Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Witches Flyby 2011 Pt. 2 & a Give Away!

You can read Pt 1 here.
And the saga continues... Part 2
Blog Labor 319_thumb[2]Witches

So those witches hognapped poor little Earl
Oh who will save his bacon?
Maybe Bill, or Pat or Marigene
Or is his butt forsaken?

The news went out through blogland
Marlis told Ellen and Jane
Scribbler told Gail and Stephanie
And Carol and Lulu in Maine.
Blog Labor 297_thumb[7]halloween porch
Alycia, Debbie and Retta
Try to reason with those witches,
Jacquelyn, Sue  and Joni think
They're too big for their britches!

The call went out from dear Yvonne
She wants to set Earl free,
Cherry Kay, Susan and Barb concur
So does Two Birdies and a B!
words 2 002 - CopyEarl
Now what you bloggers don't know
Will very soon come to light,
Earl had sent those girls a text
To pick him up that night!

It seems he wanted adventure
To get out with the gals.
He didn't like to be alone
He needed some new pals!
Blog Labor 330_thumb[2]witch front door
"Oh woe is me, what should I do?"
He knew it was plain old silly,
Witches and pigs aren't meant to mix
So they flew him home to Philly!

"So Earl  is home, we need some food
Let's stop and dine at Mabel's
Such good food and atmosphere,
And sweet spider web draped tables."
October Witches 116
They hang their hats upon the chairs,
October Witches 111
And gladly take a seat.
Leave their sneakers at the door,
October Witches 112
Man, they have big feet!

They start to plan next weeks trip
Since they dumped the little porker,
Let's start off at Brooklyn Pat's
She's such a fun New Yorker!
Where will they go next?  I don't know, but they saw some witches out west they would like to meet.  Zoulah and Boulah or some such crazy names! My witches, Busty, Dusty, Rusty and Musty have very witch like monikers! :)

October Witches 129

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October Witches 115
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October Witches 123
Those little monkey name card holders are what the witches turned BJ's flying monkeys into!
Don't fool with those 4 witches! 
Napkins ~Walmart
Alabaster Napkin rings~WSonoma Outlet
Spider spreaders~Tues Morning
Treble clef flatware~BBand B in clearance then 20% off
Covered Lion head bowls, WSONOMA outlet Monkey name holder WS too.
Stems~ Pier One sale  several years ago
The Give Away
October Witches 121
October Witches 122
WmSonoma Cornucopia Pan, perfect for Fall and Thanksgiving.
Just leave a comment about the post,
and then mention you would like a chance at the pan. New and old followers welcome!
Winner will be announced on Oct. 23rd.
October Witches 083
I tried Cathy ay Wives with Knives Onion, Cheese and Potato Galette.  Loved it!  Find it  here.
I didn't follow it exactly,  I added onions to the top and bottom and I used Swiss and Mozzarella.
Mine did take longer to bake than 45 min.  Probably because of the type of potato I used.  They were fresh from the farm, so I scrubbed them and left the peel on.  I used a mandolin to slice the onions and potatoes very thin.
October Witches 086
I made a few individual ones too.
October Witches 100
I think you will enjoy it!
Joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday

Gollum for Foodie Friday
Diann for Thrifty Friday
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Whew! So glad Earl made it back home safely! Love your witchy tablescape! The potato galette sounds like a dish I used to make in France called Tartiflette...made with Reblochon yummy! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  2. I am standing and cheering!! (OK, maybe I'm still technically sitting, but that really deserves a standing O)

    You are so incredibly gifted in both the poetry writing and the table (and the food... You just have it all)

    I really love the black and white table. I am very phobic of mice so I had to close one eye to enjoy the details. Loved them.

  3. What a fantastic tablescape! (could do without the yucky mice...but that's just me) I especially like the potato dish. Yummy.
    I would love a chance at the cake pan.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  4. Love the table! The new flatware looks awesome. The perfect touch.

    - The Tablescaper

  5. Heehee! Those crazy witches!

    This tablescape is awesome! The black & white, the witches's all so clever.

    Throw my name in the hat for the pan. Thanks!

  6. So glad Earl is home safe! I hope he learned his lesson!!

    I didn't know witches wore sneakers? I guess they are rather sneaky though!

    Yikes! Rats on the bowls!! No! Even so I do like the tablescape, and the tablecloth is great!


  7. I am glad Earl made it safely back to Philly! Loved the poem, tablescape and that potato gallette. Count me in for the cornucopia pan! It's beautiful. xo

  8. I am loving this post Kathleen!! Very creative!

    I would love a chance to win the cake pan.

  9. Eeeeek, I don't know if I could sit at a table with mice ... but your black and white is pretty enough to make me want to try! I love the combinations of patterns you used this week.

  10. Hello there Kathleen! Another fabulous table. I really enjoy black and white! Blessings...

  11. Earl has a phone??? Gonna have to look into that. So relieved he's home but knew he'd quickly become high maintenance!

    Cute table K, love the web and mice! Also the Galette looks amazing. Please add me in for the great give away-thanks:@)

  12. DARLING!! You are multi-talented, my dear!! A creative tablescaper, a wonderful cook, and now an accomplished poet and storyteller! I enjoyed it immensely! Oh and I'd love a chance at the cornucopia pan!!

  13. You are a trip! I love this fun and festive take on Halloween. We have to laugh and have fun don't we? :-)

    LOVE, love your black & white table! To me, it's just elegant and a favorite color combo of mine. The dishes are all just perfect.

    I would LOVE to win this pan!! Keeping my fingers & toes crossed ~


  14. I do believe you are SuperWoman -- enchanted perhaps? You cook like a chef, tablescape like a pro, and write imaginative verse, too. I stand in awe.

  15. I am in awe of the verses! And I'm in them too. Oh gosh.. this is an honor. I am totally bewitched! Honored? all of it..

    I love your table. did you make the web? what a clever idea!! Love the black and white.. did you make the tri pod for the kettle too - so glad Earl is not in it and he's been released.. whew.. this could have gotten a bit greasy you know.

    Thanks for hosting a beautiful giveaway.. I'd love to win that pan. all smiles and good luck to all..

    Another great tale and table. xo marlis

  16. Well, here we have been judging the old girls and it was really Earl stirring up trouble! I thought he had a little big of a Halloween devil in him! Fly out west, Beaulah and Zoulah would love to have another party!

    You are so clever! I love your cute poems. I love the pan, and I am a follower, and an admirere and glad to be part of the girl's fun! Oops I got distracted, I meant I would love to be in the giveaway!

  17. What a fun post. You're a great story teller!! Love your table. Those individual tureens are great. The gallette looks delicious and what a great giveaway! That pan is cute!

  18. Thanks so much for the giggles! Garbage disposal and dishwasher stopped working this week and I was in need of some fun! I LOVE your table...from the cauldron to the rats to the web tablecloth!

  19. Sounds like those witches are going to have a busy week flying about from coast to coast.
    Love the table, though I don't think I want any soup, thank you!
    I need to find some of those monkey place card holders. Recent find?
    Thanks for sharing this fun post. And of course, I'd love to be entered. ~ Sarah

  20. I love coming each week to what new adventure those witchy women get into! Love everything about the table, including the mice. Sign me up for the pan! Would love to bake a cake in that!

  21. Your posts about the witches and the porker were so fun to read. As an Arkansas Razorback fan, I'm glad he is back home safely.

    I love your creativity whether it be your poetry, tablescapes or recipes. I'd love to be part of your drawing. Thank you. Pam

  22. What a fun post...I love your quartet of witches, they are adorable...and have the nicest smiles! I am betting Earl wishes he were bacon after that whirlwind time with the witches of Long Island...
    You do black and white so well, Kathleen.

  23. Hey, I just heard the sound of brooms swishing in the air and looked out in time to see the girls fly by in the light of the moon. Oh wait, there's a knock at the door and what to my eyes should appear but four sisters of the night with a load of black and white dishes and a cake pan. All will come in handy for the luncheon I'm having next week. Thanks for sending them my way!

  24. I'm sending the car filled with people in white coats to come get you. Now...they're going to ask you to also put on a coat. Yours will be just a little bit different. Don't freak out. The sleeves are supposed to go all the way around like that and tie in the back. It might seem a little bit uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to it while you're checking out your new luxurious, all expense paid, very trendy and hip white rubber room!!! Yes, you'll love it! There will be lots of other friends there for you to meet. People with minds JUST like yours. You will be SO happy. Dont' fight it. Just let it happen................Actually, I was glad to see an "w" inserted into the word describing me. THat doesn't happen too often! ;-) TOO funny!!!!!! You must eat a lot of Froot Loops! Great table, Kathleen! The rats hanging on by their tails is really fun! I'm glad Earl returned to his senses and his home. He'll think twice next time!

  25. What an entertaining post! Love your black and white spooky table especially the cauldron for the centerpiece. Very clever! I would also love the pan and I may even bake something in it if I win.

    Robin Flies South

  26. I've eyed that cornucopia pan for quite a would be a treat to win it. I have so much fun following you....always a smile and a giggle. Great, animated tablescape. I want to do Halloween at your house! Thank you for sharing your darling design. Cherry Kay

  27. glad to hear the little fellow made it home safely. And heres to the crazest witches in blog land. also you are one of the most creative. clap clap! I would love to win your cute little pan.
    Nancy at:

  28. Oh Kathleen, I always leave your posts very hungry! The food is making me drool, it's late here and really, I am HUNGRY!! I love, love your black and white Halloween tablescape, it's so elegant! I love the china you've used, everything is fabulous! Thank you for the great giveawy and for the chance. Love, FABBY

  29. Kathleen, you tell the best stories! How lucky your grandchildren are! Love the white/black tablescape to go with it. Those mice on the soup tureens and spider spreaders are fantastic!


  30. Love it all! It's black and white, my fav ;-) I might need some mice! I went to Paris(NY) for some freshly dug potatoes this week, and have the mandolin ready. Cathy's recipe sounds wonderful.

  31. Lovely tablescape...especially like the flatware. I like the changes to the potato galette. It is god, isn't it?

  32. Love to come and read about you and Earl's adventures. will be making tht Galette real soon.

  33. I hope you can hear me clapping my hands and shouting "bravo." You have outdone yourself, Kathleen! Great post and I love your beautiful tablescape. Black and white is my favorite.

    I'm happy you enjoyed the potato tart. Next time I'm going to make the small ones. Thanks so much for the link. I'm still laughing at the mice on the soup bowls.

  34. This is the cutest table I've seen all season. Perfect for the season and not a pumpkin or shot of orange in sight. Very creative. I'd love the cornucopia pan. Love to Earl!
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  35. Oh. My. Soul. HILARIOUS!!!! Thanks for the laugh! I do love your table. White and black is just fabulous!

  36. Yay for Earl being back home. I knew your witches were just having fun! Love this fun black and white table!! That potato dish looks really good....comfort food for sure. Can't wait for more witch adventures. Your giveaway is wonderful, thanks for the chance.

  37. Clever charming AND talented? Why, it must be my friend Kathleen! Cute post! and those potatoes look delicious!

  38. Love the classy tablescape...and I'd love a chance at that great pan!

  39. Bravo, Kathleen! What a fun post! Glad to read that Earl knew he was in over his snout and is back home, safe and sound, the little rascal.

    Love the table! The mice hanging from the caldrons are a riot. I'm not sure I could bring myself to use those butter knives though :)

    Great giveaway and I have to try Cathy's recipe, it looks delicious.

  40. Darling table, K.
    Love everything on it...and love your poem. You should write a book of poems...I know it would sell.

    Boy, you got some MEAN OLE WITCHES there to turn my flying monkeys into card
    Glad to hear EARL is back home.

    Well I got thru the 12 lady I am gathering things to wear to an outdoor wedding that is going to freeze my butt right off. Bringing out my leather boots, long black skirt and a new black and white top..will end up wearing a coat...and this is the wedding I THINK I told you that they are having a POT LUCK RECEPTION DINNER and asked everyone to bring a dish. I nearly dropped dead when I read that...THUD !....Never heard of this in my entire looooong life.

  41. Love your table! You did an excelelnt job....but I'm loving all the comments too! Alycia, made me roll on the floor! Thank you for a wonderful table and the laughs.
    Blessings My Friend,

  42. That table is so fabulous! No wonder he was impressed by the tablecloth!

  43. I bet Lynn missed Earl but I am glad he is back home. Cute post, Kathleen. Love your tablescape. I really like the mice with their tails haning on the bowl lids. Your potato dish looks delish...Christine

  44. I loved your poem & am so glad Earl made it back to Philly! Your tablescape is perfect & the potato gallete looks delicious. I'd love a chance for the giveaway!!!

  45. YOu are so dang clever!!!!! The poem is amazing! Just like you! I love the table, b black and white is so beautiful. Love the RATS!!!! That Earl is a real rascal!!!!! XO, Pinky

  46. hahaha! Very clever..and I enjoyed looking at your Halloween decorations and table while enjoying the story! :)

  47. Oops...just posted that I enjoyed reading your tale and looking at the decorations and totally forgot to mention that I would love to be included in your giveaway.

  48. Oh how fun. That table is fabulously creative.
    As for the potato dish I could live off of that for days on end. I adore potatoes of every kind.

  49. Loved reading your cute commentary about Earl, happy to hear he is safely home.
    Great giveaway!! I have wanted one of these pans forever.

    Mary L

  50. I'm having so much fun reading about the flights of your zany witches. Can't wait to see where will they go next. Thank goodness Earl got home in one piece. :)
    Love the tablescape, too.

  51. So glad Earl is back...pigs aren't meant to fly!! Your table is adorable and I'm enjoying the witches' flight itinerary!

    Please sign me up for the cornucopia!! (BTW I love your new header photo!)

    Thank you.


  52. Hi the baloney curls on those witches...and I could not rhyme if you put a gun to my head....I love when you do this.....your so clever....But what no items on your table from the CTS???.....
    Would I love that pan....of yes I would....I'm having a blog brunch on Nov. 6th for the locals...would love to bake a cake in it.....just saying!!

  53. Love this! And would love a shot at the pan...Thanks for the opportunity!

  54. Hi Kathleen,
    Loved, loved the fun poem! And your table is literally to DIE for!! The black rat, he's some looker. It all looks so fun! I have the same witches in your first pic. Would love a chance at winning the fun pan. Glad I came to visit!

  55. That witch setting on that table is fitting for Halloween, and i love the Swiss and Mozzarella!. Richard from Amish Stories.

  56. Hi Kathleen!
    Happy Fall...your blog header is beautiful!

    Your table scapes are always so creative and beautiful. And that yummy Onion Cheese Potato Galette...I wanted to grab a fork and dive in!

    The awesomely, wonderful, delightfully beautiful William Sonoma Cornucopia Pan is to die for!!!!!

    Thank you my lovely friend for adding beauty to our lives.

  57. Absolutely love your table and your witchy poetry! That galette looks wonderful!!! And the black and white tablescape really captures the creepy season! I already have that pan, so I will let someone else have an extra shot at winning it - I LOVE mine!

  58. Such naughty witches! I love this table! So much fun! Only you could create a beautiful yet creepy table! And that potato dish looks so good! Thank you for being part of TTF and have a fun weekend!

  59. That Earl has always been an adventurous soul but I did not know he was SUCh a trouble concerner. I have to get back to read the start of this adventure.
    I would not mind winning, if you add my name to a Halloween cauldron or pointy hat.

    I have to bookmark that delicious dish as well.

  60. Beautiful blacks and whites! I'd love to win the cake pan!

    Have a great weekend!


  61. I do love a black and white table! Those mice are a cute and spooky touch added to the mini soup tureens. The black and white gingham napkins are the perfect touch, too!

    The potato dish looks so delicious. Yum!

  62. Love it! Love it! Love it! From the story telling to those mice on the soup tureens to the spider web tablecloth. Spootacular!!
    The potato dish looks yummy and would compliment the apple spice cake baked in that lovely Cornucopia pan (hint, hint! lol)
    A very thoughtful giveaway you are offering...Thanks!

  63. Simply super as usual!! I love the drama of this TS. The black rats are the perfect creepy touch.

    Your attention to detail is always fabulous.

    Please add me to the drawing list.


  64. Wooo---I finally have a good connection tonight! I'm glad earl is back home safe and sound! :)

    I made Cathy's onion tart too and it was very delicious and definitely something I will make again.

    I love this pan! I bought it last year and used the recipe that came with it and enjoyed it. I'm sure whoever wins it will love it.

  65. Absolutely brilliant story telling! Thoroughly enjoyed your post

  66. That galette looks amazing..The pan and all Blk and white too..
    You sure know how to have fun w/ dishes Kathleen:)

  67. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your black and white Tablescape and the way you put this all together. Your potato dish looks great sweet lady.put me in your Give-A-Way I need this sweet lady.
    XXOO Diane

  68. So happy Earl made it back home in one piece! You have outdone yourself AGAIN from the poem to the tablescapes.
    The potatoe dish looks yummy!!

  69. What a naughty little pig! Is Earl a teenager, by any chance? They do thoughtless things at that age~ LOL
    Potatoes look yummy. If I ate all that delicious food you cook, I'd be bigger than a house!
    I'd love to enter your give-away. :-) Sue

  70. Hi Kathleen!
    I'm soooo glad I didn't miss out on seeing this DARLING & very Creative table!!! My computer is STILL in the shop...I fear its I have not been online lately at all. (I hate this tiny laptop)

    Your napkins & name place holders & those hilarious witches go so beautifully with those pretty dishes. I feel like such a slacker lately...haven't done a tablescape in ages. I'll just have to enjoy yours!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win the WmSonoma Cornucopia Pan! It is awesome looking & its so nice of you to make it available to some lucky winner.


    p.s. I made Cathy's onion/potato pie & it didn't look like either yours or hers! LOL Tasted great but the photos were awful. LOL

  71. Whew -- I had heard that Earl had made it home okay but what an adventure HE had with his gal-pals, lol. Great post Katheleen -- I am loving the black and white table!! Please enter me in -- those pans are the best and I'd love to have that one -- thanks for the chance :)


  72. Kathleen - Thanks for visiting my post and commenting--that introduced me to you and your fun and fabulous blog! And thanks for telling me about the giveaway--yes, yes, I'd love to have it! :)

    I love your whole tablescape--it's chic and fun at the same time--and I love the tablecloth. Did you make that?!

    Good to meet you!

  73. This is what I get for missing TT. Your poem cracked me up! I had to read it to my DH and I heard Zoulah cackling in the background. I am so glad that Earl is back in Philly and not on your table for dinner. I was beginning to worry. I love the note that they sent you -- "No Word ID!" You are a very clever woman and a real kick in the pants. So glad that I have got to "know " you in blogland. Your table this week is so fun. I love those individual casseroles with the mouse hanging down. Black and white is so striking. If Your witches came to visit Zoulah in Utah, they might not want to leave. I am having two Halloween parties this year where they would feel at home. Such a pleasure to visit with you today. Have a great weekend.

  74. Your clever poem you spelled had me cackling from beginning to end! Love your black & white table~ your mice hanging by their tails are frightful! Would love to be included in your pan giveaway :)

  75. What a fab post! Where to start?
    Your witches are wonderful and I'm so glad they sent Earl back home, we were all very worried about him.
    Loved the poem, so clever how you mentioned all those other bloggers.
    The tablescape,wow! Just amazing.
    I'd love to be entered in the giveaway if it's open to non US bloggers, with no WS here in France I take every opportunity there is to get my hands on their great products!

  76. Hi again Kathleen,
    Just became your newest follower, looking forward to geittng loads of inspiration for my holiday decorating!

  77. How can we think about a PAN...when Earl is STILL missing! Are we just going to cook and have fun while he's out there ALONE? heehee! I would love a new pan though...but I'm still worried! ♥

  78. OK...I feel better now! I see he's back home...and wondering where he will go next! I'm a follower...and should read every word...not every other word! lol ♥♥♥

  79. I had heard that Earl went missing. Glad to know that little porker reached home! This post is too cute, as well as that pan that you're giving away. Please count me in.

  80. Fun, fun poem. Glad those witches let Earl go home! That tablescape is too cute. I love it! I also love that pumpkin tea pot. I'd love to win the pan. I'd follow you anywhere! laurie

  81. Beautiful tables! I'd love a chance at the pan, I'm a new follower.

  82. I'm back! I'd love a chance at the pan. Thanks!

  83. The potatoes look delicious, I'd LOVE to win the pan and I'm a happy follower. Thanks for the chance!

  84. Enjoyed the table and the poetry!
    Became a follower--had thought I already was.

  85. I'm so glad my sweet Earl is safe and sound. He has a wild side!

    Great tablescape!

    I'd love that pan!

  86. I adore this black and white table with so much charm and whimsey Kathleen. And would love a chance to win the mold. Happy Memorial Day :)


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