Sunday, September 4, 2011

Blue Skies, Thank the Lord!

Last weekend at this time we were being smacked around by Irene.  But, as I reported in my last post, we bid her good riddance with a funeral party!

Since she left town, the skies have been blue and the weather beautiful!

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I took this shot from our beach. 

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My 4 gkids enjoying their last weekend before school begins Tuesday.  I will miss having them out here at the beach.  I don't see them that often once school begins and they go back to their  home.

After a day of fun in the water, we attend Mass on the lawn.

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Our very dear friend, just celebrated his anniversary of 50 years as a priest.

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He has been there for us in the best of times and the worst, from the joy of Baptisms and weddings to the sorrow of funerals.  He is truly a wonderful person.

During his vacation, he says Mass under the blue skies with the Bay breeze at his back. 

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The setting is very conducive to remembering to thank God for our blessings!

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Here the "congregation" waits for Mass to start. 

I will miss the days at the beach with the kids...

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But come Tuesday, I will sit on the front porch with my coffee and newspaper, and be very happy I am retired and don't have to leave here during September.  It is one of the most beautiful months in Southampton.

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Some fresh blueberry apple muffins made by dh.

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There are plenty, so please join me!

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I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, Stone Gable for On the Menu Monday, and Susan for Outdoor Wednesday.

Please come back for Tablescape Thursday.  The Fairy Hobmother will be picking someone who leaves a comment to visit and deliver a gift card!

Thanks for visiting and have a good week!


  1. I thonk that September is one of the most beautiful month for the seaside.... have a wonderful September, hugs, Flavia

  2. Pictures of a beautiful and perfect weekend K-enjoy!:@)

  3. Lucky you--the best of both worlds, company and quietness.

  4. My DH is looking forward to September once he retires, maybe in five years. As a teacher, he says our first September vacation will be to our favorite beach on Martha's Vineyard. Glad you are enjoying blue skies and your family.

  5. Mass by the beach must just be glorious with the gorgeous blue skies, the ribbon of sandy beach, and blue seas stretching as far as the eye can see.

    I'm sure you'll miss seeing your grandchildren so regularly. I'll miss seeing you so regularly!

    Your little vignette with those amazing muffins from The Muffin Man is just perfect. I want a big bite!

    - The Tablescaper

  6. What lovely photos and such a beautiful place to have Mass.

  7. There is something extra special about an outdoor Mass, we used to have one at the start of our annual block party years ago. I wish I lived nearby so I could join you on Tuesday for a cup of coffee and one of those delectable blueberry muffins! I also like the month of September much better once school ended for me :) xo,

  8. What a wonderful way to celebrate Mass...on the lawn. I always feel closer to God when I'm outside. Have a great Labor Day.

  9. What a great setting for mass! Yippee for your blue skies and good weather and retirement. All good things to thank our God for.

  10. Your views are stunning. I love that the children have so much fun and so glad you get to stay and enjoy. The muffins look fabulous. I would love one and be able to sit, enjoy the view and visit. Hugs, marty

  11. What a lovely way to enjoy the weekend. So glad you came through Irene unscathed and the weather has been beautiful since last weekend.
    Wish I could join you for a muffin. They look delicious and the company would be great!

  12. Wishing you a wonderful Rest-of-the-Weekend!! Cathy

  13. How wonderful to live by the sea! There is little more relaxing to me than the sound of the waves and the sea birds. Save a muffin for me! Dianne

  14. I would love to sit on the porch with you, Kathleen, and enjoy a cup of coffee and one of those lovely muffins. It must be wonderful living so close to the water. I love the smell of the ocean air when I go to the beach. And mass in your own front special is that!!!!

  15. Mass on the lawn with that beautiful view...sounds like perfection to me.

  16. ...our weather has taken a was sunny, windy and only about 73° today, yesterday was over 100°...hopefully it will continue to stay like this for a couple of months.

  17. Hi Kathleen!... what a wonderful sunday you had by the sea with your dear sons and the outdoor mass, can't get any better, or a more perfect sunday!! Congrats to your friend priest. Your pics are gorgeous and the muffins look so very yummy! Wish I had been there! Have a nice Memorial Day. Love, FABBY

  18. A couple we know.. well our local parish priest and they..are so close also..
    I find they are blessed..i see you are too..I know your faith is strong..It must be so nice to have someone go through life's events with you .in that way.
    Blue skies is right..

  19. What wonderful photos of the beach, Kathleen. I'm sure once Mack starts school I'll have the same withdrawal feelings as you do. I hope we all have a beautiful September - I think we deserve it! We've been plunged into fall-like weather yesterday and today :(

  20. Hi Kathleen,

    Thanks for stopping by. Your post is so sweet. Don't you think there's something a bit poignant about the end of summer and the kids (and g'kids) going back to school? Even though it's been so hot this summer and everyone's ready for fall, it still makes me a little sad to see summer go. Your ocean pics are great! And the outdoor Mass is the neatest part. I love the lace tablecloth on the table; it seems so appropriate for an outdoor Mass. Have a great week.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  21. Love your post. I come from Yvonne StoneGable, and love byour views, what nice place, gloria

  22. Kathleen, wish i could join you tomorrow for a muffin! Enjoy yourself. The pictures and your views are gorgeous! XO, Pinky

  23. Gosh, Kathleen...your photos make me swoon with envy! Such views & such wonderful are blessed.
    How nice to have your friend the priest come celebrate Mass outside. Our senior group holds Mass in the courtyard of our church once every summer. The change of scenery is good.

    I LOVED it when we would go to Cape Cod in Sept. The crowds were gone, everything was on SALE, especially lobster & summer clothing. Some of my fondest memories from that east coast.
    Thanks for sharing yours.

  24. I'm sure your grandkids hate leaving to go back to school. What a special mass with your friend.

    Enjoy September, Kathleen. Thank you for sharing your muffins.

  25. So glad that Irene has left wonderful weather in her wake. Lovely photos.. makes me wish I was there. It has to be wonderful to be having services outside. Thank you for your well wishes for "the parents'.. they are both doing better. xo marlis

  26. Oh I would love to join you eat those delicious looking muffins, Kathleen. You have a very beautiful and relaxing place. The tropical storm Lee is finally leaving us too. It's been here since Friday....Christine

  27. I bet it is just wonderful there!! I would not want to leave either! We are just now getting rain, but we so desperately needed it. I'm afraid, though there will be flooding here. Take care!!

  28. Hi Kathleen! So glad you survived Irene! I was thinking of you. And I know how much you will enjoy tomorrow. That second cup of coffee tastes extra good on the first day of school, doesn't it? There's just something about the sound of the school bus fading into the distance! lol Enjoy!...hugs...Debbie

  29. What a lovely way to celebrate Mass! I'm so glad you fared well through Irene, we also were so lucky considering. I'm doing the happy dance today on the first day of school :) So it's goodbye to the tourists as well?

  30. How lucky you are to have such a speacial priest/friend in your life; makes everyhing a better place. Have a great September.

  31. An absolutely beautiful post, Kathleen.


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