Monday, January 2, 2012

I Resolve...

I resolve not to make resolutions!   That's it, just do the best you can each day, and that way you don't feel guilty when you don't keep them.
December 2011 209
New Year's Day breakfast was thin pancakes filled with fresh strawberries and rolled up.  A little whipped cream on top.  I used my Lenox Tartan, someone asked the name of the pattern.
December 2011 221
They may show up in a scape yet as I didn't get to use them over the holidays.  Winter fruits and ribbon, I think they could pass!
I bought son and dil the Lenox Holiday pattern this year for Cmas.  14 dinner plates.  Then I got them salad plates after Cmas on sale.  They will be all set for next year.
December 2011 220
I bought myself 4 dinners and 4 salads too, as the price was great at the Lenox Outlet and I had an extra 20 % off, so Merry Christmas to me.  :)
I felt the need to create after being sick for a few days.  I had an eggplant to cook, so I made Chicken, Eggplant and Spinach stacks, topped with a fresh Mozzarella ball.
December 2011 215
The spinach round was chopped spinach, all water squeezed out, onions, s and p, garlic, ricotta and mozzarella.  I baked it in a ramekin to make the patty shape.December 2011 211
December 2011 219
I served it over some linguine tossed in evoo, some of the spinach cheese mixture and some chopped tomatoes for color. Shaved Locatelli cheese to finish it off.
December 2011 214
Hope this second day of the new year finds you well.
December 2011 223
A few more days of enjoying my festive kitchen chandy, and then it is back to Blah   uary. 
Every thing looks so bare when the decos come down, have to wait a few more weeks to put out the ♥♥♥ things.  Home Goods have had theirs out since 2 weeks before Cmas!  Like elementary school teachers, many bloggers move from one Holiday to the next.  This year we can add in Kangaroos for Leap Year.  We should get a KICK out of that!  :)
Joining Marty for Tabletop Tuesday.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I agree, after all of the Christmas decorations come down, the house does look bare. I am wanting to try this recipe....My husband loves eggplant. It looks so yummy. Happy New Year!

  2. Mine don't come down until Epiphany..the next day..Oh i still love those skates Kathleen~

  3. Glad you are feeling better. Dinner looked great. I love the spinach cake. I am redoing my hutch,I just bought a cute Valentine's plate at Ross in NJ, think it will go right in the hutch! xo

  4. I don't dare look at HG or HL...I have enough Valentine stuff too...but thanks for telling never know when I might "slip" and find something!

  5. Glad you are feeling better! I resolve not to make resolutions either. I call them guilt makers. I'll work on more short term daily goals instead. You have some great outlet stores! blessings!

  6. I like your idea of no resolutions. Sounds like a good plan to me.

    I love your Lenox Tartan dishes. I miss having a Lenox outlet around here.

    The chicken, eggplant and spinach stack looks so delish. I love eggplant, so I know that I would love this.

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    This looks so Yummy and I love Eggplant also with the Spinach so good. I hope you have a wonderful 2012 New Year.
    XXOO Diane

  8. Love all those pretty Lenox plates! Such gorgeous patterns. Glad you are feeling better! hugs, Linda

  9. The house does feel way too bare when it all goes away. We keep ours up until Epiphany, and by then I am more than ready to see it go. The only downside to decorating as much as I do for Christmas is taking it all down. Oh well, it does make the kiddos happy! Glad you're feeling better and OH MY does that look delicious!

  10. The house does feel way too bare when it all goes away. We keep ours up until Epiphany, and by then I am more than ready to see it go. The only downside to decorating as much as I do for Christmas is taking it all down. Oh well, it does make the kiddos happy! Glad you're feeling better and OH MY does that look delicious!

  11. Kathleen, I only have a small portion of my Christmas decor put away, and already the house is looking blah. Your angels hanging from the chandy are so cute, and that breakfast looks so good. I love those plates with the plaid ribbon, and yes, I think they can be used all winter. Of course the Lenox Holiday is beautiful too. You're so lucky to have such great outlets close by. Wishing you a fabulous 2012, my friend. laurie

  12. I agree! No resolutions for me either... just do the best I can every day.

    Rainey @ The Project Table

  13. I LOVE this pattern, Kathleen. I have Holiday and some other Lenox pieces that came out years ago, but not this one :(. I think I need it too :) And what a gift to your son and DIL!! They must be thrilled! Glad you're feeling better! Happy new year. ~Zuni

  14. I am kind of liking the look of bare this evening :)

    Your stack looks fabulous and I am going to do spinach patties soon -- looks delicious.

    Love all the dishes :)


  15. I agree no resolutions, as I start a new job tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time. (I think that's a song, and a good one).
    My tree is still up till next weekend then I will go into full speed on wedding preparations.
    All the china is wonderful you are a good MIL.


  16. I think that is a good idea. We all WANT to make resolutions but can only really take it one day at a time. LOVE the stacks, they look SO good! XO, Pinky

  17. I thought of you in the last few weeks as I purchased a new Cuisinart Die Cast Food Processor and the 600 Series of the Kitchen Aid Mixer. I'm so excited. I made a huge number of Brand Ice recipes to exchange with friends. The mixer is being shipped. I'm going to give some of your recipes, which I've saved, a try this I'm looking forward to January - March. Thank you for being such an inspiration! I hope that you're feeling better. Love the Tartan Plaid and the Lenox Holly pattern...Lucky son and DIL. Happy New Year! Cherry Kay

  18. I love your dishes.... and wish you a wonderful fantastic happy new year, hugs and blessings, Flavia

  19. I love those Tartan dishes! Beautiful.
    Happy New Year, Kathleen.

  20. I am glad you are feeling better and that eggplant looks delicious! The Lenox Tartan is a beautiful pattern. This year I am liking the bare look after Christmas and am really looking forward to the quiet days of January.

  21. Kathleen, I'm here because of your roof rake comment. I had to learn which Kathleen had done that to her poor husband! =)

    What a beautiful post this lovely that I'm returning to visit through every day of December. You sound like my kind of gal...Blah uary describes it so well!

    Such a lovely table you set for New Year's Eve! I get the sense that you set lots of lovely tables through the year.

  22. Glad you are feeling better. Your china is lovely and the chicken and eggplant stack looks amazing! Yum.

  23. I made that same resolution ten years ago. And I've had great success with it.

    Happy New Year Kathleen!

  24. Very nicely done, Kathleen. The decor looks amazing! Love your Lenox dishes! Happy New Year!

  25. I also have the Holiday Tartan by Lenox...My favorite. Your table looks beautiful..I too love creating tablescapes..

    I see that we have both been married for 41 years too!

    Happy New Year!

  26. Those skates are adorable! After looking at this post I'm very hungry. Beautiful pictures.

  27. Beautiful table and I love those skates. I have all of interior decorations down but it's just too cold to get started on the outside yet. Hope you New Year is off to a great start.

  28. Happy New Year Kathleen! Glad to hear you are feeling better and back to being "creative" Yummy! I would look forward to seeing another 'scape with your Christmas dishes - why do people stop celebrating the season so EARLY! I can't imagine taking down my decor before Epiphany! Love that skating 'scape as your header!


  29. Hardy, har, har....get a "kick" out of that! That's funny! I didn't realize this was a leap year. Wow. That means one more day to get ready for the stupid tax season! I'm glad to see you're feeling better. I know it was tough there for a bit. The dishes are beautiful, and I'm glad you were able to find some bargains. If Home Goods is already ready to go for Valentine's Day, I'd better hustle my hips on out there to see if there's anything I can bring home and call my own. I am really in the market for some pale pink dishes. I want something very specific, though, so it could very well be years (if ever!)until I find them. Have a delicious day!

  30. Was grand to visit her as always!I too resolve to live each day to the best and then I've not failed to keep a resolution made with too much zeal! Wishing you well! Cathy

  31. I love your idea of New Year's resolutions! That pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly!! Blessings for 2012.

  32. Mmmm, your food looks delicious, Kathleen! I love the sound of that spinach round and it looks like I can eat it {gluten free}.

  33. Kathleen,

    All your meals look delicious, and the Lenox Tartan is divine, one of my favorites. You are an inspiring blogger and hostess. CJ

  34. It all looks so delicious! I agree with you about the decorations, too. My house is kind of like me... It looks better a little less naked too.


    I have undressed most of the house, but I did leave a few happy snowmen in the kitchen for a while.

  35. I agree -- do the best you can, everyday.

    This food is making me really really really hungry. I ate cereal for dinner.

    Did you fry the eggplant in panko? It looks wonderfully crispy.

    The china outlets down in Foley, Alabama (LA!) have closed. A man in the remaining one, Le Crueset, said that Mikasa, Dansk and all the rest had decided it was more profitable to sell online and at regular retail. I wish I knew where there was another Lenox outlet. I had some odd pieces already, some my mother gave me, and I only bought 6 dinner plates for my anniversary gift to myself this year. They were half off at the local dept store, plus another 20% off that. I love your Tartan Ribbons, and I would have gotten that instead, but it apparently is not available any more. I wonder if they have an online source that would be less?

    Hope your bug is gone --Happy New Year.


  36. Wow your tables are gorgeous! We used to have a Lenox outlet, but sadly it closed. Your New Years table is so stunning and elegant. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Jocelyn @

  37. Dishes on sale at the outlet is the way to go. They no longer have an outlet by me. I did score a white Martha tree at Macy's yesterday with lights for next year. Some creative gal posted on Pinterst an idea to make a snowman with it. Accidentally deleted my bookmark to the original site so I pray I remember how to make it next year. Lucky I will even remember I have the new tree:-) you know how you buy things in advance and totally forget about them or remember them but forget where you them. Some days I do not even remember what I ate for breakfast so my New Years resolution is to try and remember my own name!!!

  38. Your beautiful Lenox plates make a gorgeous holiday table, Kathleen. I hope you are feeling better and all signs of that terrible bug have passed. It was one of those things that could hang on forever. Happy New Year.

  39. Your dishes are fabulous and your tablescape is so pretty. The food all looks sooooooooo good. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, marty

  40. Fantastic post, picures and recipes; love coming to see you Kathleen.
    I am always looking for a new way to serve spinach; this sound great and I am trying it for sure. Wishing you all the best for 2012.

  41. I resolve to not make resolutions.

    I love the Lenox. I wish I had more Tartan. Five mugs, that is it. I also wish our Lenox Outlet was still open!!

    Happy New Year!

  42. Your dishes are beautiful and dinner looks amazing! I hope you're feeling better. Happy New Year!

  43. So sorry you were sick, Kathleen. I had a bad cold when I came home form Colorado. I guess the grandkids pass on their germs to

    I wish I lived near the Lenox outlet ... I love their stuff.

    "Kangeroos for Leap Year" -- I'm looking forward to seeing that! :)

  44. I should make a resolution of cutting my shopping at 50% but you're right, no resolution so I won't feel bad if I can't do it, lol. Love your Lenox tartan plates. They are very pretty...Christine

  45. Would you believe that I've never tasted egg plant.? I should be ashamed, hu?
    This does look great.

    I love tartan anything...plaids are fun.

    And the kangeroos for Leap Year went right over my head. I am sooo not WITH IT anymore. bwaaaaaa

  46. I'm not a fan of eggplant but this looks good. What a creative presentation of spinach. No resolutions, huh? Well,I have a few - cut back on shopping for one.

    - The Tablescaper


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