Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let's Dish #8 Mother's Day Challenge~ Here's To Mom!

Welcome to the Mother's Day Challenge at Let's Dish.
This week I invite you to link up a table, or table related things from your mom or mil.  This topic was decided on by the members.

Are you a member?

 It is free to join, just show up Wed at 7 to link up or participate in the conversation! :)

My mom's favorite color was yellow.  Her kitchen was a sunny yellow, and her gkids knew if they saw something in yellow, Nana would like it!

 Her mixer, her coffee pot, and in later years, even her pale yellow Cadillac!  Apparently, they were very popular in Florida. :)
Picture 2052
I featured a bowl here she made in ceramics in her later years.  I know she would have loved the yellow table!

My mom, Grace, was the oldest of  7 children.

She raised 4 wonderful daughters, the youngest turning out the best!  My sisters who are reading those are throwing up right now, lol!

Picture 1661

Picture 1660
This linen table cloth and napkin were an engagement gift to her, monogrammed with a D.

The day she got married, in 1934  I believe, she worked half a day at her job, went home and got ready for her wedding.

momdad wedding
Her younger sister is in the upper right corner.
  She died at 33 leaving 3 young boys.

 Though my mom had 4 children of her own, including my sister who was in a wheelchair her whole life and needed a tremendous amount of care, my mom wanted to take the 3 boys to live with us.

PS, it didn't happen.  My uncle raised the boys, but my mom did all she could.

The cousins still joke about the look on the Connolly girls' faces when they thought they would have 3 brothers! My cousin always talks about how my mom sent him money every week when he was in the Army.  She loved those boys, and they knew it.

My grandmother died at 54, and my mom's youngest sister was still a teen, so she came to live with us.
 She was treated like one of their own girls, and when she got married, my dad gave her away and took care of the wedding.  Strong family values for sure!

I always think back about how hard my mom worked.  Her house was always immaculate, the laundry was done, and there was  a home cooked meal on the table every night. Yet, she always had time to help others.

After we were all gone, she would go to Sat. 5 PM Mass and bring home some older  ladies of the parish  who were alone.  She'd give them a good dinner, and drive them home.

Whenever she could steal a few minutes, she was out in her beloved gardens
I think it was therapy for her
She put her family first, took no nonsense and had a strong belief in God.

We often heard, "God never closes one door without opening another."

We weren't rewarded for good behavior or good grades because that was what you were supposed to do.

She had no problem giving us a smack if we thought we could answer back.

 We weren't told we were loved, but we knew we were.

My dad was always working , so she did everything herself.  A very strong woman, for sure!

She was widowed at 49, my sister died the next year at age 26.

She  died at 83 on my 50th birthday.

I was very blessed to have 2 wonderful parents who taught us what was important and showed us through example.

And she is probably in Heaven saying how there are things I should be doing, and blogging isn't one of them!

On to my simple table dedicated to my mom.
 She loved flowers, the only kind I ever heard her say she didn't like were gladiola , as they reminded her of funeral homes!

Let's Dish 543I started with a white cloth with embroidered rosebuds and a handkerchief edge.  It is a cotton shower curtain!
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Next came a mirrored charger
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It has been raining for 2 days, so the light is horrendous!
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The pink plate is Rondo by Mikassa that I got at Savers.  I had never heard of Savers till a few years ago!  My friend, Marigene at In the Middle of Nowhere always found such good things, I had to check it out!  I found the silver candle sticks there too, and Marigene said they were a steal!
Let's Dish 536
Next came a purple wavy edged plate by Pfaltzgraff.  It picks up the purple in the dinner plate.
The linen  napkins were my mom's, we got them at Gimbels for .10.  There was a huge box of napkins and we picked through till we found enough for both of us!
The silver napkin rings were hers too, we got them with box tops from Land O Lakes butter!
Let's Dish 556
I used a teapot from Villeroy and Boch filled with roses.
The flowerpots filled with roses were place marks from a wedding.
Pink glassware by Gorham, via Lenox.
Let's Dish 555 The sterling silver s and p's were my mom's too.
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Silver by International.
Let's Dish 539Let's Dish 542
Here's to all the mom's, grandmom's, special aunts and big sisters who made a difference in your life!
Let's Dish 545May God Bless them all, and you!
I know my Mom would like one of these whipped cream topped cupcakes with a cup of tea.
Picture 1573
Picture 1634
Thanks for stopping by!
Since this is a challenge week, there will be a drawing for a surprise  gift for anyone who is a follower and leaves a comment.
***Be sure to visit The Tablescaper to get in on the $100 dollar gift card give away to celebrate her blogaversary!
I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Diann for Thrifty Friday
Beverly for Pink Saturday

Happy Mother's Day!  Now Let's Dish about our Mom's!
Please visit as many entrants as you can, I know so many of you do.
And thanks for leaving a comment for me too!
ONE LINK,    NO WORD ID allowed,     Mother's Day related,     and a link back IN your post! 
Thank you! 
Link opens at 7


  1. What a simply beautiful tribute to your Mom. I was so taken with her wedding photo and how she worked half a day before the wedding. Why aren't we all more like that?
    Thank you for such a beautiful post.

    1. Everyone is a Princess these days!
      They certainly had an excellent worth ethic!

  2. Such a beautiful post Kathleen! I lost my mother over 30 years ago. It was very sudden and she was much too young. I love your table set in her memory. It's very delicate and sweet.

  3. It is an absolutely beautiful tribute to your mother Kathleen. I loved reading this post and seeing your tables.

  4. A very nice tribute to your Mom K! Women can be very strong indeed!
    Thinking about the napkin rings, wasn't it fun when you could save labels, etc. for freebies? I miss that:@)

  5. What a beautiful wedding photo of your Mom & Dad! I'm amazed she worked half a day before her wedding~ such a different time. Depression-era men and women were no-nonsense, God-fearing, and hard working! I had to smile at "should be doing other things than blogging" :)

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has used a shower curtain as a tablecloth! Love your rose-filled teapot and cupcakes! Thanks for having me this week and Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Mary, I have a few I have used. This one worked fine as it has an attached valance that I could flip over so the handkerchief edge was on both ends!
      I know you used a beautiful old quilt as your topper this week, I peeked!

  6. I just love using my mother's and my grandmother's things. It makes such a connection. Sounds like your mother was a wonderful woman. I wonder what mine would think about blogging - I know she got into photography herself in her late 50s and would have loved digital cameras! I have shed a lot of tears this week reading about mothers. I think you always miss them. Mine is gone for 22 years now. I was 33 when she passed away - way too young to lose your mother.

    1. Yes, I agree, way too young. I was a teen when my dad died, so I never got to know him as adult. But then I think of my cousins, who lost their mom when they were so young, and she was only 33. They still talk about how awful it was for them.

  7. What a lovely tribute to your mother, Kathleen! She sounds like an amazing woman. I know she would love both the yellow table and the pretty pink one! Thank you for hosting -- and for telling us the story behind the beautiful table elements.

  8. Kathleen:

    This truly is a wonderful tribute to your Mother. She sure was one hard working lady. I hate to say it, but I think you're right, she wouldn't have agreed with blogging. But a girls gotta have some fun!

    Happy Mother's Day. May you enjoy your day.

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Wonderful post dedicated to your mother! The table is so pretty and I wish that I had one of the cupcakes right now!! Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day yourself!


  10. Kathleen, What a beautiful post! What a beautiful bride your Mother was. I'm sure you learned her ethic of hard work and love for family! What a lovely tribute... and table!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  11. What a beautiful tribute to your mother...lovely table, too! Happy Mother's Day, Kathleen.

  12. Made me tear up, Kathleen! Beautiful memories, and a beautiful table. I would surelylove one of those cupcakes! Your Mom would be so proud of this! Happy Mother's Day, K!! xo

  13. What a lovely tribute Kathleen. I'm the best daughter of 4, also. LOL!
    I need to go back and tweak my post. Maybe some kind words about mother's would be appropriate. Sheesh. Behind with sentiments for sure. I love your table your post and it was good to read more of your history!
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day.

    1. I just knew you were, Ellen! I know my mom liked me best, LOL!

  14. What a lovely post to your sweet Mother!! Your tablescapes are pretty as always. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's creativity. Happy Mothers Day!!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  15. Thank you for hosting this fun challenge. I enjoyed writing it so much and it brought many memories.

    1. And truly we are blessed to have such good memories. Sadly, not everyone does.

  16. This was such a sweet table in your Mom's memory. Fun how much that she loved yellow! Your table with her special items is memorable! Thanks for hosting this party! Hugs, Linda

  17. What a beautiful yellow table in tribute to your mother. We are having cupcakes on Mother's Day too!!

  18. What a lovely tribute Kathleen. I don't think I've ever seen a yellow cadillac :-) I'm the favorite daughter of 3, although my sisters would tell you different. LOL! I enjoyed the family history, and feel so blessed I still have both my mom and Joe's mom. Have a beautiful Mother's Day, and thank you for being a wonderful hostess.

  19. Beautiful Tribute to your Mom! She was such a beautiful Lady!
    Your Mom must have been SO PROUD of you! Yellow is such a sign of LOVE! It's so fitting that it was her favorite color...
    Happy Mother's Day to you,
    Big Hugs,

  20. What fun this was, Kathleen, in preparing for this party to honor our Mom's. I loved using my Mom's china and my Grandmother's crystal and sterling. My Mom loved reading my post, too. Thanks for hosting! xoxo

  21. Wonderful post. I still have my mother. Thank you for hosting.

  22. This tribute to your mom is fabulous.. I love the tidbits you shared with us. She is smiling on you for sure. I love your pretty table with the savers dishes and the roses.. so fitting. Happy Mothers Day.. xo Marlis

  23. Kathleen...this is such a beautiful post, I had tears in my eyes when you wrote of how you were brought up. It reminded me so much of growing up with my sisters and the bonds we had with aunts and cousins. My mother, too, kept a perfect house and meals on the table every night. She dressed us like princesses although we didn't have any money. I wonder why I didn't elaborate more in my post! Anyway...I Love your table, the colors are so pretty and you are so lucky to have those pretty napkins! I wish we had a Savers by us, but we don't. Thanks for hosting Let's Dish, I love it!


  24. What a beautiful post, Kathleen. Thank you for sharing bits of your mother with us.

    Your table is just gorgeous, too, as usual. And the cupcakes are making me drool; how yummy they look!

  25. I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed reading about your special Mom and hearing some great family history. I loved hearing how you, the youngest, was your Mom's favorite...LOL!! Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day.

  26. I agree, beautiful post. Wonderful tribute to your mother. Beautiful tables. The cupcakes look scrumptious. I'd love to have one right now.

  27. I really enjoyed reading about your family and your upbringing. It's always so much fun and informative to learn about others and how they were raised. It really helps to get to know others! Hardship and sacrifice seem to be the hallmark of women from our Mothers' era, but that's how character and integrity were passed on. That's how they taught us to be strong and caring people. I know it must have totally sucked that she passed away on your big birthday, but there had to be some deeper meaning in that. God doesn't do stuff just because he's bored, y'know! It's wonderful that you chose to create a table that your Mother would enjoy sans gladiola!!! Have a happy Mother's Day weekend and know that your Mom is there with you in strong spirit just as in life!

  28. Hi lovely lady.
    This was such a Beautiful Tablescape in your Mom's memory. I know she would love to be with you sweet lady. I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  29. Great post about your family. I wish my Mother had kept some of the dishes we had in the family. She did give me two items that belonged to my Grandmother. A vegetable dish and gravy boat. Your table is lovely and yellow is such a pleasing cheerful color. Thanks for hosting. Happy Mother's Day

  30. How wonderful to learn about your stong Mother and Father! The family is very important in your life and I am glad they passed on great values to you and your sisters. The table set with the lovely teapot and the roses as a centerpiece is gorgeous. I love the part of about you finding different pieces with your Mother. I love shopping with my Mother is nearing her 90th Birthday and loves china. Ireally enjoy Let's Dish each week even though I only post here occassionally! Thanks for sharing and I love teapots, too!

  31. This is beautiful! Love all the history of your family. What a sweet mom you had!

  32. Your mom was a wonderful and unselfish woman and I can tell that you are just like here, the way you cook and take care of your family household. What a beautiful tribute and tablescape!...Christine

  33. What a beautiful table & tribute to your mom! She sounds like she was one wonderful lady!

    Sorry I didn't read the directions the first time...I linked with the name of my post instead of my blog. If you want me to delete & link again, let me know.

  34. What a wonderful tribute to your mom! She sounds like she was a wonderful woman and raised a great family, despite lots of sadness! Love the sunny yellow table and your lovely pink one! Cute idea to use a cotton shower curtain as a table cover!!!!

  35. What a wonderful tribute Kathleen! I really enjoyed reading your post. Your table is beautiful! Wonderful to have some of your Mom's treasures, and I love your grandmother's bowl too. I guess my Mom wasn't a "keeper" and she really didn't have much, so I don't have much from her, but I treasure what I have.

    Thanks for hosting & Happy Mother's Day! Pam

  36. Sounds like your mom was a wonderful woman! And she knew what was important to her. I can imagine she would be proud of you and all that you have accomplished! AndIi am sure she would have loved this table.Thank you for hosting! We just got home from vacation a couple of hours ago so, I am exhausted right now. Why do we always need a vacation AFTER we come home from one? LOL Have a wonderful night and I look forward to visiting everyone in the next few days.

  37. Kathleen, this is a wonderful tribute to your mom. She must have been an incredible lady. I know she is proud of you. You seem to have the same caring giving spirit. You are a very generous individual. Thanks for sharing these special details and their history. Happy Mother's Day to you! Thanks for hosting. ~ Sarah

  38. What a sweet sweet post - sharing so much about your family. Your mother sounds like an AMAZING lady.......and I love her name, Grace.

    Funny you mentioned mom's name was Gladys and I called Her Gladiola all the time, always made her laugh.

    Your tablescape is gorgeous. Thank you for hosting this extra special linky party.

  39. Oh- How pretty- You did your Mom proud. It sounds like she was a good, strong woman but not given to showing her softer side. I think maybe that was part of the women of that generation. She sounds a lot like my own mother.

    Happy Mother's Day to you- I enjoyed your post a lot- xo Diana

  40. Kathleen, I really don't know what I enjoyed more, the table or what you said about your mom. Obviously, she was the kind of person with an expandable heart. What a wonderful thing to be able to say about someone and what a virtue.

    The table, as always, was just wonderful. Since I'm a yellow lover too, I liked it even more. I love that you got the napkin rings from Land O Lakes butter and fished through the napkin box at Gimbels together. And the shower curtain has opened up whole new possibilities for me!

  41. Kathleen, It took a lot of planning ahead but I made it! I joined up for the party and I was happy to join the fun!

    Yellow - the color of happiness. I love it. The world needs more of it. Happy Mother's Day!!!

  42. Sweet Husband and I just polished off all those shrimp, and then read this post. We both remarked on the similarities between your mother and mine. Ladies of that generation worked so hard! Two days ago we visited his almost 98-year-old Grandma Rose, and she was the same way. They were so tough, able to handle whatever life threw at them, and still be the backbone of the family. They always did what they had to do. We should all take a lesson from their fortitude.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories and photos.


  43. Kathleen, I so enjoyed reading about your mother and some of your extended family. I don't have a post to share, but I am enjoying all the contributions this week. I like to go slowly through them. (I get more ideas that way!)

    I'll be thinking of my mother this weekend. I think she and your mother would have made great pals. Women of that era -they were pretty special.

    I somehow think that your mother is loving your blog.
    Happy Mother's Day to you.

  44. Beautiful tablescape for your mother! You know my favorite color is yellow as well! I enjoyed hearing all about your mother, such a nice tribute to her.

    Those pretty cupcakes look delicious too!

    Thanks for hosting! Great for all of us to do a Mother's Day Tribute!


  45. Oh how I loved readig about your dear mom, she sure was a wonderful, generous and lovable lady...beautiful too! You took after her Kathleen, you come across as a very pretty, strong and intelligent lady, and such a chef! Yeah, I'm sure your sisters are vomiting right now about your remark, lol..hahaha...The cupcakes are great and adorable too! I adore yellow, I just reupholstered my den's couches and chairs with a buttery yellow. I made sea food today for my darling mama. because she will invite us all to her home MD. All my love for you and the mothers in your family. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

  46. Oh, your table flowers and dishes are beautiful and so is the special linens from your mom, what a treasure and I can see they're in pristine condition! HAPPY MAMA'S DAY and GOD bless.

  47. Oops. Sorry Kathleen. I didn't put my name on my link. I linked up and THEN I read the rules. Gets me in trouble every time! Both tables are wonderful! And if you ever write a book about your family, I'd buy it in a minute. Your mom sounds like an incredible woman. I have to agree that the youngest daughter in your family is the best! In my family, it's the middle daughter. ;)

  48. I loved seeing your mom and dad...and learning a little about them.
    Your table is lovely...and I really......REALLY want a cupcake.
    xo bj

  49. Aren't we lucky to have our memories which seem to become more important as time goes by. Your mother is probably right about blogging. I think there are some things that could/would get done if I weren't sitting at the computer.

  50. Beautiful and elegant table Kathleen! I loved the story about your Mom and family, these are some of my favorite kind of posts!

  51. très jolie table les fleurs sont magnifiques

  52. What a wonderful tribute to your Mother, Kathleen! She did a great job of raising her girls & I agree, our Mom's really worked HARD back then.
    Your beautiful table along with all the wonderful memories you have made me feel like I knew her as well as I knew my own. They were cut from the same cloth, that's for sure. Faith & Family were their cornerstones!

    I thought it especially interesting that BOTH of us ended our posts with a nod to the Blessed Virgin, as May is her month. My Mary statue has flowers beside her all month long.

    Hugs to you, Honey & thank you for hosting this wonderful gathering. It was the only thing that made me want to blog again.

  53. So pretty! I love your delicate pink glassware and I really love those chargers! I also enjoyed reading about your mother. I love how you said she would not like you to be blogging, cause I'm sure my mother doesn't think it the best way to spend my time either. Although, she might be coming around. LOL! Thanks for hosting such a wonderful party!

  54. I wish some of those cup cakes were in the same room as me right now!.........Id like to invite everyone to a post I've just published honoring the TV show "Big Valley", and also actor Peter Breck. Included with this post are 2 personal recipes that was sent to me by Peters wife Diane, so please stop by and say hello and share your memories of this classic TV show. Richard

  55. Beautiful table and a beautiful tribute to your amazing mother.

  56. Loved reading about our Mom! Beautiful table and love the rose cupcakes! Thank you for hosting! I follow too.

  57. A joy reading about your mom and the heart of love she had for her family. Sweet table and tribute to her :)

  58. Kathleen....what a beautiful story about your mom and your family....your mom was a extremely generous and selfless take in other family members with open arms when she had her hands full was truly the work of a person with the utmost impeccable character and commitment to family. She truly was an angel on earth and now an angel in heaven...

    Happy Mother's Day Kathleen...may you treasure the beautiful memories you will make with your loved ones on this special day...

  59. Kathleen, I could not help notice that your upbringing was similar to mine. I found myself nodding yes when I read some parts of it. I must say that your family certainly had more than their share of tragedy. Your mother was a beautiful woman and her husband (and your dad) was handsome. I'm sure that you have raised your family with the same ethics as your Mom! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  60. Thank you for sharing your story with us, Kathleen. Your mother was a very special person who gave so much to her family. Your tribute to her is beautiful and touching. And what a beautiful bride she was! I hope you have a very Happy Mother's Day this year with your family.

  61. I don't have a table to link up but had to leave a comment. Your table is BEAUTIFUL and I loved hearing about your Mom. What a marvelous woman. She did a wonderful job raising ALL the children in her care, evidently. What an inspiration. This is a great party and I look forward to seeing all the links. XO, Pinky

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This is twice tonight I have had to delete to correct typos. Time to go to bed!
    Thank you so much for this post. Your Mom sounded like a precious individual and a Godly woman. You had a wonderful role model. Thank you for introducing to her.
    Your table is beautiful and I know she would have given her nod.
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  64. Hi, Kathleen. Thank you for hosting this most special party, and for kicking it off with your own lovely post about your mother/parents. There are moments in life that when we take them allow us to reflect on the things that are important to us and some of the lessons we've learned--you did a lovely job with your reflections of your mother. I wish you and your DIL a happy mother's day. ~Zuni

  65. Love this post!!! Pink roses are my #1 fave. Thanks for such a timely post. Your mom would love it :)

  66. I love your post, Kathleen. I think your mom would be very proud of you, after hearing about your mom, I think you are just like her! Wishing you a fantastic Mother's Day, I hope you get treated like a Queen.

  67. Kathleen! What a lovely story! Your mother's generosity of spirit in opening her home to so many is truly moving! If this isn't the perfect example of teaching by doing, I don't know what is. Lovely table and tribute to a great mom!

    As usual, I haven't even figured out yet what I'm posting for Mother's Day, but you've inspired me to go a little deeper.

    Thank you for this post.

  68. I loved reading this beautiful tribute to your Mother.
    What lovely memories...I'm sure she'd be so honored sitting
    at this beautiful table and so proud of you - her daughter!

  69. Your table is beautiful --the one on the header is scrumptious! I wish I had had time to join in this week. Wanted you to know I got my first Taste of Home yesterday--what a neat magazine; I had no idea. I will enjoy it and THANK YOU again !!!!

    Happy Mother's Day!


  70. Your mom and mine must have grown up with many of the same sensibilities. I think that they might have been friends. I love the napkin rings collected with box tops to Lank O' Lakes Butter. Mama and I used to paste Green Stamps in a stamp book, and it was always exciting to get to go to the Green Stamp Store to select a new treasure. Thanks for inviting us for a peak and for hosting us for the party. Happy Mother's Day! Cherry Kay

  71. Our mothers seem to have grown up with many of the same sensibilities...I think that they might have formed a good friendship. I love that you all collected the napkin rings by saving Land 'O Lakes box tops. We used to paste Green Stamps in the stamp books, and it was always exciting to get to go to the Green Stamp Store to choose a new treasure! Your tablescape is beautiful! Thanks for inviting us for a peak and for hosting us for the party. Happy Mother's Day! Cherry Kay

  72. Dear Kathleen,
    To find the words to describe the beauty of this post eludes me, as I am so deeply touched by your tribute to your Mother, so beautiful!..
    Your tablescape is beautiful too, and I now know where you learned such beauty, Your mother would be so proud of you and your gift, of hospitality, as she seems to have had it too!
    A very well written heart felt post.
    Wishing you a most blessed and Happy Mother's Day.

  73. I was so touched by your heart felt story about your mother. What a wonderful wonderful lady she was. A truly beautiful tribute to her Kathleen. I so wanted to participate in your very special linky party this week but was out of state and didn't get back in time.

    Hoping you have a perfectly wonderful mothers day. I know your dear dear mother will be watching and her sweet spirit with you.



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