Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sandy Wasn't Dandy~ Let's Dish # 33

Hello Dishers!  Live from NY's battered coast, it's me!

Sorry I am late, but the internet is acting up, I guess due to so many outages. It was forever getting this done!

I know you have been bombarded with pics of the storm, so I will only share one.

  This is the Peconic Bay rising over the beach and flooding on to the street.  The house on the left was flooded, and they were still pumping out today.

It has been a stressful week, preparing for the storm, and now the clean up.  The city is a mess too!  50 ft of water in the tunnels. 
   DSCF0240 - Copyfloods
I don't think there will be any trick or treaters, there are trees down and live wires all over the roads.

Alma, The Tablescaper has had  no power since Sunday, several houses on her blocks have huge trees through their roofs.

Before the storm on Sat. we went to a Halloween Party at a Country Club.  They do a wonderful job, and it is fun to see all the children in their costumes!

Let's Dish 1615
My youngest gson, Eamon is a lamb, and his cousin is a pink poodle.  They were all treat!
Let's Dish 1606
We all enjoyed a wonderful dinner, with lots of treats!

I am having trouble loading pics, the cable keeps going in and out, so I will go on and let you girls share!
Same rules, remember to visit as many as you can!

Prayers to all those suffering the aftermath of Sandy!

Wish I could share some warm Irish Soda Bread and a cup of tea with you!


  1. Hello Kathleen.. So glad to know that you and your family are ok. We were fortunate to be spared too. Only a few broken branches, pots and loss of power since Sunday evening. We actually just got our power back about 30 min. ago. We were screaming and jumping like if it had been new years or something. My heart is with all those folks who have suffered so much loss this week...

  2. So glad to hear you are okay Kathleen! Poor Alma :-( Pleasepass along my positive thoughts to her! I have nothing to share this week, heading off to the grand wedding of my oldest son and spending time with my youngest son and his son, my first grand baby :-) I cannot wait to meet that little peanut!! Have a good weekend!

  3. Kathleen, so glad that you are okay. Been praying a lot. So sorry about Alma. I can't believe you were able to post, but glad you did and we get to know all is okay. Thanks for being the hostess with the most stress.. Great party. xo marlis

  4. Hi Kathleen, happy to see your post. The little kids are so adorable, and I did get a lot of trick or treaters, almost ran out of candy. It's like a war zone here, but cleanup has started and first responders and utility crews deserve a big hand. They rock! xo

  5. I'm so happy to hear you are fine, Kathleen. I've been thinking of you. Oh my my those little ones...the lamby and the pink poodle are so darn cute! Blessings on you and yours...

  6. I am glad you only lost a tree! I have had all you Northern girls in my thoughts, hoping you were spared any loss of life or property

    I am amazed you are hosting (but glad), and hope everything gets put to rights very soon.


  7. Wow Kathleen- It's so shocking to hear each and every story. I'm glad to hear you are okay- sorry to hear about Alma's area. My nephew's home was hit by a tree in Connecticut. They are all fine but shaken up.
    Your grandson and his cousin are absolutely adorable! Good thing you had time to have some fun before this awful storm hit.

  8. So glad to hear you weathered the storm and are safe! I'm surprised you have power much less internet. I just happened to click over, what a surprise. The storm coverage has been frightening and the clean up daunting! Thanks for hosting, I hope you don't have too much clean up to tackle :)

  9. I am just back after a blogging break and happy to see your #33 here-and so glad that you came through the storm okay. I hope the clean up happens in short order- Blessings- xo Diana

  10. I was wondering if you'd be up and glad that you make it through the storm. We were very lucky here and only got some rain and wind -- not much more than a regular fall storm.

  11. Kathleen - SO thankful to see you posting tonight! Glad you are okay and though no doubt, things will be rough for awhile, you came out safe and sound. Your gson is super cute as a lamb and looks adorable posed with his cousin! Looks like a fun party they got to attend - nice to have had some fun before the storm! Thanks for updating us on Alma's circumstances, will pray for her area too.


  12. So glad to hear from you finally...and that you are okay. I just didn't have it in me to do a table this week. Take care my friend.

  13. I'm just glad you are okay. This has really been something! PTL that you didn't get damage.



  14. Kathleen, I'm so glad to see that you are ok. I've been so worried. I don't know what you did to make that lamb and that poodle laugh like that, but they are adorable! Still saying prayers for everyone in your area. laurie

  15. I was just online, asking everyone I knew if they had heard from you!!! I am SO glad you're okay & have power. Such an awful mess all around you. My heart aches for everyone involved. I almost cry every time I turn on the TV!

    Lots of areas around us here in Ohio are still without power & have had flood damage, but we were very fortunate & so were all our family members.

    With much relieved Hugs,

  16. So very happy you're fine Kathleen! I wrote you a mail as I was worried and thinking about you too, besides my family in NY and NJ..which my dear God has kept you all safe! Never would imgine this happening to my beloved NY..EVER!!!!!! Thank you for hosting once more. Your little sheep is totally adorable and his cousin too!! Life has so many reasons to smile!
    Happy Halloween!

  17. Hi Kathleen, so happy to hear you are okay after the storm. I've been praying for all the east coast. What an ordeal!! On a positive note, your darling Eamon and his cousin are indeed treats for Halloween. How can he be so big already? Happy Halloween and thanks for hosting. I just got back from trick-or-treating with the grands.

  18. So glad you made it through the storm, Kathleen. I was just thinking about you. I hope Alma's power comes back pretty soon. Those babies are so cute!!!!!...Christine

  19. Prayers are with you and all in the area. I leave for zimbabwe at the end of the month bur happy to comr up anytime after to come help with clean up. Please keep us posted!! You know how I love Long Island.

  20. I am glad you and your family are ok as well as Alma's. I hope they can restore her power soon. Thanks for posting and letting us know you are ok. Thanks for hosting. Your gson and his cousin are adorable. I am glad you were able to have some fun before the storm.

  21. Kathleen, I'm amazed you have internet. I heard that 7 million servers on the east coast were down. Thanks for all the emails and keeping me up to date about you and Alma through this ordeal. So relieved that both of you had no damage. My heart aches for all those who property and family members. Take care and keep in touch.
    Cute costumes!

  22. It is so good to hear you are okay. We were gone at doctor and such most of yesterday then to the kids in the evening so I am just now seeing this.

    You all have been in my prayers this week and I continue to keep you in my prayers!

  23. Kept watching for a post from you, wondering how you all on LI were fairing. Glad things aren't so bad for you. The photos coming across the country look like tornado damage we have here, but on such a huge scale. So sad to see so many trees down.

    No entry today, just watching. Take care.

  24. So happy to hear that you and your family are okay. My heart goes out to all of you!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  25. You have been in my thoughts and I'm happy to see your post. So glad you made it safely through the storm.

  26. Kathleen, I am so so happy you are okay!!! I have been thinking about you and Alma and been quite worried! I left both you and her messages..... if you see Alma please tell her I am thinking of her and praying for her..
    I will continue to be praying your community... and of course you to dear, Kathleen!!!!
    Thank you that in the midst of all this devastation that you still posted Let's Dish! I posted a Fall Coffee Bar.
    Lots of hugs!!!!

  27. I'm glad to see that you are OK. I'm relieved that Alma is OK, but feel so terrible that she is one of the millions out of power and with damage in her area.

    The storm was just horrible. I watch reports with such a sadness in my chest. I know that we Americans always bounce back and rebuild, but the devastation just breaks my heart.

    Your little lamb and pink poodle are adorable!

  28. So glad to see you posting, Kathleen, and I'm also happy to hear you didn't suffer any huge damage at your home! A few miles one way or the other - OY! I'm sure internet service must be a mess too.

    Even here with normal weather we only hand a handful of treat-or-treaters. Your little Eamon is a lamb :)

  29. Oh Kathleen...I was wondering how you are!...Glad you are safe and sound!!!.....and what a true blue blogger posting in and out of outages....Stay safe Kathleen....looking forward to further updates..!

  30. Kathleen:

    What an adorable little lamb!!!

    Still no power and no internet and truly no sign of it coming back any time soon. Visiting friends and family with amenities to find some normalcy!

    - The Tablescaper

  31. Sounds like you made it through ok K-I'm so glad! What a mess this one was! Finally back with elec and net, don't want to re-live this at all! Take care:@)

  32. Glad you all are safe, and Alma too! Boy, those were some pictures on her post! And yours...
    The costumes are darling!

  33. I have been thinking of you and am so glad you were not terribly affected by Sandy. What an ungodly storm that turned out to be. Luckily, the coast of Maine was not a victim, just some extra wind and rain. I cannot imagine how bad it would be to be in NYC or New Jersey right now.

  34. Your grandson looks so adorable as a lamb!

    I'm glad to hear you are OK, Kathleen! We were very fortunate not to have much damge but we did have soem terrifying moments when the high tide surge came and the streets began to flood! We had to bail water from our basement but luckily for us it wasn't much and stayed in the unfinished portion. Friends in Breezy Point and Gerritsen Beach were not as fortunate. This was such a terrible hurricane!

  35. Joe's family in NYC is without power and internet but are now able to go to work to keep their minds occupied. Glad you made it safely through the storm. Our area did have some issues with power outages, but very little flooding and we are back to normal here. What a sweet little lamb!

  36. Still praying for all who are suffering after the storm...Very dear friend in Howell, NJ got her electricity back last noc. May God bless you all!!!!! Cathy

  37. Been thinking of you Kathleen, glad to hear your ok.
    Those babies are so adorable!!!
    Hugs friend,

  38. Kathleen, you're a trouper! I don't know how you managed to put this much together. My sister on Long Island is still sending very terse, cryptic text messages because they have no cellphones. You are all in our prayers. Hang tough. Batten down those hatches.

  39. Glad to hear you are doing okay :) Will keep everyone in our prayers! Wishes for a speedy clean up and recovery for you all.
    xo, Andrea

  40. Kathleen, I have been praying for you and those in your area. So glad to hear you are safe.

    What an adorable baby lamb and cute pink poodle. So sweet!

  41. Been thinking about you since last weekend....happy to hear you and your home are fine....Sue.

  42. Kathleen, good to hear you're well ! Glad the little ones got to have a Halloween celebration before the storm occurred. What a cute little lamb Eamon is. :-)

  43. I have been thinking about you and your family, Kathleen. I can hardly believe the pictures that I've seen on the news this past week. My heart goes out to all those affected. So happy to read that you are warm and safe.

  44. We lost power until Sunday when a strapping group of men from Canada came to save us. Now, this Nor'easter is making things worse!


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