Saturday, December 31, 2011

Another Year Over~A New One's Just Begun~

It will be a quiet New Year's here .  Santa left me a bug, by mistake, I am sure, but I have been taking my meds and lots of naps!
If I had my mojo, I would have set us a table with lots of bling!
Picture 1189
Picture 1193
Picture 1203
Instead, a simple table...
December 2011 207
A little bell to ring in the new year.
December 2011 199
The dishes are new, half price after Cmas at CVS
December 2011 202
I am giving a few sets to my dil to use on the children's table.  I had given her 4 of the Holiday by Lenox Children's sets, but they don't make them anymore, and this year there were 8 kids!  This will be perfect, and they can use them for everyday meals during the Cmas season.
December 2011 203
DH cooked us a nice dinner, and I will be back in bed before long!
I hope 2012 is a good year for everyone, good health, and happiness!
I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
CJ ,of In and Out My Nest, for her first ever meme, R and R Weekend Party


  1. I hope you feel better real soon.

    Happy New Year

  2. Hope the bug leaves you soon...
    Happy New Year!

  3. So sorry you don't feel well...hope the New Year brings you health and lots of new posts!! Have a Happy one!

  4. Hi! Hope you feel better soon! I love the table with the white table cloth. They are all very beautiful! Best wishes for the new year. Pat

  5. Oh, Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear you've had a bug. Never fun, but especially at the holidays! Your table looks cheerful.
    All the best to you and your family for 2012. Happy New Year! ~ Sarah

  6. So sorry you got a bug!

    Table is still cute.


  7. so sorry you are not feeling well, Kathleen. I hope you have a Happy New Year regardless, and hope you feel better soon. Your table is still very pretty and so nice of your hubby to cook...Christine

  8. Get well!! So sorry. Darling darling table.. love the new dishes. May all your dreams come true in 2012. Happy New Year! xo marlis

  9. Hope you have a QUICK recovery. I like the Christmas plates. We don't have a CVS here but I wish we did. I love china!

  10. Feel better, Kathleen, get lots of rest, liquids and finish all your meds. Wishing you all the best for a wonderful New Year. ((hugs))xo

  11. Wish you would have come to join us see in the New Year. Sure hope that bug leaves you quickly.

  12. Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, hope it passes quickly! Cute new dishes-very festive! Happy New Year K-loved the little poem you left me:@)

  13. Hope you are feeling better real soon. Always enjoy coning to see what you are up to.
    Wishing you all the best for 2012,

  14. Wish I could send you a can of BUG BE GONE! Feel better soon so that you can put on those ice skates that are in your photo and go for a few spins on the local pond. Happy and HEALTHY new year to you and your family.

  15. Oh Phooey! Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Hope you are all better soon. Happy Happy New Year to you!

  16. Hi lovely lady.
    So sorry you are not felling good hope you get better soon!! I love your Tablescape with the Ice Skates for your Centerpiece, ever think looks Gorgeous for your New Years party. I hope you have wonderful 2012 with your family sweet lady.
    XXOO Diane

  17. Beautiful table and centerpiece my dear. Sorry you're not feeling well Kathleen, hope you're better today, Jan. 1st.! Your hubby is such a sweetie for cooking, I love it when mine does! I'm a little under the weather too this past 2 days. Looking forward to your talents this year too. I wish you have a terrific healthy and happy 2012. Love,

  18. Kathleen,

    Thanks for linking up and the shout-out! Sorry you are not feeling well, but glad you're napping and being tended by your sweet groom. The bling table surely impresses, but so does the simpler one with CVS dishes (what a find!) Happy 2012! Hope to see you lots! ~CJ

  19. Maybe not blingy but a really cute table. The dishes are really special for the Holidays. Hope you're feeling better fast.

  20. Oh noooo, Kathleen!! I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well now. What a crappy way to start off the New Year!
    Hoping it is short lived & you'll be back to playing with your dishes in no time.
    BTW, those tablescapes are just incredible!!

    {{Gentle Cyber Hugs)) 'cu I don't want to catch it!

    Who took out her own sutures on Fri. & is walking almost normal now. :D

  21. Happy New Year, Kathleen. Wishing all the best for you.

    Hugs, Barb

  22. Am so sorry you are sick. But by the looks of your table you would never know it. It is to put it boldly... understated elegance. Its GORGEOUS!! You need to give yourself a litle credit here as even sick you still do it up right. Also love your new dishes. So bright and cheerful and festive.
    Do take care of yourself. Its no fun being down.


  23. I hope you are feeling a little better today! Love your new dishes, so pretty and how nice of you to get some for your daughter too! Looking forward to your dish wizardry in 2012!!!! XO, Pinky

  24. Happy New Year Kathleen!!

  25. That bug has really been making the rounds it seems. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon, sorry you had to miss out on your New Year's plans. Hope 2012 is going to be a great year!

  26. Beautiful tables! So sorry you're not feeling well...hope you're up and about soon!

    Happy New Year ~


  27. Kathleen, hope you are feeling better!

    Your New Year table looks great! I love the white, silver, crystal combinations. The greenery and bling on the napkin rings is nice, too.

    Happy New Year!

  28. You have set so many lovely tables!!! May we all enjoy continued works of art from you this year 2012!!! My best to you!! Cathy

  29. Feel better, Kathleen! Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year!

  30. Hello, Kathleen. Being fairly new to blogging still, I am amazed at the hearty souls who continued posting right through the holidays, and now here you are, under the weather and still putting a beautiufl post out there for us to enjoy! The glitzy table is beautiful--I'm on the hunt for those shakers as I write--and the dishes from CVS are great for the kiddies! What a great idea! I hope you're feeling well by now and back in full swing for the new year! ~Zuni

  31. PS - Love the skates on the header table! Cute, cute,cute idea!! :)

  32. Hi Kathleen, I hope you feel better soon. Your table looks absolutely adorable and I'm sure your meal was delightful and that you could at least enjoy some of it. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  33. I hope you didn't get what I had! It was pretty bad. Hope you get your mojo back soon and Happy New Year!

  34. Happy New Year! Feel better soon!

  35. awwww, so sorry you are sick. Sure seems to be a lot of it going around. Mr. and I stay pretty much inside the house these days of sickness. Haven't had a cold in a few years...I just hate 'em.

    Since my birthday is on NY's Eve, we always have a small party with family and friends. This year, there were 22 of us and we had a nice time...eats, games, talks....just a really nice time.

    Feel better soon...:))

  36. So sorry you've been sick. There's no good time to be sick, but the holidays are a horrible time for it. Glad you're doing better. Cute dishes. laurie

  37. Happy New Year Kathleen! I hope you feel better soon. That time of year to share the germs.


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