Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Let's Dish # 31~ Wayward Witches and a Celebration

Picture 585
I hate to disappoint you
I think I'm turning pale,
I am so sorry to inform you
My witches are in JAIL!
Picture 568
It seems they had too much POTION
Who ever would have "thunk"
That they would be arrested.
For flying while quite  drunk!
They flew into a police car
And laughed in the cop's face
Tried to cast a spell on him,
Four witches in disgrace!
So they are grounded this week
You are safe to move about
But they'll be back here next week
I warn you, do watch out!
I wanted to share some pictures from my son and dil's 5th child's Christening Sunday.
In my last post I showed the 60 breads and 12 centerpieces and goody bags I did.
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The ceremony was beautiful!
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He didn't cry through out the whole ceremony.
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The reception was held afterwards, and the kids had a great time.
Craft tables...
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Pony races...
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Musical chairs.  When you were OUT you got cotton candy, so no one was upset!
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The cake was beautiful, and delicious!
It was a wonderful day, shared with family and friends.
Thanks so much for stopping by.  Now it is your turn!
BLOG NAME FIRST, link back to this party, and please visit as many as you can!
I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday


  1. An incredible day with family, Kathleen!

  2. Not only did you do a terrific job with all the decor and goodie bags for this blessed day, but you guys thought of everything! Cotton candy when you're "out." What a great solution to pouty little faces!!! I don't do a lot with children, but when I do I am SO going to remember that little trick!!! Heck, if it'll keep them from crying I'll give 'em a new car!!!! :-) Great job, Kathleen! Congratulations to your family, and may God bless little Eamon!

  3. We know the kids had fun! Lily is almost as tall as her mom...and so pretty.
    Lovely tables, did you do them? Cake looks yummy.

  4. What a sweet day for your grandson! God Bless Eamon!

  5. Beautiful baby and service. I know your heard is full!

  6. Aw, looks like everyone had a great time K! My dollar's on the witches talking themselves out of the slammer before we know it:@)

  7. Beautiful celebration Kathleen and congrats to your grandson Eamon and his parents, because this is such a special day in their son's life. The cake looks awesome and yummy. Now for all your decor and goodie bags, well, just wonderful K, you're the greatest grandma! God bless you all. Thanks for sharing aand for hosting Let's Dish.

  8. What a lovely Christening! Looks like the kids really had fun. Thanks for hosting Kathleen.

    Susan and Bentley

  9. Great poetry again, Kathleen! I loved seeing all your pretty tables, too. Eamon's baptism looked like a wonderful day for everyone. I loved seeing pics of all the kiddos. What a blessed, happy event it was. Thanks for sharing!

  10. What a blessed event! I want to sit at the craft table :)

    Flying while impaired, those witches should know better! I'll be on the look out next week. Thanks for hosting!

  11. What a pretty christening. It looks like everyone had a breat time. I am sure the loved all your wonderful treats too.

  12. SOOOO pretty. I love getting to see the christening, and that cake!!! WOW!

    And your poem is a scream. No pun intended.



  13. What a treat this post was. Ghosts, pumpkins, a cute poem, and a precious baby all in one post. Your family is beautiful, and so was the special event. Love the pony races! Your poetry always makes me smile. You are so clever. thank you for hosting. laurie

  14. So many cute Halloween Tables! Loved the poetry addition too!
    The Christening pictures are lovely- and what a beautiful cake!

  15. Looks like a blessed day!

    - The Tablescaper

  16. First -- sorry to be late! I was camped on the post, ready to link, lost the blooming' internet. This is happening a lot lately -- ATT, of course.

    Now -- The poetry is cute, but not as cute as that baby! What a precious face. He should be on the baby food jar.

    You must be exhausted, but the celebration looks like it was fabulous. BTW the stained glass windows are gorgeous.

    Thanks for hosting.


  17. Hi Kathleen, My witches are busting out of the attic for next week, so they'll be looking forward to seeing yours. The celebration for little Eamon looks wonderful with a delicious cake and pretty tables. Cotton candy--that's a pretty sticky situation! But a great idea from the kids' point of view. I wish all the best for your new little grandson and his family. Linda

  18. I love the black and white with the ghosts! So cute. The party looks wonderful...very elegant and formal and yet so much fun with all those beautiful children. What a very special day it must have been.

  19. Kathleen, you really know how to party! I said this once before and you in your humble way, said, "me?" What a fun family and friend event to mark such a special occasion and five children, what a great family. You have been a busy bee, and you really DID NOT have to come and visit my blog! Love your ghostly table! Wanted to also comment upon the wonderful fireplace at your church meeting room too! Do they ever use it? Joni

    1. Hi Joni,
      The reception was in a Country Club. I think they do use the fireplace, but it is still warm here in NY. No need for heat yet!
      I try to get to everyone who leaves a comment. I am late this week, but I enjoy seeing what everyone posts!
      And I like to leave dental tips for your tooth impaired witch! :)

  20. Your tables are so cute colorful creative and comforting! Yes, comforting that beautiful families exist in our crazy world. I love all of this and that cake, wow! Gorgeous. Blessings to Baby Eamon and all of you. A really lovely Christening Day. xo

  21. What an absolutely lovely christening. Blessing for Eamon! Love your fun tables too. Loved the idea of the baby's breath in with the plant. great idea! thanks soo much for hosting.. xo marlis

  22. Oh so much fun! I just had to join in too with the return of the witches. I love both of your witchy tables! However, I love the tables from the Christening even more. How wonderful! I think the games and such were really neat. I've never seen anything like that before at a Christening. We've always just had the get together with food and that's about it. I really enjoyed your seeing your family's tradition and having fun at such a joyous occasion.

  23. Beautiful ceremony, Kathleen. Best wishes always to Eamon Collins and your family. I love his name. You have a beautiful family! Fun, fun post. Love the ghosts.

  24. O, what a lovely ceremony and the first pic of the christening just took my breath away.

    Loved your cute little poem, too. :))

  25. Beatrice Emaline will be christened on November 4. I'm going to do a brunch for KC and David's friends and family. I'm not going to tell them about your amazing goody bags. Cherry Kay

  26. The ceremony and the party looks beautiful! The cake is so pretty and looks delicious. Congrats to the new Christian! I love your ghost table things, Kathleen. Beautiful tables!...Christine

  27. Beautiful tables Kathleen. But that sweet little grandson is absolutely precious!

  28. Everything looks perfect! What a lovely day and beautiful table. What are the acorns? Are they tiny tureens or what? They are enormously cute.

  29. What a lovely child and a lovely event. The flowers and bread are fabulous. I love all of the events planned after. Joni posted for me as I am out of town so I AMA little late getting back to comment! She' s so kind to do that for me!

  30. Your grandson is adorable Kathleen! Love the expression of the little boy at the craft table. I think he feels outnumbered with the all the girls:) so cute. He must take his crafting seriously:)

    Yes the rain just keeps on coming. Makes me thankful for every sunny day!

    ps my ciabatta bread came out great and so easy. Yes cheese is my downfall too.

  31. What a beautiful day, Kathleen. So much to be proud of!

  32. Kathleen, I love all that you do with and for your grandkids. I'm sure they know how very lucky they are and you are lucky they are close enough to enjoy on their special occasions.

  33. Congrats on the new addition to the many loafs of bread did you make????did you say 60?
    loved the little girl at the crafts table with the big bow in her hair...reminds me of Miss B.....

  34. What a precious grandbaby and celebration!

  35. HI Kathleen! What a wonderful celebration and sweet sweet baby. Too bad your witches are in the can! ;)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  36. Your Halloween tables are adorable as always. I thought I liked the black and white best but just decided to give them all "group love". I'm one of those "fun Halloween" people. It makes me smile.

    And I loved your Christening pictures too. What a wonderful and blessed time you must have had. (Wish like the dickens my mums looked half as good as those.) I planned to finally do a table last week, and lo and behold, I got sick Wednesday morning. Is God trying to tell me something???

    I'm planning to be here this week with luncheon pictures, though. I really and truly have missed it.

  37. What a beautiful celebration, Kathleen! You are truly blessed with your wonderful family and they are blessed to have to you make every celebration even more wonderful with all of your hard work and wonderful gifts. Those little ones must love your fun, Halloween tables too!

  38. Kathleen, sorry I missed your post last week. I was out of town. What a beautiful celebration! I know your grands love everything you do for them.


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