Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Let's Dish #22 Summer Fun Table Challenge

Welcome to Let's Dish, tonight is the SUMMER FUN table challenge.

Today's thunder storms and rain meant no boat table for outdoors that I had planned.

Instead we will have an Indoor Garden Party!

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Remember I showed you these April Cornell napkins, and runner, as well as the picket fence napkin rings my friend Gail sent me?  I just love them, and decided to use them tonight .

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I just happened to have a picket  fence centerpiece, and I filled it with Black Eyed Susan's .

.  They are blooming profusely on the hill on the side of our property. A few purple verbena for a pop of color.

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Yellow placemat the long way, red square plate and yellow square plate from Pfaltzgraff.  com

They were both 1.00.  I got the red last year and the yellow/gold last week!

Green handled bowl from CTS, 1.00.  Same ones in HG for 3 times as much!

Flatware is Fiesta mixed with a set I got at HG so I would have soup spoons.

Let's Dish 1220 Green and yellow stem and tumbler were gifts from The Tablescaper.
Bird salt and pepper from Pier One.

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Picket fence candle holders are 12 yrs old.  I have a lot of them, and they were .99 complete with a candle in a ceramic holder that I removed.

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That's our indoor Garden Party on this rainy, dark day!

Last week, Alma and I went bargain hunting and I found this.
  The place was 10 grades below a Thrift Shop, definitely an adventure!  DIRTY!

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A large ruffled platter in pastel colors..
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The bowl matches it, so it could be a chip and dip,
put the bowl underneath and it becomes a cake plate.

TIP, look for pieces you can use for different purposes.

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They are from Pottery Barn, and the platter was 2.00 and the bowl 1.00. Made in ITALY!

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It held a good amount of iced brownies that I made for last weekend.

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Flip the brownies out of the pan to cool.  Ice with chocolate icing, I have posted the recipe before, and when totally cool, cut into squares.

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That's it for me this week.

I am joining
Yvonne for Tips ,Tidbits and Tutorials
Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Diann for Thrifty Things Friday
Gollum for Foodie Friday
Thanks for visiting!

Now Let's see what you have for the Summer Fun Challenge!
Same rules to link up, leave a comment, be a follower , one link, no word id, blog name first please. 
Your turn!


  1. Good gracious!...I love chocolate!...and I love your summer setting,the picket fence napkin rings(candle-holders)are perfect and what an awesome matching centerpiece...the black eye susies haven't started blooming here just yet,can't wait to see them popn' up everywhere.

  2. Beautiful! My fave colors. Those brownies look scrumptious. Another week and I am just a spectator, not an active participant. :( Too much going on with birthday celebration week (yes, it takes a whole week)and my computer died, learning to navigate my new one (no mouse) and I lost all my photos as I never properly stored them, my bad :/ I love how you get in a weekly tip, too! xo

  3. Gorgeous Summery table and delicious brownies. Lots of Summer Fun!

    I have a kid table for my Summer Fun post. The grands were here over the weekend.:-)

  4. A vibrant and fun tablescape, Kathleen! I adore the picket fence centerpiece, and I could single-handedly eat every one of those iced brownies...oh my. Thanks for hosting us and for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  5. Kathleen~ I love your picket fence centerpiece filled with Black-Eyed Susans! What a find with your PB ruffled platter & bowl are and once again I'm envying your CTS stores! Thanks for having me this week :)

  6. Those brownies are looking sooo good! Cute table and love the black eyed susans. Your red and yellow square plates look great. You got great deals on the Pottery Barn bowl and tray.

  7. Beautiful table and LOVE that ruffled dish you found. I would have definitely grabbed that one! OH YES, we can always find a spot for these fun odd dishes. I always picture them under a "cloche" for a party... Your brownies look SO DELICIOUS!!!
    I worry about you down there on the island. We've had some angry storms going through...There is one here RIGHT NOW and I'm hoping I don't loose power so I can LINK UP at 7...

  8. Oh, I want one of those brownies NOW. They look so delicious! Hot here, so just couldn't do the tablescape I had planned etither. Working on an impromptu scape instead. Will link up later tonight. ;-)
    Cute garden party, but I look forward to a dinner on the boat. Love your new find!
    Thanks for hosting........Sarah

  9. I forget to ice my brownies, but our bakery does it too so I may start. Chocolatety goodness! Love the picket fence pieces, and the summery table. I wish I was a fly on the wall in that thrift shop.

    I have a sunflower table this week. I bought all they had at the farmers market and then felt guilty when I was asked by just about everyone at the market where I got them. They are gorgeous and I'm saving the seeds!

  10. Hi Kathleen! Those brownies look delicious! Do you know which post has the recipe? I would like to try them as we love brownies here. We had a terrible thunderstorm in the wee hours of the morning but then the sun came out and I was able to do a table! Your flowers are beautiful and I love the idea of a garden party. Thanks for hosting! Linda

  11. What a cheery, colorful indoor garden party table, Kathleen! I love the picket fence touches and the pretty dishes. Those were some good bargains you got!! Woo hoo!! However, you are really tempting me with those brownies. My oh my, I want one right now. I just finished my dinner and I could use something chocolatey.

  12. What a delightful table, Kathleen. I really like your picket fences, the flowers are gorgeous. The color of your table is so cheerful and so sunny. Love your summer table!...Christine

  13. Your table is so cheery. Garden parties are always so lovely.Love the picket fences. You always find the best pieces. The brownies are so yummy....Thanks for hosting....

  14. Wonderful table, Kathleen. I love the casualness of it...perfect for summer. It's neat how you turned the place mats and I LOVE the picket fences! The brownies looks delish! I was tempted to make some today since our temps have gone down. What I need to do is get off my bum and make a tablescape!!


  15. Love your pretty tabletop garden and I adore black eyed Susans!

  16. lOVE the table...and black eyed susans are my favorite...

  17. MMMMM Brownies and the lovely black eyed Susans! This is wonderful for a summer day. I love the picket fence of the napkin rings and centerpiece. You have designed the perfect table for summer. The plate with the ruffles is darling and the price is great. Glad you sponsor Let's Dish!

    Thanks, Pam

  18. Cute colorful table, I love your linens! Your brownies cut up so perfectly, that's amazing:@)

  19. I'll take an indoor garden party because of rain any day! The black-eyed Susans are perfect -- and I'm with Cherry Kay about the brownies. Good thing they're at your house and not mine. :-)

    I hope it's okay that I linked our end-of-Summer Festival of Tables. I did include a tip! I won't be upset if you need to unlink it.

  20. This is just the most adorable tablescape! Love the little fences and black-eyed Susans. Cute, cute cute! Those brownies look so yummy I want to reach right through the screen and grab one. Thanks for hosting Kathleen. Please send some rain our way ~ we still have fires in the mountains.

    Susan and Bentley

  21. What a cheery table - I love the picket fences - in the centerpiece, but especially the napkin rings! And what a great deal you got on the PB plate and bowl - I love anything "fluted" on the edges!! Joining your party again this week - thx

  22. Your indoor garden party is so pretty and sunny, in spite of the rain that "washed out" your outdoor tablescape. Gosh, those brownies look good. Thanks for hosting and serving treats.

  23. Love those colors - my colors!! The picket fence centerpiece and napkin rings are adorable!

    I wanna brownie!! They look scrumptious!!

    My plan to join you didn't work out :-(


  24. I just love your black eyed susans in the picket fence - so cute! Thanks for hosting :)

  25. I would love to join your garden party! Such a cute table. The picket fence just draws we right in.

  26. Oops! The picket fence just draws "me" in!

  27. Were your ears burning yesterday?

    We drove to Vermont:) Lovely the state..and our closest CTS.. almost 3 hrs away..
    Wow..have things changed in that one..

    We spent..$18.00..Nothing like what it was.. We heard the CTShops have changed there a big difference in merchandise and quality where you live in the last 2 yrs?

    Honestly..even Jacques was disappointed..there was always something he liked..
    It's like ..well Dollar Store..I like $ stores..but not at CTS:(

    Tell me

    Anyways..cute post..:)

    Me too I like the picket fence!
    I sound disappointed:)I was!

  28. Your tablescape is so much fun. The dishes are so pretty along with the picket fence theme. Those brownies looks yummy! I always make sure I make a new table for Let's Dish, my table for last week was a Summer Tablescape. Thank you for hosting and for your comment on this week's post.

  29. Your tablescape is beautiful. I love April Cornell Table linens. The black-eyed susans are the the sign that fall is on its way. I love the golden colors in your tablescape. This week I used some of the same color tones.
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  30. Wonderful colors!! It is grand to see how you brought the sunshine indoors!!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  31. I am having napkin ring envy. I love those and the picket centerpiece is lovely. I have tried to dig up black eyed susans and plant them in my garden but it never works. Love your summer setting. Thank you so much for hosting. Ginger

  32. Amazing tablescape! I would be hard pressed to chose what I like best!!! Thanks for hosting!

  33. This is really a fun, bright and cheerful table Kathleen. perfect for a gloomy day. You really have found some wonderful bargains and used them beautifully! Thank you for hosting and for joining TTF. Have a great day!

  34. Oh, that picket fence theme is just so cute! I just love the color scheme too. Love the stemware and those gorgeous linens. You really captured summer, even on a gloomy day. Thank you for hosting!

  35. What a sweet table. I absolutely love your picket fence's. Too cute! The napkins and runner are beautiful. I rounded out the party at #40 tonight. Sorry to be late, but as they say better late than never! Thanks so much for hosting! :)

  36. Those picket fence pieces are so cute! Love the Black Eyed Susan's in the middle! What a summery table indeed! I wonder if my table can be included in this party! Those brownies are making me crave them!

  37. This post just made me smile from ear to ear.. Love the picket fence.. I didn't so summer fun this week, my brain just wasn't in gear... at all. Great find on the plate and bowl.. Only you would find that you know! Love the centerpiece. the whole table is just one cheery setting.. love it.. xo marlis

  38. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When weather gives us rain, bring the garden inside! Love the picket fence theme.

    - The Tablescaper

  39. Such a beautiful tablescape. Love the infusion of color that is bursting with summer goodness. Great table.

    Jocelyn @

  40. Yet another really lovely table, Kathleen. I love those picket fence votives-turned-napkin rings and would want to use them often. The garden theme is one of my favorites. I also love your thrifting treasure. We have a few of those ten steps below thrift places here, but I have never found anything buy worthy there. (And yet, I keep on trying...)

    I'm sure hoping to back in my table groove soon. I had and idea and some dishes, but the table never came together for me. I hate to miss the challenge! UGH.

  41. I'm sure as heck glad to see that SOMEONE is getting some rain!!! We continue to be just dry as toast here with no relief in sight. The mayor did finally lift the water restrictions we've been under for the past month or so, but's just so dry!!! We have worked really, really hard to maintain our grass and save our mature trees this summer. Some of the trees are dropping limbs...NOT a good sign! know how much I love those cool picket fence napkin rings! They are just so unique and have that "home" flavor to them. Lucky you to have all the Black Eyed Susans growing right there close by. I have to brave the side of the highway if I want some for free! :-) I admire you and Alma for getting your hands dirty at that store to find bargains! Every once in awhile I'll venture into such a place, but I'm afraid they'd never find my body if something happened in there!!! :-) Those places can be just filthy!!! The yellow and red looks fabulous together! Very bright and cheery for summer. I was too involved in preparing for my stepdaughter's birthday party to do an extra table, but I'm seeing a lot of good entries. Good party! Have a great weekend!

  42. The rain didn't deter you from setting a fun, summer table! The yellows and whites brought the sun indoors :) Those rudbeckias are taking over my garden right now but I love their cheery faces.

  43. Delightful summer table, Kathleen, and I love the bargain chip and dip bowl and plate. I'd also love a bite or more of those iced brownies. Since the first time I saw you're cute picket fence centerpiece and candle holders, I've thought I was going to try to make those, but of course, I still haven't. You've again inspired me to try to make that flower holder. The Black Eyed Susans are perfect in it. laurie


  44. It's all so very beautiful.loved the entire setting with suiting colours to go with....truly a summer table to enjoy...:):):)thx.

  45. I was going to link up a post that I finally made that featured dishes but I'm too late! I really have to get more organised!

    Thanks for the summery inspiration! Spring arrives September 1st Down Under and I'm more excited than ever about after seeing this post!

    Hope you enjoy the summer weather over there this weekend!

    Best wishes,

  46. I love the cheery yellow and red. Those picket napkin holders are adorable.
    Sorry I am so late...we have been out of town to a friend's funeral the past few days.

  47. Pretty table, great finds! Iced brownies are my favorite :) With nuts!

  48. I'm crazy about the dishes and colors and the brownies which, thanks to having them as special Sunday treat in college, are still my very favorite sweet treat.


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