Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Let's Dish # 25 End of Season Party

I live in a Resort Community and the end of the season is Labor Day.  People close up their homes and go back to where they live the rest of the year.  The season opens on Memorial Day, and Labor Day there is a mass exodus of summer people.

To end the season our beach community had a Family event, a Fire Truck Pizza Party.
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A retired fire truck refitted with a wood burning pizza oven arrives at your house, and serves up several kids of gourmet pizza.

late Aug early Sept 043
The crew tossed the dough and made the fresh toppings and popped the pie into the oven.
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Besides, regular pizza, he had, shrimp and broccoli, clam, buffalo, pepperoni and potato and bacon.
He also served a garden salad and pasta salad.
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As it was Labor Day, I went with Patriotic tablecloths.  Plus the table number kept changing, and I had to go with fabric that I had enough of!  I bought  bolts of this several years ago in Walmart for $1.00 a yard.

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A small pail of dried and sprayed hydrangeas, a pinwheel, and a polka dot bow served as the simple centerpiece.
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As we are near the Bay, I filled the pail with rocks so the breeze  wouldn't knock them over.

My neighbor hosted this party, his property accommodated the truck, and the 130 adults and 50 kids .

We have private roads, so we just blocked off this little street, so there were no cars going by and the kids could play safely.

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It was a beautiful evening, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. 

There are only 40 homes in our community, so you really do know all your neighbors! 

It was a wonderful way to end the season, and wish everyone well for the winter.

I am already starting to plan next year's event!

Hope you enjoyed this little bit of Americana from Southampton, NY.  No celebrities showed up, just The Tablescaper who was scouting out the guy to hire for  a party .  :)

Before you go, here is a little bargain I picked up at the thrift shop.
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There were 4 new dinner and salad/cake plates.
Each has a different scene.
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Certified International, by Betty Whiteaker.  As you can see, .99 each.

Ebay has them for 20 bucks a plate!

I guess people collect them. I will probably donate them back when I am done.

I am skipping Fall and going right to Christmas!  :)

No, I just thought I would show them to you before they get put away until December!

Thanks for coming to the 25th meeting of Let's Dish!

I still have a few visits to make to those who linked last week and left comments.  I am slow this week!

Hope you all had a great Labor Day, and remember summer doesn't end for a few more weeks!

If you wish to link to this party, you have to be a follower.
Only ONE link please.

No word id on your blog, post something that is table related, ie, dishes, china, linens etc.  It doesn't have to be a full scape, it can be a collection you have or a bargain you found or something you made to do a tablescape.

Link back to this party, and please leave a comment.

Blog name first, then you can give the title, the number of letters is unlimited.

Thanks so much, and Let's Dish!


  1. What a wonderful neighborhood party and great idea for a food truck/retired fire engine! Love your fabric covered tables and hydrangea centerpieces! Thanks for hosting :)

  2. How much fun is that Kathleen? Thanks for sharing it with us :-) And thank you for hosting each week!

  3. Very creative idea, Kathleen.

    I love the way the tables look, all done up in red white and blue.

    Thanks so much for hosting Let's Dish!

  4. My what a wonderful way to end the summer!!! Well done! Cathy

  5. It was a great party! It was so much fun to be there and I can't wait until we use him for our party. Thanks so much for the brilliant idea!

    - The Tablescaper

  6. What a fun way to end the summer, Kathleen. Love your decor. They chose the right person to put in charge. Did you make desserts? Love the new plates, too. xo

  7. Do you stay all year, or do you also leave when the season ends? I love the firetruck pizza man, and your tables for a large group were perfect! Amazing that you found that fabric. Thanks again for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

    1. We are year round residents, Cherry Kay. We summered here since 1975, but moved here full time 11 years ago.

  8. Love the Fire Truck Pizza Company idea, also got a kick out of their t-shirts! Cute tables K, I'm sure everyone had a great time:@)

  9. What a fun neighborhood Labor Day party, Kathllen. Thanks for giving us a peek at the festivities. Your bargain plates are wonderful. Lucky you, is what I have to say!! Thanks for hosting our weekly party.

  10. What a great way to end the summer! I love big parties like that with neighbors! Great find on the cute Christmas plates! xo Linda

  11. What a great way to say goodbye to summer...the food looks wonderful.
    Great deal on the Christmas plates!

  12. What an ingenious idea for the retired fire truck! LOVE IT!!! What an incredible send off for summer. Everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves. I LOVE the idea of the fabric for tablecloths.
    Thank you for sharing your fun with us...
    Big Hugs,

  13. Oh what a fun event, KaThleen! You set the tables beautifully, very festive. Do you also leave for the winter? I love the Christmas plates. What a great deal!...Christine

    1. We live here year round, Christine. We never leave!

  14. Now that looks like alot of fun! A pizza making fire truck, who would have thought?

    What a nice deal you got on those dishes!

  15. A nice way to celebrate the wonderful summer you had. Great deal on the Christmas plates! Wow, you are planning next summer's party already :-) Thanks for hosting the weekly party!

  16. Oh how fun, al fresco with such festive and lovely tables with flag material as tabletoppers. Just great! Do you live in the resort area all year round? Your Christmas plates are so pretty and a terrific bargain, you're all set! Thanks for hosting.

  17. Kathleen, this is a fantastic party idea! I love your tables.

  18. Those tablecloths are beautiful! So are the centerpieces! What a great idea for a neighborhood party!

    Love those Christmas plates! Funny that you said you skipped fall and went right to Christmas! LOL! I look forward to seeing what you do with them for Christmas!


  19. Kathleen, computer issues earlier that wouldn't let me leave a message. ;-(

    Love the idea of the retired firetruck as a mobile pizza place. Too cute! This looks like something one would find here in Austin. Your tablecloths are perfect for a patriotic gathering. Great find! And those Christmas plates were a great find too. Funny how we buy something at a thrift to use for a table, then turn it back for resale to someone else. Great recycling cycle! Thanks for sharing the party and for hosting each week......Sarah

  20. What a fun party! I love that pizza delivering fire truck. I'm sure everyone who knows you calls on you to decorate tables for every event. How festive these patriotic tables look. Look who is joining your linky. I got tired of not being at the parties. I hope my post is ok. Thanks for hosting. laurie

  21. That is one cool truck! Love that party. Very different from the one my son went to last weekend, LOL!

  22. looks like great fun! you planned a terrific party!

  23. What a grand that concept of the Pizza Fire Truck....looks like everyone had a wonderful time...Loved the tablescape you very festive !! and great deal on the plates...they were practically free...I love them...I really need to find a Savers!!...Have a great day Kathleen!

  24. We need to call you The Hostess With the Mostess! This looks like a wonderful family fun evening. You must miss a lot of these folks when they go away for the winter.

    Sorry I did not get anything together this week -- it is much harder with the husband around all the time.

  25. Wow! You certainly went out with a bang! I love that you were able to have such a wonderful block party. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time. What a cool fire truck/oven! Love the new dishes too and can't wait to see them in a setting this season. Have a great day!

  26. cool is that ! Neat party. Who in the world has that many tables and chairs??
    Your thrift dishes are really nice. I can see a great Christmas table scape with those.
    Another question....just curious...:)....why only one link?
    I've never had a link party and don't know much about them. I see others that request only one link..others that say the more the merrier...others that say no more than 4. Is it that each link takes extra work?
    See ya later...
    xo bj

  27. Looks like so much fun. I love the tablecloths and the centerpieces. Never thought to spray hydrangeas. I am envious you have a place to go for the summer. Maybe someday when I retire...thanks for hosting!

    1. We don't go away for the summer, Patty. We live here all year round, and never leave! :). So don't be jealous.

  28. What a great time! I have never heard of a firetruck pizza party before. Your tables looked great, and what a feeling of community to get together at the end of the summer. Kathleen, all my dishes are packed up as our home was under contract but, the buyer backed out. My life is a bit odd as my husband is living in VA, and my kids and I are still living in Utah waiting for a buyer. Not a lot of tablescaping going on, but since Halloween is approaching, I am going to be bringing out stuff from storage, including my Zoulah. Yes Zoulah who you love to tease about her bad teeth! Joni

  29. what a wonderful party. Looks like a great time was had by all. Love the tablecloths.
    Hugs,, Ginger

  30. What a great idea and how lucky for the neighbors they have you there to do the tables. Our end of summer gathering was with about 40 friends who boated to an island for a picnic. Good food but no table setting!

  31. ROCKIN', Kathleen! You and I had talked about the possibilities for the tables, and what you came up with is great!!! Just the table coverings alone really dress up the area and make it look super special!! The addition of the dried hydrangeas is just the cherry on top! :-) LOVE that idea of the rollin' pizza party! Congrats on your great thrift find!!! Way to go!

  32. The fire truck pizza party sounds like a fun time. I love your tablecloths. Great forward thinking when you picked up that material, Kathleen!

    The Christmas plates are very cute, too. I know the setting you create with them will be charming. Can't wait to see it, but I can wait for colder weather (boo!).

  33. My head is spinning! How can it be September already??? What a great idea for a neighborhood party and your tables are wonderful! Soon you will have the whole place to yourselves ;)

  34. Oh, I love this! You were so smart to pick up all that fabric and what a price! I love the red, white and blue of summer. What a fun event for everyone. Hydrangeas look wonderful. I am sure people think about this event all winter long. I really like those new plates. It is so great that you will use them and then give them back for someone else to find. I always thought it would be fun if there was a way for everyone to set a table using the same dishes. There would be so many ideas! It isn't time to say good-bye to summer here but I admit I pulled out the fall quilt today. I just needed a little bit of autumn.

  35. LOVE that fabric. You were wise to buy it up... How much fun this event looks to be. I love seeing people lining up for food...and fun.

    Autumn is not here, yet. It's still hitting the 90s during the day...and upper 70s at night. I am really looking forward to some drier, cooler air.

  36. Thank you for your visit Kathleen. The tablecloth for $8 was what a paid the seamstress for repurposing my old draperies I had changed last Nov. and since it was a great, fine material, and pretty fabric, I didn't want it to go to waste. Still, $8 is cheap for making a big, pleated and lined tabletopper.

  37. Wow! What a great party Kathleen!
    You live just where I dream of being. The fabric for the tables was perfect and the pizza fire truck is just so wonderful.
    And your deals always make me want to be wherever you are at the moment.
    Hugs friend and thanks for your visit too.

  38. I love those darling Christmas plates, and wow, what a price. It's also a great idea to donate them back when you're finished with them. This would certainly alleviate any guilt over buying yet another set of dishes (I'm speaking for myself here). I don't know why this never occurred to me. Thanks!


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