Monday, May 2, 2011

Cheap or Free is Good Enough for Me!

My dear neighbor, Arlene, who is purging dishes, gifted me again.

You may remember she gave me these...

Picture 2027

She asked me if I wanted these...

Bargains 250

Bargains 248

Made in the USA tea cups and saucers , Fiesta look a likes, she got them in an antique shop years ago.  Lots of mix and match possibilities!

These I got last month in CTS.

Picture 1984

Picture 1985

$1.00.  I got 12 of them, that's all they had!  Johnson Bros.  Nice for the Fall.

In case you are hungry, I will share what was on my table top tonight.

Bargains 241

Homemade onion rings, nice and crispy.  Makes dh forget that he is getting the dreaded meatloaf!  I tucked in a little mozzarella.

Bargains 245

A twice baked potato and glazed carrots, and that's dinner.  And of course, I have to have ketchup for those onion rings!

Thanks for visiting!  I am joining Tabletop Tues with Marty.

and Sandi for Tea Time Tuesday.


  1. What fun dishes! You sure have nice friends!!

  2. What a great neighbour. I never turn down free dishes either. lol

  3. Does Arlene need a new friend? ;P You have to love the colors of the Fiestaware. Very nice!

  4. I love the dishes you got at CTS! I also LOVE those green glass chargers! Where did you get them???? Does your neighbow want to "gift" me some dishes:):):) Just kidding, I don't know where I could put more!!!! I just won another set, that hasn't arrived yet but I am anxiously waiting! Now, Kennett Square is about an hour from Villanova. It is on Rt. 1 south of 202. If you are ever going to be in the area let me know!!!! XO, Pinky

  5. ☺ ♫♫ Lucky YOU!!! Your poor hubby is going to have to build an addition onto the house to store all of your wonderful collections. Each one of these is going to be so fun to play with ...I can just see the possibilities now.

    HOMEMADE ONION RINGS???? My DH would think he'd died & gone to Heaven. I've never made them from scratch. Do tell how, please???

  6. Oh Kathleen...I think we were twins in a former life...Your neighbor really knows who to gift dishes to for sure!! Your homemade onion rings look so much better than the ones I ordered from Outback Steakhouse yesterday!! Enjoy your new goodies!

  7. You have a generous neighbor! I keep looking for a salad plate for you, but so far, nothing. Those onion rings look delicious...hold the ketchup!

  8. What a nice neighbor you have! And the CTS you shop at has much nicer dishes than the one I go to!! Dinner looks delish, especially those onions rings. xo,

  9. Everyone needs a neighbor like yours. Great dishes! Dinner looks yummy-wish I could make a decent meatloaf.

  10. You are one lucky neighbor! Lots of possibilities with all of those colors!

    - The Tablescaper

  11. OMGoodness!! FREE dishes and onion rings. It doesn't get any better. Gosh those onion rings look delicious... I'm sitting here drooling just looking at them. :)

  12. Nice neighbor! The cups and saucers are cool!

    Dinner looks really good, too. :)

  13. You can do so many things with those cups...what a nice gift! I can smell that dinner from here. I love meatloaf...but I don't often make it. Adding the cheese...yum!

  14. Hi Kathleen,
    Fun new dishes to work with....can't wait to see your new creations. Like the one on your header,
    they always looks so pretty. My fav plate was the one with the fruit, gorgeous. Nice you were able to get 12 of those.
    Din Din looks mighty good, bet hubby had no complaints!! lol
    You take care now,
    blessings, Nellie

  15. Oh My Kathleen,
    LOVE,LOVE,LOVE them all!!!!!!!!!!! Those cobalts are "To DIE FOR"!!! and that is a fabulous set of Johnson bros too!!!! They would have followed me home too! Your supper looks delicious! The onion rings are one of my FAVORITES!
    Thanks for showing us your bounty..."LUCKY GIRL"! Oh now I REALLY need some fiesta cobalt!!!
    Have a great week,

  16. Wow, what a sweet neighbor you have! I love when I find JB dishes at Marshall's for $1 too!!!

  17. Homemade onion rings sounds like a real treat! Glad to hear Arlene is supporting your "dish" habit again. LOL What a thoughtful neighbor and generous friend. You'll have fun with these colorful pieces. ~ Sarah

  18. Does Arlene need any more help purging?...
    I can be there in a 'Flash'!
    Great 'cast offs' Kathleen. I can see you doing so many mix & match tables with them.
    Fabulous buy on those CTS dishes...I haven't seen those at mine. I guess it's all in the timing.
    Now I've got pangs for onion rings after seeing yours!!

  19. Lovin' the mix and match cups and there is yet another J-Bro design that I love! Honestly, I don't think they can do anything wrong-enjoy:@)

  20. Love all your mix and match you showed us today. Those onion rings are really tempting me; maybe I can wow my husband by adding cheese to my meatloaf.

  21. Oh Kathleen,
    You get the best deals, love the johnson bros and the freebies! Beautiful dishes! Where oh where do you store all your goodies?
    Great looking food too!

  22. I read cheap / free, and came right over.

    It's good to see neighbors still being, well, neighborly. And your dear neighbor wins the prize for her generosity!

  23. Wow, what a great gift, love all the cups and saucers and the colors are wonderful. Your new plates are such a beautiful pattern also, and the price is unreal. Dinner looks fabulous, I love it all, I'll take DH's place. lol Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  24. Yum! Your supper sounds really good to me! My hubby loves my meat loaf. Funny how guys are, eh? You made quite a haul with your dishes! And what a lovely neighbor you have too! You are gonna have so much fun with all those colours! LOVE the china in your header!! Thanks for sharing and coming to tea.


  25. Dinner looks delicious! Lucky you....a great neighbor oiu have! Wonderful cups and saucers!!

  26. What a sweet neighbor you are to take the dishes "off her hands"! Your dinner looks wonderful.

  27. Love the colors of those cups and saucers! Like a rainbow!

  28. You're so lucky Kathleen...but, then again, who wouldn't be so nice with you hon...I would, if you lived near me, I'd give you a plate for the wall, one made by us, that is! Love the colors on those cups!, AND THE FOOD, YUMMY!

  29. Puleeeeze explain the concept of dish purging, lol! Lucky you to benefit from your neighbor and her purge :)


  30. Another nice gift from your neighbor! I'm sure you will have lots of mix and match possibilities.

    Wow, those onion rings look perfect! I love them but have never tried making them myself either.

  31. Dreaded meatloaf??? It is a big favorite at my house! Those onion rings look delicious!

    More great dishes for more great tablescapes :) Yea!

  32. Nice neighbor! Very pretty dishes. I think I would eat meatloaf, too, if it was smothered in those onion rings!

  33. Yummm...I could absolutely LIVE on fried onion rings..especially when they look this good.


  34. Hi Kathleen

    Just needed to check in and drool...and remind you it is ELA testing day for me (I know you couldn't possibly miss those days!)Haha!

  35. Your neighbor is so generous. I'll be anxious to see how you use those dish treasures on a future table.

    As to the current table, I'll just say Yum. I like onion rings, and I love twice baked potatoes. And I don't even mind a good meatloaf, either.

  36. You lucked out in the neighbor category,,BUT I must say you have to be a great neighbor to her for her to offer them to you! Ya, you're a softie!!!
    I always marvel at your onion rings..they look perfect! How about a tutorial!!!!

  37. I know that I love your dishes, but I am so distracted by those homemade onion rings! Oh my they look so delicious!How about a post on how to make them? YUMMY!

  38. What a wonderful neighbor Kathleen. Beautiful gifts.

    As usual, your meal looks so good!

  39. If Arlene ever shows up with something you don't want, take it anyway, and send it to me. You lucky girl to have a neighbor who is purging china~ cause we all know you need more china about like Laurie needs more china! laurie

  40. Kathleen, You are one lucky gal to have such a generous neighbor. And lucky, as well, because you always find such big bargains at CTS! Everyone seems to be craving your onion strings- I know you don't use "receipts" but you'll have to give us the general idea as to what you use to bread them.

  41. The cups and saucers are adorable! You are lucky to have a neighbor who has lots of pretty goodies she doesn't want anymore...does she know you have a wonderful blog where you display them?

  42. Stopping by to wish you a very HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, Kathleen!! As much as I know you love it, I hope you DON'T have to cook today. We're getting lemon chicken carry-out. LOL

    Enjoy your day,
    Mega Hugs,


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