Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Let's Dish #23 Stripe and Dot for Not A Lot! Another Bargain Adventure!

Last week Alma, The Tablescaper and I went on another bargain hunting marathon.
This time it wasn't for dishes, and even though we were close to Christmas Tree Shops, we didn't go!
I know, you are shocked!
But, the itinerary included a stop at 2 fabric outlets I frequent here on LI, and CTS will have to wait.
(Umm, I think we are meeting there tomorrow, as The Tablescaper is already back at  her winter abode.)
Anyway , we did well.  She wanted Fall inspiration, I am not in the Fall state of mind, it is still summer, warm and beachy!  I've got perspiration, not inspiration!
If you can stay with me through my tablescape , I will share.  Anyone, anyone?  :)
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The pale yellow and green striped polished cotton is a remnant from Duralee.  I hemmed it, and it fit my round table.  One dollar!
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The charger and plates are from clearance  CTS.  1.00 for the dinner, and .50 for the salad size.  I got them in blue and orange too.  Wouldn't you at that price?
The flatware is by Cambridge and from CTS as well as the hobnail glasses.
The fish napkin ring is from Pottery Barn Outlet, a few years ago.
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My centerpiece is a pierced lantern from clearance in CTS, 1.49. I like to find things I can use as a vase or a lantern.
I filled it with unbloomed Sedum, Peegee hydrangea, and one lone gladioli.  I bought the bulbs last month cheap at CTS, and planted them, and they bloomed!
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I used 2 yellow, and 2 green napkins.  The little bowls for our rolls are from Target.
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Did you notice my new white bench?  It is my Mother's Day gift from my son and dil and 5 kids.  It is Polywood, from One King's Lane, very heavy and will outlast me!
On to some bargains...
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Literally sweated for this one!  No AC in those fabric warehouses!  2.00 a yd, 60 wide.  We both got 10 yds to make tablecloths, we can share if we have a big group!
Can you picture all the tables done outside with white dishes and aqua napkins?
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These bandanas, made in the USA, yeah!, were 50 cents.
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This was 3.50 a yard, but 60 in wide and great quality.
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This was a remnant, enough for my dining room table.  Tan and black, great weight to it, one stinkin' dollar!  :)
I have lots of ideas for this one!  I am sure I will get my dollar's worth.
TIP, Tid bits and Tutorial at Stone Gable entry...
Have a BELT?
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This was .99 cents, the placemat was too!  Cut it up and make napkin rings.
The black napkin is one of the bandanas for .50.
Some will have holes or you can just not use that part if you are fussy.  I though I could make a name tag and tie it with thin black ribbon through the hole.
When dh saw me doing this he gave me this one that was on a pair of pants he bought.
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I think it will go well with the black and tan plaid fabric.
That's it for tonight!
Thanks you so much to those who took part in the Summer Fun Table Challenge.  I loved the ones who really stuck to the theme challenge!  Very creative!
Thanks for visiting the entrants.  Please try to visit a lot of the entries, don't be a link and runner! :)  That's like an eat and runner, lol!
Same rules, leave a comment, link back, no word id, blog name first, table related.  Visit , visit, visit! :)
Your turn!
I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday 
Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Yvonne for T T and T
Diann for Thrifty Friday


  1. I thought of you this weekend as I passed the CTS. I didn't go in - were definitely on my mind as soon as I saw it. Enjoy your tablescaping adventures!

  2. You girls do find the bargains. Your CTS must be amazing. The one I went to in Dallas was a disappointment. Just one more reason to get myself back to LI. Love all the fabric choices. I see some black and white inspiration in my future. Thanks!
    See you in a bit for Let's Dish................Sarah

    1. Monique said she was very disappointed too. Definitely not like they were years ago, but you can still find some fun things, you just have to hunt!

  3. Your table turned out great. I love those shades of yellow and green. It all looks so soothing. Your last shot of your yellow and green table is awesome, with your gorgeous garden in the back. Just beautiful.

    I too had a ton of fun!!! Who knows what bargains we may score tomorrow????

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Just got your email. Will reply after this. Meanwhile, please box that bench up and send to me!!! I could use 4 or 5 of those bad boys! Great fabrics!!! My goodness...what a deal!!!! Love the idea of using old belts to make napkin rings. I haven't been able to put a belt around this big ol' belly in years, but I can hit up the thrift stores! :-) I know those fish napkin rings are long gone from PB outlet, but they are so, so cute!!!!!!! Leave it to Pottery Barn...and to you and Alma for sniffing out the best bargains around!

  5. Alycia got here first with the bench request!:-( I love it! Guess I will have to go bench hunting.

    Love the fabrics! I forget to check remnants to use for cloths and napkins. Need to write myself a note.

  6. Love the green and yellow table and all the fabulous fabric you bought!

  7. I love this table. It is so bright and summery! I am not ready for fall yet either! Love all the great fabrics you found and THANK YOU for such a great idea about belts and napkin rings! I missed last week and 'Summer Fun' so linked it up this week. I had a blast doing it also! Looking forward to Sept theme....back to school maybe?? Happy Wed! Hugs, Linda

  8. Your table is so summery,Kathleen, in very cheerful colors. I love the aqua material. You are so lucky to have those bargain stores close to you. I am jealous!..Christine

  9. I was just thinking of fabric last evening, and wishing we still had our wonderful fabric store that had remnants at a discounted price like yours. The owner retired after 30 years in business. Great idea about belts and napkin rings. Yesterday, I picked some unbloomed sedum for a flower arrangement that I made. It's a nice color green right now. That's great that the glads bloomed. The white bench is great!

    1. This is a huge fabric outlet. You can spend hours looking. But not when it is hot!

  10. Kathleen, I would have LOVED to go with you and Alma!!! Thant black/white/tan would be perfect for covering my dining room chairs! Thanks so much for the great tip about making napkin rings with belts and placemats! You have given me a great idea.
    I just had eye surgery, so I am recovering at home this week. I'm planning my last summer tablescape... see you next week for Let's Dish!
    You are such a dear for joining TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS!!!

    1. Just the belts for napkin rings. Placemats will stay placemats!
      Speedy recovery!

  11. My goodness you did very well! Glad to see you stuck with summer since I did too! The fabrics all look wonderful! I've never made a tablecloth...wish I had a serger for that! I love those green glasses- such a great color!
    Your bench is sharp! Your yard looks great....I love gardening too!

    1. I will be with summer for a few more weeks! Fall lasts till Dec., why rush?

  12. Lovin' that plaid remnant! Saw a similar plaid tablecloth with orange for Halloween at HomeGoods and it broke my heart that they didn't have the size I wanted! Have fun at CTS tomorrow:@)

    1. I figured I could introduce orange with accessories for Fall, but can use it for winter too. A nice cozy black and tan!

  13. Great bargains Kathleen, I love the materialS YOU GOT FOR A STINCKING dollar!! The tablescape is very pretty with green and yellow. Why hurry fall, I'm sure you're all hot still! Thanks for hosting yet another great Let's Dish.

  14. Sitting down at your table every evening would certainly bring a smile. You are definitely one who can find the bargains! I love the green and and refreshing.

  15. What is it about yellow & green that they just go so beautifully together? When you add polka dots & stripes, you can't go wrong! What a lovely table!

  16. You have a very soothing tablescape this week, but I'm REALLY going to love seeing the blacks and tans! You got some great deals. :-)

  17. What fun dishes! the colors are wonderful. But, I am so jealous of all the fabric bargains. We have no fabric outlets around here. I would be in fabric heaven if we did. I even got a new sewing machine for Christmas this year that I have not even touched! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful evening!

  18. I really would like to visit that fabric place! you got some great finds. I have missed getting to Dish here, so I am happy to join the party tonight. Almost didn't happen, thanks to ATT&T!

  19. Fantastic fabric finds!!! Wow! I love the dishes you found. You sure do set a purdy table, ma'am! Beautiful!!! xo Diana

  20. I love the table with the cloth and those bargain dishes! So jealous of all the bargains you found and can't wait to see what you do with them!!!

  21. So glad I missed that fabric shopping trip! I have a garage full.. no really I do. Love your pretty bargains. The polka dots always bring smiles. A great table.. thanks so much for hosting.. xo marlis

  22. I believe you! I remember the sign in a fabric store...
    She who dies with the most fabric wins!
    Fabric, dishes, linens, ribbon, glasses, flatware, oy, what addictions! :)

  23. I love your table!

    And I am SO with you about keeping summer just a little longer. I absolutely refuse to be swayed, our summer was awful, unbearably hot and yucky and indoors the whole time b/c of I say Oct and Nov can be autumn decorated, most of my Sept is NOT!!

    I REALLY REALLY love your CTS green cutlery.

    I wish wish wish we had one here. I have only been to ONE - in Massachusettes years ago and was so upset b/c I couldn't buy out the store, I had to fly back! But I DID buy some pasta bowls and pillows - that I still use and love!

    Thanks for hosting.

  24. I love the shades of greens here Kathleen!
    And I love all the great deals you found, I love looking and shopping for fabrics!
    Thanks for the sweet comment concerning my Mom.
    But hey....I don't even remotely consider myself elderly yet!!!
    Yikes...I am pretty much raising my grand-daughter which is much harder than helping my Mom.

  25. "I've got perspiration, not inspiration" LOL! I'm ready for fall but it's way too soon since we have lots summer still ahead of us! Love your belt/napkin ring idea~ how clever and I love the part with the holes for tying on place cards! Thanks for hosting :)

  26. You two were made for each other :) Quite a pair! More beautiful and creative finds. Not thinking Fall just yet either. But soon!

  27. Kathleen,
    Love this tablescape, as these are colors I fresh, summery and fun, as well as those adorable polkadot plates. Great deal.
    Love your fabrics too, what great finds, and great tip about making napkin
    rings from a belt, you are very creative and clever, and so nice to share
    your great ideas. Can't wait to see the black and tan table, as I know it will be lovely as always, Thanks too, for hosting this fun party.
    blessings, Nellie

  28. Oh, how I would love to go shopping with you girls. I always see you mention CTS. What kind of store is it? I've never seen one.

    1. Christmas Tree Shops, Bev, they started in New England but have spread out since bought by BBB.
      Check their flyer on line.
      This is the one that just came out.

  29. Hi Kathleen, I love that aqua fabric. I was wondering what CTS was to and lo and behold we have one of those here. Thanks bunches for hosting. Olive

  30. Late for the party but I made it! New computer making me more nuts. I love this table and all the fabric. I will wait til cooler weather and maybe take a ride out to Duralee! Can't sew but I love fabric. Thanks for hosting. xo

  31. Oh I love every piece of fabric you purchased. I probably enjoy fabric shopping just as much as dish shopping these days. I've been doing that for years and have so many remnants it's ridiculous. Your summery setting outside is just wonderful! I am still in summer mode too. I like fall, just not quite ready to go there yet. I love the green and yellow color scheme and especially the cute little fishy napkin rings. I have to say though, that gorgeous yard of yours peeking out behind your table has me craving for more. What a beautiful yard you have for outdoor dining!

  32. Love your table, your dishes and your fabric. Bench too!!! Love it all. I love fabric, so I'm sure I'd go crazy at those outlets. We don't have anyplace that sells that cheap here, but must admit I have a closet full of fabric on bolts already and really don't need more. Your home looks lovely. First time I've found your blog and will definitely come back to visit often.

  33. I just found out that there is a new CTS about an hour away from I am definitely going there soon...and as I walk thru the doors, I will think of the two of you...!!!...You two need to write a book on bargain seem to find the greatest things and prices that are near to being "free"...the fabrics are stunning...and I love your bench...What a great gift!!...Beautiful!!!

  34. I LOVE the glasses and those adorable napkin rings.

    Love your saying about the perspiration not inspiration. I've got both at the moment since I am ready to quit perspiring and welcome Fall!


  35. Kathleen, I have always said that your CTS must be the best store around! I still never find goodies in ours. And there are really NO fabric places around here, Cincy, or Columbus that sell inexpensive fabrics, either. Your purchases were wonderful choices-I love that aqua! I'm trying to get back to bloggy world. Life is busy!

  36. Your table is beautiful - but your fabrics are divine! I wish those outlets were located near my house. Or maybe it is a good thing they aren't. I am not sure my house can hold much more fabric.

  37. Wow, gorgeous table! You found some really great deals on those fabric remnants...the tan and black tartan is my favorite.

  38. Making your own tablecloths with discounted fabric is a wonderful idea, Kathleen! You found some wonderful fabrics.

  39. What great bargains, Kathleen! I love the idea with the belts and love all your fabrics. The bench is wonderful! We are back from NC and I hope to rejoin your party on Wednesday. Happy weekend!

  40. So pretty. I love reading about the deals you guys find. I'm always a little jealous of the bargains but you all give me such great ideas.

  41. Wow! I have never run across a fabric warehouse that sold such bargains as you found! Your tablecloth that you made is beautiful and I can't wait to see what you do with your other finds. Great idea to convert the fabric belts into napkin rings.


  42. love the combination of green and yellow.all the fabrics looks lovely.i like to make my own napkins and tablecloth with color combination and its glasses looks setting.:):)

  43. Hi Kathleen,
    I'm your newest subscriber. Love your photos.

  44. Yes, I am back to thank you for joining TTF last week. I hope you are have a wonderful week Kathleen!

  45. Those black and white fabrics are gorgeous, Kathleen! I'm sure you got Debbie's attention too :)


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