Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One Hundred Days!

Attention, Bloggers!

While you are sweating pulling out all your FALL finery, the clock is ticking!  In 100 days, it will be CHRiSTMAS!

I remember when I was still  teaching, the Kdgn teachers would have a 100 days celebration.

So to celebrate that there are 100 days till the BIG day, I present a little bit of Christmas!  :)

Picture 1256

I love plaid, so a little table featuring this cloth from CTS.

Picture 1260

Picture 1249

Picture 1266


Same dishes, but just for 2 for an everyday dinner.


Another dinner for 2, salad plate by Mikassa.


Casual dinner for  Santa and the Mrs.!


The red glass plate and red glass here are from Dollar Tree.  Now is the time to keep our eyes open for these, they disappear fast.  I got the 12 plates and bowls as well as the glasses.  They are easily mixed and matched.

The centerpiece is a candle holder from my dear friend Gail, but I put a vase of Baby's Breath in it instead.

Ok, that's enough of the break from leaves and acorns and pumpkins and such! 

Hope you didn't mind the diversion, 100 days will fly!

Fall will start here next week, and I won't be skipping from Halloween to Christmas, I promise!

Picture 688

For my foodie part, I made the brioche that Cathy at Wives with Knives made here.

Augyst and dinner dance 436

It made very good French toast.

Augyst and dinner dance 438

My pan was  much larger than hers, so mine isn't as high. I think I should have doubled the recipe.

Augyst and dinner dance 434

I sliced some Granny Smith apples, sauteed them in butter, sugar and cinnamon, added some water and a splash of apricot brandy.  I let it simmer , then poured it on top of the French Toast. So much better than pancake syrup!

Augyst and dinner dance 442

And in keeping with the 100 days till Christmas theme, some red and green!  Vertical Pear Salad with a honey drizzle., delicious and colorful. The directions can be found on my very first post in 2008!

table 3539

Vertical Pear Salad
- 4 smooth skinned pears
- 2-3 cups water cress ..I used baby spinach-
1/2 cup toasted pecans used walnuts,
- 1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese ..I used feta
- vinagrette dressing (your choice: raspberry vinagrette?.)
- honey
- lemon juice
- Cut pears horizontally into four slices each. Use a knife to cut out the cores so the pieces look like donuts. Leave the stem on the top piece. Brush lemon juice on each cut side of the pieces.
- Toss the pecans, blue cheese, water cress, and dressing until coated.
- Reassemble the pear, vertically, with the watercress salad in between each slice. Once assembled, Drizzle with honey.

I am joining Susan for Tablescape Thursday, and Gollum for Foodie Friday and Yvonne for On the Menu Mondayy.

I was a very lucky winner of a the generous ML West give away, a $50 Amazon gift card.  Thank you so much, ML!

To celebrate the arrival of Fall next week, I will be giving away one of these acorn pans from W Sonoma

Picture 517

Picture 518


Picture 507

Picture 499

and some of these Waverly napkin rings.  Anyone who is a follower and leaves a comment will have a chance.


Bargains 007

Please come back next for a chance at the give away!

I am also joining Saturday Evening Pot for the 100 days till Christmas Food Countdown. Check out the button on my sidebar. And of course, my shopping marathos buddy, The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday.


  1. Did somebody say Christmas!?!

    As soon as saw those reds and greens on my google reader I knew I had to pop on over straight away and look at your Christmassy post! I have so enjoyed reading this while having my morning coffee. I can almost smell that yummy brioche from over here in Brisbane, Australia!

    Thank you for this wonderful post Kathleen!

    Best wishes,

  2. Kathleen, your food always looks so wonderful -- pretty as well as appetizing! That brioche and soup, YUM. You know the temps. are still in the 80's here, right? :) But I did enjoy the quick glimpses of Christmas tables. I really love the plaid and the peppermint candy tables the best. Thanks so much for sharing, and I would love to be a winner in your giveaway.


    Denise at Forest Manor

  3. YIKES, I better get out my Fall decor! Only 100 days, that's nothing! Loved seeing your Christmas 'scapes, Kathleen. They are all so pretty but my fave is the one with the evergreen coloured tablecloth and hurricane shade for a centerpiece - just looks so cozy and inviting! Would love to win that acorn pan though I'm sure my acorn-thingies would never look as yummy as yours!


  4. 100 days? Oh, my goodness. Last time I looked, it was 135! I'd better get my to-do list up to date. Love the inspiration for the tablescapes. Merry Christmas.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  5. You're killin' me, Kathleen! Christmas?!??!?!! You are SO funny! I will admit, though, that I was thinking about Christmas just this afternoon. I said THINKING about it! I was out window shopping and saw how some of the stores already have a ton of Christmas items out. I can't even bring myself to pop a pumpkin just yet, let alone a candy cane! You bring such wonderful comic relief to this blog. I love it! :-) That aside, all the tables look great. I like the intimate ones for two just as much as the larger one for four. I just recently discovered that Dollar Tree place, and I will have to go back there again in search of those red glass plates. I think they would make a nice addition to my repertoire. At only $1 each, hubby should let me have that one little splurge...I hope! As for the acorn pan, that is WAY cool! If I win it, I am sure my friends and neighbors will be treated to LOTS of acorn treats. I like the way you sugared the tops. That's pretty cool. Have a good one!

  6. I'm so tired of packing. Bring on the brandy! That food looks soooo good. Please come feed me while I pack.

  7. I know..I know...I know..and I'm so happy.... I love Xmas and on my blog ..I got the countdown all year long :D --- hugs, Flavia

  8. I LOVE that acorn pan!!! What fun looking for recipes to fill those little forms, yum. That brioche would never have made it to French toast, slice by slice I would have eaten the whole dayum thing! Count me in, Kathleen! xo

  9. 100 days! Can't wait. I love Christmas as much as I love fall! Your tables are lovely. I especially love your acorn lidded soup bowl.

  10. wow when you put it that way it is not that far away. what beautiful tablescapes...

  11. Christmas...oh yes, bring it on! LOL! Your tables are all so cute. I can't wait to see what you do this year.

  12. were complaining about rushing into fall, here you are with Christmas skipped Halloween and Thanksgiving! They are all very pretty, especially the red/black one.

  13. Wait...only 100 days. Your brioche looks very good and I can see why it would make some fabulous french toast! Blessings...

  14. My goodness...only 100 more days!! These table settings are so have set me in the mood! And that brioche looks delish!!


  15. OH NO YOU DIN'T!! You did not pull out your Christmas stuff!!! ahhh, you got me wanting to pull mine out now! Our family, especially my daughter and I are so ready for it too, only because we didn't celebrate it in the usual way last year. We were in the middle of a move and it happened days before Christmas. There were packages and boxes and furniture and stuff all over the place and I couldn't believe that it was Christmas time. SO yea, THANK YOU! :) I think I'll go listen to Michael Buble's new Christmas album, I heard it's really good - said daughter says so :)

  16. You always make everything look so gorgeous! LOVE all the tablescapes. I hesitate to think about Christmas, however, it will be here before we know it. Fall is my favorite season and I don't want it to end.

    The bread looks divine...especially with the topping!

    I am a follower and would absolutely love to win! Thanks for the opportunity.


  17. I think I have been traumatized!! What beautiful Christmas tables....but oh, I am not mind just can't even comprehend it!
    I have acorns on my table right now...but not anything as beautiful as yours...those cakes look adorable!

  18. The brioche looks delish, Kathleen.

    Fall weather has arrived in Missouri along with some much needed moisture. Christmas decorating is going to be abbreviated this year. I know, I said that last year. But I think I will really do less in 2011.

  19. I have a weakness for French Toast!

  20. You are too funny, like usual. Christmas soon will be here and I love the traditional colors of Christmas! My 10 year old daughter is so anxious for Halloween to be here -- so is Zoulah, my help in the kitchen around Halloween. Thanks for the "friendly" reminder about 100 days to Christmas! Joni

  21. I have the same red glass plates from the Dollar Tree, and I love them. I always take a vacation in October, and guess what...I'll start my Christmas shopping :-) I'm not ready for fall or Christmas. I'm still clinging to summer!!

  22. I am so excited for Fall! However, all your wonderful Christmas tablescapes have me pretty excited too.

  23. OMG, Kathleen!, I want to move near you and go to visit you and have such great and delish food!! I love it that you get to it!!...and yeah, I love the Christmas table too, the tree napkin rings are so cute and different, love the plates and everything else, I'm still trying to make FALL! lOVE, FABBY

  24. What??? You said you wouldn't even post anything fall-ish because it was still summer. So sad to think that it will be Christmas in only 100 days. It's definitely fall weather here today so I'm starting to let summer go...sad but true.

    I still have baked Cathy's brioche bread but my pan is waiting. I'm glad I read your comment about doubling the recipe before I tried it.

  25. The Christmas in 100 days made my heart stop! Can't think like that yet!!!! But it is fun to look as long as I don't have to do anything yet. Love the brioche. I am going to have to try that. My favorite french toast ever is a wonderful one made from brioche that we get in Mexico (of all places). You just can't get the same effect with plain white bread.

  26. Thanks for the heads up K, gotta get busy on those lists:@) Your tables are great and the brioche is beautiful-enjoy!

  27. ooh what a lovely giveaway.. thanks for a chance. I would love that pan. I loved seeing all your tables.. so pretty and you are right.. before we know it.. it will be christmas.. those tables I have planned already.. what to do between now and then.. well we will see. xo marlis

  28. Only 100 days! Oh no! I enjoyed seeing your Christmas tablescapes. You have a great selection of dishes. Thank you for visiting my blog. I just became a follower of yours and it had nothing to do with your give away! Ha! You've made me miss the Christmas Tree Shop.

  29. Oh man, I'm having a hard time with Fall and you're on to Christmas?!?! what possessed you to count the number of days until Christmas?

    I guess it's time I pulled out the acorn pan that you gave me and put it to work.

    - The Tablescaper

  30. 100 days! I don't know if I'm glad or sad that you reminded me =)

    I have got to find a CTS store on the west coast! (I love plaid tablecloths, too!)

    The acorn cakes sure are cute. Are they muffin-sized? They'd be good for our fall kick-off women's group meeting.

  31. Those acorn mini cakes are so pretty, Kathleen. You are way too fast for me, I am hardly ready for Fall and you are already at Christmas? LOL! Lovely tables, all of them!..Christine

  32. Hi lovely lady.
    I love all your Christmas Tablescapes.. You do know how to put them all together just lovely.
    I hope you have a great week.
    XXOO Diane

  33. I just wish we could skip right on to Thanksgiving and Christmas.
    I don't decorate for fall much..i do love Christmas, tho.
    Your tables are, as always, stunning.
    xo bj

  34. Never too early for Christmas Kathleen. I love it.
    Your little acorns are too cute. Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October. Hmmm. Maybe I can find a pan like that.

  35. I thought it might be painful to see Christmas settings, but they were just too cute to be bad! I am a fan of plaid also. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Love your blog. I am a follower but I don't have a blog. Love anything from Williams Sonoma. Their baking pans are wonderful. Love the acorns and the napkin rings! Thanks for the reminder that Christmas is only100 days away! This is the most wonderful time of the year with fall, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  37. Wow! What great tablescapes...and your French Toast and Acorn cakes are equally as exciting! I adore French toast and your little cakes are so cute!

    It is still too hot here to even think about Halloween, T'Day or Christmas!

  38. The tablescapes are all fantastic as are the food selections...and you cracked me up with the 100 days/time ticking down to Christmas!!!!


    SOOOOOOO much to do and so little time!!!


  39. Hard to believe only 100 days til Christmas. Your tables are all beautiful but I always enjoy the food pics too.

  40. Now this is what I call getting ahead of yourself! Now that you have the table all ready, you might as well leave it....100 days will pass quickly.

  41. I feel like I'm behind already!! LOL

    So fun to see all these festive tables, Kathleen...most were new to me, too!

    Your cute little acorn cakelets are adorable & that pan is WONDERFUL!! I must tell my friend, Donna, from Brynwood Needleworks about this, as she is REALLY big into acorns!


  42. hee it is just 5am & I soooo want some of that bread with my coffee! LOL I've not made homemade bread in years & as far a s Christmas goes wellll I've threaten to pull it out lol we still have a lot of tornado damage in the yard & on the shop soo a little blink blink might make it all go away lol

  43. Kathleen, beautiful post! Is Christmas that close? Yikes.

    Your pictures are lovely.


  44. Oh no, 100 days!!! Impossible. Your apple French toast topping looks delicious, Kathleen. I'll try it the next time I bake brioche. Thank you so much for the link love.

    I haven't even gotten my Halloween decorations out yet. I better get with it.

  45. Only 100 days??? Oh oh! I will have to wrap my head around that one as it still feels so summery!

    I love Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas so I always look forward to all the holidays. I love all your tablescapes! I ahve to drag down big heavt bins form thebattic for each holiday so I tend to procastinate as long as possible :)

    I love your brioche and topping and the red pear salad, Kathleen!

    Wonderful give away!

  46. Not even done with Halloween, I just bought my candy! To me it's just not as much fun as shopping in order, I need Thanksgiving first and Macy's Santa to welcome in the season. Food looks great!

  47. You have so much to offer in this great post! Only 100 days until Christmas! EEEEEKKKKKK! I don't want to think about that right now!

    Great minds think alike, Kathleen! ANd you and I seem to be on the same wavelength a whole bunch! I love the red pear from your vertical salad.
    We ate this earlier this week and it was gorgeous and delicious, but hard to eat. But sometimes beauty is more important!!!
    I need to find an acorn pan of my own. ADORABLE!
    What a fun stop, my friend!
    xo Yvonne

  48. That french toast and the acorns look delicious, Kathleen! I was just in Dollar Tree get stuff to stock the son's apartment. I should have looked for those dishes, but I got him some clear glass soup/cereal/salad bowls. Yes, it will be here before we know. I most often set a table for two myself, and have started buying things along those lines rather than for 4 or more.

  49. Oh, Kathleen, the french toast looks scrumptious!! Your pear salad is gorgeous, too! That acorn pan is just perfect for Fall!!!

  50. 100 days---really? Gosh I just can't believe it. Loved all your pretty tables. I'm a follower and I love the acorn cake pan -- what a wonderful giveaway. Wishing you happiness through all the holidays from fall though Christmas!

  51. The tables are wonderful and get my juices flowing. Thank you for the Brioche recipe. I'm going to try to get up my nerve to try to make it. The sauted apples are really tempting. Thank you for inspiring me, yet again. Cherry Kay

  52. Back to tell you how BEAUTIFUL your RED stacked pear salad looks. It sounds delicious, too. Blue cheese & walnuts...Oh My! I need to make these SOON!


    p.s. I'll take you up on seeing that Star Gazer sculpture *someday*..."sigh"

  53. Only 100 days...yikes! We're still having summer here with a little taste of fall for the weekend, then back to the 80s! Your French Toast looks delicious~ it makes my yogurt this morning dull & tasteless. Beautiful Pear Salad~ love the red!

  54. Every time I access your blog I have to smile because I have those same rooster napkins and just adore them. It's frightening to think there are only 100 days until Christmas, so I'm just going to put that out of my mind and just concentrate on fall. I love your autumnal table setting with that darling (acorn, is it?) lidded soup bowl. The acorn cakelet pan is cute as well. I have the leaf pan (that works very well), but now I really think I need the acorn. ;-)

  55. 100 days ~ really? Time does speed on by. Honestly I'm not even into the fall mode. ;-)
    My favorite is the red table for Santa & the Mrs.
    Great giveaway! I have one of those pans and have baked in it frequently. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  56. What beautiful tablescapes! Love them, especially the one for "Santa and The Mrs." :) Thanks for linking on The Christmas Smorgasbord!

    ~The Lucky Wife {via The Chef}

  57. Kathleen, We must be related. LOL I plan this far ahead for Christmas. Glad someone else does too. I bought Christmas china in April and again in June. YOur tablescapes are so much fun. Love the little acorn cakes and tassels. Please enter me in your giveaway. I'm a follower, of course. I'm checking out SEP's countdown. Thanks for the link,

  58. Love the plaid Kathleen!
    Well I just love all of your Christmasy table!
    And your Autumn one is so charming too!
    You always have such creative ideas and such good deals as well!
    Not ready for Christmas though because around here that means snow!

  59. Oh Kathleen, I loved seeing your Christmas tables right now! But more than that, you have me salivating all over myself with the brioche!!!! I just may have to try my hand at that, evebn though I am a terrible baker!!!! Thanks for the recipe link. LOVE those little cake pans! XO, Pinky

  60. I forgot to mention the pear salad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMMMMM! Yvonne at Stonegable also posted a pear salad like this! You are in good company! XO, Pinky

  61. Beautiful tablescapes! The acorn cakes are precious and the pear salad absolutely genius! When I grow up I want to be like you.. ;-)

  62. I had to come back and look at this again. In the doing, I found I was not a follower, so I am now. Is that a Santa hat soup bowl that I see? OMG! LOVE this.

  63. So many good looks for Christmas - from fun Santa to formal settings.
    Thanks for the lead to Wms/Son. acorn cake pan - I'm ordering it tonight.

  64. Isn't it hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner, really? I was just thinking today about some projects I have going and that I need to get them done soon because once October gets here it seems to just fly by.

    All of your tablescapes were so pretty and fun to see. I just love the tartan plaid and the red gingham tables. So fun!

    The pear salad is just beautiful! This is one of, if not my favorite salad. I use blue cheese and crumble a little bacon into mine.

    The acorn pan is adorable! I would love to have one of those.

    Have a nice weekend,


  65. So happy to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays, but there is no way, no how that I'm about to start thinking about Christmas. I'm having a hard enough time thinking about Fall.

    - The Tablescaper

  66. i love fall, and i so wanted to see fall as soon as i popped over. once i scrolled down, i LOVE what you have on your table. those acorn shaped food are fabulous, and i love that dish and lid! the perfect set up for fall!

  67. Beautiful Christmas tables Kathleen! Lots of Christmas inspiration! I love the red and white one. And your fall table is so pretty as well.

  68. I would have run kicking and screaming from this post because I have Christmas anxiety. I stayed, though, because the settings were all so festive and lovely.

    I think I like the candy cane looking one the best, but I'm prone to change.

    And the vertical pear salad? Oh, yum.

  69. Oh my goodness, this looks so delicious!!! Your tables full of your plaids are so warm and inviting.. loved them all... thanks so much for sharing. I'm glad you like the tour! Cannot believe Christmas is this close... hugs ~lynne~

  70. Those acorns are just to dear for words! Loving the Christmas table and the vertical pear salad looks like a pure artwork!


  71. Hi Kathleen, I know what you mean I say that each year, and each year I seem to add something new. lol However, after having had the auction last year I got rid of alot of things I wasn't as fond of any longer.. I've been trying to revamp several things since the tour to bring them up todate.. lol I'm so glad you've enjoyed the tour.hugs ~lynne~

  72. What a wonderful post, Kathleen! I loved seeing this so much. And those acorn muffins are the cutest things ever.

    I wanted to drop by and thank you for your condolences on my last blog post. It means so much to me, and I can't thank you enough. I'm trying to blog a little more, but I am still up to my eyeballs in things here. Hopefully, I will get back to it soon.

    Warm hugs coming your way..



  73. I don't want to think about dragging out Christmas-I am barely getting out the fall! LOL! I love the last photo of the fall table-perfect! Oh my gosh I love that acorn pan, I have never seen one like it!Have a great week.

  74. What a fantastic post; I was away visiting family and the last thing on my mind was Christmas, but now...I will be looking forward to the next 94 days. That bread looks so good!

  75. I think they will be putting out holloween and christmas items out the same time soon,lol. And its a wonderful time to be a young child during christmas. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,pa.

  76. I love Plaid too! If I could get away with it I'd have plaid everywhere in everyroom! Love your holiday tableware and decore.

  77. Your recipes and tablescapes always amaze me!


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