Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let's Dish # 19 FIFTY SHADES OF GR...

GREEN!  No, not the best seller I hear all the gals in the hair salon whispering about.  :)
And not even 50, but many!
Let's Dish 1129

I set a  simple table for us outside, it is only 80 and there is a little breeze.  I want to utilize the porch as long as possible!

We should be fine under the umbrella, and I have the outdoor fan son gave us going too.
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My Pee Gee Hydrangeas are starting to bloom, white with a tint of green, so I used them as my centerpiece.

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I filled my pale green cabbage bowl from WSonoma Outlet with them.  Oops, my candle is crooked!

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I filled little Nantucket baskets with some hydrangea  for each place.

TIP~  They are votive holders complete with a little glass holder inside, perfect to use as little vases.
 They were $ .50 in clearance at CTS.

I often use votive holders for things other than holding a candle.

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White plate, green cabbage salad plate also from WSOutlet, and green swirl flatware from CTS by Cambridge.

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The hobnail glass for our cool drink is also from CTS.

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Let's Dish 1139

I fixed something simple for dinner, and it has another shade of GREEN.

Let's Dish 1052
Sweet and Sour Pork, pineapple, carrots, bright green snow peas over rice.

Here's the recipe, don't faint!

( you know I really don't use recipes)
I changed it a bit, no peppers, added the snow peas, some duck sauce, and I brined the pork first, but basically the same.
It is very good, and easy!

August Table Challenge!!!
We don't start school  here till after Labor Day, so it is too early for that!  Of course if your idea of summer fun is Back to School, feel free!  :)

I visited all those who linked up and left a comment.  Thanks so much for joining in!
Same rules to link up.

No word id, link back, blog name first. I'd love if you would follow.  :)

Entry can be a collection of your dishes, some new tabletop bargains, or a full table.

All  Let's Dish entries have to be table or dish related.

You are the best visitors out there, and I know all the participants appreciate your comments!

Let's see what you have this week, and remember Summer Fun for the next challenge.
Anything you do in the summer for fun!  Picnic, ball game, BBQ, boating, whatevah!

Linking to Yvonne's TTT
Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Diann for Thrifty Friday
Gollum for Foodie Friday


  1. Beautiful as always! Thanks for hosting! I'll be back later to link up!

  2. I love the cool greens used in your design today. You are truly blessed to be able to dine al read 112 in my car just a short time agnostic. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  3. Don't know why my computer changed the word ago to agnostic. Oh brother! Cherry Kay

  4. Kathleen, I really thought it was going to be ......gray! lol Beautiful table, and once again, amazed at what you find at CTS in your neck of the woods as compared to mine (slim pickins'). See you on the 15th (maybe sooner). xo

  5. Kathleen~ Your table is so cool and inviting! I adore your placemats and cabbage plates & bowl! We're in the process of getting rid of some grass for a natural area and adding some PeeGee's and more Annabelle Hydrangeas in the fall! Thanks for the propagating tips!

    Thanks for hosting~ I'm looking to the Summer Fun challenge :)

  6. Kathleen- That is a beautiful table you have set there. I am assuming those are mini-hydrangeas? They are just beautiful. I have only seen the full sized ones but these minis are perfect for a centerpiece. xo Diana

  7. Diana, they are a type called Pee Gee, long and cone shaped . They can be pruned to grow like a tree rather than a bush, and they bloom in August.

  8. I love the colors in your table Kathleen. Very soothing and beautiful!

    I'll see if I can come up with something fun for the challenge, even if Summer has not been much fun this year.:-) We are home for overnight, this evening...then back to the lake after appointments tomorrow. The 15th we will be on the road again. Interesting times here!

  9. Beautiful table! I love the napkins & placemats!

  10. Love your table Kathleen! All the shades and textures of green go together beautifully. Sheesh...I'm hoping to participate with Let's Dish again soon...

  11. Very pretty and soothing. It looks like it could cool you off, regardless of the heat. I didn't realize you had gotten those glasses too! I guess I was too wrapped up in trying to rationalize why I was buying more glasses! LOL!

    - The Tablescaper

    1. I bought 6, but now see one is cracked. Hope they have them again!

  12. Your pee gee hydrangeas are lovely and they are perfect in this lovely and pretty, soft and inviting tablescape. I also love the pretty place mats and napkins, such soft and fresh print in them! Your dishes are perfect too, along with the pork and peapods make me hungry already!! Thank you for hosting once more dear Kathleen.

  13. I love your shades of green, Kathleen! Thank goodness it's not gray as I think I'm getting tired of hearing about it (the book, I mean). Your meal sounds tasty, too. Thanks for having us every week.

  14. ♥♥♥ all the green! I sure wish there was a little green around here...everything is a crunchy brown with water restrictions very soon if we don't get a measurable amount of rain.

  15. What beautiful shades of green! I love the little baskets filled with greens. Great idea to use the votive holders as little vases. I get a sense of "cool" from looking at this beautiful setting. Nice job!

  16. The green is welcome here! Not the sister has offered to let me read her book at least five times. The Nantucket basket votive holders are so cute! I haven't been to CTS in months. I keep saying I don't need anything, but maybe I do :-) We recently had a fantastic garage sale, and did really well. I vowed (to myself, not Joe) not to bring any more stuff into my house. LOL

  17. The table is lovely and you really had me at the title!

  18. What a lovely table, Kathleen, so springy! I love green and all shades of it. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous...Christine

  19. Your table is absolutely gorgeous - greens, ivories and browns are my all time favvie fav colours - your tablescape is put together perfectly!

  20. I have heard people kind of talking about that book, but they have never really said what it's about. I'm thinking it must be really wild!!! Maybe I'll Google it. I don't really read books other than those related to decorating (and I'm really just looking at the pictures in those!), so I'm kind of behind the times. The green is beautiful, and the Pee Gees are looking fantabulous!!!!!!!! How on earth did you guys eke out an 80-degree day?!!?!? We're still sweatin' to the 100s! I think we're supposed to "cool down" to 91 on Sunday, though. Big whoop! Y'know what? Your candle may very well have not been actually crooked. I notice that from certain angles in photos my candles appear to be crooked even though in person they are straight as an arrow. I'm not sure what causes that! Hmmmmmm...what do I do for Summer Fun? THIS summer: NOTHING...because it's too dang hot!!!!!!!!!!! So that challenge is next week, huh? I don't know...that one's going to stump me since I am not really much of an outdoor kind of girl! My idea of being outdoorsy is shopping in the open air malls rather than the closed ones! :-)

  21. This is absolutley gorgeous. I love all the green shades and how they work together and are so fresh and summery. Thanks for another beautiful tablescape.

  22. Loving your sweet hydrangeas.. I'd be using them for everything!! The placemats and the napkins are TDF!! I love the coolness of this table. It's just perfect one the lucky you.. 80 degree day. I can't believe the green flatware was the perfect shade. Stunning once again. thanks for hosting.. it's a great party! xo marlis

  23. These are beautiful greens, Kathleen! I especially love your placemats. They are so versatile!

  24. Very pretty shades of green in this tablescape. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful evening!

  25. Love the shades of greens (you had us going at first with the Shades of Gr....!!

    Those hydrangeas are gorgeous!

    So glad to hear you are sticking with summer and not jumping on the fall bandwagon too soon!!

    Thanks for hosting!


    1. Don't worry, Katherine, no Fall tables here till it actually arrives! I am not ready to see Fall, just did it for that contest.

  26. You set the most beautiful tables! Just love all the shades of green. This is definitely one of my top 5 favorites..going to try the recipe too..looks fantastic with the snow peas.

  27. Love most anything with snow peas. I will try this one.

    Beautiful green table.

    I came over to see if all was well ...haven't seen you around Blogland lately...I see things are ok, tho. Maybe you are summer busy, like me.:))
    xo bj

  28. Love the greens, very peaceful and the little baskets are too cute! We have had some nice weather recently-enjoy:@)

  29. I love this table because I love green. The placemats and napkins are so pretty and summery. Love your idea of tucking some of your greenery into those little baskets. That sweet 'n sour pork looks so delicious. I'll have to remember to make that the next time we have some snow peas in the garden.

  30. My book club read 50 Shades. It was a very interesting meeting to say the least, LOL! Pretty table. I love the hydrangea. Great idea for the votive holder, have to keep that in mind.

  31. What a COOL, inviting and beautiful summer table! I LOVE the placemats, can you tell me where you got them?? The pee gees are so cute, I don't thibnk I have ever seen them before! I am planning a green table for next week:) Thanks for hosting. XO, Pinky

  32. Beautiful table! Love the shades of green, it is so relaxing and cool looking. Love your hydrangea :) Thanks for sharing.

  33. What a beautiful fresh and cool looking summery table. The inn last night only let us use internet for 30 minutes in a day! Therefore, no blog post to share... The meal was sort of a bust anyway, although the place was quite charming, but hey, it was my birthday, and it was still fun! Today we are down on the Mississippi coast at a really cool boutique hotel, and I will see how the tables are here.

  34. Not a good porch night here. It's bone chilling damp and foggy so I'll enjoy your place where the sun appears to be shining. Peegee hydrangeas are new to me. I've been surprised by all the varieties and enjoy each one. Hope you are having a great summer.

  35. Your table is beautiful!! you certainly had a talent for table design. Wish we could dine outside but our temp today was 114!! Gross!!
    P.S. Our book club also read 50 Shades..............then of course I had to read all three of them .

  36. I am LOVING all your shades of green! So cool and serene. The placemats and napkins are just beautiful. Makes me want to head over to Jo-Ann's and look at fabric. The flatware is perfect, and the green on white plates work so well. I don't know what Pee Gees are, but they add so much to your table! Just gorgeous! Thanks again for hosting!

  37. Beautiful tablescape! Love how you put it all together. New Follower.


  38. Oohh!! Love your shades of green!! Very earthy and natural, beautiful combination of elements!!

  39. 50 shades of lovely. I am a huge fan of green on the table (edible and otherwise) so I loved this from the get go. The linens were my favorite part, but I also loved the way you added the touch of wicker in the chargers and baskets. I'm too daft to know what a pee gee hydrangea is so I'm asking my mom. Just lovely, Kathleen!

  40. What a beautiful tablescape in such pretty shades of ......
    Green!! LOL!


  41. There's something so cooling and calm about a green table. I am loving green more and more these days. My Lime Light Hydrangea is just coming in beautiful right now and, no, I haven't read the book :)

  42. What a great supermarket Kathleen! Well, I did mention that in the US it's easier to find transferware. THANKS AGAIN FOR HOSTING.

  43. I love all the layers and textures of green here Kathleen!
    The hydrangeas are such a great idea!
    We are 80 here today after being so hot and it was amazing!

  44. Kathleen, YOur table is so cool and beautifully put together. I don't usually set an outdoor table in the summer because I get far to hot! Kudos to your for braving the heat, even if it was not triple digits!

    I am mising tabletop tuesday... I have not been in the tablesetting mood. Hope to be back soon!

  45. Thank you for sharing at TTF and have a terrific day!

  46. So pretty! Cool and refreshing. Love those little baskets. I'm ashamed to say that I've read 50 shades! I just had to know what all the fuss was about. Love your pee gee hydrangeas. laurie


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