Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Let's Dish # 27 ~ Check It Out!

Welcome to Let's Dish, so glad you came to our meeting tonight.  Thanks to all of you who left comments for the entrants, I know they appreciate them.  We all do!

What's black and white, and black and white?  My table!

Let's Dish 1396
It starts with a b and w check cloth sent to me by a sweet blogger friend!  Thank you!  The napkins were from the .99 cent store.

The charger and salad plates are from Pier One, years ago.
Let's Dish 1394My centerpiece is a PB lantern from the Outlet a few years ago.  I think it was 14.99.
I filled it with some small potted mums, that will get planted when I am finished.  A few battery operated votives were tucked in.
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Treble clef flatware from B B and B, was 30.00 for service for 4.  I found it in clearance and had a 20 off coupon.
The lion head bowls are from the WS Outlet when they were on sale a few years ago.  I made name tags from a black gift bag .
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The black footed glass is from the Pfaltzgraf Clearance Store .96  long gone.  The ribbed tumblers to match the ribs in the stem were my mom's.  They must be 70 years old or more.  Very thin glass.
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That's my table for tonight, I could have done a summer one outside, but I was too lazy!
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I have posted my banana bread recipe before, and I often add chocolate chips.  I had a mother lode of ripe bananas, so I made this...
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in my Heritage Pan.  I made a few dozen muffins too.
I found this little tray in a really junky junk store.  Actually, Alma found it, but it needed scrubbing and painting, so she passed.
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I love white wicker, and I thought this would be great for cupcakes or cookies in summer, which it still is, :), or decked out for Christmas filled with cookies.
I am sure you will see it when Dec. rolls around. Christmas is less than 100 days away!
Let's Dish 1200It was tattle tale gray, as my mom called things that someone had neglected to clorox!  I cloroxed it, scrubbed it, and gave it a coat of spray paint .
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I paid 2 dollars for it, tried to get her down to a dollar, but she was firm!  :)
I think it will look very pretty on my porch with my other white wicker. 
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Summer ends Friday, so I guess I have to give in and bring out the Fall decorations.  But I do so, kicking my feet. I love Fall, but it is what comes after that !
Next Wednesday is the Tablescape Challenge at Let's Dish.
The theme is Harvest, so bring on your pumpkins, or any other fruit or vegetable.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with, there will be a gift card give away.
Please stick to the theme if you plan to link up, it's a challenge. :)
Thanks for visiting, now it is your turn!
Same rules to link up.  Please follow, leave a comment,blog name first, there is no limit on words under your thumbnail, one link, tablescape related, and visit as many as you can.
I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Yvonne for Tidbits  Tips and Tutorials
Diann for Thrifty Things Friday
Gollum for Foodie Friday
Thank you Ladies for hosting!


  1. I love the checks Kathleen. I have that same cloth at the lake.

    We didn't have a regular Missouri Winter last year, so we are expecting some surprises this year. We still need so much moisture and willing to put up with snow if that is what it takes to get the tables back up to where they should be. I love Fall! This year I don't mind what follows.

  2. CUTE! I love black and white! That wicker tray/basket is awesome! Thanks for hosting this great party each week! Hugs, Linda

  3. I'll be back later, love the black and white and that really is a cute basket after you gave it some TLC! xo

  4. Hello Kathleen, I am loving the black and white, especially the checked tablecloth. Also love the footed glasses. The mums look great in your lantern, I need to try that. Love your new wicker...spray paint is amazing! I am sad to say, but it is true, I am going to unpack, even though they didn't go anywhere but storage, some dishes and start tablescaping again. Nothing like packing, and then not moving. Joni

  5. Love, love, love the black and white! Giving me lots of ideas....

  6. Like everyone before me, I love the black & white :)) So seasonless and versatile~ I love your lanterns with the flowers in them too! Thanks for hosting!

  7. Hi Kathleen, I love your black and white table. Your dishes, flatware, drinkware and your pretty filled lantern all look so great on the checked cloth. Your new wicker basket turned out great all spray painted up. Love all your wicker on your pretty porch. Thanks for hosting!

  8. Oops, I thought this week was the themed tablescape, so I am a week early!
    You do black and white so the basket, glad you resurrected it!

  9. Just love your black and white table and your Mom's glasses, and well, everything on your table. The white wicker basket is so sweet, well worth your efforts to salvage it. Thanks for hosting!

  10. The black and white check looks so clean and fresh. I find any color with white in a checked print feels that way to me. Everything looks wonderful. And the tray was a fun find. thanks for hosting and for joining TTf. Have a terrific week Kathleen!

  11. Poor baby...I know you are not looking forward to Winter. I'm not, either. We will go kicking and screaming into Fall together! :-) Great buy on the wicker basket! I'm like Alma, though...I wouldn't want to put the effort into it and would, therefore, miss out on something really terrific. I salute you for your stalwart support of all things tattle tale gray! :-) I didn't know you could make banana bread in a cake pan!!!! Dadgum it! I have a bunch of bananas sittin' around here that are NEVER going to get eaten otherwise, so I planned to make bread tomorrow when it cools down outdoors. I'll put it in some fun cake pans! Thank you, love! I like for it to look interesting, and this will fill that bill! Great black & white checks, and VERY CREATIVE name tags.I'm a huge fan!

  12. Love that black check K, I can see it with pops of orange soon! Cute new tray, glad you gave it a second life:@)

  13. Kathleen, well you know BJ and I are dancing around this table! I love that table cloth. Need to find myself one of these. Buffalo checks in black and white. Perfect! And that wicker tray is fabulous. Can't imagine it was only $2. What a find! Your table is full of inspiration and creative ideas. Makes me think I need to set another black and white table. LOL
    ~ Sarah

  14. What a pretty black & white table! I really love the lion's head bowls. I know that if I ever came across a WS outlet, I would probably go nuts!!

  15. Your tray turned out great! I can't wait to see it filled with cupcakes or muffins. It's amazing how well those napkins (?) match that table cloth. It must be the touch of coolness in the air. I was thinking working on an idea to use the black plaid place mats as well.

    - The Tablescaper

  16. I just love black and white check! It really appeals to the visual graphic love I've got going on!

  17. Love the black and white! And you did a great job with the wicker tray. Looks brand new!

  18. You sucked me right in with my favorite Kathleen! Love your black & white checks! And that wicker basket! Great save and I think it will be so sweet on your porch. Thank you for hosting each week!

  19. The black and white checks are such a favorite and can be used with so many colors! Cute wicker basket and the idea of serving goodies on it is great! I'm in love with your banner photo of the candy corn tablescape!


  20. Love the and white ~ so striking! Thanks for hosting Kathleen, it's always a fun party.

    Susan and Bentley

  21. I cannot believe that summer will end soon. It is getting more pleasant outside and been working hard in the garden. I love your black and white checkered tablescape. Great deal on the wicker basket, I love the shape. Speaking of shape, I love the shape of your banana bread too....Christine

  22. I love all wicker and especially white. Your table looks beautiful. Thank you for hosting a fun party. Deb

  23. Your tablescape is completely gorgeous! I love the treble clef silverware in particular--my musician husband would like that. I will do my best to come back and participate next week in the harvest tablescape party--sounds like fun!

  24. I wish you had not reminded me how close Christmas really is. It makes me wonder where in the world the year has gone. Black and white always works for me as does banana bread, especially when it's made in a cute pan!

  25. Love the black and white! Your table looks great. I just bought a black and white check tablecloth, glad I did, yours looks so cute! You gave that basket new life and I am sure it will be happy on your porch filled with pretty things!

  26. Black and white one of my favorites. Hope you are enjoying all this great weather.

  27. Loving your black and white! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  28. There is something fun about black and white checks! I always think of diners and ice cream shops! Your table looks great and the new stemware works so well with your Mom's old glasses! The flatware from BB&B was a good buy and looks great with the table!
    Your new found basket is a treasure! You did a great job on making it look fresh and new again! I'm sure it will be used a lot!
    It's hard to let go of summer but I really feel the pull now. We're seeing just a bit of color change and have experienced some rather cool dips in the evening. It's still so green it's hard to embrace the "fall" feeling but it will change quickly!

  29. Your table looks wonderful. I love the crisp combination of black and white. And, just look at your cake. Yum!

    I just started to add a bit of Autumn to our front porch today. It is almost upon us.

  30. I don't know which I love more, the table or the banana bread! I'm also sharing an award with you. It's available on my blog.

  31. Black and white YES! this!...and I just go banana's about any kind of banana bread,seems like I buy banana's every week just hoping for the day the get those sweet little black spots,that's when they are best in recipes...this looks wonderful.

  32. A really cute your choice of colors. :))
    I love white wicker, too, and would have bought that cute little tray. Adorable.

  33. Love the table -- love the classic black and white.
    I do NOT like Christmas being so close. ACK!
    Thanks for hosting such a fun party -- anything with DISHES gets my attention anytime.

    And that is the BEST looking bundt pan ever. Where did you get it?

  34. Very classy table, Kathleen. You have found some fantastic bargains over the years but one of my favorite things on your table are your mother's glasses!

    I agree with absolutely everything you said about fall. I am really not ready but suddenly the curtain of fall has come down here. It's been a very fall-ish week here except for last Sunday when we hosted our golf outing. We lucked out that day with a very summery day.

  35. Forgot to say I love that wicker tray! Look forward to seeing it again :)

  36. Visiting from the Thrifty I love this table :)

    I have seen alot of bloggers the last few weeks that already have their fall decor up / for me it's more of a late summer transition and no hurry for some cornstalks up outside / inside's just been some dried flowers and maybe will do "FALL" this weekend or the next. I still have flowers blooming everywhere outside, so it is hard to transition :)

  37. Since I have been completely away from the computer for about a month, I feel as if I have missed so much! I love your black and white table since it's a color scheme I use often in the kitchen. I'm exactly like you and wanted to wait until fall actually arrived before breaking out the fall stuff. Can't wait to see what you do next week with the harvest.

    I've been AWOL dealing with a family problem. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel... thank God!

  38. Love the table, Kathleen! Reminds me of a French bistro. I think we're on the same page regarding Fall. I'll have to cave and put up some Fall decor this weekend or next, but it'll kill me to put away the Summer stuff. Not sure why, because Fall is usually my favorite season. Ah, well. I'm off to search your archives for that delicious looking banana bread recipe! Take care, my dear. ~Mary

  39. That is such a pretty table. I always love plaids any color because they seem so cozy. I've never seen a basket like that, but it does work perfectly to display your goodies! Have a great day!

  40. I love the black and white theme of the tablescape. Its simple but with class. You'd truly enjoy dining with this setting.
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