Tuesday, December 27, 2011

No Grinches Allowed~Roast Beast for a Crowd

I hope all of you had wonderful celebrations !  You know when your children grow and and get married, there are so many compromises to be made for the holidays. Time has to be shared between both families.
So the holidays can be very stressful for many.  I miss the days of spending Christmas with my sisters and their families, we don't get to spend any holidays together.
December 2011 193
My son and his dear wife host Christmas, and it is a labor of love!  They have 4 little ones , so it takes a lot to have the house looking beautiful and entertain for so many!
The ceramic tree I made for my mom so long ago  gets displayed, which I do appreciate!
December 2011 186
The table is set beautifully! Edited to add, son, set the table, that was his job growing up!
December 2011 189
Lenox Tartan cloth and napkins, Waterford platinum stems.
December 2011 194
December 2011 185
Not a detail left out!
December 2011 190
Many appetizers including dh's antipasto platter.
December 2011 182
We also had shrimp cocktail, beef wellington bundles, sweet and sour pork bites*, cheese and vegetable  platters and more.
The first course was stuffed baked clams*.
Main was Filet Mignon, Shrimp Francese*, Stuffed lobster tails, twice baked potatoes, carmelized onions*, sauteed mushrooms in wine sauce*. Spinach casserole topped with onion rings*, glazed carrots*, roasted asparagus and assorted breads.  Items with a * were my contributions.
December 2011 195
The children ate in the kitchen, 8 of them, and then it became the dessert buffet. If you look closely at the snowflake on the door, one of the grandboys added Spiderman! :)
December 2011 198
My Yule log, dh's rugelach, and in the bowed silver  bowl, I made death by chocolate with homemade peppermint bark as the candy between the layers.
There was also blueberry pie, red velvet cake, chocolate cream pie and cookies.  Oh so much food!
December 2011 196  The tree was beautiful!
December 2011 191It was a lovely day, and we thanked God for our many blessings, and look forward to the ever expanding family.

The only negative was that my Kdgn grandson had to be taken to the ER  after everyone left, as he had an allergic reaction to something, so they were there till 4am!  He was given a shot and was much better Monday morning.

Never a dull moment!

Oh, and a wonderful bag of goodies was left there for me by Alma, The Tablescaper.  Pictures of that next time!
I hope you were surrounded by those you love this Christmas!
I am joining  Marty 's Tabletop Tuesday .
Susan for Tablescape Thursday
Gollum for Foodie Friday
Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday

We don't take our Christmas decorations down till Three Kings Day, Jan 6.  I can't imagine not enjoying them this Christmas week into the  New Year holiday.  That's what we have always done, and I don't know anyone personally, who takes the decos down right away!  But since I started blogging, I have learned others do!


  1. With you as inspiration, how could your sweet DIL not be inspired?? Everything is beautiful, how she does it with four little ones I don't know, and the menu is scrumptillyicious (sp?). You must be tired. Your buche de Noel is a beauty. Looking forward to 'Alma's' goodie bag. ;) xo

  2. The fruit hasn't fallen far from the tree. It looks like they've learned from your talents in the kitchen and on the table. Everything looks fabulous!

  3. Your DIL set such a beautiful table K, so inviting! Sounds like you had a great Christmas and ate very well:@)

  4. A beautiful table! That's a lot of people for dinner and WOW, what a menu!!!!

  5. Everything looked lovely and the menu sounded divine!

  6. Everything looks so beautiful..God bless the ones that take over for us..and the young ones that add their spiderman twinkle..and the ones that get better!

  7. Looks like a most fantastic Christmas for you and your family! Glad the little guy is ok! hey, did he have any of the shellfish?

  8. Your daughter in law sets a beautiful table! I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas.

  9. Everything looks wonderful...
    Scary, hope D is okay, did they ever figure out what he was allergic to?
    Happy Healthy New Year to you and Mike.

  10. Kathleen -- I loved seeing all your photos -- what a glorious celebrations! Sorry to hear little grand had some troubles but glad all is well :)

    Happy New Year!


  11. Beautiful! I love the tree, the table and the desserts! All just amazing. I don't take down my tree until New Year's! I need this week to relax and enjoy everything! hugs, Linda

  12. Merry Christmas Kathleen!
    What a beautiful setting for a wonderful family! Everything was "decked out" to the nines!
    ps.....love the spiderman!!
    I am glad the little one is doing better.
    Happy New Year Be Safe and God Bless

  13. Kathleen, I agree with previous comments. You've set the standard and are a fabulous role model. It must be so heartwarming to see your DIL do these things for her family. Glad all is well with the little one. Scary!
    Enjoy the week and relax. ~ Sarah

  14. OMGoodness, what a FEAST!!!!!!!! We never have that much food and YOU sure did contribute alot! Your DIL has learned alot from you, it all looked devine! I have no clue how she does it all with 4 little ones!!!! THAT is a Chruistmas miracle:):) So glad you had a good day. I, too, miss hokidays with my family and Joe's. Now it is just our daughter and all her in-laws. At least I have some memories. XO, Pinky

  15. Kathleen, it's all so beautiful! The food looks delicious and it sounds like everyone had a wonderful holiday.

  16. Your DiL did a fantastic job! I can't wait until I have a DiL to do Christmas! Yeah!!

  17. A perfect Christmas Celebration by your son and his wife and your contributions. EVERYTHING looks so festive and lovely! And Yummy too!

    I know you all had a delightful day!

  18. Oh my ..I'm so glad your grandson was OK! What a scare that must have been!

    Your DIL and son did a magnificent job decorating and setting a beautiful table, and all that wonderful food looks and sounds so wonderful, Kathleen.

    Have a very Happy New Year my friend!

  19. What a gorgeous table! How wonderful to have a d
    dIL share your interests and talents. Beautiful post. thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. happy, happy New Year!

  20. Oh my, the tablescape was stunning and all of the menu sounds totally devine. It sounds like such a wonderful Christmas and how special to spend it with family. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, marty

  21. Your son and daughter in law sure made justice to your talent; everything is PERFECT! I also find the holiday have changes; as I am agng,I get very notaslgic; so many have gone;but we now have so many new faces to see around the holiday table.

  22. What a wonderful family dinner in a beautiful setting! As our families grow, it does get tricky to gather everyone for holidays. We managed to have our son and his wife and our daughter and her family overlap by about 24 hours this year!

  23. Oh my, what a lovely lovely home. The table was set meticulously and looks fabulous. Love the dessert table. And all the food sounds wonderful. I hope the New Year brings you warmth, kindness and many many blessings.. xo marlis

  24. Kathleen, their home is beautiful! The mantel, the door decor - all of it stunning. But, knowing that you taught your son to set such a gorgeous table is priceless. With a mother like you, I'm sure he learned how important it is for the table to be inviting and special, and he certainly did that with this table. Oh, I'm so sorry their son had an allergic reaction, but glad it all worked out well. All of that food looked so delish. Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2012. laurie

  25. Your sons home is absolutely beautiful. And the table was just gorgeous. How impressed I am that your son did this. The food the food, oh my it truly was a Christmas feast. Your trifle and yule log added added beauty and looked so delicious as did the rest. Your daughter in law must be a gourmet cook. Thankyou for sharing these personal moments with family. They are heartwarming.


  26. I gained 10 pounds just reading that incredible menu! Roll me out in a wheelbarrow - wow, how could you say no to anything on the menu! The table WAS exquisite and perfectly done. So sorry to hear about the trip to ER, that is frightening, but they will talk about that in years to come.

    My mother always left our tree up for my birthday which is the 8th so I love having an excuse to keep enjoying the decorations too. My SIL was taking hers down the next day. I say enjoy, enjoy!

  27. Sounds more like you were at a gourmet restaurant!! Yum! You made a lot of nice contributions too!

    Beautiful tablescape and decorations!

    Happy New Year!


  28. Kathleen, such a beautiful table and Wow...so much yummy food! Death by Chocolate sounds insane...insanely good! :) Thanks for sharing this gorgeous table. You taught your son well...he did a great job setting it!

  29. Kathleen, this table is just beautiful, thanks for sharing! And the food looks delish! Quite a celebration! You are right about the labor of love, that's a lot of work setting up, and cleaning up! Your son did a wonderful job! Happy New Year!

  30. Wow! Gorgeous from evert angle...and I think that I gained 5 pounds just reading the menu. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Happy New Year! Cherry Kay

  31. Sosorry about your grandson, Kathleen, but glad that allergic reaction got resolved pretty quickly. What an elegant table setting! I cannot believe your son did that. You really trained him well. And his wife did such a good job with the whole house and food. Everything is just lovely. I hope you will have a chance to see my post about my brand new granddaughter which is just below my current tablescape post. Happy New Year to all!..Christine

  32. That tablecloth is so beautiful! Your entire tablescape is gorgeous! Happy New Year!

  33. Just beautiful! Oh the food! Oh my! My belly is full just looking at all of it! Everything just shouts family. S o sorry your grandson got sick but happy to hear he is better! Happy New Year friend!

  34. Oh Kathleen, you must be so proud. Everything looks spectacular. Clearly, his Mother's Son. The food sounds amazing. So sorry to hear of the ER visit. A sure way to put a damper on Christmas. Hope that all is well.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. PS

    I'm with you. I couldn't imagine taking my Christmas decos down this week. This is the week I truly enjoy them.

    - The Tablescaper

  36. One word-STUNNING!! Everything looks beautiful and the food looks scrumptious! We keep Christmas up til Jan 6th too (my mother did this).

    Happy and Healthy New Year!!

  37. What a stunningly beautiful table. I know what you mean about celebrations changing as children grow up, move out, and marry. This is why I started hosting a Boxing Day dinner. No one needs to try to rush to see us on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, but can relax and enjoy the day after. Happy New Year, Kathleen!

  38. OMG Kathleen, you probably found your soul mate with your dear Dil and I can tell her Mil, Kathleen must be the main source of inspiration. Everything is gorgeous! The food looks so yummy and you all had a terrific and happy time, I'm so happy for you dear friend. Thank you sooo much for your for ever wonderful visits and kind comments. Here are my most sincere wishes for a healthy, prosperous and happy New Year 2012 for you and yours.

  39. What a beautiful table!! I cen relate to the visit to the ER - Mr FH had a massive reaction to 'something' on Boxing Day night and was rushed to hospital too. He is still not feeling up to par yet but glad your grandson has recovered quickly.

  40. We always leave our Christmas decorations up into January, and enjoy them as much as we did before Christmas. Kathleen, everything looks spectacular. The menu sounds wonderful. Hope that all is well after that ER visit.

  41. Thank you for sharing your family's holiday table/s! Everything looks wonderful. Yes, a lot of compromises must be made and in the end it works out pretty well and is fair to all.

    Glad to know that your little grand is feeling better and I hope that the allergy is figured out so that he can avoid that trigger.

    Oh I am glad to find someone else who maintains through January 6. I'm something of an oddity in my community and in my family as well for doing so.

  42. OMG! So glad to hear the grandson will be okay, I am sure that was scary. I must say this is quite a beautiful setting. I love every single gorgeous detail! It's so lovely and the food looks delicious too!

  43. Hi Kathleen,
    Looks like you had a lovely Christmas. You taught your son well,
    as he set an outstandingly beautiful table. Their whole house is lovely,
    and such a pretty tree, and the menu sounded so good too!
    Yea, it is hard juggling things so that it fits with everyones schedule due to the new family sharing!
    I don't like sharing I have to admit!! lol, but oh well, I know I have to behave myself and do the right thing.................lol

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my Christmas table. So glad you had such a nice Christmas, and
    hope you have a blessed New Year,
    all thru 2012.

  44. Kathleen, I just clicked on one of your previous posts where you made your granddaughter a nosegay for her recital, and I found it utterly charming. I've made some nosegays for nieces and young friends, tussie-mussies, and I find that they are more appropriate and charming for their simplicity. Your granddaughter is one lucky girl!

  45. Wow that looks like it was something, and all of that food and cakes. I almost cried looking at those cakes,lol. Happy new years to all, and wishing everyone a very healthy 2012. Richard

  46. Oh my goodness, Kathleen, what a spectacular Christmas dinner. There is nothing like being with family during this very special time. I usually take my decorations down by New Year's Day. I like to start the year with a clean house. Sometimes it doesn't stay that way very long, but its a good start anyway.
    I hope the new year is a healthy, happy and prosperous one for us all. Happy New Year, my friend.

  47. What an elegantly beautiful celebration. Oh my, you dear DIL did a bang up job. I'm sure you are a grand inspiration to her.

    I've gotta say, you taught your son well! Heeehehehe

    I so enjoyed seein' all the pictures.

    We aren't havin' Christmas 'till Saturday. Ya gotta get 'em together when ya can corral 'em all. :o)

    God bless ya sweetie and have yourself one fantastic New Year!!!

  48. Your son and DIL's home looks beautiful and what a gorgeous table! Glad to hear your son is still setting the table ;)

    I usually take our decs down right after the New Year but with Mack staying with us for 3 days it won't happen until I regain my energy :)

  49. My goodness, Norman Rockwell Christmas was put to shame by yours. Sounds and looks delightful...such luscious things to eat. Their home looks beautiful.
    Glad the g'son is ok.

  50. What a lovely dinner! Have you been to CTS? I went the other day and there was nothing left worth getting. I did pick up two huge hurricane vases for $4.99 each.

  51. Oh, Kathleen! That is an amazing feast! Everything was decorated so beautifully. The table stunning.

    I cannot imagine how long it must have taken to prepared such a meal. It sounds as though you had a lovely time.

    Happy New Year!

  52. Hi Kathleen....I see your son inherited your Tablescaping talents!!....beautiful looking table and wonderful looking food....Hope you have a wonderful happy and healthy New Year....Did you hit up all the stores for their after Christmas bargains.....find anything good at the CTS???

  53. What I always think is really cool, Kathleen, is when the next generation cares about tablesettings and creating beautiful events for their families as much as we do. It's all beautiful, and what a menu!! Wow! Kudos to them and to you, because of how you raised your son. He obviously chose a wife who has the same sensibilities. Very cool.

    With my Cuban heritage we too wait until the Three Kings come and leave gifts for the little ones. This year, because our oldest grandbaby is old enough to understand that they will come, we're going to gather at our home the evening of the 6th for cookies and hot chocolate. So fun to start this tradition for them now!(The one caveat is--if our tree holds out! We're going to try to keep it up, but if not, all the other decorations will still be up, waiting for the Kings to come!)

    Happy new year to you and yours. I hope you'll be sharing these comments with your son and DIL. :) Thanks for sharing this very nice post, Kathleen. ~Zuni

  54. I am so impressed by their beautiful home and the lovely table your son set! You taught him well Kathleen!
    And the food, OMG, amazing...I want the lobster!
    Happy New Year my friend,

  55. What a breathtaking display of food,decor etc.! Your dil must be so talented and organised(and cool headed)!Your son was trained well in the art of table laying too!
    Looks stunning!
    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  56. What a beautiful table, beautiful feast. Happy New Year! Pat

  57. It truly was a labor of love for all involved!!! So much fabulous food and a table to die for!!!!!! The table was set with decorator precision!!! I applaud the young people for doing everything they had to do to make this a beautiful and special celebration. It must be terribly difficult with children under foot! All I have is a husband and it's crazy enough!!!

  58. Kathleen, what a wonderful celebration! That is a huge crowd for Christmas. Your son did an outstanding job on that table. Does he hire out??? I wish he had been here to help me with mine. You don't even want to know. LOL!

    Growing up, we always spent Christmas with my mother's sister and her family, alternating between their house and ours. It was so much fun. We had five kids between the two families, two grandmothers, two sets of parents, and assorted other relatives there. I miss them SO much. Now, Mr. Magpie and I tend to spend it with his family or with our close friends who are like family. This year we had ten here, and it was fun, but we missed Adelaide. Her chair sat empty in the living room, but the children kept us very entertained. Plus I bought enough presents to sink a battleship. LOL! I'm afraid my food wasn't as wonderful as what you described there, but we did enjoy it. I have to confess that I've been a bit of a moocher throughout the years, going where we are invited and providing presents and sparkling conversation (and sometimes a dish) as my offerings. LOL! I am a very appreciative participant, and I can trowel on the flattery with a spade for a good meal. LOL! Now, tell me, what cook doesn't love that??? ;-)

    Love you and wish you a wonderful New Year!


    Sheila :-)

  59. P.S. I leave my decorations up till Three Kings Day, too, and sometimes beyond. ;-)

  60. Hi Kathleen, This sounds like a perfect way to spend Christmas. The table is beautiful and the menu sounds delicious. Happy 2012.

  61. What a wonderful family Christmas you had! The table was gorgeous & the FOOD...oh my!! Have a Happy New Year, Kathleen.

  62. Kathleen, the food looks delicious and the table absolutely beautiful! You did a good job teaching your son!
    Yes, it can be stressful to not have family near at the holidays. We all just have to do the best we can to celebrate whenever we are together, no matter what time of year that is. That is something I had to learn a long time ago, when we lived very, very, very far (in another country) away from our family. We would have Christmas celebrations and gift exchanges in July, when we were able to come and visit.
    It is always such a joy to stop by your blog and see what you are cooking in your kitchen! And I want to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!

  63. What a glorious Christmas celebration and she did a marvelous job! Happy New Year and here's to another year of blogging with you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  64. Glad the kiddo is OK

    I don't take down the tree till Jan 6

    My neighbors snatched it all down right after dinner on the big day

    All that food is making me hungry

    Happy New Year!

  65. Looks like your Christmas was beautiful as well as fun. I am sorry to hear you caught a bug. Get better soon! Have a wonderful new Year!

  66. What a gorgeous home and the food tables are out of this world. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!

  67. Absolutely stunning!

    Thank you for for sharing at Potpourri Friday. I wish you a healthy, prosperous and sparkling New Year!


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