Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Teeny's Table and Tasting Party~ Gone with a Handsomer Man & $100 Gift Certificate Give Away

In this week's episode, Teeny Templeton, the main character in ML West's, Gone with a Handsomer Man, prepares some dishes for a job interview.

Jan, from the Picky Palate, wants to see if Teeny is qualified to work in her catering business.

Teeny agonizes over a table to present, but decides to go with this one, white is always tasteful.

table 2534

A mix of Pier One plates, WSonoma Lions Head bowls and Waterford  stems suited Teeny , who knows how to find a bargain in the thrift stores, yet appreciates fine things.  She didn't mean to chip the antique Waterford bowl when she tossed her keys into it at Uncle Elmer's house.  Calamity is Teeny's middle name!

table 2539



table 2545

She hopes the weather co operates so she can serve Sweet tea and appetizers on the porch.

table 020

A savory peach tart,  chopped peaches, red onion, feta cheese and walnuts with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

table 2670

Bargains 150

Next, some asparagus wrapped in prosciutto and puff pastry.

Teeny made chicken salad and stuffed it into snow pea pods.

Bargains 192

Bargains 189

table 3634

A red pear salad, Jan was sure to like those pecans!

Recipe here

Not knowing what kind of soup Jan preferred , Teeny prepared a few.

Uncle Elmer liked to watch the home shopping channels and picked this up one night.  It is a triple burner buffet server. Free shipping and 5 flex pays!

Ever so handy for those Southern lawn parties!  :)

Teeny found a black book filled with Southern widows names hidden inside, so Elmer still had an eye for the ladies.  Just one eye though, he was blind in the other, but that's another story!  :)

I'll just share that he always serenaded those Southern beauties with, "I Only Have EYE For You!"

He had hoped to use it for his Kentucky Derby Day Soiree , but he kicked  the bucket too soon!  May he rest in peace!

Picture 2019

table 1869

She chose to have a bowl of the Creamy Leek and Potato topped with Bacon.

Moving on to desserts, first up was Strawberry and Cream Cake.

Bargains 212 

Bargains 208

Bargains 229

A moist white cake, layered with chopped strawberries and cream and iced with whipped cream.

Jan smiled as she tasted the creamy cake, a good sign.

Teeny knew that spreading strawberry preserves on the warm layers of cake gave those strawberries a burst of flavor.

Knowing her beloved  Aunt Bluette was smiling down on her, Teeny hoped her peach ice cream would seal the deal.

table 2634

table 2645

Jan thanked Teeny for her hospitality and said,

"Teeny, _________________________."

You fill in the blank.  Did Teeny get the job ...or does she have to accept employment at " Sal Monella's Snack Bar" or "Bad Beans and Burgers Bistro?"

What will become of Teeny?  Will she find true love, or heartburn?

I hope you enjoyed yourself at Teeny's Tasting Party, and that ML doesn't mind  that I fabricated this scene!

A copy of Gone with a Handsomer Man , and a 100 dollar gift certificate , courtesy of ML West, will be won by a follower who leaves a comment on this post. 

All those who left a comment last week, are in once, and this will be your second chance.

Give away now over.
The winner will be announced this weekend!  Good luck.

I am joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday, ML West for Foodie Friday on Designs by Gollum. , and Sherry at No Minimalist Here for her Open House Party.
Please visit as many as you can of the other entrants.

Thanks for visiting!

I got a lot of emails asking about the triple buffet. It is on special till midnight I think at HSN. $119.00 free shipping and flex pay


Be sure to sign up at mrrebates.com first, and get a % back. FYI only, I am not being compensated!
I do love mine though!


  1. I want strawberry and cream cake! It is so pretty! And the chicken salad in the snow peas ~ awesome!

    You know how I enjoy seeing ALL of your tablescapes, but I LOVE the white. Elegant and so pretty. Look how the crystal stemware pops against the white backdrop. Beautiful!

    I was busy baking some pretty pancakes the other day :) I will be posting tomorrow.

  2. Wow, what a cute post and everything looks amazing!!! Especially the soups, the peach tart and the cake..yummmmm!

  3. Kathleen, lately before I read your newest post, I need to put on my stretchiest pants as I seem to gain weight from imagining how good this food tastes! Wow......when is the next jitney? And the table setting, and the writing, you are hilarious. xo,

  4. Oh, ABSOLUTELY hired, if I was the interviewer! xo,

  5. I would have given her the job so I think she said "Teeny, we'll have so much fun working together." Fun post.

  6. Oh Kathleen, so many wonderful things to eat. I'm just drooling. I love the rosettes on the strawberry cake.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. Cute post, Kathleen, you should write a book! I actually know of a very good plot, LOL!
    Food looks delicious!

  8. This was such fun! Everything looks delicious. I've read about half the book and I just love all the posts. It feels as if we know Teeny, doesn't it?

  9. Your table is very elegant dressed in white. You certainly know how to put out a feast...I want the asparagus wrapped in prosciutto/puff pastry!

  10. Teeny absolutely had to get the job after creating a meal and table like this!! I don't know how you do it week after week, Kathleen. It's all beautiful!


  11. Oh girl! What a fabulous post filled with such lovely things and tasty looking food. I've made asparagus with prosciutto before but I love the pastry addition. Wowzers!! That cake is so detailicious. You just blow me away!!

  12. Great post. I absolutely must make the strawberries and cream cake. Beautiful! I can't wait to read this book. I am a fan of culinary mystery writer, Diane Mott Davidson, so I know I will love this.
    I love a different table setting each day. On my formal dining, I have a different setting for each holiday or season. I love it.

  13. Just beautiful K, and I mean everything! Love the white table and the votives on the mirrors. Great triple server (that Elmer was a sly one), and your cake turned out so pretty! Now, about that peach tart... wouldn't mind that right now with my morning coffee:@)

  14. She's hired!!! Everything looks just beautiful from table to food. I want to copy those chicken salad pea pods at my next luncheon club. I love the pear too.

    Oh heckers, I just really love this whole post. It's inspiration after inspiration.

  15. Lieta di conoscere il tuo blog! A presto!

  16. Oh my word....what a blog post to happen upon so early in my day. I am now STARVING....so many wondrous dishes displayed. GLORY....well done on that cake. Party on!

  17. The food looks exquisite, Kathleen. I haven't tried a Teeny recipe yet. Might do that tomorrow. Will see what I can do.

  18. I think Jan would have said "Teeny, even though I did ask for Red Velvet Cake, which you didn't make, I love the creativity of every you made so you get the job!"

    What a beautiful Strawberry Cream Cake, Kathleen! I love the chicken salad stuffed peas too. I know you could teach Jan a few things about catering :)

  19. Oh, my goodness, Kathleen, I wish I lived close to you! All those goodies look FABULOUS, and I'm sure they taste as good as they look. Your all-white table is lovely -- wonderful texture from the hydrangeas!

  20. Drop dead gorgeous and mouth watering!

  21. Wow, your little teeny self has been cooking up quite a storm! The cake is lovely. I just went to a demonstration where they decorated a cake like that. It is definitely on my list to try. Yours looks fabulous with the strawberries tucked inside. I love the stuffed peas too, the soups, the tart. You and Teeny Templeton must be kindred spirits! Fabulous.

  22. ummmm, this is all awesome, K.
    Love the beautiful table and the food....looks and sounds delicious. I do an angel food cake (have done a pound cake) like the stuffed one you are showing. I've covered them in whipped creme but never as fancy as that. :))
    I don't have the book so I don't know any of the recipes to try yet.
    xo bj

  23. What to say except Fabulous. Every little detail is picture perfect and looks so appetizinf. Wish I was there to enjoy this with you. Success for sure.

  24. I've oohed and aahed over the table.. Poor Teeny to chip that bowl. Then I drooled over the food. and then I was thankful for another chance at the prize. Thanks for hosting and I thoroughly enjoyed your blog.. you sure you don't want to write your own book?

  25. Oh my gosh, woman...what a SCREAM!!! Hilarious rendition of the story (with a few liberties, of course) and the FOOD!!! Holy Crimoli...all that FOOD!!!

    I'm totally in love with the chicken salad stuffed snow pea pods....what a great looking display. AND THAT CAKE!!! OMGosh! Just lovely!

    Your table is so elegant & serene. You DO have a way with dishes, Crazy Lady. (wait, that's a different book, huh?) LOL


  26. This is my first visit to your blog and if this post is any indication of what I would normally find here, I will definitely be back. The cake is gorgeous and I love the idea of wrapping the asparagus in prosciutto and puff pastry. I'll try the chicken salad in pea pods the next time I have the girls over for lunch. Best of all, I love your sense of humor that is so apparent in your writing. I am so glad that I found your blog!
    P.S. I just know that Jan said, "Teeny, you got the job!"

  27. I think Teeny (aka Kathleen) got the job -- that girl can cook and bake! This is such a fun post Kathleen! You really outdid yourself on this one. Such fun story telling and great food! The cake is so beautiful! Joni

  28. Well, yummy! You are my cuisine role model! The icing on the strawberry cream is spectacular looking...and I love the look of the chicken salad in the snow peas, too! Thank you for all the inspiration. Cherry Kay

  29. Loved this post...I have got to get my hands on a copy of this book! Interesting salad with the peaches and the table setting is so light and lovely!

  30. Blogger just ate me comment. I LOVE every single Teany recipe.
    That pear salad is a WOW!

  31. What a fantastic spread & beautiful white table! Your cake looks amazing! I'm chuckling over Uncle Elmer's free shipping and 5 flex pays :-) I predict Teeny gets the job, has a few more harrowing experiences & finds true love~

  32. Teeny's Tasting Party was fun, fun, fun. The food was delicious and the company was divine. Thanks for inviting me!

  33. Everything looks so good but that cake looks amazing!

  34. There's only one word for that tablescape--GORGEOUS! The food photos are making me hungry...so yummy looking!


  35. I do love white on white, such a beautiful table, and can I just tell you, I am salivating?? I've wrapped asparagus with prosciutto, but love the idea of puff pastry! Yumm, and your cake?? Wish I could reach in grab a slice! Such a cute post1

  36. With that spread she's sure to win the job! I'm saving that book to read on vacation week after next!

  37. Hey again...I have to use 70" wide, too. Zina Vasi and Williams Sonoma both fit the bill most of the time. Thanks heavens, most really gorgeous vintage linen cloths are 70"...and my trusty old Duncan Phyfe is always grateful. Cherry Kay

  38. Kathleen, I have tears in my eyes from laughing! "Hanging out" with you must be a blast! of course Jan said "Teeny, honey chile, those vittles would make Julia Child give you a job"! I'd love to sit on those pretty blue cushions on your porch and eat some of this beautiful food you prepared! laurie

  39. Oh, I swear...Keep your Saturday nights open, 'cause I'm going to have to get you a job on "SNL"!!! You are so funny!!! That IS a a great electric warmer/server. I haven't seen one that looks that good. The table looks fabulous, and the food looks so delicious! That savory peach tart kind of caught my attention. Of course, I'm not doing a ton of fancy cooking these days as I pack up my dishes, but I think I'll have to try that in the future. The Strawberry & Cream Cake looks fabulous, too. Gives me a "hankering" for it! :-)

  40. Kathleen can you cater my next big party? You make the most amazing dishes and your elegant white table is a perfect way to serve them. My birthday cake is always strawberry shortcake and now I want one with roses made from whipped cream!

    Teeny definitely got the job! Watch out Martha Stewart!

  41. An amazing "chapter" and a beautiful tablescape. I'm sure the food tasted as delicious as it looked!

  42. This is amazing my dear Kathleen...I just adore your tablescape, it is terrific... I love your white table, so fresh and elegant! I do like that warmer-server too...need to look for one, so funny!...and the recipes,wow! I'm going to make your creme-strawberry cake, asap!
    Queens girl

  43. Girl, you did some fancy cooking there, and I want one of those asparagus spears. They look wonderful. Is the recipe in the book??? I loved it! And that cake! GORGEOUS.

    I have a copy of Michael's book (bought it last week), and I have started to read it. I love it so far. I love this idea of cooking from her book. If only I weren't the auto chef, I might try, too! LOL! Does Teeny have any auto chef recipes??? If only!

    I'm debating if I am going to get up at five to watch the wedding. I might. I had planned on it, but I am just whipped this week and have back to back craziness. So we shall see.


    Sheila :-)

  44. Hired, of course! How could she not be after a performance like that? This is one of the cleverest and most entertaining posts I have ever read. I surely hope I win that book.

  45. Kathleen, YOU need to write a book! You are so clever coming up with witty material post after post and it is always a pleasure to read! And then there's the tablescapes and food that go with the "story". I just love it all! You are one talented lady!


  46. Okay Kathleen - you have raised the bar with this post. Everything here is just eye candy for the foodie and tablescaper in all of us! The cake - has stolen the show. Paired with the white tablescape, I see many inspired settings coming from this. Lovely.

  47. What a beautifully elegant table. . . and the food, WOW!!! I also LOVE the red and white setting on your blog header. LOVE red!!!

  48. Agreed. White is always tasteful. And so is every one of Teeny's offerings, including the beautiful cake!

  49. I'm hungry now! I can't believe you managed to make all of that! I'm making that tart! Thanks! Christy

    armyscrapwife (at) gmail (dot) com

  50. That's it! I am coming out to your house to have dinner with you! I am inviting myself - you don't mind, do you? I absolutely must not stop here before lunch again! You make me hungry!
    Thanks for a chance to win this amazing giveaway!
    a very hungry Steph

  51. What a great giveaway! I have never wrapped asparagus in puff pastry. You know what I would love to see? Your closet where you organize all of these terrific place setting acoutrements!

  52. Teeny does good,wonderful foods and fun too,why she has got it made,as soon as she can get out of trouble.
    What a fun post.
    Love it.
    Thanks for the smiles too.
    And the visit and comment @ Lazy on Loblolly
    Lazy on Loblolly

  53. Yupiiiiiiiiii..........you know I'm a big fan! Thank you so much my dear Kathleen! I do appreciate it!
    Queens girl.

  54. "Teeny, I can't quite decide if you've met with my expectations," said Jan, as a swath of melted ice cream dribbled down her chin. Teeny watched in wonder as Jan crammed another asparagus spear into her mouth as she stabbed her fork into yet another hunk of cake.
    Jan savored the rich flavors of Teeny's food as she looked upwards to heaven and silently thanked her lucky stars that Teeny Templeton had come into her life. Not that Teeny would ever be told that, she thought. Can't let her think that she's an expert cook at her young age. Why, I might not be able to afford her if she thinks she's THAT good.
    Forgoing the manners that her cultured southern mama had taught her as a child, Jan popped a ripe cherry tomato against the roof of her mouth and then spoke to Teeny with her mouth full of food, "Since I can't make up my mind, I will need you prepare all of the food for the cocktail party I'm hosting tomorrow night. Shall we go over the menu now?" And then she reached for another piece of asparagus....

  55. Please do NOT count me in this GIVEAWAY... already have the book... just starting it so I did not read your post BUT I LOVE the photos!!!

    I will pop back once I've read it and read your posting!

    Good to have you visit!
    ENJOY your weekend!

  56. I'm so impressed - what an excellent post! Love everything you did. I think this is the 3rd time I've seen that rose cake - that means I'm going to have to make one soon ;).

    Have a great weekend, Kathleen, and Happy FF.


  57. I think this is one of the most beautiful meals I've ever seen. You bowled me over with that pear salad. Wow! You are HIRED!! Now, I'm gonna be needing that pear salad recipe.

  58. Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous meal!! Where do you get the energy to do all of these wonderful dishes? And, set such a beautiful table!

  59. Oh, Kathleen, this was fabulous. Every single dish looks like something from The Picky Palate--but that cake! It's edible art. I can't thank you enough for inviting Teeny into your kitchen these past two weeks.XX00

  60. What a feast! I think you should write a book ;o)

    I love the red flatware in your header!

  61. I've decided I want to spend my summer lounging in the wicker on your porch, glass of sweet tea in hand and waiting to hear, "Tables set, come and eat." All this food tonight is making me hungry. Love the idea of the stuffed snow peas. I'll have potato leek soup and finish with a slice of that strawberry cream cake. Yum!
    Beautiful table, Kathleen! ~ sarah

  62. That ice cream looks incredible! I know she'd get the job if she came up with a spread like this one!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  63. With a tablescape looking like that and a food presentation this beautiful, how could Teeny not get the job? Everything looks so amazing!..Christine

  64. Of course she said "Teeny you take the cake! You are so hired."
    Love that strawberry cake and the first tablescape is my favorite...cause you know how partial I am to red and white ;)
    Such a fun post. Thanks Teeny and Michael Lee for a fantastic giveaway. Fondly, Roberta

  65. How impressive! You did an amazing job on this blog! I loved everything. I can't wait to make the asparagus wrapped in proscuitto and puff pastry, and the chicken salad in snow pea pods. I totally love the Red Pear Salad - awsome!!! Everything looks great! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas:)

    Jan said to Teeny, "Everything was fabulous. You are a wonderful cook! So, can you start Monday?"

  66. I thought I was a follower of yours. Checked to make sure, good thing, I am now. Love that triple burner thingy. I could fill that sweetie with hot crab dip three times! Thanks for the great giveaway.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  67. Teeny sure is not going to be teeny for long when she eats that entire delicious cake:-)

  68. Teeny absolutely should get the job! She deserves it. I want a slice of that divine looking strawberry cream cake!

  69. Oh My, The food looks fabulous and that cake is exquisite! You have created quite a feast and a lovely table setting. Thank you for joining my party.

  70. Oh I like strawberry cake much better than red velvet anyway. Yours is decorated so beautifully. White and silver and crystal are always so elegant together.

  71. Hands down, I'm coming to your house!! :)
    I'm so sorry about you not being able to get in touch with your friends! I know the phone lines are down in so many places!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  72. Kathleen so sorry I missed this giveaway entry. So much going on at my house this past week. Still Teeny did get the job! LOL....such yummy food!

    hugs, Linda

  73. Kathleen,
    Your post is glorious. And I'm not exaggerating!
    Everything is beautiful and delicious. And the cake, well the icing on the cake IS the icing on the cake! You are talented!


Thank you for visiting my blog, I appreciate your visit!