Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let's Dish # 30~ 2012 Witches Fly BY

Good evening, dish lovers, welcome to the 2012 Edition of the Witches Flyby.

You can see the previous years adventures here.
There's a 2010 and 2009 edition too!

A little birdie told me there was a little challenge going on
Do a Halloween table with NO ORANGE, and one with no Orange or Black.
Not one to shrink from a throw down, tonight I do the first challenge
Blog Labor witches We're Back!
Another spooky season has begun
The four witches meet for lunch
They plan their nights of mischief
And cackle while they munch!
Let's Dish 1489
They make a list of targets,
Two Birdies and a B ?
Perhaps they'll visit Kitty
Or Kathe with and E!
Let's Dish 1490

Now Lynne's poor piggy, Earl

Was pignapped by these witches
 It turned out it was his idea,
The whole thing was fictitious!
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Perhaps you've not been visited
But don't rest upon your laurels
As Gina, Alycia and Alma found out
These witches have no morals!
Let's Dish 1498
They stole Christine's new dishes
And messed up Laurie's home,
Poor Susan, Sarah and Linda
Got sprayed with shaving foam.
Let's Dish 1488
Be careful all you bloggers,
Just ask Marigene
These witches may look harmless
But they can be quite mean!
Let's Dish 1499
I hope you'll come back next week

When you have some time to linger,
These naughty witches sent you this
A   fresh baked  warlock finger!
Let's Dish 1502
Green polka dot floor length cloth, Thrift Shop Black charger,green plate,
 white lacey plate CTS, spider napkin, CTS, black goblet, Pier One, treble clef flatware, BBB in clearance plus 20% off,
 spider cupcake holders, Target

Centerpiece wire trees HG last year after Halloween, 1.00 each. Mini pumkins, Tues Morn
.black leaves, CTS Witch finger pan by Wilton, Jo Ann's

***Tip barely fill with the cookie dough, it puffs up, so be really chintzy pressing it in! If not you will get very fat fingers!

Thanks so much for visiting!

I visited everyone's lovely tables , thanks for visiting the other links. And thank you for leaving me a comment, always appreciated.

I have an extra set of the WSonoma pie shape cutters, so every follower who leaves a comment gets a chance. Just let me know you in!

 October Witches 197_thumb[1]
I used them to make this last year.

October Witches 193_thumb[1]
Your turn, same rules...

I am joining TTT at Stone Gable
Tablescape Thursday at BNOTP
Thrifty Things Friday at Diann's
Foodie Friday at Gollums


  1. Cute post, Kathleen!

    Love those pie cutters.

  2. Hey Kathleen, looks like the birds and I remain unscathed by these wiley witches! Always a fun post, and a great table using no orange and yet it is very Haolloweenie. xo

  3. Hi Kathleen, Zoulah convinced me to go through storage and dig out some dishes and it was so @#$% hard to find anything. Sort of hard to unpack when you hope you will be packing soon. I remember when Eartl WAS kidnapped last year! Love your witchie poem. I do think so many colors would be Halloweenie. I love the apples with the Boo on them. Joni

  4. What a poet you are, Kathleen! I loved your fun post. Your green polka dot cloth just sets off all your Halloween decor so perfectly. Your spooky fingers look bewitchingly good! Love your pie! I remember it from last year...spectacular!!

  5. Oh I am in!!! What a great set of cutters your witches slip through their fingers. Thank them graciously! What a fun table you created!!! OMGoodness. I think the throwdown was perfectly carried out in your lair. Thanks for hosting and visiting. xo marlis

  6. Cute, fun table! I especially like the lime plates.
    Those warlock fingers look more like a deer leg!

    1. LOL, they do in that closeup pic! They do look like fingers in rl.

      I ate a whole hand! :)

  7. As soon as I pulled your post up Earl high-tailed it under the table. He's still on cell phone lock down:@) Love the green and black for Halloween and your cute use of the spider cupcake holders:@)

  8. I wondered what the witches were up to this year. Now I know. They gave us the finger. LOL! Your table is perfect and festive and I love the green.

  9. Kathleen, thanks so much for hosting! Love the pie crust cutters...count me in! Glad to link up!

  10. Super cute table! Love the cutters! Thanks for hosting!

  11. You really know how to step up to a challenge, darlin' dear! Not a spot of orange in the whole table!!! Great job! The green used in this context gives the whole look a Wicked Witch of the West green flavor! This just goes to show that holidays can be celebrated with something other than traditional colors. FUN!!! Hey...I thought that I WAS one of the witches with no morals, but come to find out I'm just on their radar! :-)

  12. I always look forward to this and was not disappointed :-) So much fun! I love the green for Halloween! I still love your beautiful pie too!

  13. I am sooooooooo glad that I pushed myself and got a table ready for the witches! I love your green and black. Those cute little spider holders are so perfect and the green polka dot is fun, fun, fun! You know me, I love fun-loving witches. Oh, that's right - I am one!!! Keep having fun.

  14. Love this post and look forward to new version every year, Kathleen. It's always very cute and scary, wicked or not, I love your witches. Thanks including me and throw my name in the bucket for the nice giveaway please!...Christine

  15. Love these wily witches and your green & black table, complete with spider apples! Thanks for hosting!

  16. Love the lime green for Halloween. Please count me in for those cute pie cutters! Thanks for being such a wonderful hostess.

  17. Love the spider cupcake holders! so cute. I love the pie cutters, I'm in!!

  18. Hi Kathleen,
    You did it! no Orange. Amazing table, but still very Halloween and also a little Oz. Love the witches story. Dianne

  19. I love every single thing here...the CAUTest witches, ever..
    I really want the pie cutters...please count me in. :))

  20. Oh, I love when your mischevious witches come out to play. I hate to say it, but my house is such a mess already, I didn't even know they had been here! I went through the post 3 times. Once, to read your cute poem, & 2 more times to take in all of your tablescape. Your tablescape is great! What about the spiders holding the apples-are they cupcake olders? What a clever idea - and the little "boo" banners stuck in the apples-so cute. That spider web ribbon makes such a pretty bow on the backs of the chairs.Another great Kathleen table. laurie

    1. Yes, cupcake holders from Target.
      The ribbon is from CTS, I got 4 bows out of a dollars worth.
      Boo cut outs were a dollar for a whole bag of them and black cats at CTS.
      Thanks, Laurie!

  21. Very cute! I guess the only witch in my post is me! But I don't have any orange. Or black.

    Thanks for the party!

  22. Fun it is when you wax poetic!

  23. Fabulous post!! It has to be one of my favorites. I think you did a great job with the challenge!!

  24. You are a very clever girl, Kathleen! And I am wild over that spider apple. SO cute.



  25. Hi!! So THAT'S how you make those gorgeous crusts. I had no idea!! I covet them :) love your tablescapes, can't wait to start learning from you!

  26. Your witches are so wonderfully social! The green is so reminiscent of witches brew! I'd love to win the cutters! Thanks for the opportunity and for hosting us. Now that my large luncheon is through, I look forward to exploring as many blog posts as possible through the weekend. Cherry Kay

  27. Great design without orange, the green is great!

    Thanks for hosting.


  28. Love the witches and the table is adorable with so many lovely touches. the fingers are great. Love the spider with the pumpkin. I would love the cutters...they look great all together for a pie or? Count me in...

  29. I love the green witches theme tablescape, Kathleen! The spider cupcake holders are so scary and those fingers are so funny! I love the poem--you always find the right combination

    It sounds like many happy occasions have been happening with your grands. We can't wait to live closer to ours -- when our house finally sells and we can move! It has been very slow and we are hoping some "Open House" viewings will help. Please say a prayer for us that we get a buyer soon!

  30. These witches look like they're having too much fun, and your poem was wonderful! I love the green and black tablescape--the layers of dishes are gorgeous. Thank you for hosting the party today, and offering the giveaway!

  31. Fun to see your mischief makers are at it again. Love this table with its arachnid details and green theme. You certainly beat the challenge! The arachnids wove a web for my post this week too. ;-)
    Thanks for hosting........Sarah

  32. Your so creative Kathleen!
    This is such a fun table, what a party you could have with this!
    I so miss tablescaping! But my time is so limited right now and my funds too.
    I sure would love to be entered though,
    Hugs friend,

  33. I absolutely love the green for this table, Kathleen! All of your accessories look marvelous and the spiders really "take the cake" for cleverness. What a really fun table for Halloween.:-)

  34. What a fun tablescape! The pie...oh, my! I have never seen such a beautiful top crust. Staring at the photo, instead of doing housework...yeppers, that is what I am doing. :)


  35. Your witches are always so fun. I think they have gotten a bad rap. Totally innocent for sure.

  36. Gorgeous pie!!! I hope I win! Your lime green tablescape for Halloween is awesome! I made a Halloween banner in those would look perfect with your table :)

  37. Oh, goodness, what a stunning looking pie!!!!!!!!!! Fabulous tablescape for Halloween, very different colors of the usual and you are sooo very talented. I really enjoyed looking at your tablescape, besides been such fun too! Your poem is lovely as well. The chairs decor, the dishes, the butter knives..all to perfection!!! Great job! Thank you for yet another, great party at Let's Dish.

  38. Love your table and story! Not sure if I have the patience to cover a whole pie with cutouts but might try.

  39. Both the table and the poem are so cute! I love the apple in the spider cupcake holders! And NO Orange! Thanks for hostessing such a great blog party!

  40. Always love your Halloween poem and table inspirations! Love your spooky greens!

  41. Love the fingers! No orange is one thing, but no orange or black - that should be interesting. I think you'll see a lot of purple, green and silver. We'll see. I've got my Halloween tables already planned so I won't be joining this round.

    - The Tablescaper

  42. I always look forward to your Halloween posts, Kathleen. I love the pie with the leaf crust, so pretty! Throw my name into the hat for the cutters. I have followed you for ages.

  43. Love, love the green table! And that pie is amazing!

  44. What a creative post! Your masterpiece of a pie is stunning!

  45. The minute I saw the title I realized that it was "that" time of year again. I think I first found this blog during one of your witch adventures. I love fun people with creative minds! I just know that I would enjoy you so much if I met you in person.

    As to the table? Love it all, especially the spider apple in the cupcake holder. Very clever!

    I'm hoping to get a blog groove back soon. I'm also hoping to finally get to a CTS when I'm near one tomorrow morning. If that place doesn't inspire me, nothing will.

  46. Kathleen I love when the witches visit! What a wonderful table you set! I love the black and green! You are so creative! Sorry I haven't joined in this week. I did set a few tables and took photos before I left home and will have one to share next week.

    I'm a follower and I'm 'IN' on the piecrust cutters! Thanks!

    hugs, Linda

  47. G E N I A L !!!!!!! bon dimanche fleuri

  48. Love that green and black table, Kathleen, and the spider web chair ties~

  49. What a great giveaway! Question. Where do you get your tablecloths? Do you purchase them or head to the fabric store?


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!