Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day! I Love My Gift!

I hope everyone is having a good time this Mother's Day.
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My Siberian Iris greeted me with a smile this morning!
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The other varieties are starting to pop also.  I really have to move some of them up closer to the house so I can enjoy them.
Let's Dish 575The clematis are blooming away happily.  Surprising since all of the clematis got some kind of disease last summer, and I had to cut them to the ground and hope they would recover.
Let's Dish 578  My red maple that I raised since it was a tiny seedling is doing well.

This little kerria japonica bush was from a clipping  I took from my mom's house before we sold it.  I have it in a few different spots.  She was a wonderful gardener!

We built our home 11 years ago, and had to start from scratch, there was nothing!

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Everything is looking green!  And the pollen is killer!

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I just love my gift.  The person who picked it knew exactly what I wanted!  Well, almost!  I would have preferred the real deal, but it is getting harder and harder to find!

And the best part is, the buyer waited for a great sale, cause anyone can pay full price, LOL! 
Want to see it?
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A little bistro set I have been wanting. 
Who gave to me?  ME!

It was a great sale at Home Depot.  I had been watching it for a few years, but there were never any left when they had sales at the end of the summer.  It was 104.00

It isn't real wicker like all the rest of my porch furniture is, it is faux, read plastic, with a glass top. I think I will find something I can slide onto that shelf and put a portulaca in it.  A blooming Bistro!  :)

Hard to find wicker for outdoors these days, most companies have gone to this.  At least I won't have to spray it with Krylon like I do all the rest of the furniture.

That is a week long job awaiting me once the pollen invasion has stopped!

I picked some Iris...
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Added a white Battenburg cloth, some pretty lavender plates, and we had breakfast out there this morning.
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Dh made us some fresh blueberry pancakes and bacon.
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Mother's Day is the day we can start planting annuals, as hopefully, we will not have a freeze.
I planted my little cart, and a few pots so far.
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But there will be many days of planting ahead!
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We have a huge deer problem, so it is either fence these in, or leave them some salad dressing so they can enjoy my plants to the fullest!  We spray constantly with Deer Out!

I hope to see you Wed at 7 for Let's Dish.  No theme this week, just show us your dishes!

Come see who won the give away from  last week's Mother's Day Challenge and the June topic!  There were some very touching and beautiful posts.  You can see them here.

(The dishes above were a gift years ago from my friend, Marigene at In the Middle of Nowhere.  They are discontinued from Neiman Marcus and too bad, cause they are really sweet!)

I am joining:..

The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday Be sure to get in on her $100 gift card give away!
Shannon's Cozy Home Scenes
Marty for Tabletop Tuesday
Kathe for You're Gonna Love it Tuesday
Enjoy the day!


  1. Kathleen, your garden looks so beautiful and I love your Mother's Day gift. I usually buy my gift too. :)
    This year it was flowers for the deck and yard.
    We just planted our flowers and a couple of tomatoes this week. Usually, I plant them the latter part of April, but it's been so cool that I put it we went to NJ to see our son and his family.
    Oh, those blueberry pancakes are calling my name..yum! Sweet tablescape, too.
    Hope you're having a wonderful Mother's Day.

    1. Glad you celebrated in my neighbor state with your son!

      We saw ours last week for the First Communion, and we will be making the trip in Tuesday for the kids school concert.

      I am sure there will be a fabulous gift waiting for me! :)
      He knows I do not like flowers of the cut kind sent, wasteful.
      I hope I don't need a moving van to bring my gifts home! :)

  2. Beautiful yard and tablescape. I just love lilac and purple colors featured in tablescapes.

  3. Beautiful flowers Kathleen. I can see why you coveted that bistro set! Just perfect for breakfast al fresco! We had rain and cold temps this weekend. No annual planting for me yet. In laws are an hour west of us in the foothills and they had white out snow so I won't complain. I did take advantage of a break in the weather yesterday and a coupon from Home Depot (BOGO free) and planted 2 knock out rose bushes. Have a wonderful week! See you Tuesday ;)

    1. Knock Outs are great! Son gave me one last year. I want New Dawn now, they are great along the fence.
      Yes see you Tues.!

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Kathleen! I love your yard and bistro set. DH makes the best breakfasts. I had a closed in porch in my old house and bought several pieces of wicker through the Sears catalog about 20 years ago. I had a two-seat bench, table, arm chair and a chais lounge. Sold all 4 pcs for $100. Spent 6 x that :( Oh well, that chapter is over so no crying over spilled milk (in my case, a latte!). xo

    1. I have some really old pieces, Barb, the sofa even has springs in it!
      Dh says I have too much wicker furn. He says the porch looks like a rest home!

  5. Hi, I love all your plants and you are very lucky you can plant safely before Memorial Day. Here is Colorado we always risk planting too early-with hail, rain and sometimes snow. I love your wicker set; I've got a plastic wicker chair on our front porch but it keeps falling apart.
    Happy Mother's Day.

  6. Wow, I thought we were late here. The Southern bloggers are already harvesting veggies!
    My real wicker is protected on the covered porch, but it leads a lot of upkeep.
    Hope this doesnt fall apart. If it does, HD will hear about it

  7. Kathleen you crack me up! You are so right; I'm sure that I will get up your way one of these days and hopefully sooner than later. You live in one of the best places in the world!!! Love your Mother's Day gift and there is no better way to get the gift you want than to buy it for yourself!!!

  8. Happy Mother's Day! Turned out to be a very pretty, warm day. The bugs are out enjoying it too by my house. Enjoy your garden, it's looking very pretty! I love the bistro set.

    1. Carol, please keep those bugs in there! It has been pretty good so far, but you have had warmer weather. I am sure they will hop on the jitney and arrive soon!

  9. Just gorgeous! I'm so glad you're happy with your lovely gift and the plants & flowers are wonderful. Your hubby made a delicious breakfast ~ good for him! Hope you've enjoyed your day.


  10. Kathleen, If this is "resin wicker," you should have no problems. Even the finest wicker furniture manufacturers are using this for their outdoor things. If it is just plastic coated, you will probably have some issues because it just cannot hold up to harsh rain and moisture. Love your purple iris. Your yard looks so lush! I am trying to fill in with some perennials in the backyard. It won't look like much for a couple of years, I'm guessing. I'll have to fertilize so they grow "purty" like yours! Happy Mother's Day to you! Sue

    1. I know Sue, but it just isn't as nice as the old wicker. Of course, dh says wicker makes him itch!
      My wicker stays under the covered porch, so it does have some protection.
      I have some really old pieces.

  11. Just love your bistro set Kathleen! And of course you got a great deal!
    And your table is set so beautifully too.
    Nice brkfst by the DW!
    Your clematis came back so good! Mine looked wimpy last year after being so good, I may have to try that.
    Happy Mothers Day too,

  12. I would love to gift myself a little set like that. I also love your wonderful, blooming lawn. We've been here since '96... DIDN'T start from scratch... and we have nothing anywhere near as lovely.

  13. Ahhh...I always get so many good ideas here! Love your little bistro gift you gave yourself! Perfect for empty nesters. If I won the lotto I'd hire a garden landscaper to totally redo my property!
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  14. Happy Mothers Day to you my friend. Glad you gifted yourself that set. I hope to see a lot of it in the future with the lovely way you do things. I'm loving the breakfast decor you did.
    Garden looks great btw.

  15. That's wonderful! Your new bistro set certainly has one very big redeeming value in my book. It is maintenance free, you gotta love that! What a really nice gift. Your breakfast looked so delicious too. Happy Mothers day!

  16. What gorgeous gardens you have there. I love your bistro table - I give myself little gifts like that, too. We deserve it, don't we? Blessings and Happy Mother's Day to you- xo Diana

  17. What a gorgeous gift Kathleen! Your garden is a total beauty, I love it, specially that bistro table is just perfect for having tea and enjoying the fabulous garden! Happy Mother's evening.

  18. Love your new bistro set- and your DH already "christened" it with a yummy breakfast for you both!

    I like the fact that it has that underneath part - a blooming bistro sounds about right!


  19. Your yard looks great K-Happy Mother's Day! Lovin' your new bistro set, I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it-enjoy:@)

  20. Ilove your little table and chairs. A perfect size for breakfast for two.:)
    xo bj

    Shabby Apple contacted me to put one of their buttons on, like yours, but I never could get the page to accept my answers. Kept asking for a valid email address and I kept giving it to them. Strange.

  21. Happy Mother's Day Kathleen! You can keep your pollen, don't sent it my way. Your clematis looks great this year! Enjoy your darling bistro set.

  22. Your gift is fabulous. How I do like those purple plates. Your garden is gorgeous!! Happy Mother's Day!

  23. What good taste you have in selecting gifts, Kathleen! :) It's lovely, and just in time to enjoy it today! Your table is sweet and your breakfast looked perfectly yummy! Happy mother's day!! ~Zuni

  24. Your flowers and table are just beautiful! I am sure I am going to wake up craving blueberry pancakes!

  25. Kathleen Your yard and gardens are absolutely gorgeous!!! I would have loved to have sat down with you and enjoyed that delicious breakfast on your darling bistro set. I too have a ton a wicker and now I've got to respray it again for the umpteenth time over the years. So that plastic is sounding pretty good to me right now. (Big smile)Your mothers Days sounds like it was just wonderful. So was mine. Thankyou so much for sharing your day with us.


  26. Kathleen, it's such a treat to see your beautiful property. I'm impressed that you've grown the Japanese maple from a sapling. It's no longer small! Just beautiful, every tree and bloom. Thanks for sharing. Glad you got the sweet table for two. Love the place setting. I have the same plates but in the red. Love the lavender color. I'll have to look for some of these. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  27. You have a beautiful garden. I can't beleive you are just now planting annuals. All of our iris and clematis have been bloomed out for over a month.We have tomatoes and sguash ready in our vegetable garden. Well,your garden will look good this summer while mine is burning up under this Southern sun!

  28. Looks as if you had a wonderful day in the garden!!! Your Bistro Set is darling!!! Wishing you well! Cathy

  29. Kathleen:

    Everything is coming up beautifully! I have the same clematis on my front light post. Your bistro set is adorable and breakfast looks lovely. A perfect way to enjoy the day.

    - The Tablescaper

  30. your "me" gift!!...and I also love that cart!!..How beautiful...your yard is just stunning with all that is in bloom.....Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day....and when you get tired of that cute cart...let me know..I'll be there!

  31. Everything is so pretty. Love your garden! The cart is too adorable and I know you will enjoy your bistro set. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  32. Lovely garden and I have always thought that they way to get what you want for a gift is to give it to yourself - lol!! So glad you were pleased!!

  33. Beautiful photos and I love your gift to yourself. Such a lovely tablecloth too!
    Your garden cart looks lovely with its pink blooms. Spring flowers and planting bring back wonderful memories of our Michigan days.

  34. The bistro set is adorable and sets a fine setting... Your dh is the greatest!!! Those pancakes look sublime!!! Beautiful post!!!

  35. Greetings, I am a first time visitor and so happy I found you. Love your gardens and esp. your gift. Great Bistro set and wow what a bargain. You will enjoy countless cups of tea sitting there and dreaming. Yumm on the pancakes, drop by for a visit, Kathy

  36. Gorgeous bistro set with the lace tablecloth and plates! Yes Mother's Day gifts are wonderful when we get what we want. I got two new rockers for my porch and just love them..I've been wanting them for a long while! Your yard looks beautiful!
    Miss Bloomers

  37. I am trying some plastic "wicker" this year too. Hope it wears well. I am so glad you got what you wanted for Mother's Day! I helped hubby along too - I am working on a building project and wanted a turquoise Kitchenaid for it. I was sick in bed and ordered it over the internet and it came in two days. Hubby was sick too and I told him he could give it to me. He was VERY grateful!

  38. I love your little bistro set! All you plants are look fabulous! Sounds like you had a great day! Hugs, Linda

  39. Your little bistro set is the sweetest! And actually it will be nice to hose the pollen off. I understand that kind of work, here the pollen is so bad. It is over now and I've done my cleaning. I would love to have joined in last week but i just did not have the time! I will when I can! Your yard looks lovely! Have a good week!

  40. Your little bistro set is the sweetest! And actually it will be nice to hose the pollen off. I understand that kind of work, here the pollen is so bad. It is over now and I've done my cleaning. I would love to have joined in last week but i just did not have the time! I will when I can! Your yard looks lovely! Have a good week!

  41. I can see you did have a wonderful Mother's Day; thank you so much for sharing all your beautiful photos; hopefully we will be seeing blooms soon in our area. I love your little table for a cozy meal for 2.

  42. What a cute bistro set! I want a flower cart too- I just haven't found a good one yet! Those dishes are so pretty- it is too bad they stopped making them. Perhaps a light that would go on when the deer arrive would scare them off? There are options I've read about like making mesh bags with human hair in them to hang around; bags treated with animal urine like coyote or lion; ultrasonic deer repellent; scare devices like a sprinkler that is activated with a motion detector!
    I'm anxious to plant my annuals but I have to be vigilant about frost/freeze warnings for a bit longer.

  43. Hi lovely lady.
    Your Tablescape for two and your garden are so Beautiful for Mothers Day.
    I hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day with your family this past Sunday. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my new Nautical Tablescape.
    XXOO Diane

  44. I love all your flowers and plants and best of all your bistro set!! It's great to buy our own gifts, because we always know just the right thing!!! The pancakes on your pretty plates look wonderful. My hubby gave me breakfast in bed. We are blessed!!

  45. I've seen those little tables and have wanted one Kathleen. I'm sure you'll love it. The tablecloth in it is very pretty, as well as the plants in your garden. We're just beginning to plant the annuals in our garden too. In fact, we're going to buy some more tomorrow. I'm glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Thanks for stopping by Your Cozy Home Party this week!

  46. Your yard is gorgeous. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it all. The bistro set is fabulous too, such a pretty setting and breakfast really does look sooooo good. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  47. I love your bistro set! I know how much you love wicker and I think you picked a darling set. Things are looking beautiful there in L.I., Kathleen!

  48. Love, love, love siberian iris and haven't had any in years. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day.


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