Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mildly Candy Corny~ Witches Get Debroomed

Welcome to Let's Dish # 32, where we learn what happens to the wayward witches.

  If you remember, last week, they were incarcerated for flying under the influence.

 You can see Part ! and Part 2 in the the Let's Dish posts.

 Tonight, a color of candy corn table. Orange dinners, YELLOW salads and white Hutchenreuther handled soups

Flyby 2012 Continued...

Let's Dish 1594
Those witches did it this time
Their sentence made them sick
No more pranking bloggers
Not one more witchy trick!
Let's Dish 1593
"Stay off those witchy brooms," he said
"or you'll go back to JAIL!"
No spiders ghosts or skeletons,
The witches all went pale!
Let's Dish 1586
Let's Dish 1590
He threw their book of spells away
And said they're on probation,
They'd be checked on every week
And be canned for  violation!
Let's Dish 1587
The green faced four were quite upset
No more they'd terrorize,
They headed home and ate some lunch
Braised short ribs and ghoul's eyes.
Let's Dish 1029
Let's Dish 1600
Of course you know, they were quite ticked,
I think I heard them scream,
"Have a witchy finger, Judge
And Happy Halloween!"
Let's Dish 1501

Let's Dish 1595

Let's Dish 1588
The table...

 Pale orange cloth, polished cotton, 2.00 a yd white doily, .99 store, Anthropologie yellow glass from there and the funky candle holders all .99

 Orange plate, $ Tree,

 Yellow salads, HG clearance,

 pumpkin bowl, CTS, 1.29 Hutschenreuther soup bowls from Germany, 1.00!

 Felt pumpkin for name, Factory Crafts Direct

 Flatware Fiesta, via Tuesday Morning Yellow pot from Savers. Eyeballs and Pumpkin salt and peppers, CTS.

The winner of the pie cut outs is
.......Kitty from Kitty's Kozy Kitchen.

I am also sending a set to April of Dimples and Delights who was my 700th follower.

April is a new blogger, with lots of great recipes.  Hop over and tell her I sent you!  :)

Next Wed is Halloween, hope you all have a fun one!

Moving on to November, the theme will be Thanksgiving, theme party on NOV 14th.  I am thinking browns and tans, but whatever your table decor for this holiday is fine!

Please leave a comment after you link up, put your blog name first when you link, and link back to this party.
Visit as many as you can, everyone likes a comment.  :)
I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Diann for Thrifty Things Friday

Your turn!


  1. Wonderful, cute, whimsical and such fun - you did a really amazing job on this two part Halloween tablescaper, Kathleen!

    I t hink my favvie fav are those bloodshot eyeball salt/pepper shakers, how CUTE!!!!

    Thanks for hosting.

    1. There are 3 parts, Michelle, I just linked to last week's.

  2. Your tables just keep getting better. Just when I think I do have a fave, up pops another! Love the poem, especially the "finger" part. So cute. Will "Let's Dish" be on next week for Halloween? xo

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I am not posting Halloween, as it will be Halloween on the next Let's Dish, so I am moving on.
      But people are welcome to post Halloween if they wish!
      Trick or Treat!

  3. I didn't do Halloween anymore, I did for last Wednesday, so I got tired, that's why I love your new orange table and the S&P eye balls are terrific! Hate to bother you, but I couldn't find the link for the party, or it's old age, caz I was 60 last saturday, lol..

    1. It's there Fabby, opens at 7 as usual.
      Happy Birthday!

    2. Thank you Kathleen...yeah, you're right, it was at 7..but than I thought you went early today, lol..Thanks for your b'day wish. Hope you like my tablesdcape from Astoria remembrance.

  4. Very entertaining and creative, fun, 'embellishments!' Thanks for sharing and hosting!

  5. Very nice, I like the orange, cream and yellow. Love the eyeball salt/peppers! No comment will be made on the dessert...

  6. Cute cute cute table Kathleen. I rarely get away from home, lately. I think I need to make a trip to the $Store and other places!

    Thanks so much for hosting!

  7. Kathleen~ While I enjoy your tables, I'm a BIG fan of your poetry :) Love the ghoul's eyes S&P's and the short ribs look delicious! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Kathleen I love your poetry! You are so creative with words besides being a wonderful designer of tablescapes. I can't believe I won the pie design cutters. I've always admired your pretty apple pie. Maybe I can try my hand at designing a pie myself. Thank you so much!! XO

  9. Love the orange-ness of this table! It's great how it all works together. What happened to a Halloween table with no orange or black? or are you saving that one for next week?

    - The Tablescaper

    1. The birdie who issued the challenge declared she wasn;t doing it as she had her tables done, so game off!

      No, I am done with Halloween, Fall until December.

  10. You are so funny! Those short ribs looks delis! The orange and yellow table is so cheerful -- and this party is always fun.

  11. I love the great witch adventures, and this one was as good as I've come to expect. I also love the brightness of this table. The orange is a happy shade of orange and makes for a happy Halloween table.

    I'm glad to be back at Let's Dish!

  12. Love your poetry and the salt & pepper shakers! But, what really caught my eye were the fun candlesticks! Cute cute cute! Thanks for hosting each week Kathleen! So happy I finally had something to share :-)

  13. Oh how I'm going to miss those witches. So cute, Kathleen, and your table is so festive. You have so many great tablescaping pieces. Those candlesticks are perfect for this table, and of course, your dish colors and the tablecloth too. Thanks for hosting. laurie

  14. Ah, so I see the ole girls have finally been tamed! Cute table K, fun Halloween colors and gotta love the witchy finger:@)

  15. Great table & I love the poem!

  16. Such cute poem Kathleen. Great table and food as always. Thank you for yet, another great party at, Let's Dish. Hope you're having a great week.

  17. OMG, such a great table! not a witch in sight and nothing creepy crawly either and yet it's Halloween all the way. Your creative talents shine in verse! thanks so much for hosting.. xo marlis

  18. great post! Love the poem, especially the witchy fingers!! Thanks for hosting another great party!

  19. Being the candy corn addict that I am, this table is perfect for me. ;-) Fun table! I love all the Halloween food. Those witches better behave themselves............Sarah

  20. Great post. Love all the dishes. I have been meaning to tell you that I have been seeing items with the CTS lable at my favorite thrift store. I haven't seen something that I couldn't live without...yet. I did find a white pumpikin bowl like in your header. Would you be able to tell me where you got them? You may have answered this on a previous post but I could not find it. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Bright, cheerful and beautiful table, Kathleen. Your fingers are creepy. I don't know why I could not leave a comment from my ipad on your blog.....Christine

  21. Love it all Kathleen! The colors, layering and the great eerie looking food!! Blessings...

  22. Oh my goodness...what a great Halloween table! Love the eyeball salt and pepper shakers!

  23. Hi Kathleen, It is me again. Blogger is acting funny. Anyway, I am in Far,Far,Far West Texas. I am closer to Phoenix than I am to Dallas. Oh and yes, the pumpkin bowls are very nice! I am going to have to keep looking for them at the thrift shop. Thanks for letting me.

  24. Hi Kathleen, love the candy corn-coloured t'scape! I like the cutwork placemats and the lovely dishes! And of course, your witchy poetry is fun and fabulous as always! Hope it's okay I posted a wheat centerpiece this week - still working on my Halloween t'scape!


  25. Kathleen I love this table and the fun creative writing you do to go with it! Orange is done to perfection here! Oh those eyeball salt and pepper shakers would thrill my son in law!

    Hugs, Linda

  26. Candy corn made out of dishes...great idea and perfect execution. Darling table! Thanks for inviting us for a peak and for hosting us for Let's Dish. Cherry Kay

  27. Your post and theme are adorable! The braised short ribs look so good! Love those crazy fingers! I like those deep pumpkin bowl- functional and cute!

  28. A very pretty and colorful table.
    Those short ribs sure do look good.

    After I entered my link, a page popped up asking me to follow you on TWITTER....??

    Thanks for hosting, K.

  29. What a warm and inviting table! The salt and peppers made me giggle! And dinner looks great - what time should I arrive?

  30. Very cute and colorful table Kathleen. And a fun post. Those witches can certainly cause you some trouble! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful day!

  31. No one does a fall table like you, my friend! Beautiful!

  32. I love the combined stories in each table posting! The darling yellow and brown candle holders are lovely with the centerpiece. I hope your witches have learned their lesson but you never can tell! The eyeball salt and pepper shakers are too cute! Thank you for being so kind in hosting this party and I love how you always have wonderful creative tablescapes to share.

    Thanks, Pam

  33. The witches gave the Judge the finger? They look good, too!
    I've never made short ribs, I should, they look excellent. Keep the witches home, Sandy may pay us a visit!

  34. Hooray for Kitty and April! I'm already a follower of Kitty's great blog, and I'll peep in on Miss April soon. This is a FUN table, Kathleen! The colors are perfect and actually make me want candy corn! Those braised short ribs look terrific!!!!! I have never made those, but I'm pretty sure I could sink my teeth right in!

  35. Thanks so much for the shout-out, Kathleen!! I love your fun poems, you have a wonderful way with words :)

  36. I love all the orange... and the little touches of Halloween. Very fun poem! Only you could rhyme probation and violation and make it work! HA HA!

  37. What a PRETTY Halloween table, Kathleen. Love the orange shades. I don't have a table to share, hopefully soon! XO, Pinky

  38. What a fun table!!! I love those eyeball salt and pepper shakers!! What's CTS???

  39. I have a thing for candy corn, so I love, love, love your table!

  40. Great table as always the candy corn colors!!..and the "lady fingers" are the cutest!!!!

  41. Your Halloween table is one of my favorites, Kathleen. And I always look forward to your poetry.

  42. excellent !!!! bonne soirée fleurie -

  43. Love your orange candy corn table, but I'm focusing on those short ribs! After seeing yours, I may have to cook some this weekend! Hoping you will be out of harms way during the storm!

  44. Love your poetry, Kathleen :) What a fun post and those braised short ribs look so delicious.

    Thinking safe and cozy thoughts for you as Sandy approaches!

  45. Thinking of you and everyone dealing with Sandy. Knowing you there is food prepared for ahead for days. Hope the damage is far less than anticipated and all are safe.

  46. Kathleen, I just came over to check on you. I'm saying prayers for you, yours, and everyone who may be affected by the storm. laurie

  47. Kathleen~ Stopping by to wish you safe and dry thoughts as Sandy heads your way! I keep hoping the forecasters are wrong and she'll change course and head to sea instead.

  48. Popping over to tell you I've had the news on all day today. Thinking about all of you over on LI and east coast! Stay safe!!

  49. Been watching what Sandy is doing...I am worried about you and yours.
    Praying you are all ok.
    xo bj

  50. This is so cute! What a story teller you are.Praying you will come thru the storm o.k.

  51. Love your table and decorations! Hope you and your family are fine. Such a disaster for so many. Stay safe!

  52. Hoping you are okay after the hurricane. Sending prayers you way, Kathleen.

  53. Oh Kathleen, I've seen the devastation in your area in the aftermath of the storm on TV and have been thinking of and praying for you! I certainly hope you are doing okay! May it comfort you to know how much we all care about you!


  54. Just had a note from Sarah. She told me you're safe... An answer to prayers. Just wanted to check on you. Hope Alma regains her power quickly. Stay safe. Cherry Kay


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