Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Funeral Party~ And the Fairy Hobmother

She is dead...gone.  And I couldn't be happier!  She was a pain in the neck, disruptive, loud and downright mean, so she won't be missed.  No one will grieve for her, but she caused A LOT of grief! 

Good Riddance IRENE!!!

We are having a party to celebrate her demise.

I almost didn't post, but the power and phones are back! 

One thing I learned, keep that land line.  The cell phones required running the car to charge the battery, and it was hard to get a signal! 

Some places ran out of gas, and needed electric to pump anyway. 

It was a perfect time for the Fairy Hobmother to visit!

I was surprised when I was finally able to get back on line to see she had flown in!

I was gifted with a 50 dollar gift card to!  That definitely cheered me up.

The Fairy Hobmother wants to gift you too!

I am waiting for next week's post as so many are still without internet service.

  She will pick one person who comments on that post and pay a visit bearing gifts, so do come back! You could be the lucky winner! To make it more fun, when I get to 500 followers I will be doing a give away too!

Since it is till summer, and very summery I might add, I chose this floral tablecloth.  I got it a few years ago on ebay, 3 of them from a party rental place.  Very reasonable, and very colorful!

table 034

This pic is from a few years ago.

table 973

And here when my friend Susan, Savoring Time in the Kitchen, had a garden party.


Today...Augyst and dinner dance 360

Irene whipped the gardens, and the deer came to eat the roses, so I used a pot of impatiens, diamond frost and petunias for the centerpiece.

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The dinner and soup are from Pottery Barn, and the salad is from Pfaltzgraff.  I liked how the edges all had different textures.

Green flatware from World Market.  Susan sent me some for my birthday and I completed the service for 12 afterwards.

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Two place settings have a purple salad, 2 have yellow, as I only have 3 of each color.  They came in a box of four colors, for 2.99 at CTS, but part of the Circle of Friends group from Pfaltzgraff.

The purple cabbage bowls are from my friend Marigene , In the Middle of Nowhere.  We have been friends many years from a cooking forum, pre blogging.  Marigene is a great baker, I wish she would share more of her baking with us!

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The napkins are linen towels from a huge Trash to Treasure sale they used have out here over 25 yrs ago.

Monogrammed H L.  Hobby Lobby?  I wish they would come to NY!

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I used a green beaded napkin ring from CTS, I think they were .25 cents!

The picket fence candle holders I bought 11 years ago, cheap!

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The pink glassware is by Gorham purchased at the Lenox outlet.

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Since this is a party, we must have some food!

First we'll have Hurricane Salad.

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Use everything you have in the frig so it doesn't go bad from lack of power!

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Shrimp, chicken, fresh pineapple, the works!


For dessert, Carrot Cup Cakes, because I had a huge bag of carrots I had peeled and grated in the freezer .

I made some double deckers...

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And some regular.

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I used this recipe as I couldn't find the one I usually make.  It was pretty close!



I am joining LA for her End of Summer Party, although I will be resisting the push to do F'all Y'all , till late September!

Also, Susan for Tablescape Thursday, Gollum for Foodie Friday, Diann for Thrifty Friday, and Ann, On Sutton Place Open House Thursday.

Thanks for visiting, and do come back to see what I used my Fairy Hobmother gift card for, and a chance to win one yourself!

My prayers go out to all those suffering the aftermath of Irene, no power, floods, so much hardship. 

I want to thank all of you who emailed to see if we were ok out here on the east end of Long Island. I was touched by your concern! I haven't been able to visit, oh did I tell you we had a Hurricane? :)


  1. Glad you are back up and able to post! Congratulations on getting gifted! You are quite gifted already, with cooking/baking/table setting skills! I am sure you will pick out great stuff on Amazon. xo,

  2. Your tablescapes are always so beautiful, and I like the funeral party for Irene, she certainly made herself known, and I too couldn't be happier.
    So glad you are safe,.

  3. Good to see you posting K! Glad everything is ok and that's a nice happy table! Love the hurricane salad and I'll have one of the double-decker cupcakes please:@)

  4. Yes, good riddance, Irene! So glad to have you back :) Great tip about the land line! So many of our kids have gone completely cell these days.

    You want Hobby Lobby and I want CTS :)

    What a wonderful surprise that the Fairy Hobmother visited you! So much better than a hurricane visit.

  5. You did a beautiful post and I'm so glad you are back up and running.

  6. Glad you have power back. I work for a national home oxygen company, and many of our oxygen patients have been without power due to Irene, and our delivery personnel and managers have been working 14 hour days to deliver portable oxygen. Some of the patients live in areas that are now landlocked due to Irene so helicopters are dropping food, etc. to the residents. And our Vermont offices are struggling with the worst flooding in history. The streams raged out of control in Upstate NY, and dropped more than 13 inches of rain in some parts of NY. Power is still out in many areas, and it may take a week or more before they get their power back. In my life, I have never experienced anything like this. My prayers go out to all affected by this horrific storm. Glad you are safe Kathleen!

  7. I'm so glad you did post. We can't let Irene get us that far down. I too am glad that she is behind us. Your table is so cheery and full of color. Just what's needed to pull us out of the Irene duldroms (sp?). And congrats on the gift certificate. Couldn't have been better timing!

    - The Tablescaper

  8. Very glad you got power and internet back so you could post this great table! I love the theme for sure...GoogBye Irene!!

  9. It must seem good to be back to almost normal after that nasty storm...Goodnight Irene!
    Such a pretty summer table...I had forgotten about those lavender cabbage leaf bowls.
    Hope you have an uneventful upcoming weekend, Kathleen...lots of sun and blue skies.

  10. I was wondering about you and how Irene affected you! Glad you got power back. That hurricane salad looks great! What a horrible mess Irene caused...

  11. I'm so glad to see this! I agree that we can gladly say FAREWELL to Irene. What a horrible mess...

    I love your table, and I would love some of those gorgeous pink glasses. Beautiful!

  12. Glad you made it through the storm o.k. This is the cheeriest looking post funeral party I have ever seen!Love the mixture of dishes.

  13. Good to see you Kathleen!!!
    Beautiful late summer table and delicious food!

  14. I thought about you and the Tablescaper during the storm and wondered if you got through it okay....Glad to hear you got power back on and all is well....Pretty table as usual and you are my all time favorite and best outlet shopper.....You are after all the person who introduced me to the infamous CTS......
    I hope they coe down here to Georgia on of these days...I'm afraid my days in Jersey are numbered...Stop by the blog and see the house we just bought...decided to stay put in the South where property taxes don't put you in the poor house.....

  15. So glad you survived the beast! Your table is charming.. love all the colors. Hurricane salad.. so perfect and looks yummy too.. xo marlis

  16. Dear Kathleen, glad you are okay. Thanks for the tip about the landline. Maybe you should share other tips about what to store in an emergency. I would love the CTS store -- you find the best things. I love mim's cooking blog. She is very talented cook and photographer. Love your table it is such bright fun. Always love to visit with you -- you are a hoot. Joni

  17. So glad to hear that you survived the onslaught. You all were in my prayers and on my heart. Lovely garden party tablescape. I'm with you...I try to buy three tablecloths for those al fresco dinners and luncheons, too. Makes life so much nicer. Did you know that the home office for Hobby Lobby is here in my fair city. I'm there all the time. If there is something that you want, just let me know. I'll see if I can get it for you. We have four huge stores in close proximity to my house. Also, they have a website. It doesn't have all their inventory, but you might find some things that you like. Give it a look! Not the least worried about the black and white stripe fabric. It will either be meant to be or not. Thanks for remembering. Cherry Kay

  18. How nice to see a post from you and learn that all is well, Kathleen! Another lovely tablescape! And your food looks yummy! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  19. Your carrot cake looks so delish, Kathleen and so is the salad. I am so glad Irene did not leave you any damage. I love your flowery tablescape....Christine

  20. When I read that 1st paragraph, I had to check my pulse and breathe on a mirror to make sure I was still around....You could have so easily been talking about me! :-) I'm so glad your power has been restored. We just very recently got rid of our traditional landline, but you brought up a very valid point about needing it in case of emergency. We are in Tornado Alley and losing power for days on end is a reality here. Ice storms can put us in limbo in winter, too. We may need to reconsider. got such beautiful tablecloths!!! They are so pretty and feminine. There's no Hobby Lobby in your state?!??!!! What?!?!??!! Oh, no! How sad!!!!!!! That's because we're hogging them all...I think there are probably 4 of them within 25 minutes of me! You guys have so much great other stuff, though. Your tables are beautiful. Have a great week!

  21. Hi Kathleen!

    Your post made me chuckle a couple times. I'm glad life after Irene is getting back to normal for you.

    Hmmm...I don't think I could make a lovely salad like your hurricane salad if our power went out. The carrot cupcakes are taunting me.

    Thanks for linking up!

  22. I am so glad to see you are okay! I have been thinking of you. Your table is adorable and I am with you as far as stretching out my summer tablescapes until the very latest I can! LOL

  23. I'm so glad y'all are safe and sound from Irene. What a fun table and your food looks amazing. I love carrot cake.

  24. I'd say your beautiful table and good food was a perfect way to forget Irene! Now it's time to get ready to celebrate a wonderful holiday weekend

  25. Hi K

    We made out OK in the end and it looks like you did as well--no electric for 2 days and a Hurricane party with the neighbors-haha! Love your celebrating!

  26. are the energizer bunny..Your posts are always so full:)

    Lucky you!
    happy you won too..A treat.

  27. Fantastic post! Love that carrot cake; I made it a few times...really good. Great photos and happy to hear you are ok after Irene's visit.

  28. Great news that you didn't have a lot of damage and survived the couple of days with no power. When I saw the storm's path I was very worried about you. I gave up my land line a year ago and didn't even think about not being able to use my cell phone in an emergency. Yikes!
    There are no CTS stores out here. It's probably just as well. I'm looking forward to reading about how you spend your GC. I'm sure you can make it go further than anyone else I know.

  29. Good to hear you made it through Irene!! Good tip about the landline. My sister lives in Cary, NC and she had a lot of trees down. One across her driveway..........lots of wind and rain. Have a great weekend:)

  30. Kathleen, I'm so glad to hear everything is ok after Irene and that you have power again. When Hurricane Ivan hit us a few years ago, we were without power for almost 3 weeks. I second your suggestion of the landline phone!

    What a lovely table you've set to celebrate!

  31. Glad you are back and OK and VERY glad to put IRENE to rest!!!! Beautiful table, the cloths are so pretty! I sure do wish we had HL's here in Pa. too!!!!! XO, pinky

  32. Glad to hear all is well there on LI, we still haven't heard from our friends there.

    Beautiful tablescape! I love all the colors together! I don't want summer to end just yet!

    I need to get busy and do another tablescape.


  33. Well you put Irene cold! Very festive table and the salad looks delish!


  34. Way to make lemonade from lemons! You have a great attitude and an eye for pretty tables. Love this summery look!

  35. I am happy you survived Irene! I miss New York. Your table is beautiful! The tablecloth is so lovely, all the dishes go great with it. Such a happy table! Thank you for sharing!
    Blessings My Friend,

  36. Glad Irene is gone and you're safe. Your tablescape is beautiful. Always love it when you combine the flowers from the garden as centerpiece for the table.

  37. What a wonderful way to celebrate the demise of Irene! Your table is filled with color and good cheer.

  38. Very pretty floral table Kathleen!
    And the food of course looks yummy!
    I hope I win your give-away!

  39. Hi Kathleen! Oh, what a wonderful colorful table! Love your tablecloth and the mix of dishes you've used.
    Your flowers for the centerpiece are so pretty too.
    Now I love the looks of those delicious looking cupcake - double deckers? Wow! That's the one I want! I just love carrot cake and I've never thought of making cup cakes!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  40. Hi lovely lady.
    So happy to see you back Kathleen!!
    All your food looks so Yummyyyy. I love the way you have celebrate Irene. As long as you are all Ok sweeet lady.
    XXOO Diane

  41. I'm glad you survived the storm. It certainly was a big one and I'm watching Katia very closely. I'd love one of those cupcakes right now please!

    Your table looks wonderful. I love flatware with colored handles. I only have 3 small sets, but I'm always watching.

  42. I am loving that salad...too cute. and it looks delicious.
    I would be taking 2 double-deckers, if you please. Carrot is one of my favorites.
    How fun that the Fairy Hobmother came to see you. That is pretty awesome.
    hugs, bj

  43. So glad to hear you made it through the storm! Your setting is beautiful and those cupcakes look so yummy.
    The white picket fence votives are adorable!

    I'm with you about keeping Fall at bay. Summer is my favorite season and I want to enjoy it as long as possible.

  44. Hi Kathleen,

    Such a cheery table. Love the picket fence candle holders. Glad you made it through Irene, I was actually in Montauk and we left on Sat morning. The whole town was boarded up and the ocean was already hitting the dunes. Did you have any water damage? Did u hear how Montauk made out? Have a great holiday weekend.


  45. Glad that you are safe! Beautiful table. Love those colours. Each and every picture is so cheery. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  46. I am so happy you are fine. I was praying for you!!!!
    LOVE those double decker cupcakes... that is a great idea! Carrot cake is one of my favorites. YUMMY!

  47. So happy you made it through Irene's visit safe and sound. Lovely table, I bet those Horchow dishes would be beautiful with this setting also..I WANT those!! LOL
    Cupcakes look delicious..and congrats on the Fairy Hobmother visiting you!

  48. Oh, sweet Kathleen, I'm so glad you're all fine and so is my family in LI. I love your tablescape and food is TDF!! The carrot cake, the shrimp dish, just too good! No, there are no biscuits here, I make any bread by scratch, I know this bread made with the buiscuits it's called, monkey bread?! Thanks for your lovely visit, if you can, come over and see my Fall tablescape. Love, FABBY

  49. A perfect send-off for Irene and summer! School in 4 days - yikes!

  50. I wish we had a CTS around here. I would jump in my car and go to get some of the small mix-and-match plates at $2.99.Is it Christmas Tree Stores? But they sell non-Christmas items, obviously.
    I think the towels are monogrammed for me, Hollace Lindsay!

    I am glad to hear you are alright there on Long Island, apart from some inconveniences.

  51. I have been in Colorad all week visiting my kids and grandsons. I missed Irene by two days, but my husband and Mo were back in Brooklyn so I worried all the time. Fortunately we did not have nnay damage and did not lose power. I'm glad you did OK out there and got you power back relatively quickly!

    I love your "rose" cupcakes! Your salad looks so delicious!

  52. G'bye Good Riddance Irene - although the after affects still are quite evident.

  53. Glad you weathered the storm, Kathleen! I'm very happy that you found time to create so much colorful beauty and tempting-looking deliciousness!

    I also thought Hobby Lobby when I saw the napkins! Then I scrolled down and you had said it! ;)

    Hope you have an enjoyable Labor Day!

    Warmest regards,


  54. Your table setting is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  55. It's all just wonderful but the cupcakes? I'm dying to have one! Thanks for coming to the party.

  56. Hi Kathleen! Oh my gosh, how sporadic is that with all the outages here! My sister is in Nassau County and she had no power either. I had power and you had none; I'm in between both of you! I did some cooking on Saturday to prepare for no power, so it just saved me time in preparing two dinners.

    Did you see that I'm moving to Ohio? They have Hobby Lobby there! Can you believe I'm almost as excited about that as I am about the move itself. I'll make sure I go in and speak to them and find out when they will be going into the New York market for you! : )

  57. Kathleen, I'm so happy to see your post and know that you're ok. Thank goodness Irene has gone. I'm glad you had time to tablescape. It's so pretty and I really like the flower pot centerpieces. Diamond Frost euphorbia is one of my favorite new plants, and impatiens and petunias are such good "doers".
    Your Hurricane Salad look delicious and a good idea for power failures.
    Hope you have a great Labor Day and that you get a Hobby Lobby soon in your area.

  58. Glad you are back up and posting. Everything looks beautiful and how wonderful to get the gift card. ;-)
    The hurricane salad looks delicious. Have a terrific holiday weekend. ~ Sarah

  59. Your hurricane salad looks delicious! Happy to hear things weren't too bad from the hurricane.

  60. Those napkins bear my husband's initials! And you didn't invite us? We LOVE Rancid Food Storm Parties.

    You find the best stuff. Really, you do. Glad you weathered the storm well; our house is fine, a few shutters gone awry and loads of salt crusted windows facing the water, some dead grass from high tides, and that's about it. Easy fixes, thank goodness!

    I came home with lots of gnat bites though -- they're hungry after the storm, I think!



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