will leave me alone this time, and I am hoping to get it together to join Let's Dish this week.

  8. Those look amazing. I've gotten to where I so rarely cook except for weekends. There is just no time so I especially appreciate weekend breakfast recipes. Hashbrown cassaroles---yum!

  9. I still check in on QVC but had to wane myself, got a little too involved... Cute table and it sounds like a hearty breakfast! Is bacon fat bad??? Bummer:@)

  10. My mom and I used to watch QVC, and I think she bought every piece of gold jewelry they offered for herself, me and my two sisters! we had fun, and still talk about it. Your new pieces from QVC are perfect for this time of year. Enjoy!

  11. Very pretty pieces! I've never watched QVC, maybe I should start? Would love those haystacks, they look so good.

  12. This is a lovely table and a great recipe. I've got to try it! I got to meet David at the BookExpo in June and he was as nice as you would expect. It was a panel with Bobby Deen and David, and yes, it was great! Wishes for a wonderful week.

  13. The haystacks look so good! I will have to read the directions again, I didn't understand the first time. But, I have an excuse: we just moved on Monday and my head is spinning:) Have a beautiful week. XO, Pinky

  14. Oh, wish I had one of those haystacks for dinner tonight. I'm going to have to make some of these. Cute pie plate and bakers. You find the best things.........Sarah

  15. Looks yummy. I need to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Your tablescape is so fun!! I love In the Kitchen with David, don't watch it too much (hubby's happy about that). David is a hoot!

    I have some temptations square and round bakers and love them. A girl at work bought some bakeware and said the food stuck, so I've been reluctant. I think I will watch for a set now and try, I trust your recommend :) And easy pay...isn't that the best? It always makes me feel better about spending money, seems like it's less ! Ha!

    Love the comment about the link and runners, there's a lot of those out there. :) I'd love to join but I just don't have time to tablescape. Maybe if I buy the temptations.

  17. Ramon & I should have come to your house instead of going to IHop for the Senior special! :-) Everything looks tasty as heck!!!

  18. These haystacks look and sound delicious.

  19. I was just complaining about my muffin tins this past weekend! So hard to clean and the stuff gets stuck in the little ridges around each cup. I love your new QVC purchase and the haystacks sound delicious!

  20. What a beautiful tablescape! I'm in serious envy of your pumpkin plates, they are beautiful, and your header photo is gorgeous also! Love the recipe too! You know I'll be making that one! Thanks for sharing, and have a lovely week!

  21. I love your QVC dishes. What a fabulous color and shape. I had better never get started! I have been so busy that I haven't done a table all since the middle of July and I think I have probably saved a little money too. Hopefully in just a while I will be back to normal. I have tried to keep cooking and posting those though. Your brunch looks so delicious and perfect for this time of year!

  22. Hi Kathleen,
    What a lovely presentation for your Sunday Brunch, the food looks delicious. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing.
    Miz Helen

  23. Great QVC additions! Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays. It's been awhile!

    - The Tablescaper

  24. I love a brunch. It seems like it has been so long since I've either been to one or hosted one, but I do have daughters home this week so I now I'm doubly motivated to do something brunchy. I'm pinning this because I love the haystacks idea.

  25. Hi Kathleen,
    I have a whole set of Temptations ... blue with white polka dots. I love it.
    This looks like a yummy recipe. I will have to give it a try. A very pretty table!! perfect for Sunday brunch!


  26. I love the haystacks! What a cute idea...I agree, pass the ketchup!

  27. What a great setting! Your recipe sounds amazing! I will have to try this one! Your fall accents are so pretty, with your dinnerware! Beautiful setting!

  28. Setting the table for 2 is a good thing. It's a way of saying I care!

  29. Setting the table for 2 is a good thing. It's a way of saying I care!

  30. Kathleen, your QVC purchase would make me want to bake. How pretty they are. Perfect table for 2. Those haystacks look so good. I'm saving that recipe. Of course, I also love your header place setting. laurie

  31. What a wonderful recipe and I do love those dishes. QVC has some awesome finds. Fall has arrived at your lovely home. It's such a treat to visit.


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