Saturday, April 30, 2011

We Have Breakfast and a Winner!

Next weekend is Mother's Day.  All the mothers get treated to a special breakfast, flowers and a day of relaxation!

Really?  Well maybe breakfast?

table 2349

So what would you like?

Some Pannetone French Toast?

table 3313

Blueberry pancakes?

table 3078

table 2601

Star shaped pancakes with cherries and blueberries with a dollop of whipped cream? ( I will be having a give away for a set of star molds later this month)

table 990

Corned beef hash and toasted bagel

table 1587

Stacked pancakes filled with fruit?

table 1584

Or maybe just a fresh baked blueberry muffin?

A few years ago, my friend Barb, at Foley's Follies hosted a meme dedicated to our moms', we shared recipes and memories.  I think it would be fun to do that again!

There were 129 entries who were followers for the  Gone with a Handsomer Man book give away, and $100 gift certificate.

The random generator picked 88...BJ at Sweet Nothings.

Congrats, BJ, I have the book, and I will notify Michael Lee West you were the winner of the gift certificate!

I am joining Laurie for Favorite Things and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.  Thanks for hosting, Ladies!.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great Sunday!


  1. I would like breakfast no. 1, please. I like the Mother's Day idea, fits in with my post for that weekend. Congrats to BJ!

  2. Panettone French Toast for me please :-) Everything looks delish! Love the Mother's Day idea...Congratulations to BJ!

  3. Congratulations BJ! and I'd love Pannetone french toast, please.
    Have a nice Sunday,

  4. Your food always looks soooo good!! Can we come live with you? We can all summer in LI and winter in FL!! Hee-hee!


  5. Gosh, that food looks delish!! I think I would have a hard time trying to decide!! Not only yummy, but beautiful presentation. I'd pull up my chair!!

  6. What great looking/tasting breakfasts! I would be hard pressed to select just one.

  7. French Toast please.. with lots of peaches! Congrats to BJ! Lovely meals..

  8. I will definately take a breakfast, althought at the moment I'm having a problem choosing which one. They all look sooo good!

    Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Can't pick. Everything looks delicious. I'm leaning to the stacked pancakes and fruit.
    Did you have as nice weather as we did today?

  10. Difficult to select just one, Kathleen! Each of these looks so delicious and beautiful.
    Congratulations to BJ! She'll have a grand time shopping! I'm so excited for her. ~ Sarah

  11. WoW! Vorrei avere il teletrasporto per venire a colazine da te... quale scelgo? Ma tutte naturalmente!!!

  12. I'd love to have the corned beef hash! Congrats to BJ, hope you have a great Mother's Day K:@)

  13. I'll take a little of each! BJ will be so thrilled to have won!

  14. That sure made my fiber cereal look pitiful this morning. Congrats to BJ on winning that great giveaway.

  15. Oh I'm SO happy BJ won!!! I can't think of anyone more deserving.

    Lovin' all your wonderful looking breakfasts this morning. How pretty you make all of them look, with your special toppings. I can't decide between the peaches or the cherries!

    They all make my Asiago cheese bread/toast look pale in comparison. LOL

  16. OK...I was going to have my usual quadruple espresso cappuccino and skip breakfasts this morning...but now I am hungry! lol Happy weekend, Kathleen!...hugs...Debbie

  17. Great looking breakfast, what time will you be here to cater?
    Congrats to BJ, nice win!

  18. Congratulations to BJ and wowsa on the Mother's Day breakfast suggestions :)


  19. Why have I not learned to steer clear of your sight before eating!! Great suggestions for breakfast!!

  20. Those are some delicious-looking breakfasts! Can we declare Mothers' Week so I can have one of each?

    Congrats to BJ!

  21. Would you puleezzzeee stop by and fix me breakfast???? They ALL look fantastic
    Congrats to BJ...
    You host the Mothers Day event and will join in !!

  22. Congrats BJ and all these breakfasts look amazing. Now I'm hungry. This will be a special Mother's Day. My first as a Grandmother and my Daughter's first as a Mother.

  23. OH my! What a beautiful post on this Sunday morning. I just love the red and white dinnerware and table setting on your header. After seeing all of that fantastic food, now I have to eat! LOL


  24. Wowzers, all those choices look amazing. I never ate breakfast much before I was a since we're up at 7 and hungry! we love pancakes and sausage and everything else you made! That french toast looks great!

  25. Congratulations to BJ! All the breakfast food looks fantastic!!! I like the shaped pancakes!

  26. Lucky BJ! And scrumptious-looking food!

  27. I pretty much drooled over everything on your table, just as I always do. I want to make a stack of flower pancakes like that for my daughters. That kind of thing just jazzes them.

    And CONGRATS to BJ!
    It looks like I'm going to have to suck it up and buy that book for myself.

  28. Hi lovely lady. I love the panckes with the fruit so good !!! and Congratulations to B.J.
    I hope you have a nice week sweet lady.

  29. Congrats to BJ! Lucky,lucky! After seeing your wonderful breakfast treats, I feel like having a brunch party...Christine

  30. I want a breakfast buffet so I can try a little of each one, Kathleen!

    Comgrats to bj! Michael's book is spreading happiness everywhere.

    My Mom, bless her heart, never liked to cook. That was my Dad's skill. He made the best beand and the best breakfasts

  31. Kathleen, you are always making me hungry! Every one of these breakfasts had my mouth watering. It is 9:30 at night, and now I'm hungry again. You are a bad influence on me. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  32. BWAAAAAAAAA....I just got home from a day trip and I saw this and just started bawling, I am so happy. It is taking my breath away and I can't see to type so I'll be back in a little bit...

  33. I have caught my breath and back to say thank you very much. I am really looking forward to getting the book. I know I will love it as much as everyone else.
    I am thankful for the gift card. So very generous.
    Love, bj

  34. I feel so deprived! Look at this lovely food! :)
    I think you're doing wonderfully with your Rebel. Your snaps are very pretty.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  35. Panettone French Toast for me please! Congrats BJ! You are going to love the book:)

  36. Oh, I'm so excited for bj! I'd be very happy with any of those choices for breakfast on Sunday as long as I don't have to fix it!

  37. Congrats to BJ! I am in the process of reading "The Book" now. Wow!
    For breakfast on Mother's Day is would like Bob to serve Pannetone French Toast. Looks soooooo good.
    Thanks for visiting my garden.
    Have a great week. Ginger :)

  38. Everything looks SO delicious. I do love those star pancakes though. I have no experience with making pancakes in molds, so I find this most intriguing!


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