Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This is Getting Ridiculous! Let's Dish #34

Hello from Long Island, where a Nor' Easter is about to hit.

The power is flickering on and off, and the tides are supposed to be 5 ft higher than normal, with 60 mph winds.

They have sent the children home from school, after just reopening after Sandy. 

Still so many without power, or heat, or phones, and it is SNOWING and sleeting!

No relief for these people who have lost so much and are struggling to survive.

They are given no info and left to wonder if anyone remembers they are there.

Churches are collecting food, cleaning supplies, socks and warm clothing. 

There has been a gas shortage since the storm hit a week ago Monday, and at this writing the 6 gas stations here are out of gas.

Lines are hours long.

It is the last draw for those who are trying to get gas for a generator to get some light and heat.

Tempers are flaring and spirits are sagging.

All the hoopla  and photo opps with politicians right after the storm is gone. 

Tonight ,those who got power back fear they will lose it again!  Those without, fear they will be homeless as so many are.

Please remember them in your prayers.

In light of this situation, I won't post a table, but open it up for those who are have prepared one, before my power goes out!

I hope next week I can report things are better.  I pray I will.

Let's Dish 1637

A little soda bread muffin and some tea in a cute owl mug I found in clearance last Fall at Home Goods.

Let's Dish 1635

There's a little owl inside too!  :)

Let's Dish 1638

Have a good week!  I am hoping the lights stay on and the GAS situation improves, there is no reason for it to be the way it is.

Let's Dish!


  1. Oh I hope this storm does NOT do any more damage to anyone! My heart aches for all those still suffering and not getting relief. I hope your power stays on!!! XO, Pinky

  2. Haven't all of you been dealt enough grief? Still sending prayers your way.


    1. I have been very lucky, my neighbors, not so much!
      But whole towns are devastated and they are getting weary of waiting.

      It is heart breaking to see what they are dealing with!

  3. Your soda bread muffin looks wonderful -- never thought to muffin-ize soda bread. Praying for all the storm-affected folks.


  4. I've been watching the nor'easter on TWC this evening. I continue to pray for everyone over your way, Kathleen!

  5. Praying for you, Kathleen! And all those still living out this mess.

  6. Kathleen, I've been keeping all of you close in my thoughts as you face these stressful times. You are right, the situation of the gasoline doesn't make sense. People need to at least have the resources for their backup generators until the power companies can restore all the power lines. Hope you can retain power, that the wind and water aren't a serious threat to you, and that life returns to normal for all of you soon. Sending hugs.....Sarah

  7. My dear Kathleen, I am so happy to be back blogging just to rad your touching post. We see it on tv but to have a friend write about this means so much more. Our prayers are with you.

  8. Oh Kathleen, I am so sorry the condition there is not better yet and then another storm is coming. I pray or your safety and for everyone. I am also crossing my fingers so you don't lose power.....Christine

  9. I'm so sorry things aren't improving faster! And of course the last thing anyone needed was this storm tonight! I too am puzzled by the lack of gas/diesel, if tankers can get to the stations why aren't they? Your little mug is cute, I remember them. Please take care:@)

  10. Kathleen, My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone on the East coast. After Hurricane Katrina, we were out of electricity for two weeks but we didn't have to deal with the cold though only the heat. Thanks for hosting!

  11. Kathleen, ridiculous is the word!
    I was down in Lindenhurst yesterday to bring food and wood to a friend who can't leave her cold and flooded home because they have to sit in it with a shot gun so no looters come in and steal the rest of their things. My neighbors down the block that got their power back today just lost it again! My kids and I have not been to school since the storm. We are supposed to go back tomorrow but it isn't looking like that will happen.... I'm waiting for the locusts at this point! Stay well!

  12. Kathleen, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and saying my prayers. A nor' easter is last thing anyone needs and the gas situation makes things so much more difficult. I hope your power stays on! Your little owl mug is adorable.

  13. I think Cuomo completely forgot about LI. Also Staten Island. We are mobilizing and taking care of our own. Con Ed has been working round the clock. I fear for this storm we are in the middle of right now. That is just insanity what is going on out there. I appreciate that you did not post a table. We realize what is truly important in life. I see so much of 'well, my hubby just dropped dead but I wanted to be sure I got my post out to join in.' Bitter, yeah, I am. xo

  14. Im so sorry for what's going on in my beloved East Coast and there seems like there's no immediate solutions to anything. My prayers go out to all those people suffering. Fun dishes and cute mug..yummy muffins. Thank you for hosting once more.

  15. Thanks for hosting us under trying conditions. Prayer arrows continue to fly to heaven for all of you. I pray for safety and shelter for our fellow citizens in the path of the storm. Cherry Kay

  16. What the H-E-double hockey sticks?!??!! I'm sitting here looking at the CBS Evening Nes and how $6 billion was spent on the presidential campaigns. Six billion dollars!!! For all the foolishness that went on during that campaign, that money could have easily been spent to help the American citizens in the Northeast who in true need right now. Ugh! Makes me SO mad!!! Everybody going on about "the American people" and how much they love this country and how we can do anything together as Americans, but they do NOT put their money where their mouth is!!! Don't get me started!!! I am now watching about the nor'easter blowing in. Get that...the election was first on the news and the nor'easter a distant 2nd. Sad. Just pitiful!!! The lives and well-being of hundreds of thousands of people taking 2nd place to political poo! :-( Please know that I really am hoping for the very best for everyone. The situation so many people are in right now out there is unfathomable and unconscionable. You'd think we were livin' in some no-name country where a lizard is dictator and mice are the true heads of a kangaroo court. In other words, where there are no HUMAN LIVES involved!!!!!!!!!!! Stay strong, y'all! Oh...and I really do love that owl mug. Great buy on him!

  17. I have been praying for all! This is ridiculous. I can't even set a pretty table. The muffins are comforting. Stay safe.

  18. Oh Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear about this that is still going on in the northeast. Everyone is in my prayers. Your muffins look tasty and your owl muffin is cute. Big hugs sent your way.

  19. Oh, my heart just breaks! I am so sad. Mother Nature can be so wicked! We are praying and I sent out a plea for help on my tablescape post! Everyone thinks about it while it is the front stories on the news, but then forget when so many are still doing without!

  20. I am so sorry for what you folks on the east coast are experiencing, my heart goes out to you.
    Such a cute mug!

  21. Oh Kathleen, will it ever end? I'm praying for all of you. I do pray that this new storm will not cause damage or power outages. Please stay safe and warm. I cannot imagine those long waits for gas~especially when everyone needs it so badly for generators. Thank you for your hurculean efforts to post this for link ups. That owl mug is so cute. Sending hugs and prayers your way. laurie

  22. I have been concerned for you, Good to hear you from you again. This too shall pass. Glad you have been one of the fortunate ones.

  23. Oh you poor people! I was really hoping the Nor'Easter wouldn't hit. They are always so huge and I think you have all been through enough for a lifetime with Sandy. Stay safe!

  24. Kathleen, It breaks my heart to see the folks that are still suffering. Your post is so well written, expressing what so many must feel. Where is the help? This seems to be the same problem after any of these disasters. I just pray folks find warmth and shelter to get through this terrible mess.

  25. What Alycia said. Praying for all of you constantly. This is a one-two punch, much like we had on the LA coast with Katrina and Rita. Stay safe and strong. You will survive, I promise. Godspeed.

  26. I am praying for all in your area. So glad your power came back on and hope it stays on. It is good for us to really know how things are that we know. I am praying so much. Hope this new storm is very short lived and milder than expected. People do really care.

  27. My deepest commiseration on the current conditions. Horrible wet storms, like the ones down here in the Coastal South. All this anomaly really sucks, doesn't it? I believe it is due to Global Warming.


  28. Hang in there friend!

    I am hoping all goes well and it passes w/o too much trouble!

    Thank you for hosting, with all you've been through, too!!!!

  29. Wishing you well and hoping that this storm passes thru very quickly!

  30. Boy, when it rains it pours. You'd think your neck of the woods deserves a break. Here's hoping you keep your power.

  31. so sorry to hear your having such a hard time....saw the snow today up in NYC and it looks freezing cold and I can't imagine no power and no heat....My best friend in NJ is still without power....Hope this newest storm comes and goes quickly.....and your back to normal real soon....Sue.

  32. I'm glad you are okay, will keep you and the WHOLE area in our prayers!! Here's hoping it isn't as bad as predicted!!

  33. I am praying you and so many others will get the help you need. It is so sad to see so many people without homes, heat or?
    Let's hope things get better real soon. Hugs, Linda

  34. This is just horrible for the whole area. I'm sorry you are in the line of fire again.

  35. I am so sad for all of you. You have been through enough tragedy and loss. Of course all of you are in my prayers. So kind of you to take the time to host this party again this week in the face of so much hardship.

    Big, Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  36. Kathleen, thank you for the update on the situation up there. It sounds like many are suffering greatly! We appreciate your continuing to host your party, given your obvious concern for those in need.

  37. Oh Kathleen, I do hope things improve for you in the next week! Living near coastal NC, I have been through many hurricanes and the aftermath can be horrible. Stay safe - sending prayers and hugs your way!!!

  38. Love your little cup with the owl! Yes it is a real slap in the face isn't it having this terrible 2nd storm. I hope this will be the end of this nonsense! I can't imagine living through this mess especially with the cold temperatures. I know myself and so many others are always thinking of all of you on the East coast and praying for your safety and recovery.

  39. Kathleen, I appreciate the update. My daughter in NJ has told me many of the same things, and I continue to pray for all of you in the NE ... both for those most in need as well as the rest of you to know how to help.

    It seems far too frivolous a request, but if you find yourself back at the computer with an extra minute, I hope you'll stop by. I'm requesting info from all of my tablescaper friends...

  40. LOL I just checked my email and saw that you've already answered my question! I think you should organize the first tablescaping event on Long Island ... maybe a rebuilding fundraiser? You'd do an awesome job!

  41. It truly has looked like a nightmare out there. My daughter's girlfriend's parents live on Long Island and they just got power a couple of days ago. My husband's power company has 8 people out there working from our small local office. They are really short-staffed here, but are getting through it so that our guys can help others. When I saw the snow was coming, I couldn't imagine how people must be feeling. I do pray that some kind of normal returns soon, but it looks as if there will never be normal for some.

  42. They called it the sucker punch on the news. Insult to injury, etc., etc., Hope you and everyone else can keep their spirits up after this one. You guys need a break (and I don't mean any dishes) :)

  43. I am so sorry for all who are suffering thru this terrible weather.
    I am beginning to feel guilty to have a dry, warm house, food to eat and I have NO heart to do tablescapes or such at this time. Just too much going on that saddens me...everywhere I turn, bad news. My heart is very heavy tonight as I pray for all the people, the President, the state of our country....I am not only sad...I am afraid. I said on a post after the election on Tuesday night, "we are screwed" and I meant it. All you have to do is look at the last 4 yrs and see how far our beautiful country has gone down. Oh, yes, we need to pray...but we also must work to get things going right again. HE helps those that help themselves...and I believe that.
    Going to bed and pull covers up over my head.

  44. I pray the situation is improving for you, Kathleen. I'm sure the second storm felt like the last straw for so many suffering families.

  45. You're in my thoughts! Hope things are getting better!!

  46. I am so sorry about your son's friend--
    I truly am.
    I hope things settle down for you..our weather has become so unpredictable.
    I..have made the gifts I wanted to make..friends..some girls :-) and all the kiddies gifts are wrapped..a first for me.There is a very funny story to all this:-)
    I am sure you will catch up in no time:-)

  47. Kathleen, I'm so so sorry for all who are still without power and whose homes are destroyed. It's appalling that there still isn't power, and gasoline. Prayers continue to be with you and all who are still living this nightmare.
    Hugs, and God bless.

  48. I'm so sorry for all this mess, Kathleen. We see how things are in New York and it is scary.
    Take good care, my sister friend.
    xo bj

  49. Oh Kathleen, I'm so sorry for all the suffering out east. I will pray for this new storm to soften it's blow and for power to stay on and get restored where it's been off. I can only imagine how disheartening this all is. I've also prayed for your other request and hope things have improved...


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