Saturday, April 16, 2011

House Transformation~$100 Gift Certificate & Gone with a Handsomer Man Book Party~Ricotta Gnocchi

Bargains 088

Here's the house, :) from Pottery Barn after Cmas for $5.  Not very Christmasy!  I knew I was going to change it to an Easter house!

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The white snow became pink sugar , and the trim got painted too.  Colorful paper grass and some eggs, and now it is a centerpiece! I could drill a hole in the bottom and throw in some battery operated lights.  I could, but I didn't!

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Pink and green plaid tablecloth, pink polka dot plates and salads with a white charger underneath.

Polka dot napkins and pink flatware.  Pink soup or fruit cup bowl.

I know my friend Marigene, at In the Middle of Nowhere is saying, " Bleck," she hates PINK! 

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Polka dot egg pots serve a name markers. 

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Pink stemware.

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Bunny bread and butter plate.

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This cute little egg plate was a gift from a friend years ago.  The bunnies are salt and pepper shakers.

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I saw a recipe for Ricotta gnocchi on the food network.  I have made the potato kind, so I thought I would try this.

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It is much lighter than the potato, and reminded me of the insides of stuffed shells.

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You put the ricotta mixture into a pastry bag and have to pipe it into the boiling water.  A little tricky, piping with one hand, using a knife to cut it with the other, and man, my wrists were getting toasted!

I topped it with prosciutto.  I don't think I would make it again, just saying!  :)

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Pre prosciutto and shaved cheese.

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After you boil it quickly, you drain, then give it a little color in a skillet with some butter and garlic.  They are very fragile, so be delicate!

You might like it.  Dh was happy with it, I would prefer a stuffed shell!  You can also add spinach.

There are lots of gnocchi recipes out there, the most common is made into a little pillow.  The piping aspect sounded different, so I thought I would give it a try.

I think the pillows are much easier though, having made both!

If you would like a chance to win a copy of Michael Lee West's new book GONE  WITH A HANDSOMER MAN and a 100 dollar gift certificate, please come back the 22nd and 29th for a multi blog book party with foods mentioned in the new book.  I read mine the day I got it, and loved it!

ML kindly sent me a copy, and one for a follower and said the winner would  also get a 100 dollar gift certificate.  She is a very generous lady!

I wonder if I can enter?  :)

Thanks for visiting, see you next week!

Table details...

Cloth...Duralee fabric

Pink stems from Lenox

Pink flatware...Bealls online

Polka dot dishes... pink soup bowls Christmas Tree Shops

Dotted eggs...  little yellow chicks         "

Bunny ramekins...Michael's .10 day before Easter

House...Pottery Barn Outlet

Dotted napkins... Home Goods

I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things, The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, and Beverly for Pink Saturday.

Also, Marty for Tabletop Tuesday. Thank you all for hosting!

Bargains 101

Preview of the place markers for next week's TTH table.  I got them at the PB outlet, but the eggs were gold.  I painted them blue for my very serene Easter table for grown ups!  :)


  1. Kathleen, can I come on a shopping expedition with you just one time?! Pretty please?! :-) You never cease to amaze me, after shopping I usually plunk myself down and unwind - you whip up an amazing dish. Love it, and thanks for the blog visit. xo,

  2. Kathleen, I didn't say bleck...that tablecloth is one of my favorites of any you have...those plates look wonderful on it. I think I am finally coming around to the color pink!
    Gnocchi isn't something I would ever make again, either...too much work, when there are lots of good brands in the market.

  3. Love the table K! I think pink's fun! Looking forward to the grown up table, although... I might still choose to sit at the kiddie table with my knees in my face:@) Gnocchi is on my list of things to try, think I'll stick to the potato version-thanks!

  4. Oh what a delightful table! Love the "Easter" house. And your gnocchi and prosciutto look delicious!!

  5. Your table looks elegant and whimsical all at once!! Love your little house and that egg dish! Pretty springtime colors!

    I love gnocchi. You always make everything looks so easy! I can't even pipe frosting!!

    Happy Saturday!


  6. Kathleen, your creativity knows no bounds!
    I think I want some gnocchi, as in, NOW!

    Have a great pink week!

  7. I'm with Marigene on the pink but I have to say, it really is a pretty table! I love the cloth! The gnocchi looks good!

  8. You are Such a Clever Girl, LOVE the Easter House! TOO CUTE! Your whole table is Sweet. As the Mom of 3Boys(now Men)I tend to go more for a Salmon pink look, hehe! I LOVE the Ricotta gnocchi. Do you think the dough would work with a spaetzle press? I would LOVE to try the recipe if you'd email it to me, "Pretty Please"???
    Have a wonderful weekend down on the Island, We are having a WASH OUT up here...That's OK, at least it's not "WHITE"!!!
    Hugs to you,

  9. How the heck did you paint that roof PINK??? And you added a little doorknob & did the window panes, too! The blue eggs are very authentic Robin's egg blue, too.

    Love that pretty tablecloth & the cutlery you used with it. My DZ DD would go bonkers for that combo. Anything PINK & GREEN!

    Thanks for the review of the gnocci. I've never made either kind. :/ Just never thought to even try.

  10. I love the pink flatware! The plaid tablecloth is also really festive!

  11. Hi Kathleen! Oh, you're the most creative one! You little house looks so much better as an Easter house than a Christmas house! Now your table looks wonderful and is all ready for Easter! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Love the house - how cool to turn it into an Easter one..Marsha would love it for her garden!! I am beginning to like the pink also.. the Gnocchi is something I have never tried..looks interesting!!

  13. Love this pink table! Wonderful layers of pinkness and the polka dots make it all pop. ;-)
    Cute little house and nest place card holders. I made a quick run through PB Outlet on my way home from an out of town trip. ;-) ~ Sarah

  14. Oh my, I can't wait to make your ricotta gnocchis, I make the potato ones quite well, but, yeah, I'd love to try this dear Kathleen. I love your bunnies and all your beautiful arrangements as're so talented dear lady! Happy Easter.

  15. Hi Kathleen,
    this is such a beautiful table. I love the colors and all the little details. And the food looks great. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  16. I know you are sick of hearing this but...I've never heard of ...gnocchi. I know...I don't get out much.

    Your pink and green table is just adorable. I love it all.

  17. I just love it! Love the pink too!

    No, I would never go to all that trouble to cook something! I think those days are over for me!


  18. Hmmm... 10 cents for those bunny bakers? Great deal. Where did you get the ruffled pink salad plates? I've never seen those.

    Great table! So fun. Thands for being part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. Love the plaid tablecloth and the polka dot eggs! Very festive - Hope you're having a great weekend,

  20. Your table setting is so the cottage centerpiece, the plaid and polka dots...everything's perfect :)
    Happy SS!

  21. I adore that table Kathleen! You have all my favorite things! Plaid, polka dots, whimsy, the cutest Easter table ever!

  22. Well I have to say I just love the color pink and the transformation of this little 'Easter House' is too sweet. Loving it Kathleen!

  23. Picture perfect post for Easter; what a cure Easter house; love it.
    Happy Sunday

  24. Hi lovely lady. I just love it with the color pink !!!! Your Tablescape is Perfect for Easter sweet lady.~~~I hope you and your lovely family have a Great Day !!

  25. Fun post and great re-do of the little house for Easter!

  26. That was a beautiful table and makes me ready for Easter.

  27. Very cute easter tablescape, Kathleen. I love it. I have those dotted napkins, in fact I am also using them for my Easter table and I am also using multi colored polka dot dishes....Christine

  28. What a remarkable makeover for the little house; I love it! Your table is so pretty and love the pink stems and pink flatware. Great tablecloth too!

  29. Gnocchi has always seemed too much work for me but hubby loves it. Thanks for telling me it's not worth the effort. I feel better:) haha

    Love the new Easter house.

  30. Gnocchi -- soooo gooood! I could see trying this.

    Your little house is the center of a very lively table -- and I, too, like it better as an Easter House.

    Are you going to post the recipe?

  31. You are so creative! Love your paint jobs!

  32. You certainly had a vision with that CMas house. It turned out cute! Everything is cute! And I am with ya on the gnocchi. Seems like a lot of work.~Ames

  33. I do think it looks more like an Easter house! Great transformation, Kathleen. I guess I'm in the 'Don't Love Pink' contingent but I do love what you did with it.

    Too bad about the gnocchi but that does sound like a lot of juggling for a stuffed shell result!

  34. You need to teach me how to shop efficiently. love your table and the gnocchi did look good. I'm delighted to have stopped by today.

  35. I'm into pink these days so your table works just fine for me. I didn't know how much of that color is in my house until I started looking around and found it in almost every room in one form or another. By the way, the little bowls look just right for turtle soup!

  36. Love the pretty tablecloth with your polka dot and ruffled plates.
    Wonderful transformation on the 'Easter House'..cute idea.
    That gnocchi looks really good but seems way too tricky to make.

  37. Soooo pretty! Love that you transformed the Christmas house into an Easter house, and it makes such a cute centerpiece. Love the polka dots with the plaid cloth. The egg server with the bunny salt and pepper is just the cutest thing. Thanks so much for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  38. Love it all... especially the pink polka dotted plates and those adorable little ruffled chicks! Also, great job on the little house transformation -- love the colors you used.

  39. I'm not exactly a pink person, Kathleen, but pink just goes with Easter, doesn't it?
    I adore your egg plate! Couldn't believe those were salt and pepper shakers. So cute!
    I've made ricotta gnocchi too...we loved it.

  40. Hi Kathleen!
    Your posts are never disappointing...I always leave here so amazed at what you've done! The house transformation is so great! That house was meant to go home with you and become what it was always intended to be ... AN EASTER HOUSE! It looks so much better ~ you should be a consultant for PB ...

    Your pink flatware is also making me smile this morning! How sweet! I've got to check out Bealls ...

    I'm visiting my father in Norwich, NY. It's been raining here the whole time... this morning, I'm waking up to sunshine. It won't last long {accord to the weatherman} so I'm heading out for a quick walk.

    Enjoy your week, wishing you LOTS of sunshine there and a beautiful SONshine Easter morning!

    ps I'm also smiling at "Word Verification Free blog" I took mine away a while back too... no problems so far... I also have comments on my posts older than 4 days go to moderation so I know people have commented. I do get stray spam comments in my really old posts, but since they go to moderation, it doesn't work for them. Blogger's spam catcher works great now, so I haven't had many of those either.

  41. Wow, I love those pink polka dot plates and the adorable little house you transformed. Too cute! Love those PB place card holders too!

  42. Beautiful table! I think pink is so pretty for Easter! I also love the cute egg dish and bunny S&P's! I make ricotta gnocchi all the time but do the roll and cut method and I usually put spinach in them.

    I received ML's book right before leaving to see my grandson's...I can't wait to read it!

  43. Beautiful and delicious Kathleen.

  44. This is the prettiest table for Easter,,,LOVE the plaid cloth, the dishes, the centerpiece, chicks, everything.......what a steal on the Xmas house, nice job, hugs....cleo

  45. Beautiful table for Easter...thanks for sharing...Pat H

  46. I have just banished pink from my living room but I love all your pink pretties! ♥O

  47. Hi Kathleen! Your tablescape is so pretty and Easter-y! Love your Easter house! And your food looks yummy! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  48. I'm a pink lover and your table is just darling. I love all the elements and of course the fact that its PINK. Thanks so much for sharing.

  49. If this table doesn't shout "SPRING" I don't know what does! You had a vision with that little house and look what prettiness came from it. I just love everything. So cheery!

  50. Kathleen, I love how you've transformed the little house! Very clever! I like all your pink -- even pink flatware! The polka dots are wonderful, too!

  51. one day, I am just going to invite myself over for lunch!

  52. That sure is work...I could not pipe and cut at the same time and would certainly burn myself with the boiling water for sure. I will stick to stuffed shells. Can you believe my Mom is Italian and never made those? Perhaps it is a regional dish??? Husband loves to order that when we are out to eat. Happy Easter!

  53. Hi lovely lady.
    Happy Easter to you and your lovely Family ~~

  54. Hello Kathleen! I just looked closely and think my dishes are similar to the ones in your hearer photo. Noritake? My pattern is Donigal. (from the mid-70's)


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