Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mid October Sights & Apple Crumb Bread

Time for Seasonal Sunday again, and I took some shots of what's happening outdoors.

October Witches 020

The last cucumber of the season from the garden.


October Witches 059

The Dusty Miller is huge.  I love that these come back again in Spring, sometimes.

Augyst and dinner dance 560

The asters make their last stand.

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Mini carns still in the pink.

Augyst and dinner dance 569

Still lots of roses...

October Witches 161

But I know these warmer Fall days are numbered and November, will creep in and bring early darkness.

October Witches 162

I will enjoy these days as we tuck Summer away in the shed till next year.

October Witches 160

A little pumpkin table to chase away the thought of winter.

table 1197

I found this Apple Bread recipe on Richard's Amish Stories blog.  He is not Amish, but lives near Amish Country and is interested in their way of life. 

It is called  Amish Apple Crumb Bread.

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I doubled the amount of crumbs, as we are crumb lovers!  :)You can find the recipe here.

I also added cinnamon to the chopped apples.

October Witches 159

He has posted lots of other recipes and interesting stories.  I find it fascinating to learn about the Amish and Mennonite Communities.  If you visit, tell him Kathleen sent you.  I think he will get a kick out of that!

There's still time to win the Cornucopia Pan, info here.

October Witches 122

You just have to be a follower or become one, and live in the US.

Also, I must have a way to contact you.  Many of you have no reply addys .  I know some don't know they have that, going to do a post on that!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday

Yvonne for On the Menu Monday

Marty for Tablescape Tuesday

Thanks so much for hosting.

I hope you had a great weekend, thanks for sharing some of your time with me!


  1. Yummy! I love anything apple! I will try this one! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  2. I can't believe how many flowers you still have in bloom!!!
    Gorgeous pics Kathleen and I want those cute pumpkin plates too!
    Also, thanks for your sweet note, it brought tears to my eyes!
    My daughter appreciates what I do, mostly, but I do it for my grand-daughter because I know she needs me right now!

  3. Kathleen -- my Dusty Miller is huge too. My petunias, that I gave up on in late August (because it was so blasted hot), are having their last hurrah too. That bread looks amazing. Love your fun table :)


  4. That apple crumb bread looks divine. Wish I had a slice about the table for 2 pumpkin patch, and heading over to check out Richard's blog! xo

  5. Enjoy that last cuke K! I sure wish mine did better this year, I lost them a long time ago! Cute pumpkin table and the apple bread looks great-enjoy:@)

  6. Hi Kathleen,

    I always love seeing pics of your lawn. Your flowers and shrubs are so pretty, and I love your garden shed with the barn stars on the doors. The pumpkin table is very cheery, and the bread looks yummy. I will definitely stop by Richard's blog. Happy Seasonal Sunday!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  7. Oh that bread looks delicious!

    I can't believe how many flowers you still have.

    I love those happy pumpkin faced plates!

  8. You still have such beauty in your yard! The apple crumb bread looks so delicious and your festive pumpkin table so cute. I have the same dutch oven in green. It was among my mom's things and never used. I promptly made a meal in it :)

  9. Wow! That bread looks phenomenal!

    I love your Jack-o-Lantern plates. Hopefully, they will scare Old Man Winter least for a while.

  10. That is one apple recipe I will be trying, it looks delicious!

  11. Everything looks just lovely there. We haven't had much loveliness at all this year, and we certainly don't have any now. I think it must be wonderful to live where you do.

    I would sit outside and eat a slice or twenty of apple bread and just enjoy the scenery!

  12. Apple bread sounds perfect for this time of the year. I think your back garden and shed are so pretty! I don't think I have ever seen it before.

    Ricki Jill

  13. Kathleen, I can't believe all of the beautiful flowers still blooming in your yard. Our summer heat wilted any flowers I had. Those jack-o-lantern plates are adorable. Cute, cute table. laurie

  14. THe apple bread looks delish and those pumpkin plates just make me smile -- were they a bargain from CTS (note, my face, like Zoulah's is turning green about not having that store near me!). Joni

  15. oh my yum! this looks sooo good! Your flowers are beautiful!

  16. Your flowers are still so gorgeous! Love the apple crumb bread..warm right out of the oven is how I would like it!!!!

  17. Greetings! Love your roses. And your table is absolutely adorable, especially the little pumpkin napkin rings. And that bread looks delicious -- although I love to see everything you make, it always looks so good -- YUM!

  18. Your yard is still look beautiful Kathleen - you don't show it enough! Are your asters naturally low growing or do you trim them to be that way? Jealous of your cucumber. I don't have much luck with them. You apple crumb bread would go over big here with Randy (and me). Will have to tuck it away since my apples are coming in soon.

  19. Your yard is still summery looking! My husband is very interested in the Amish, so we will check out his blog. Please count me in for the pretty pan giveaway ;o)

  20. What a beautiful and well cared for yard!! Everything looks so healthy! The bread sounds so good and looks moist. The Amish are known for their good cooking. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  21. Always so beautifully maintained Kathleen..It looks way more like fall here than there~

  22. This looks soooo yummy Kathleen! I think I'll add this to my list of recipes to try


    PS. I have my first ever real giveaway going on. I'd love if you dropped by and, if you'd like, entered!

  23. Your outdoor is more colourful than ours right now; it has been raining here for the past 5 days. Your apple bread looks wonderful!

  24. Wow, so yummy Kathleen, if I lived near you I'd be visiting almost everyday! I just love all the plates you have, they're usually perfect for the season and the motif. Thank you for visiting and hubby said: oh my that table is so "lugubre"(in spanish), so I said: OMG! now I know what to call it and lugubrious means: "excessively mournful! which I loved, specially the mournful part, lol! Have a sweet week. FABBY

  25. Beautiful blog, love your header!

    My goodness, the Amish Apple Crumb bread looks DIVINE!! Your table setting is adorable! Thanks for sharing! XO ~Liz

  26. My cucumber plant gave up the ghost about three weeks ago! No frost yet but it just shriveled up and died. We might have our first frost this week :(

    I have visited Amish Stories but missed the Apple Crumb Cake recipe. I looks wonderful! I like the idea of more crumbs too.

  27. Your flowering garden looks a lot better than mine these days. There are still a few cucumbers on the vine, and I think they are going to stay there. We are about cucumbered out. I'm off to the store for apples to try your recipe and make my favorite apple dapple cake.

  28. Your flowering garden looks a lot better than mine these days. There are still a few cucumbers on the vine, and I think they are going to stay there. We are about cucumbered out. I'm off to the store for apples to try your recipe and make my favorite apple dapple cake.

  29. Beautiful photos! That's a pretty big cucumber!!! Wow! The little spikes on it make it look like a cactus! :-) The aster looks so pretty. I should plant that one year. Even though I live in the Midwest where the winter temps occasionally dip below zero, my dusty miller has come back 2 years in a row!!! I was shocked!!! I thought it was strictly an annual!

  30. I love his interesting and I, too, have always been interested in the Amish. Ever since I saw HARRISON FORD in WITNESS...:))
    That bread sounds delicious...

  31. Lovely photos! It's amazing how beautiful your flowers still are.

    I can't wait to try the Apple Crumb Bread ~ sounds delish. Cinnamon makes everything better don't you think?

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed re: the giveaway ~ :-)


  32. I don't know what I enjoyed most. Seeing your lovely flowers and sunshine, the apple crumb bread ( we are crumby lovers too) or your pumpkin table! All warmed me right up :) you asked about my candles. I decorated them up myself using a lit red candle. I ran the drips down th plain white candles :) Always good to see you friend :)

  33. HI Kathleen, this bread sounds SO good, I love anything with apples!!!! I will check out the blog. I go through Amish country each week and it is lovely. Thanks for the prayers....XO, Pinky

  34. That apple crumb bread looks so good1
    Love your pumpkin plates on your tablescape!

  35. Your flowers are all still so pretty and your yard looks amazing. The bread looks soooooo good. I will have to make some. Also, I love that tablesetting in your header. So pretty. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  36. Hi, Kathleen! Me again, enjoying your blog! Your table is so cute, and your grounds look wonderful--amazing the flowers are still doing so well! As soon as I saw the picture of the bread I thought about the crumb topping--I'll make double of it too! :) Thanks for sharing!

  37. Well I misread your comment. Yes the red covered bowls came from World Market :)

  38. you can't go wrong with double the crumbs! It looks delicious!

  39. I just made pumpkin bread but this apple bread looks better. Definitely going to try it. I missed your giveaway post so I'm going there right now!

  40. A friend in Wisconsin told me about your site and I enjoy it so much. I love dishes and setting the table too. I wish you were my neighbor so we could get together and share our settings and cooking.

    I would love to win your William Sonoma cornucopia pan. I am anxious to try your crumb cake. It looks so yummy.


  41. Hi Kathleen~your blooms look sooo pretty :) and that apple bread looks sooooo yummy, that I'm drooling :) You set such a pretty table :)
    Thanks for your visit and your sweet comment :)


  42. Your garden looks so pretty,still. Mine has all but gone. Now that the weather is cooler and we've had rain, I'm getting a rose or two and a very few gardenias. The apple bread looks delish.
    Thanks for stopping by. :)

  43. Such colorful pretties still in your garden. All I have left now are the geraniums. Your apple bread looks fantastic! Today is another good day to bake, they said it will be rainy today.

  44. We might be getting a new house soon and have been thinking about gardening... Your post makes me want to do it for sure! Sook @

  45. Looks like things are still beautiful there. We have some roses still but that is about it!

    My apple tree is just stuffed and this Amish Apple Bread would be perfect. I love the crumb topping, there might be a few pieces with the topping stolen off - yes I would be guilty of a naughty thing like that!

  46. How did I miss coming here? It's been a long Fall and Summer has seemed to lag on (at least weather wise). Love your cutie pumpkin table! That apple bread looks great.

    - The Tablescaper

  47. Kathleen,
    This is such a great post a little of this and that. Boy, your roses are still gorgeous!
    That bread is a keeper!!!!! Im making it for sure!
    Thanks for being part of ON THE MENU MONDAY!
    xo Yvonne

  48. Our garden is finally starting to look good again! The hydrangeas are nearly ready to flower, the grass is green and I'm getting some azaleas to plant next week. I'm so excited after seeing this post!

    Hope you have had a lovely week. Happy weekend!

    Best wishes,

  49. The bread looks so delicious...I'm thinking about making it into muffins. I'm with you on the crumb topping!!! Doubled sounds perfect to me.


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