Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Let's Dish #21 Edible Centerpiece

Welcome to Let's Dish!  Next Wed is the Table Challenge,

Camping, Boating, a Picnic, whatever you do for fun in the summer!  Some may pick an indoor event as it is so hot in parts of the country!
Tonight's table was inspired by this basket I have had for many years.
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Black background with strawberries painted on both sides.

I filled it with washed berries, and put them on a toothpick and stuck them into the oasis filled basket.
I'll serve a little fruit dip and we can eat them as part of the dessert!

TIP:  Wash your berries with one part white vinegar to 9 parts water.  They will last lots longer without getting fuzzy, the vinegar retards the mold from growing.

I keep a spray bottle with a vinegar/water mixture in the kitchen.  I use it for wiping down the counters, as well as the frig, floors, etc.  So I spray and rinse all the fruit when I bring it home.

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I started with a black cloth , square charger that I got at Pfaltzgraf .com during their Dollar Day sales for 2.00

The red plate is also from there, $1.00

Square white plate CTS, square bowl Pfaltzgraf.

I surrounded it with a strawberry wreath that was $1.00

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The strawberry napkins are from PB Outlet on sale, about 1.00 each.

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TIP:  Pachysandra makes wonderful filler for centerpieces. I tucked some white portulaca and diamond frost, and a  few strawberry leaves in with the greens.

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Green flatware from World Market.  My friend Susan at Savoring Time in the Kitchen sent me settings for 4 and I added to it so I have 12.

Little strawberry candles from the .99 store .

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Green chrysanthemum glasses by Anthropologie via the .99 store were, yes, .99!

 Bubble glass stems filled with strawberry iced tea from Pfaltzgraff Clearance Outlets years ago.

A little white bucket holds a big fat strawberry as a take home.

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It opens up to this handy dandy shopping bag!

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The wrinkles will come out when you fill it with goodies!

It was .80 at Cmas Tree Shops.  Very handy to keep in your purse
. Out here the supermarkets charge you .05 for a paper bag as plastic is banned.  Sounds like  good thing, right? 
BUT, we pay by the bag to get rid of our garbage.

Almost 3.00 a bag, and they are plastic!  Ironic!

Let's Dish 1168 Pull up a chair and pop a plump berry into your mouth !

You can see my strawberry table from 2 years ago HERE.

Looking forward to seeing your entries this week!

Marigene from In the Middle of Nowhere had the most visits last week, 57!

 Those polka dot napkins were very eye catching!  Lots of other entries were close to that, so THANK YOU for visiting so many entries.  I am so glad this isn't a link and run party!  :)

Same rules,
BLOG NAME FIRST, thanks!  There is no limit on the description, so you can add the title after that.
One link, no word id or selling things permitted.

Please leave a comment here, and a link back to this party is required. Please visit as many as you can! 

Of course, it is Let's Dish, so only table related things are invited.

It doesn't have to be a table, last week Christine wowed us with an amazing amount of table  goodies purchased at an estate sale.  It was unbelievable!

I'll be back tomorrow for Foodie Friday.  This was long so I decided to split it.

I am joining Yvonne at Stone Gable for Tips, T and T
Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Diann for Thrifty Things Friday

Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment, I love hearing from you!


  1. This table is just so cute. I love the strawberry centerpiece. and the sweet strawberry totes! The whole table looks cheerful!

  2. What cuteness! Years ago I done my kitchen in Strawberries. What a fun theme! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Hi lovely lady.
    Your Tablescape is so sweet with the strawberries. Hope you have a wonderful week with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  4. Hi Kathleen, I love the centerpiece. Thanks for the tip about the vinegar. I always only rinse the berries as I use them. Now I have yet another use for vinegar. I will be linking an almost tablescape later. hugs, olive

  5. Hey, Kathleen! So do you leave the vinegar/water solution on the berries even when you eat them, or do you rinse them off just before eating them? That's a great tip as I am headed to market to pick up a bunch of strawberries to skewer with other fruits for my stepdaughter's party this weekend. I want the fruit to look and taste 1000% fabulous! GREAT price on those square Pfaltzgraff chargers!!! I got some for $5.99 each at Tuesday Morning and thought I was getting a great deal. Ha! I love the way you did the centerpiece basket! It looks like fruit actually growing on the vine!!! I didn't get to do a table this week. I've been up to my elbows in planning & setting up for the part this weekend. I'm doing it with only half a body since my right rotator cuff has been giving me more trouble than usual. Went for an MRI yesterday. Should get the results tomorrow. table for me, but I will visit the blog party just the same!

  6. Oh- That is just a gorgeous tablescape. I just love it. I love strawberry anything and this is just darling- xo Diana

  7. Very pretty! I've been missing my fresh strawberries since I broke my ankle and can't get out. By the time I'm able to leave the house, I guess the strawberry season will be over... Where did you get those black and white plates in your banner? I just love them!

  8. I plan to get around to as many as I can later this evening, even though it seems I have been AWOL for a long time. Your strawberry table is delectable and delightful, and I could just dive right in. Great tip re the berries. Seems like half the ones I buy are spoiled before I want to use them. Boo.

    I promise to join in very soon.

  9. Cute table K! Love the strawberry theme and the little bags are a great gift! I need to try using vinegar for cleaning in the kitchen, I know many folks swear by it:@)

  10. Very pretty table Kathleen.
    Thanks so much for the vinegar/water tip. I will definitely give it a try.

    Thanks for hosting Let's Dish!

  11. PS...I think I have the no-reply email dilemma solved.

  12. Kathleen, the strawberry theme is refreshing on this hot afternoon. Thanks for the tip on washing the berries. I'm going to start doing that with all the fresh berries I buy.
    Thanks for hosting each week.........Sarah

  13. 2nd attempt to leave a comment - I kept hitting publish and nothing went through! I love this happy tablescape and would love to pop a strawberry in my mouth right about now. The table in your header is stunning too. xo

  14. Hi Kathleen! I have a soft yellow vase (and pitcher) that would look beautiful on the table on your header! Your strawberry table is so fun and cheerful! You really got some great bargains. Those Anthropologie glasses are SO cute! Your table reminds me I haven't made freezer jam yet!

    Thanks for hosting!

  15. Kathleen, I am trying to delete my link because my image did not upload but it is not deleting. Then I will relink. Thanks Olive

  16. I LOVE anything with strawberries, Kathleen!! Your bargains are always fun to see. That little strawberry that turns into a bag is wonderful. Thanks for hosting, as I always find inspiration. Pat's table from last week had me looking for the tablecloth that she had found at Kohl's. Bloggers are the best.

  17. Such a wonderful summer table...Love the strawberry find the cutest things!...I love edible arrangements! Have a great week Kathleen!

  18. I absolutely LOVE your tablescape! Thanks for hosting!

  19. Hi Kathleen~ LOVE the strawberries...the centerpiece, napkins, the strawberry bag! I'd always heard don't wash your strawberries until you're ready to eat them! I'll have try the vinegar solution. I use Debbie Meyer green bags for strawberries, they actually work! Thanks for hosting :)

  20. Love your strawberry inspired table! The centerpiece is fabulous...great basket. Really cute napkins, too.
    Strawberries are what we are having for dessert tonight...
    I am flabbergasted that I had the most views last week!

  21. I love all your strawberries! What a great idea to use them for your centerpiece and dessert! I am always amazed at the great deals you find!!! I need to go shopping with you! Thanks for being our hostess!

  22. This centerpiece makes me long for my fresh strawberries from the garden. A beautiful centerpiece for sure. The black, green and red together so pretty. I am always so pleasantly surprised at the great deal you find! If I lived nearby you might find a tag along. ~smile~
    Thanks for sharing, hope you are enjoying your summer.

  23. Very pretty, Kathleen. I especially love your green glasses.

  24. Joining your party - thx. I love your cheery strawberry theme. The little bags are adorable!

  25. Love the strawberries and think it's neat how different our tables can be. Don't forget, we got those artificial strawberries and strawberry candles on our last outing.

    - The Tablescaper

  26. Kathleen, What a happy cheery fun table! Your vinegar tips is fabulous! I did not know that. Believe me I am getting an empty spray bottle too! I hate fuzzy fruit... except peaches!
    Thanks for joining TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS and helping me keep my wonderful berries longer!xo

  27. I love strawberries and this table looks good enough to eat! Love the little bags as gifts...cute idea! Congrats to Marigene she set a fabulous table last week! I hope to get back to joining in the fun soon! Hugs, Linda

  28. Cute table. Thanks for the vinegar tip. I'll have to try it. I found a container of fuzzies this morning, poor forgotten berries in the back of the frig. Too late this time :(

  29. I love the centerpiece, Kathleen, love strawberries so thanks for the tip about the diluted vinegar. So many bargains here, I wish we have those stores closeby....Christine

  30. Kathleen, thanks so much for hosting. Love your party!!! The centerpiece basket is darling. I love the tip about using toothpicks. and the vinegar too.. didn't know that. Darling table.. cute bags!!! xo marlis

  31. Thank you for hosting Kathleen, your party is so much fun and I love to link it! Your tablescape is so much fun and the centerpiece is so pretty and yummy too! Thanks for the tip about the diluted vinegar, too. Happy Let's Dish!

  32. Thanks so much for the tip about the berries. I had heard about spraying them but didn't know the proportions! Your table is wonderful, LOVE those bags!!!! The basket is terrific too and I love that you filled it with REAL berries. XO, Pinky

  33. Love your strawberry many pretty dishes and great deals!
    I have seen those bags at $tree, they are very cute and come in handy.

    Thanks so much for hosting, so far I have been able to visit everyone!! :)
    Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  34. Hi,
    What cute strawberries. I love the tip about cleaning with vinegar and water. Thanks for having this great party.
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  35. Hi Kathleen, I'm peeking in to the party between trips to the Cape and now Boston for Charlotte. That's a great tip about the vinegar! I always wash the fruit as I use it because that's supposed to slow the spoiling but I will try the vinegar approach. I use vinegar for other cleaning. I hear you about the paper/plastic garbage issues. We have some bans on plastic in local towns, but they don't charge for paper bags anymore. Some stores give a 2 cent bonus for every bag you bring in to use, but really most people bring their own bags in to fill with groceries. I use LL Bean bags and they work perfectly. Hope to join the party next week. Linda

  36. Thanks for hosting Kathleen! I thought I would share my newly acquired napkin rings. No table setting from me this week just, table treaures. I hope you are having a good day!

  37. I never knew that about vinegar and water for berries! I'm glad I learned something new today :) Love the centerpiece!

  38. You did such a great job with this. Love all of it!

  39. Kathleen, this is one of my favorite tables you've ever done, but then, I feel like I say that every other week. :) The little strawberry pop-up bags are sooo cute. I love your centerpiece; the basket is so pretty and unique (I have a yummy fruit dip recipe that's good with strawberries). Love the strawberry napkins, the pretty white plates, and the strawberry tea looks wonderful in those glasses. This is just such a cheerful table, and I love everything about it. You have soooo many dishes and supplies to create multiple tablescapes.

    I don't have a tablescape to enter this week, but I'm just visiting a few folks. I hope you have a great weekend.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  40. Kathleen, I love your strawberry theme with the basket as your centerpiece. What a darling idea to use those strawberry bags. Your use of color is perfect for this summer tablescape. The black tablecloth is a great background. I love the strawberry napkins and how you folded them. Great tablescape! Thanks for your comments last week!

    Thanks, pam

  41. You amaze me,Kathleen, with all your finds at such great prices, and your creative designs make whatever you use look like a million! I am recently amazed to learn of all the uses for vinegar.

  42. This table is wonderful. Every detail is just perfect. I love the strawberry theme. You could also tout this as a thrifty tablescape. You found such wonderful items, It is amazing. I want a CTS shop!!!!
    I am preparing my vinegar spray bottle today. Thanks for the tip.
    No table for me today. Bob had dental surgery and is a handful, if you know what I mean. LOL!
    Hugs, Ginger

  43. I love your adorable strawberry table, Kathleen! That strawberry basket makes for one cute centerpiece.

  44. Kathleen, you've set such a pretty table, with the wonderful strawberry theme. I'd better check my berries and give them a special rinse!

  45. Still in love with those green glasses by Anthropologie @.99. Love the strawberry theme!


  46. Hi kathaleen i always admire your work and whatever you do just awesome.strawberry theme is so wonderful.i like the little birdies and the napkin fold a lot.

  47. Hi, sister friend, hope all is good in your neighborhood.
    I have my Fun Table post all ready for tomorrow evening.

  48. This is just all the details and the little bag gift is darling. We have just about given up eating/cooking this summer. We ate way too much on our recent trip and before we left it was too hot to cook. Now, I'm too fat to eat! We do a lot of cheese/cracker/fruit dinners these days, so different from when the kids were home.

  49. Love it! I had to pin that centerpiece to my Favorite Tablescapes board. As usual with your tables, everything is perfect. That plastic bag is just the cutest thing! You're so clever. laurie


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