Sunday, May 6, 2012

First Communion~Baked, Bagged, Tagged, Bowed and Fluffed

It was another busy week here with a happy event on  Saturday.
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My dear grandson made his First Communion and we gathered with family and friends to celebrate.
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Afterwards, my son and dil hosted a beautiful  reception at his golf club where both the kids, and adults had a great time.  The food was wonderful and included passed hot hors' d's of scallops in bacon, mini sliders, chicken wings and others.
The main course was steak,roast turkey , chicken piccata, penne a la vodka, roasted potatoes, crispy carrot salad, a green salad, cole slaw, and lots of other things.  It was all served buffet style and plentiful!
Let's Dish 478Prior to the big day, there were lots of preparations going on here.
These were to become the centerpieces...
Let's Dish 481  after they were fluffed, and bowed and some baby's breath added. I got the large pots of impatiens at a nursery in Jamesport, NY, Gabrielsen's   The price was fabulous for such large plants.
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One lucky person at each table  got to take the centerpiece home to enjoy all summer.
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Each guest was given a choice of breads or pound cake that I baked to take home.
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There was Irish Soda, Banana, Banana Choc Chip, Lemon, Lemon Blueberry, and Chocolate Chocolate Chip.
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I used Ina's recipe for the Lemon.
I "monogrammed" the bag, bowed and tagged them.
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36 full loaves.  Phew!
Let's Dish 491Goody Bags for the kids filled with candy.
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Here the kids await their turn for face painting...
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While some use their wait time getting some exercise .
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That way they could have a bigger piece of  whipped cream cake!  :)
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It may have rained, but it was a beautiful day to us !  May God keep Michael close to His heart.
I just  finished making my rounds to those who linked up last week for Let's Dish, please excuse the delay!!
Remember the Mother's Day Challenge this Wednesday at 7 for Let's Dish!
A table  dedicated to mom, or table related item of or from your Mom or MIL.  It will be a tribute to our mom's , whether we are still blessed with them, or just blessed with wonderful memories of them!
Hope to see you there!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Shannon's Cozy Home Party
Marty for Tabletop Tuesday
Kathe with an E for Your Gonna Love it Tues.


  1. This looks like a beautiful event - rain or not. They are so lucky to have you as you add so much to every event. God bless Michael.

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Looks like a wonderful time. Congratulation on your grandson's Fist Communion. I would have thought your calling would have been as a party planner and caterer if not a teacher :) Beautiful party!

  3. Such a special occasion and a special celebration! Your gift bags are a yummy and thoughtful gift. May God bless your dear grandson, Michael :)

  4. You have been very busy! This looks like a very special time for you and your family.

  5. What a beautiful day for you and your family.
    I am sure everyone really appreciated the baking and treats. I know I sure would have.

  6. What a special day for a very important and memorable event in your grandson's life. I get teary-eyed at first communions.

  7. Blessings to you and your beautiful family. It looks like a wonderful celebration. You are such a good Grandma! The centerpieces were lovely and I know the favors were a big hit. xo

  8. This was a blessed and beautiful event, Kathleen. What a great idea to have baked those wonderful treats as take-homes (and phew! is right!! Wow. Quite the undertaking!) It's so nice to see children at their own "formal" events--these ARE the formative years! Good lessons for all. Our best wishes to your family on such a special day. ~Zuni

  9. Oh, how wonderful and sweet this is. First Communion is such an important occasion in a child's life, that he will never forget. Yes, the menu sounds fabulous and you all had a great time, no doubt! Wow, Kathleen, I'm so impressed by the amount of baking you did for guests to take home...ok, I'll have the bread for my breakfast tomorrow, lol..Many congrats to your handsome grandboy and his parents. Lots of hugs,

  10. Oh, my gosh!!! They still take those photos on the steps of the church with their little hands together?!??!?! I can remember mine! Wow! That is so fun to see again!!! Congratulations to your family!!!

  11. What a wonderful event! It looks wonderful and what a sweet young grandson you have.

  12. What a sweet moment in the life of your Grandson. I love how you made all that bread for favors. Awesome! Hugs, Linda

  13. Looks like a very special day! You've been busy:@)

  14. What a wonderful celebration. Blessings on all. Love the bagged goodies you sent home. Appropriate that you used loaves to feed the masses!

  15. what a wonderful celebration.

  16. Fabulous celebration. Congrats to your grandson, this is a wonderful event. You continue to amaze me with all you do. The centerpieces are exquisite! The bread, well my gosh, you are superwoman!!! So happy to now be in your realm in blogworld! See you Wednesday!

  17. My grandson just made his First Holy Communion yesterday, also! You sure were a busy lady with all that baking going on. We partied with our family and my daughter's best friend's family. It was a special day.

  18. What a special day for your grandson! The flower centerpieces looked pretty & how sweet of you to bake all those yummy breads.

  19. Congrats to your grandson!....It looks like a very special day of faith, great food and fun...Beautiful Kathleen!...

  20. Congratulations to your grandson. You have certainly have been busy baking and preparing those centerpieces. But I'm sure it was all worth it to make it such a special day in his life.

  21. What a blessing to your family and friends..congrats to your grandson. How thoughtful of you to do the baking for all. Face painting and cake sounds great:)
    Isaiah 41:10
    Have a nice week~

  22. God bless Michael on his first Holy Communion! I like your bread/cake favors idea, Kathleen. A food favor is always a welcomed treat.

  23. What a wonderful and blessed event in his life AND the life of his family. I love everything you did for the lunch afterward, too. I really love the idea for the centerpieces. You got so much bang for the buck with that, especially with the added baby's breath for a little fluff. I'm going to remember that.

  24. Miacael is one lucky boy to have you help out on his first holy communion day. Love love love all the breads!

  25. What a fantastic post bringing back so many memories; that picture is just like it used to be. I am sending good wishes to Micheal. So nice for you to still have one at that age. My grandchildren are now teenagers and adults; I do love them, but it's not the same anymore.

    1. Rita, I have 2 more younger than Michael, one 6, one 4. They are all siblings, 4 of them!

  26. Congratulations to Michael and the whole family. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

  27. What a special day for your family! Aren't grandchildren just the best?? Congratulations to Michael!

  28. I see lots of happy people, so it looked like all your hard work in making this a special day paid off! "Boy" events are always harder to prepare for since you can't go overly frilly with the pretty colors and flowers like you can with "girl" events. Thanks for sharing your ideas for making a "boy" even just as special. I appreciate you linking to Your Cozy Home Party every week.

  29. Kathleen, this is a lovely celebration. I know you are so proud of Michael and your other grands. He is a handsome guy! You amaze me with all the cooking you do for these special occasions. I admire your energy and enthusiasm. You, my friend, are a very generous gal! ~ Sarah

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  31. Kathleen, you HAVE been busy! Congratulations to Michael, and I love the photo of him kneeling at the altar. Gorgeous centerpieces, and I like how you tucked in the baby's breath. I'm sure the goodie bags and loaves went over very well!

  32. Wow...I'm impressed, that is some party for First Communion!
    You are amazing Kathleen, love your centerpieces and baking too!

  33. Wow, what a lucky boy to have such a great First Communion party! The photo of all the kids is so cute! Love the centerpieces, the breads, well...just everything! Amazing! Pam

  34. Oh it all looks like fun and everything was so pretty. Love the pictures of the children! AWE....WOW, you outdone yourself with the breads and goody bags! SWEET! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  35. Wow! He must have been so excited to have such a big celebration for his special day. It looks wonderful and I love that idea for the centerpieces. Congratulations to the special boy and all of you!

  36. What a beautiful celebration. I know everyone's heart was so full of love and thanksgiving. I congratulate him and I pray he will always walk beside Jesus Christ. He will have a wonderful life.
    xoxo bj

  37. OOOO, and I meant to add that I have my post all ready for the Mother's Day bash on Wed. evening.:)

  38. How nice, looks like a wonderful celebration. Looks like you did a lot of baking, but what great take home gifts.

  39. Wow, you are an amazing grandmother! What beautiful gifts! God bless him!

  40. He has such an angelic face at the altar! What a wonderful day for him and the family. As usual, your hard work with the centerpieces and take-home goodies make it even more special. I had to smile at the sign in front of the goodies bags re the braces :)

  41. What a wonderful event in your grandson's life, and as a grandparent to see him make his First Communion.
    It looks alike everyone was having a great time at the party. I'm impressed that you hadn't collapsed from making all those cakes and goodies. Thanks for sharing this special time in your family's life.

  42. What a special and wonderful post. Your grandson is adorable and this is such a special occassion. Thanks tons for sharing with TTT. Hugs, Marty

  43. Congrats to your grandson! What a wonderful event!....christine

  44. Wow, Kathleen! So, one kind of bread wasn't enough, huh? This is simply amazing! And the presentation is beautiful as well. I'm going to remember this idea for a future event. I also noticed your scalloped loaves. I had never seen them before. It somehow makes the bread even more special! What a nice touch! I'm going to look for them now! Suddenly, I NEED to have a couple of these!


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