Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Apple Time & Amazon Gift Card Give Away!

The gremlins have been here today.  First, I tried to change my header and blogger wouldn't let me.  So I was HEAD er less for awhile.

Then Live Writer was being difficult.  BUT, finally, I shook it up and down and it worked! :)

Everyone who leaves a comment here today has a chance at a visit from the Fairy Hobmother.

Check out their site,

I was the lucky one picked when I visited Joni's wonderful blog, Red Couch Recipes

The Hobmother gave me a 50 dollar Amazon gift card!

So good luck to you, and do let me know if you are the  winner!

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It's apple picking time here on Long Island, and time to use my apple plates again!

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Checked rim, green band, and a basket of apples in the middle!

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They were purchased maybe 5 yrs ago at CTS in Rhode Island when I went to visit my friend.  Service for 12, how much you ask?

$15.00!  Not Spode , but cute for a yearly apple time table.

I used a deep green and white striped cloth.  It is a heavy almost canvas cotton I got in WalMart a few years ago for a dollar a yard.  I bought the bolt.

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Rattan charger from last summer, about 2.00 each, I used apple baskets, Michael's 50 cents,  to hold the napkins, a dark green and a Vera apple motif napkin.  I have had them for many years!

The red flatware is by Cambridge via CTS.

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A green BEE glass and red glass mug by Aroroc for our apple cider, both from CTS.

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Eaten apple scatters , and ceramic apple s and p's.

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An apple basket for our bread...

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and a wicker basket holds the crackers for our soup.

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The centerpiece is a rustic cart filled with real apples, apple pics, and a few flowers.  Apple red votives and apple name cards, and that's it!

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Picture 433

table 1309

Some fresh APPLE crisp would be good for dessert!

Or maybe some apples dipped in chocolate, caramel, and sprinkled with nuts.

Picture 524

Picture 536


Ok, now it's your chance to win!

Go check out the Fairy Hobmother...

Make a wish, leave a comment here, and good luck!

I am joining Susan BNOTP  for Tablescape Thursday, Gollum for Foodie Friday, Diann for Thrifty Friday and  Ann On Sutton Place for Open House Thursday.

Thank you, Ladies for hosting!

I haven't picked my gift from yet, but I am having fun narrowing it down!

I appreciate you stopping by, see you this weekend for Seasonal Sunday at The Tablescapers, and On the Menu Monday at Yvonne's Stone Gable. 


  1. I love apples and desserts made from them but I couldn't let peach season pass without a pie :)

    Nice of the Fairy Hobmother to visit with you :)

  2. Lovin' the plates and bee glasses K! I'm sooo ready for a great apple pie! Have fun shopping (like I need to say that to you!:@)

  3. Kathleen, What a cheery and fun table. It is certainly apple time and it is so evident on your table. Being a teacher I LOVE apples and would love to sit at this happy table!
    Your dishes are adorable... and work so well with your CUTE apple cart centerpiece!
    This darling table makes me SMILE!
    LOVE IT!
    xo Yvonne

  4. Hey Kathleen, love this table, love the dishes and the entire apple motif, in my previous house I had an apple-themed kitchen. I think it is very nice for a UK company to visit us here across the pond and give out gift cards. I don't quite 'get' it; are they trying to build a customer base, or open a store here, otherwise, boy what would the shipping costs be!! xo,

  5. What a wonderful apple tablescape! Red & hunter green are so pretty together. I love your apple napkins.

    It was very nice of the Fairy Hobmother to visit you. Congrats on the gift card!

    My wish? Since tomorrow is the first day of school, I am wishing for a super year where all the students are angelic & they all go onto the next grade full of knowledge. (Is that really too much to ask for? lol)

  6. Love your apple scape! The colors are so crisp and nice...just like that apple crisp! My apples are all gone. I just picked pears and now have to decide what to do with them...

  7. I love anything apple your deliciousness and adorable tablescape are all my style. Love the red flatware!

  8. Can't wait to make apple of my favorites.

  9. Love this apple table. Every detail is perfect. You have thought of everything. I got to get out more. Don't mean to sound dumb but what is CTS?
    The apple desserts look awesome. I am hungry just looking.
    Hey, Hey, Fairy Hobmother! Come to Savannah, you will love it. I checked you out and read a couple of reviews. I sure would love a new Bosch dishwasher cause my Hubby is getting tired of living in that little space under the kitchen counter.
    I could give him $50. card and he could pay the rest.
    Some things never change.
    Kathleen, have a great week. Hugs, Ginger

  10. I have been waiting for your apple table...I love it! That fabric, I prefer tablecloth, is perfect with the apple theme. Your flatware reminds me of the green and beige I got at World Market...wish they would get more colors.
    Thanks for the chance to win a gift card...I am sure I could find something to spend it on with no problem!

  11. I love apples and this table is just perfect! I love the details of the 'eaten' apple cute. The green bee glasses are so cute! I love that color.
    Everything is Apple-licious! hugs, Linda

  12. My wish would be to have a seat at that lovely table. Everything looks so cheery and yummy. I could almost hear the crunch of the caramel apple.

  13. Nothing says fall to me like an apple pie. I love how you put all the details together for a wonderful fall table. Dianne

  14. Love your tablescape! It's simple gorgeous. You've got me craving for a candied apple now. :)

    Congratulations on your Fairy Hobmother's visit. That's lovely. I've been wishing for an ice cream's still triple digits here in California. So, cool desserts are still on the menu! :)

  15. You and I think alike! I did apples as well. Your use of the green and red together is fresh and very appealing. A great combination of classic dishes.

  16. I'm wishing... I'm wishing... but the hobmother keeps passing me by. Sniff.

    I love your apple table. Without a doubt, my favorite part of all is the use of individual baskets at each place. Now, that's just cute.

  17. What a fun table. I love all the little details. And how nice of the fairy hobmother to stop by!
    Your dessert looks amazing!

  18. So cute. You are way ahead of me. I'm having such a hard time slipping into Fall this year. Such adorable apples.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. Love your table.Love the apples .It all looks great.Thanks for sharing.

  20. AHHH, what a sweet apple table, Kathleen! It is so perfect for the start of school! LOVE those napkins, darling! The plates are perfect and the cart is adorable!!!
    I wish the Fairy Hobmother would visit me!:):) XO, Pinky

  21. Kathleen, love your new header! Go glad the bad weather is over for you. I thought about you a lot. Susan

  22. Love those apple dishes. The striped fabric is perfect as a backdrop. Love love the centerpiece.. thanks for hosting this lovely giveaway.. xo marlis

  23. Very adorable table! I really like the flatware! Love, ~Nana~

  24. Love your blog and all the pretty pictures and great ideas you pass along.
    Thanks for all the eye candy.

    Mary L

  25. I'm wishing but not telling or else it won't come true? One I will tell you is I wish I had that apple, looks so good :) Nice plates, aren't those the ones you use when the teachers come over for lunch?

  26. What a nice treat from the Fairy Hobmother. Have fun shopping. ;-) Your apple themed table is perfect for this time of year. Makes me think of all the apple related gifts I've received over the years as a teacher.
    I'm off to visit the Fairy Hobmother. My wish would have to be that Texas will get some rain and relief from all the serious wild fires burning across the state.

  27. Beautiful tablescape. I have some of the little eaten apples scattered around my chickens on my table.
    What I really love, and wish WSonoma would bring back, is the chicken napkins and tablecloth in your header pic. Love love love them!

  28. Kathleen - thank you for commenting on my first blog post at BNOTP!! I'm so excited to be getting comments! I love your apple tablescape--you thought of every single detail. I especially like how you used the little apple basket for crackers for the soup--we must use everything for a good purpose, right? Good to meet you!

  29. Love your apples and those desserts look wonderful! Some many special details on your table!

  30. How gorgeous dear Kathleen! I love your basket plates, the apple ones too and what a beautiful centerpiece! The entire table is wonderful and like always with yummy things!! I just dropped from TT. Lots of hugs. FABBY

  31. What a wonderful melange of elements for your apple table...and another striped know that I ADORE striped tablecloths! I love the little apple cores. I visited the UK site, and if I were going to completely indulge myself, I would wish for a Bosch dishwasher...such a luxury. Thank you for sharing another delightful design. Cherry Kay

  32. This is really cute! Love the basket napkin holder!

    Yum! I want one of those caramel apples!


  33. I love all the pierced dishes you have show cased. Your covered apples look divine!

  34. Love all the details of your apple table~ those scattered cores are such a fun touch! How nice you were gifted a visit from the Fairy Hobmother~ I'm wishing for an early Fall and some apple picking myself :-)

  35. Love that apple basket for your bread! What a delightful table! I had to make apple pie over the weekend, had such a craving :-) Have fun spending your Amazon dollars.

  36. Your tablescapes are always so beautiful, not to mention the delightful goodies ready to eat, what a joy it would be to be able dine with you. Thanks for sharing.

  37. Your apple photos are Amazing; everytime I come here, I am in awe! Thank you for sharing these with us.
    I also use Live Writer and often wonder what other blogger use to write their blog.

  38. I love your cheerful, apple-y table! How absolutely charming! I think a trip upstate to apple pick is in the near future, if this rain ever stops!

  39. Lovely! I like apple for September - not quite pumpkinish fall but getting there. Jennifer

  40. I really love that charming apple table Kathleen!
    We have apples everywhere right now~
    You have the best taste and the best recipes too~

  41. Nothing like a good apple! I love the striped tablecloth with your dishes. I would never had thought to put them together. Your little baskets for the napkins was a good idea too! Just a cute table.
    Blessings My Friend,

  42. "Apple picking time on Long Island." Somehow that just seems implausible to me! I think of Long Island as being all glamorous. When I think of apple picking, I'm thinking more like the Midwest (where I am!), or Washington State or somewhere like that. I guess it's the word "Island" in Long Island that throws me off. Anyway......I'm weird. :-) Cute idea to add the bee glassware to the table since the sweet nectar does indeed attract bees. The canvas fabric you got is great and was a great bargain, too. Looks like you have LOTS of great bargains here!!! The plates are just adorable. I have never made apple crisp. The "apple crisp" they used to make in the cafeteria of my grade school was awful, so I have never ventured there as an adult. I am POSITIVE that when made the right way it is fantastic. It LOOKS great! I am going to have to try it one day soon. I'm not sure what those white flowers are in your centerpiece, but they make a great addition to the apples. Have a really good weekend, Kathleen!

  43. Very pretty! I love the apple theme. I saw lots of apple serving ware at CTS when I was there but opted for nautical instead, besides it was on sale. LOL! Your tablescape looks so fresh and your apples look delicious!

  44. Hurray for the Fairy Hobmother! The table and the goodies look great. I enjoy all things apple!

  45. Love everything favorite, the flatware!! :) Pamie G.

  46. Hi Kathleen! The power and water are back up here--finally! And the internet is on too, so I'll be back with a post Sunday I hope. Your apple table is adorable but I am not ready to give up on summer yet, and apple picking time is a sure sign of fall! Linda

  47. Love your apple dishes...cute as can be. Lovely table.
    xo bj

  48. Got to *love* apple desserts. That Fairy Hobmother is busy, I tell ya! She's all over the Blogosphere!

    Enjoy your weekend!
    ~Ricki Jill

  49. Oh well, I am late for the party but that's the story of my life this past week! I'm glad you got everything to work again! I love those napkins in your header and used mine yesterday :)

    I can't wait to start making apple goodies. First on the list will be caramel apples!

  50. I stumbled across your blog during a "table settings" search and I'm so glad I did. Your table, and everything on it, is gorgeous! Love the apple theme and the way it welcomes in the autumn season. I'm bookmarking your site for future perusal as I learn the ways of setting a gorgeous table! Thanks also for the giveaway opportunity!

  51. I still don't understand how the Fairy Hobmother works, but I'm glad she visited you. I love this post with all the apple stuff. When I lived in Winchester, VA - apples reined supreme. It's that time of year, and I'm really missing fresh picked apples.

  52. Kathleen -- firstly, what a wonderful apple table -- need to remember to show my daughter - she has an apple kitchen :)

    The giveaway is so generous and those apples always stop me in my tracks -- oh, they are soooooo goood!!

    Happy Weekend Wishes!


  53. Hi Kathleen,

    I really like the way you've combined the various reds and greens to create a table with great energy and a happy, fun vibe. The dishes were an amazing find! The rattan chargers, the baskets, and the non-faux apples really add nice organic texture to your festive table. The classic striped cloth and the cheery napkins are perfect!

    Hope you have a great weekend!


  54. What a gorgeous tablescape!! Congratulations on your visit from the Fairy Hobmother!!!!

  55. What I wouldn't give for some of that apple crisp right now! It all is just wonderful. Thanks for sharing at Open House Party!

  56. How smart you were to buy the entire bolt of that stripe! I know you'll use it on many, many tables.
    This one is especially attractive to me, as apple picking time is my FAVORITE time of year. We go with the g'kidlets & have a blast on the hayride & the petting zoo & the CANDY APPLES! Yum!

    Those chargers are beautiful...I have plates with a very similar border. Your cute little apple ones are just perfect for this time of year.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this gift certificate. I went to their site & they really have a wide variety of STUFF!


    p.s. I'd wish for a new stove! I HATE my black glass top!!!

  57. Fall is my favorite time of year. Bring it on.
    I have to go and check my blog reader because I don't seem to be seeing your posts in there and have missed quite a few.
    Love your bee table post too.

  58. Nice Nice Nice.

    Wonderfully done.

    Karin Şen Cankan

  59. Fall was always my favorite, until I had school age children -- and then I hated to see summer end.

    Now? I'm in love with Fall again. . . although not looking forward to SNOW.

    Beautiful, fun, adorable table! Not Spode? Who cares? Those dishes are so sweet!

    We bought eggplant and spaghetti squash and the most gorgeous big shallots at Farmer Mike's in Cutchogue on Sunday, peaches at Wickhams, but haven't gotten apples -- we've got a great orchard here in NJ that I love.

    I ran away from the TV this weekend, to the beach house, without any television. But yes, I remembered -- forgetting isn't possible. You are right -- millions of tears.


  60. I love your prtetty and festive table, Kathleen!
    Last year I went apple picking upstate NY. Maybe this year I'll try the east end. I never got a chnace to visit the vineyards on the North Fork as i hoped. I have a busy but fun autumn coming up...looking forward to it all!

  61. Love the apple table setting, and I'm drooling over the apple crisp!!!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  62. You and I were thinking the same thing last week about apples. Your table, as usual is darling -- love the red flatware and the apple plates. Glad you won! Joni

  63. I need to make those apples instead of buying Prindables. They are so expensive.


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