Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Let's Dish #26 Apples from the Big Apple!

Live from NY, It's  Let's Dish!

Don't forget the next tablescape challenge is Sept. 26th.

Theme is HARVEST TIME...fruits, vegetables.

Let's Dish 1349
I have had this set of dishes for about 10 years.

Let's Dish 1388
Service for 12, 5 piece place setting, for $15.00!  We were in R.I. visiting my friend, and stopped at CTS.
Cheaper than paper plates.

  Unfortunately a few of the pieces were broken in the box, and no way were we going back to RI to exchange them at that price.  :)

I have used them several times in posts.


Let's Dish 1374

I started with a pale yellow cloth, as I wanted to use the pale yellow towels with an apple I recently got at CTS for .64.
Let's Dish 1361

I used an apple basket and filled it with white mums, fresh green apples and some apple pics.  Checked bow to give it a pop.
Let's Dish 1345

Apple core scatters, I don't remember where I got them.

Let's Dish 1350

Stem from CTS, and the water glass is by Anthropologie, marked 8.00. but I got them at the .99 store.

Let's Dish 1346

Square bright red plate , 1.00 from Pfaltzgraff Dollar Day Sale is used as a charger, Dinner, Salad , and red apple bowl, last week, 1.29 at CTS.

 Flatware by Cambridge.  Small green leaf dish ,apple candle, both from CTS.

Let's Dish 1389

The larger apple bakers I got last year for .29 at the end of summer sale at CTS.
Let's Dish 1390
Let's Dish 1387
Apple salt and pepper shakers, .99  store.
Let's Dish 1353
Let's Dish 1366
Let's Dish 1370
From the past, and indoors.
table 1105
Picture 536
Picture 704 
Guess it is time to go pick some apples, dip them in chocolate, drizzle them with caramel, and roll them in nuts!
Or maybe some mile high apple pie with shredded dough crust.
(just freeze your dough, roll it up,  and shred it on top of the pie)
As you know, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!
I'll have 2!
To link up...PLEASE
Leave a comment
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Post must show a setting or collection of dishes, linens, etc
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And most important, visit as many links as you can!
Thanks!  Now it is your turn!
I am joining Tablescape Thursday at Susan's
Thrifty Friday at Diann's
Foodie Friday at Gollums
T T and Tutorials at Stone Gable
Link opens at 7 PM NY time


  1. Oh I sure hope I can get something in for the tablescape challenge!! I'm using fruit this fall, so I can't wait! I just got some vintage Fondeville NY fruit salad plates I can't wait to use. LOVE this table!! Of course, apples are a big thing here in NC and I love the red:-)

  2. What a great fall table Kathleen. I bought those same Anthro glasses for my sister years ago, but unfortunately, at full price. Oh well. One day I will be a super-shopper like you!

  3. Love you bright apple and green table! So cool. I'm playing this week. It's a miracle. I'll come back this evening to link up!

  4. This table is just perfect for autumn! Love the red apple bowls (don't you just love the CTS?) Also love the setting - makes me crave apple crisp!

  5. "Yummy as always My Dear Dear Sister Connolly/Miller"! I just (((LOVE))) those little wooden applecores(such cuties)...and the centerpiece "AND" everything else!!! Oh yes I'll take 2 apples a day also. Make mine One of your chocolate apples & a slice of your pie...I still can't quite figure HOW YOU DID that crust(NEED PICTURES)!
    Have a fun week while our weather is "GORGEOUS"!

  6. Shredded crust....NOW I get it! How did I miss that? Perfect tablescape to celebrate apple time in NY...every element is delightful. Thanks for inviting us for a peak and for hosting us. I'm looking forward to the challenge. Cherry Kay

  7. I'm ready for a visit to the orchard! Your table looks always.

    I'd love to have a slice of that apple...and pie right now.

  8. Dishes are so sweet and perfect for now. I like to decorate with apples before bringing out the pumpkins. Do you ever go to the Amagansett Farmers Market?

    I am planning to join in next week, Today i am in the process of changing cable providers. Ugh. And my system crashed!! Yikes. I thought it was the cable folks, nope, it wasn't. xo

  9. Oh, beautiful table and beautiful yard. How I wish I was sitting there, it looks so pretty & serene. I'm getting back to blogging and hope I'll be doing your party again soon! Thanks, Pam

  10. Kathleen, your dishes are adorable with apples from "our beloved Big Apple! Well, you can't get a bottom sewed for $8 there, but you sure could buy dishes for $15!! We could, maybe a 4 set box of chinese made ones, lol.. Yourtable is lovely and soo inviting, as well as the yummy looking Apple Pie, my fav, ever! See you tonight and thanks again.

  11. Beautiful table Kathleen. The plates are wonderful!

    I'll see what I can do for the challenge.

  12. Always love seeing those apple dishes, Kathleen! You've used them in so many fun and imaginative settings. I especially like this one with it being outdoors! Yummy apple pie!


  13. Love both table settings both indoors and out. You ALWAYS do such a beautiful job on every table you. I'm ready to come for lunch. And your pie is perfect and yet SO clever. Love the grated dough top for the pie. Wonderful post. Enjoy coming here so much!! You are one super creative lady Kathleen with alot of flair!!

  14. But I don't WANNA keep the doctor away! I LOVE him!!! :-) OK, I'll eat an apple pie anyway! :-) Seriously...I could have given you some of those apple scatters for free. Ramon cleaned out his car over the weekend and there were about a dozen petrified apple cores in there. Dude used the car like a trash can! Yours are much cuter and safer and don't have his little teeth marks all around! :-) I'm sorry some of the dishes were broken, but you still got a heck of a deal. That reminds me to always check the box contents before leaving the store. I don't WANT to do it because it's such a hassle, but I guess it saves a trip back...or NOT if you have to drive to Rhode Island!!! :-) You have some really great bargains working really well together on this table, Kathleen! The apple bakers are SO cute!!! Now...I just need to learn how to make caramel apples, and I'm good to go!

  15. Kathleen, I always like seeing you use these happy, colorful dishes. You know the red/white checks are what do it. LOL Hate hearing that some of these were broken.
    See you in a bit........Sarah

  16. This is very lovely. I love the apple theme. Congrats on another gorgeous 'scape!

  17. Your table is cute K! Apples have really sounded good lately. Love that top crust, what a fun and different idea:@)

  18. I have always loved Anything Apples! So, of course I LOVE your table! See you later tonight.

  19. Kathleen~ I love the pop of green from the Granny Smith in your adorable red bakers! Your setting is so cheery! HOW does CTS stay in business with those prices?! Thanks for hosting :)

  20. Boy, I wish I had some of the pie! I am starving -- been painting the kitchen floor again today. This morning, I laid out some things I had been thinking about for a table, but then I got busy. Now that I see your challenge, I will save it for that -- it will be perfect and give me time to pull it together. I think I have too many irons in the fire! I will enjoy visiting all the links.

  21. The napkins are cute. Great deal. I got some with a more fallish motif for the same price. Great contrast of the green apple against the red apple baker. I'm surprised you just got those. I have a stash of them from years ago at CTS, but I think they may be a bit bigger. Great to be outside!

    - The Tablescaper

  22. I love your apple tablescape, Kathleen! Of course, your bargains are always the best. The dishes still look so cute after ten years and all the accessories just carry out the theme perfectly. What fun it would be to join you at your table. I'll provide the main course, 'cause it looks like you've got dessert covered with that wonderful apple pie!!!

  23. Your outdoor apple tablescape is so bright and cheerful and so pretty, Kathleen. Looks like our flatware are the same except mine are orange and we both set a table out on the deck. Cute napkins and great deal on the plates...Christine

  24. Kathleen, this is such a delightful outdoor tablescape. Loving all the reds and the basket full of flowers. Oops! I must have put my name where the name of my blog should have gone. I'm kind of rusty on this linking up stuff. Thanks for hosting. laurie

  25. I love your garden deck and the beautiful lawn. The apple dinnerware has certainly been a great investment and used in so many ways. I really enjoyed the information about CTS. I have also been very happy there is one nearby me. The centerpiece basket with the flowers and apples is just perfect with your china and apple accessories. Thanks for hosting each week!

    Thanks, Pam

  26. I love harvest tablescapes! (But I love apple pie more -- and sure wish I had a piece of yours. It looks delish!)

  27. What an adorable tablescape! I love it!! Thanks for hosting Kathleen.

    Susan and Bentley

  28. Every September I look forward to your apple table. Have never been disappointed, either! Those apple core knife rests are adorable.

  29. What a fabulous set of dishes. So sad some were broken. But what remains is just delightful. Love the apples.. thank you so much for hosting.. xo marlis

  30. Kathleen,

    You do Autumn up so nicely!

    I hope it's ok I am sharing my afternoon tea I had recently - haven't had the time or energy or gumption to get out my fall stuff yet, but hope to do this weekend.

    Thanks for hosting!!

  31. Fixed baked apples just the other day!!! Oh haw tasty there were!!! Have a grand day!! Cathy

  32. Love all the apples! Would that make you the apple of my eye?

  33. Hi Kathaleen
    Such lovely and colourful out door table setting.this inspires me.the green glass leaf plates and the spoon set so pretty.thank you for this lovely share...:):)

  34. Hi Kathleen! Sorry I am late to the party. Been busy trying to keep up with all the canning, freezing and drying of all the wonderful fresh produce we have been given. This is such a fun and perfect Setptember table! All of your dishes and accessories are so pretty. And the big gingham bow just makes me smile! Thanks for hosting and for joining TTF today. I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!

  35. Whew! I've been so swamped at work that I just now remembered to link up! I love your apple-themed table, particularly the red-checked border of your dishes and the too-cute apple ramekins. Just perfect for September!

  36. Love this apple themed table! At first I thought you ate a few apples and scattered the cores on the table. I'm off for some glamping, and have a table in mind for next week. No fall colors for me yet!

  37. It is all so cute. Great deals too. I really the apple core scatters. I will try to link up next week.

  38. Lovely table. With three hundred apple trees at our home in New Hampshire, I should have you decorate my table.

  39. We are off to pick up mums and apples today. Finally there is a definite tinge of that crispy autumn air! Your pie looks delicious! Linda

  40. felice inizio settimana a te...ciao

  41. Kathleen, What a fun fall table! It is apple picking time here at StoneGable too! Your mums with the apples tucked inside is a darling centerpiece. So creative!!! Thanks for hosting another great LET'S DISH!

  42. I can't wait to whip up some apple treats soon. Your chocolate-caramel-nut apple is making me drool!

    What a cheery table with the red, white and green! Those tiny apple cores are adorable :)

  43. I really like how you have showed how these adorable dishes can be used in different settings and take on totally different looks. I love the green glassware you have used in this outdoor setting. What a fun table!

  44. Such a fun and really pretty table, K.
    I love everything you used.
    I am dying to try the shaved pie crust.
    Freeze it, when it thaws a bit, roll it and grate it?
    I think we are going apple picking this week sometime...hope to make an awesome pie.:)

  45. That truly is one of the cutest tables ever Kathleen!
    And your deals and steals, oh my, I am as green as those apples with envy!
    Love that centerpiece!

  46. First time in your your blog. LOVELY!


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