Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Note Has Arrived & Donuts!

It was absolutely gorgeous today, and more of the same for tomorrow.  It's a sit outside or go to the beach day for sure here on Long Island.

We have no "color" yet here, except GREEN.
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The Montauk Daisies are in full bloom.  They are all over out here in October.  Do you have them?  If so I bet they aren't called Montauk Daisies, Montauk is the tip of Long Island where I live.

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The Hydrangea that I didn't cut in August are a beautiful color.

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And the mums are fully open.

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The Diamond Frost is enjoying the cooler nights.

I set a little table for us on the side porch.

It is very warm in the sun, you won't need your sweater!

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I October Witches 064  I used a light lilac cotton throw as the cloth.

The china is a gift from my dear friend, Marigene at In the Middle of Nowhere, long before blogging.  I have used in several posts, and each time people ask where I got it.  Unfortunately, it is discontinued.  I just love it, and have registered on Replacements , but it never comes in.  I keep checking ebay too.

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The salad plate is a toile, so pretty!

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I used a white cutwork pedestal bowl from CTS with some Diamond Frost tucked under a white pumpkin as the centerpiece.

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Some blue and white verbena and diamond frost in a beehive votive holder for some added color. They are so beautifully delicate like the china.

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Rattan charger from Pfaltzgraff sale last year, 2.00

Green twisty flatware to pick  up the green in the leaves, from CTS, ( and because I don't have purple flatware!)purple stems from HG, and the beautiful toile pitcher was a gift from my friend Barbara.

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I used 2 shades of purple napkins which I have had a long time, and the three ringed, three shades of purple, are from B B and B, in clearance for .99.  My friend  A, The Tablescaper asked me to pick one up for her, and they were so pretty I got some for myself too!

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For dessert I made some APPLE donuts using the recipe HERE, but I baked them in this pan. It is made by Wilton, and I got it at BBB with a 20 off coupon.

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What do you think?  Not perfect, but they tasted very good! AND a lot cheaper than the ones they sold at Apple Farm.  Not greasy!

Oh, the NOTE, you ask?

For those who don't know, my witches who are flying for the 3rd year through blogland, have caused a stir. Read about it HERE.

It seems they thought it would be fun to PIG nap Earl from Lynn at Happier Than a Pig in Mud. 

Yvonne called for a Free Earl campaign, and BJ sent out some Flying Monkeys!  The witches got wind of this and want a few things, if they are to return Earl.

They don't know why everyone is getting their knickers in a knot, they said, "Girls just have to have fun!"

OK, the note they left.  I think they have a lot of nerve myself, but as they say, I am not their keeper. Well, I am in that I keep them in my basement, but I can't tell them what to do or say!

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I am sure Earl is fine!  I mean who would eat a pig?  Did I say eat?  I meant hurt!  :)

Oh one last thing.

October Witches 016I gave dh one of these for his bday, an electric smoker.  My friend Ellen at the Happy Wonderer did a post about hers last winter.  More about that at a later date, but we have come into some pork and have been giving it a work out.

Now don't jump to any EARLy conclusions! 

And now please join us for dinner...PORK CHOPS!  :)

Augyst and dinner dance 385 

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal  Sunday

Yvonne for On the Menu Monday

Marty for Tabletop Tuesday

Lisa at Simply This and That for Sweet Treats

Thanks for visiting, and be sure to come back Wed night for the next installment of the Witches Flyby and news of a special give away.  And it's not a pound of BACON!


  1. Great fun post! I love the ransom note. I must say they are really good demands!!! xo

  2. First of all, I WANT THAT PORKCHOP! Oh, does it look SO delicious. I can also go for one of your donuts too. Second -- I, too, love the lilac china. So pretty. I hope you are able to find the extra pieces you want. AND, I love that "Fall" napkin in your header -- love the dark colors!
    I'm off to check out your last couple of posts... I haven't visited in a while. Have a great rest of the weekend, Kathleen.

  3. Delightful post. Love pork chops, so I'll grab my keys and be right over.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  4. I have no doubt the girls are having fun, but also have their hands full with Earl! Glad to hear he's ok, and I'm on-board with the demands!

    Your smoker did raise an eyebrow... but the chops look great! Enjoy this beautiful weather:@)

  5. OFFICIAL! That's my are officially out of your ever lovin' mind!!! I needed a laugh this evening, and I'm glad I checked in with you! Silly, silly, silly!!! No wonder everyone asks about those gorgeous dishes...they are smokin' pretty!!! Very pretty table, young lady! Poor Earl. And my heart goes out to Lynn. I'm sure she's in cardiac arrest right about now after reading this post! :-)

  6. P.S. - I second ALL of those demands!

  7. oh how I love that lavender table setting on the side porch. Beautiful. Those dishes are fabulous. Glad you are smokin! Hope you enjoy it. Our son just bought himself one last week since he lives so far from us. The note is fabulous! I have gotten a bit envious of an earlier Thanksgiving... I'll still be cooking a turkey come November, though! Have a great rest of the weekend.

  8. You are TOO funny!! I love the antics with the witches & Earl!! He's probably living high on the hog with those girls. Your tablescape was so pretty with the lilac & white...loved that for Fall! I think I need (okay, want!)one of those donut pans. I've been thinking about one for awhile.

  9. Now, I have to admit that I said a little prayer for Earl when I saw the smoker! The amythest china is gorgeous. I'll keep an eye out for you. Perhaps I'll come across some at an estate sale some day. Love the cable knit texture for the 'tablecloth. Thank you for sharing your inviting design. Cherry Kay

  10. I love pork chops as long as they aren't 'Earl chops'. Hope he finds his way home soon! Love that lilac very pretty!

  11. The daisies are incredible. There are no daisies blooming in Ohio! Can't imagine living on the tip of an island. How wonderful. Happy Sunday! Oh...your table is beautiful. Love the flatware.

  12. Your lavender table is just perfect! The color is so pretty & the china is gorgeous. I don't doubt why people ask you where you got it.

    I want that porkchop now!

  13. Ahhh, okay, I think I get it. I suppose the mayhem doesn't end until after Halloween.

    Lovely nice that you can still enjoy the porch and the posies. Hope you get several more weeks of being able to enjoy it.

    (My sis lives down in your corner. She says that she is feeling wimpy because she had to start the furnace. From the sounds of your post, I'd say that she might be a wimp, after all.)

  14. Beautiful lavender table, Kathleen! I love that pitcher.
    The donuts look yummy...
    Your witches are spot on with their demands, but then they are women, aren't they?

  15. This post had me completely delighted from start to finish. I love the table in a big old way. The purples are so pretty with the white pumpkins. I imagined myself sitting on your porch with the beautiful flowers still blooming. (NONE here, of course.)

    But it was the last part about Earl and the smoker and the pork chops that literally made me laugh out loud. You are so funny.

  16. Oh Kathleen you are too much! I'm sure Earle will survive. I have faith, but in the meantime perhaps yo should put that smoker away so you don't make him too nervous.

    Love your table. That is such a great pattern. And I love those napkin rings. Thanks for picking up that last one for me. I'm glad they inspired you.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. Great ransom note.. good points there and certainly they are a bit heavy on the lard..

    Great table setting.. love the green and purple. Those are beautiful dishes. xo marlis

  18. Beautiful table and those lavender dishes are great. The throw makes a perfect tablecloth.I have never heard of apple donuts-please share the recipe. Hmmm, I am betting Earl is giving those girls a run for their money. LOL.

  19. Fun post! Poor Earl. Could be worse, they could have written their demands in pig latin and poor Earl wouldn't have stood a chance.
    Pretty table, love the dishes Marigene sent.

  20. Well, at least Earl could have an apple donut, maybe???? Poor guy!

    Your purples look stunning on your table. i have seen lots of pretty purples on blogs lately....mayhap this is a trend in the making!?!?!?!?

    Lovely post!

  21. You are ssoooo back, Lady! cracked up at the note & loved what it said!!
    Hate the music...scares the crap oughta' me, when it comes on, full blast, early in the morning.

    Your purple tablescape is gorgeous! Very, very pretty...wish I'd gotten some Diamond Frost this year. *sigh*

    I have that donut pan but we didn't care for the recipe that came with it. Flavorless & dry. I will give YOUR link's recipe a try.

    My desktop PC is still in the shop, so I'm not doing any blogging or commenting, but I just HAD to pop in here.


    p.s. we don't have ANY daisies blooming around here. LOTS of mums & still some pretty pink hydrangeas. Reminds me I must transplant one of the 2 I planted in the spring. It did not do well where I had it. I hope now is a good time to move it.

  22. I don't see a thing wrong with the witche's demands. I'm sure Earl is fine...don't cha think???

    Beautiful table! The flowers are so pretty. Everything burned up in Texas so it's even difficult to find a spot of green grass. LOVE of my favorite flowers. Thanks so much for sharing all the beauty...and the donuts!


  23. I don't see a thing wrong with the witche's demands. I'm sure Earl is fine...don't cha think???

    Beautiful table! The flowers are so pretty. Everything burned up in Texas so it's even difficult to find a spot of green grass. LOVE of my favorite flowers. Thanks so much for sharing all the beauty...and the donuts!


  24. Your tables are prettier each time you post. I love the china. If I didn't live in an apartment I would get a smoker. A friend has one and she turns out the best food.
    Wasn't today glorious?!

  25. Hi! I am visiting from Yvonne's blog! What beautiful table settings...and your apple donuts are mouth-watering delicious looking! Have a great week!

  26. Love your table! The colors look beautiful! Wish I could be there for one of the dougnuts! Thanks for sharing,JoAnn

  27. HI Kathleen,
    What a gorgeous tablesetting! I love the soft colors and your porch is amazing!
    You never cease to amaze me with all of your beautiful tables!
    I can't believe you are still so summerlike! We've been really warm this week but our trees are now past peek and the leavings are falling. SAD... I know what comes next.
    Take Care,

  28. Sorry, I am late in visiting, Kathleen. We just arrived from a trip to Charleston, SC for John's meeting.Your tablescape is so pretty, I love the colares and the colors, love the violet toile, unusual color! The food looks so good as usual, and you are making me hungry cause I did not cook, too tired....Christine

  29. Really, we must find some more of those dishes, because I want some, too. I haven't had an appetite for days, but I think that when I viewed the donuts, it may be coming back.

  30. What a fun post! I'm still laughing! Poor Earl! I hope he escapes soon! Guess I'll have to do my part and get rid of the ID thingy. How come I always get the weird stuff??

    Love that purple tablescape! I'm also working on one with some purple!

    Pretty daisies. No we don't have them here!

    I have posted some of my fall decorating!


  31. The Diamond Frost plant is my new favorite. It is perfect for so many spots.
    I am surprised at how much is still blooming in my Fall garden. It certainly isn't warm here at night any more.

  32. GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, WOMAN...did you say PORK chops....??
    As if EARL isn't frightened enuf by being PigNapped, he now has to worry about everyone eating P.O.R.K.
    "Lynn......oh, LYNNNNNNN.....

  33. Absolutely great post. Love the demands especially about the music. It scares me when it just comes out of nowhere EARLy in the morning.

  34. Those dishes are the prettiest that I've seen in a long time. Your table is so lovely with the white pumpkins and the green touches. As for Earl, well, just make sure he doesn't squeal on you!

  35. Somehow, I think Earl is going to return home with lots of interesting stories while he is with those witches :) Just make sure they keep Earl far away from that smoker. I'm already on board with the witches' demands and couldn't agree more.

    It still looks like summer there except for the yellowing leaves on the hydrangea. Gorgeous weather here the past few days too. Things are ready to change, though.

    Beautiful table and dishes - now pass me a donut!

  36. Pork sounds good to me, especially smoked pork! I agree, the girls are over 18 and what is a "mom" supposed to do! The table is so pretty, makes me feel like there isn't really snow on the mountains right out my window! The donuts look great, but what really has me hungry is the PORK chops! What are pigs for anyways? Ooh, that sounded heartless.

  37. Oh you are such fun! Love the ransom note. I'm cackling like a witch. I can't believe all of the beautiful color you have in your garden now. Love your pastel Fall tablescape. I would never have thought of using those pretty lilac dishes in the Fall, but they are perfect with the white pumpkins. Your donuts look delish, and I was glad to learn that the scrumptious looking pork was not Earl. laurie

  38. Saw lots of daisies blooming in France. Wish I had some in my garden.
    I'm sure those girls are treating Earl with the respect he deserves, and I suspect he has found the donuts by now. I'd hide the smoker though. ;-)
    Absolutely adore those dishes. I'll be looking for them. Such an unusual color and perfect for a fall setting.
    Enjoy the week........Sarah

  39. Oh my gosh, you are hilarious!!! Please don't eat Earl!

  40. Hi Kathleen from your newest follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leading me here for a lovely visit! I have had a read of a few posts and a good laugh! I adore your witches!! The pirate tablescape is just darling and I sooo much want to do it! Todays lilac is so pretty and the pumkins makes it gorgeous. Love that pan that saves on the oil ....wonder if I can find one here...going to have a search around. Love your blog and thanks for your lovely comment!


  41. Love those dishes, Kathleen!!:-)

    I will have to check into this electric smoker. We had a charcoal smoker many a long year ago. Smoked the Thanksgiving turkey for several years, among other things.

    Looking forward to hearing more about Earl's dilemma!

  42. Love your post, Kathleen. I am all for the demands in the witches note. I just hate those word ID things. Your table is so pretty with those beautiful shade of lavender.

  43. You are into this with Earl! Glad Mike is enjoying his electric smoker. We use our smoker quite a bit and consider it a wise purchase.

  44. So pretty and those pork chops and donuts look heavenly!!! Your flowers are beautiful. My lantana is much happier since we've had rain and below 90 days...finally!

  45. wow...wat an eye catchy cliks..
    first time here...just love your space..
    very interesting posts with excellent presentation..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  46. What a wonderful post; the flowers, the food took my breath away. I have to find that pan for you donuts. Thankk you for your kind visit Kathleen.

  47. Hi,
    Had to go check out all the posts that I had missed. Love this lavendar with the white pumpkins. How out of the box. So fun and refreshing. Donuts and pork chops look yum-0!


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