Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11/11 Ten Years and Millions of Tears

I know we are all praying for those who lost loved ones on 9/11/01.

Seeing the pictures of the children this year who were born after their fathers were killed is emotional. I wonder about how many unborn babies were killed that day too. I am sure there were women who were pregnant killed that day. We will never know.

And so , on this beautiful September Sunday, I again post those who were killed in NY.

I know BJ at Sweet Nothings did her post on Todd Beamer and those killed in Pa. And another on the Pentagon and the many who were killed there.

May they all rest in peace, and may their loved ones find comfort.

God Bless America.

We will never forget... Please click, and as you scroll through their names, say a prayer.

And...hug your loved ones.

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.


  1. We got emotional when we visited our daughter at Wheaton college and walked through the Todd Beamer Center built in honor of him because of his part in the downing of flight #93...
    Today at the Sounder's soccer game the whole crowd waved flags from the 9th minute of the game until the 11th minute and chanted U.S.A. it was a great moment! I really believe that anyone who witnessed the images from 9-11 will ever forget where they were that day and everything that came out of that day...

  2. That still brings me to tears. Such a senseless waste of precious life.

  3. Kathleen I left a comment on last year's post, I didn't realize it. I said my prayers and still can't watch anything on TV without crying. xo,

  4. I will never forget and I will pray for all who were lost, who lost loved ones and for our country!

  5. so very poignant, lest we could every forget. xo marlis

  6. The day never goes away. I got off the subway at 9:00 am on the most beautiful early autumn day and walked into hel.

  7. Beautiful! What a tragic remembrance. My prayers go out to all of their loved ones.

  8. So emotional watching the coverage of the children of 9/11...

  9. We are watching the commemorative now..It is so sad.. President Obama is speaking now..

    I remember that day..vividly.
    I too think of all the people who lost loved ones..

  10. even if i live so far from USA... I will never forget too...and I pray for you and your great Country, hugs, Flavia..... i know my tribute on my blog is little....but it's made with all my heart, ciao

  11. Although this was an attack on your country it was also an attack on the world.
    I too am heartbroken, still, 10 years later.

  12. It is surreal watching the coverage on television this morning, watching the horror again. It is making me sick to my stomach thinking of what those poor souls went through that day. Lots of prayers for them and their families.

  13. I remember a bright young man, Doug Ketchum, that I taught in my business class who went on to work in the finance industry and lost his life that day. Such a tragic loss, I still feel the grief as if it were yesterday! Thanks for your tribute.

  14. Me again, accidently spelled his name wrong, it's Doug Ketcham...

  15. I remember being in Miami ten years ago at a conference and thinking of my peers who were at the same conference from the NY Dept of Revenue watch as their fellow workers perish that day. So surreal it must have been thinking that if it wasn't for this meeting they would be there ... a day the nation will never forget, same as April 19 in Oklahoma.

  16. This still brings me to tears. I will pray for all who were lost on 9/11 this is a day I will always Remember...

  17. This will always be an emotional day. God bless America. Thanks for this post! XO, Pinky

  18. As so many others have said, the day feels like it was just yesterday. May we never get so far away literally or spiritually that we forget what and who was lost that day.

  19. It's heartbreaking to scroll through the long list of names of those lost on 9/11. It's hard to believe it happened 10 years ago. I still cry every time I see the news footage of that terrible time.

  20. What a tribute you have created, by listing all the names. What a beautiful, touching idea, Kathleen. Thank you for your comment on my blog about the OSU tribute, because that brought me to yours. I only watched as the names were being's so difficult to watch, and the memories are so vivid. God bless America, and all the families who lost dear ones.

  21. The town I live in was one of the hardest hit, statistically. Too many funerals. My husband worked in the city and I was pregnant. It was an amazingly difficult day personally. And an incredibly difficult date nationally.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. I have cried for the last few days, along with everyone else. Such an emotional few days. This morning, I made a large breakfast for us and, goofy us, sit down in front of the tv to watch the memorial..neither of us could eat our breakfast..I am sure none of us will ever forget...nor be the same. It will always cut our hearts in two.
    I hope we all awake in the morning, feeling better. I'm gonna go put some jazzy music on my blog so...turn your speakers way down so your MR. won't get upset. :)))
    xoxo bj

  23. It seems that many of the days we never forget are not happy ones. Did you happen to watch Dateline with Tom Brokaw Friday night? It was a lovely remembrance and tribute.

  24. Everytime I watch the family of the victims and I hear survivors talk about it, I get tearful and it does not matter how long ago it happened. It's very emotional. There was an unborn baby mentioned when they were calling out names yesterday, Kathleen, so there were definitely unborn babies too...Christine

  25. Very thought filled post, Kathleen, and seeing the names really brings it into focus. Thanks for sharing.


  26. The memorial pools at ground zero are so touching and I think they brought great comfort to the grieving families. It seems hard to believe the 10 anniversary was yesterday.

    As a New Yorker I hope that good can overcome evil and that (-11 becomes a National Day of service!

  27. I will never forget that day. The images are stamped in my mind. Still praying for those families who are minus their loved one.

  28. Though we are in a different country, us Canadians felt united to our American neighbours in the grief and tragedy of that day. As we remember ten years later, that feeling is still strong. Seeing all those names in print and scrolling so many times to go through them all makes them so much more than "numbers". Thank you, Kathleen for this honourable tribute to them.


  29. Beautiful tribute, Kathleen! It is one of those days that you remember forever....hugs...Debbie

  30. what beautiful table displays.


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