Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Let's Dish # 29 WS Acorns and a Winner

Hello and welcome to our 29th meeting about all things tablescape related.

Thanks so much for linking up for the Harvest Challenge.  I appreciate the extra effort to take on the challenge, and come up with a new table.  Not always easy! I am still making my way through the entries, I did not set up my new computer yet, and this one is reaaaaaly slow!

****There will be no challenge for October.  Most of you are doing pumpkins and Halloween, etc and I know some people don't celebrate Halloween.

Let's Dish 1447

I got this beautiful remnant for $1.00.  It is a mole cloth type material, very soft paisley, browns , creams and aqua touches.

Let's Dish 1449

An aqua mat, brownish copper color charger, aqua trimmed in brown dinner plate from $ Tree, $1 salad plate from CTS.

Tan swirl flatware from CTS too.

Let's Dish 1454

Covered soup bowls from WSonoma Outlet.  I got them for $3.00 each.  They are so pretty!

I picked up the goldish cream color in the cloth  with the napkin .

The acorn and leaf napkin ring is from Villeroy and Boch.

After season sale down in the bargain basement.  I so miss that place. 

Let's Dish 1458

Let's Dish 1450

The centerpiece is a metal cart filled with mini fall gourds and pumpkins. I sprayed some cheap candlesticks with ORB.  Oops, I see I left the sticker on the napkin.  They were from the supermarket. 

The bubble glass stem trimmed in aqua was .99 at the Top .99 store .  Same one where I got the Anthropologie green glasses , with their 8.00 label still on them!

The short amber  glass was from Savers.

Let's Dish 1460

At 4 o'clock I still didn't know what table to do!  It is still so warm here I really don't feel Fall at all.  The a/c is humming along!

I have a busy week coming up.  My little gson, Eamon will be Baptized  next Sunday.  I do the centerpieces for 10 tables and bake breads for the guests.  My kitchen will be covered in flour.  I think some of them will be pumpkin, since it is Fall, and of course, Irish Soda Bread too.

I need to do about 50 loaves.  Bag them, tag them , lots of fun!  :)

The winner of the gift card for the challenge is Alycia.

If you haven't seen her beautiful work on her blog,

you are missing out!  She is fabulous!

Thanks for your visit!

****** *********   PLEASE *******************

Same rules. 

*Be a follower and leave a comment to link up.

*Blog name first...   * No word ID

*Include a link back to this party in your post.

*Only one link per week.

Your turn!


  1. This is a beautiful table, Kathleen. I love the paisley.

    Congrats to Alycia!:-)

  2. But your colors are wonderfully fall. I love the great deal you got on your glasses. Also the colors.. so splendid for the season (disregard the AC). Sweet S&P's and The little tureens are just splendid. A great table for the season. Thanks so much for sharing. xo marlis

  3. Congratulations to Alycia! She is one talented gal and I always learn something on her posts. Hope your new computer is fabulous. I'm next on the list in my house for a new one...someday. I am loving that paisley table cover!!! Something about it is tapping at my brain so maybe I had a shawl or shirt in that material back in the 70s. Good luck with the baptism and all the preparations. Sounds like a very happy event. Thanks for hosting! Linda

  4. Kathleen~ I love your copper and aqua table with your soft swirling paisley and acorn tureens! Congratulations to Alycia~ I so enjoy her posts and commentary! Thanks for hosting and good luck bread baking...your kitchen will smell wonderful :)

  5. Thanks for hosting Kathleen. Congrats to Alycia! Your table is Fab!

  6. I like how you added the blue in the setting. Very nice. Those blue rimmed goblets are great! I managed to get a fall tablecloth out today. Maybe soon I'll complete a new setting. Blessings, Kathleen!

  7. Love this adorable table with it's aqua touches. The little acorn s&P, too cute.
    Thanks for hosting, K.

  8. Okay, I'm stealing the acorn soups, the napkin rings, and the paisley! And while you're not looking, I will make off with the rest of it, too. SO cute. I can't wait to get a new computer and come play in the dishes. And I see that BJ is eyeballing the salt and peppers. Those are going into my magpie shopping cart, too!



  9. Gorgeous colors on this table Kathleen, the colors are so warm and lovely. The renmant tablecloth is great, I love the pattern and the color for fall. How wonderful your g'son is doing his FC, what a special time for him and his family, and all the baking you will do! Wow, he has such a fabulous grand and I'd love to help you! I'd love the recipe of your Irish bread, if I may. Thank you for yet, another great party at, Let's Dish.

  10. Such a pretty table! I really love the paisley cloth and the warm fall colors mixed with aqua. Thoe acorn bowls are fantastic!

  11. Pretty table as always, Kathleen! I love those cute little WS acorns. Congrats to Alycia. She does do incredible work. I'm sharing something quick. We have a son here recuperating from a spinal disk fusion surgery. Please pray for him to be pain free. XO

  12. Gorgeous table, aqua and shades of brown together.
    Thanks for hosting each week!

  13. Love those acorn soup bowls!! Your table is so pretty and you really have me inspired now. Thanks for hosting Kathleen!

    Susan and Bentley

  14. Beautiful table, Kathleen. I love all the rich fall colors.

  15. You've put together great colors K! The remnant is beautiful, paisley is a favorite, and the acorn bowls are too cute. Have fun getting ready for Sunday:@)

  16. Another table that hits it out of the park, Kathleen. The colors are amazing. Congrats on the Christening, and congrats to Alycia. xo

  17. Love your colors. You really have a nice collection of tablescaping items. Thanks for hosting! Congratulations to Alycia - she is awesome!

  18. Oh My Goodness, Kathleen! If I had to make that much bread, my whole house would be covered in flour. I know you'll do wonderful table decor, and I hope you'll share it. This table is so pretty. All of those pretty Fall colors look fab on that beautiful cloth. Loving those tureens. I haven't been to see Bill in way too long. Thank you for hosting. laurie

  19. Thanks for hosting your fun party and congrats to Alycia!

    I can't imagine what it must take to make 50 loaves of bread, and you're also doing the centerpieces - you're amazing! Have no post to join in with this week, but love looking! Pam

  20. I love the turquoise touches! The Harvest challenge was lots of fun!
    Thanks for hosting each week! Hugs, Linda

  21. Thank you so much for hosting this! HOW MUCH BREAD WAS THAT????? My feeble brain can't handle that! But...I adore those precious tureens! I linked a post; don't think it was here last week.

  22. Kathleen, your table is so beautiful...I have always admired those wonderful acorn covered bowls....the perfect item for a Fall tablescape! Have a wonderful week Kathleen...thanks for hosting!!

  23. NO OCTOBER CHALLENGE??!?!?!? Don't you realize that "challenged" people like me have to....wait, I think when people refer to me as "challenged" they are talking about something entirely different. Oops! My bad! :-) Still...bummed about that. We can't do a different kind of challenge other than Halloween? We couldn't do a challenge that bucks the system? Sigh! OK...I'll shut up now. No, I won't! I need the fabric you have on this table! It's beautiful!!! I love paisley, and to find something with this subtle kiss of aqua is a real coup. It's absolutely gorgeous! I'm working with paisley right now, in fact. The aqua in yours just makes it super special and provides the opportunity to add punches of the color throughout your table. It's very pretty. I won a prize?!??!! Really?!??!! Cool beans! That really lifts my spirits...especially today with my hubby a billion miles away in Cincinnati without me! Thank you so much!!! Go on and throw that paisley fabric in there, too! :-) :-) :-) Seriously, thank you, Kathleen! I'm a happy little camper! Have a good night, and good luck baking all that bread!

  24. Love this table. It's a step a little out of main stream - fall colors with a touch of aqua. Just great! Love those napkin rings.

    - The Tablescaper

    PS We both have the same salad plates in our posts this evening, featured in very different ways

  25. So pretty Kathleen. Not bad for putting it together at the last minute. Love the covered soup bowls.

  26. Kathleen, I love the color mix of this table. The turquoise accents with the fall colors is wonderful. I've used the same for a fall centerpiece on my dining room table this year. Everything about this table makes me smile. It's perfection!
    Thanks for hosting each week and congratulations to Alycia. She always offers her readers beautiful tables full of inspiration. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  27. Those acorn salt and peppers are great! Guess I will hunt for some of those next. As always, lovely table; beautiful fall colors.

    1. I couldn't remember where I got them, but someone else had them and said Michael's. I hope that helps in your hunt!

  28. Kathleen, your table is stunning with all those gorgeous colors! You really scored on those covered bowls, and that bubble glass edged in aqua is gorgeous with the colors in your cloth and dishes. Thanks for inviting me to link up my tablescape this week!

  29. Very pretty! Now all we need is a little cooler weather around here :)

  30. I really like the combination of teal and orange. Very pretty table!...Christine

  31. Just beautiful! For some reason this year, I'm very much about incorporating blue into my fall tables and decorations. This really inspired me. I love the shade of blue you chose, too. My favorite part of all, though, is the little acorn covered bowls. Those are adorable.

  32. I love your table and how you co-ordinated your dishes with the tablecloth. The soup bowls are really cute. Beautiful!

  33. Love those soup bowls. I just found some leaf chargers at walmart, so I'll be making a table up soon!

  34. Kathleen, this is such a pretty table. The colors are great, and I love that glorious paisley.

    Blessings to your grandson and your family.

  35. Love the covered soup bowls from WS Outlet. I don't know if it's good or bad that we don't live near the outlet :-) I'm sure everyone will enjoy those special breads for Eamon's baptism.

  36. Hi Kathleen: Your table looks beautiful and I love the layering of dishes. So pretty. Deb

  37. Kathleen, thanks so much for the invite to your party! I needed the reminder after being away from blogging all summer. Its good to be back at it and especially when I get to see beautiful tables like the one you've set! Love the colours you've chosen by coordinating them with the ones in the tablecloth. I need to break down and get a new computer too - this one is painfully slow!


  38. What a gorgeous tablescape this is, Kathleen--I love the turquoise mixed in with the browns and amber shades! You are a good shopper--very good deals on each of the pieces in your place settings. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving encouraging words about my autumn tablescape for two--I appreciated hearing from you. I'd like to try to do more tablescapes in the future, but I need to do a bit more collecting of dishes and glasses and tablecloths. I got a really pretty deep purple print tablecloth recently at a thrift store, so perhaps I'll try to work on something using that.

  39. That gorgeous paisley tablecloth sets off everything so beautifully, Kathleen! I love those acorn soup bowls!


  40. Beautifully done once again.table cloth you have selected just perfect for the setting.thank you....:):)

  41. Kathleen, I think I have blog ADD! I looked at your beautiful table, thought about how beautifully you matched your dishes with the fabric (which is gorgeous) and then zipped away without commenting. I revisited and realized my mistake. Your plate stack hits all my favorite colors. This table is warm, cozy and inviting. Thanks so much for hosting. Dianne

  42. Hi Kathleen,
    Love your table as always. Just love the color combo, so pretty and so now!
    That is gorgeous fabric you made the tablecloth from, just love it.
    I really love paisley prints anyway. You always set a beautiful table.
    Have fun making all that bread and doing the table decorations. Know you will enjoy that................

    Just realized once I post tonight I should link up to you! I forgot what
    day you do your linky party, so glad you came by........and not just for that was nice to hear from you.
    and thanks for hosting this party too, it is fun for everyone!
    blessings, Nellie


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!