Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Eggs ceptionally Colorful~Gone with a Handsomer Man

I got my hot off the press copy of Michael Lee West's Gone with a Handsomer Man yesterday, and I finished it last night!  More about that later.

I really have to take a hint from Bill at Affordable Accoutrements and be subtle with color.  Maybe next week, the last Easter table before the big day.

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These are 2 different plates.  Seriously!  One is Pottery Barn, the other, CTS.  Can you guess?

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Look at all those colors!

I bought a very colorful cloth in CTS  I mean, it has everything in it!  A scaper's delight.

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The centerpiece is a lime green pedestal with a lime green pot surrounded by eggs.  Fresh mums, and green grosgrain bow. Glass bunny egg holders used for candles from WSonoma Outlet.

Egg flowerpots name holders, CTS.

Purple stems, Villeroy and Boch.  This is their debut!  :)

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The aqua beaded bowls are Emma from Pottery Barn. Great sale, and a story.  I was there with The Tablescaper .  My cashier gave me what the sign said, TT'S did not, said it was a mistake.    She had 12, what else?

So my cashier told her to come over and rang them up at the price I got.  :)

Little egg ramekins for butter plates from Target.

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Green swirl flatware from CTS, as well as the egg salt and peppers, tablecloth and matching napkins and lavender placemats.

The little rattan lavender baskets serve as the napkin holder, and I have had them for years from long gone Lee Wards.

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Purple glass covered bunny bowl from CTS.

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Okay, you can take off your sunglasses now!  I have one more in polka dots for Marty's Tabletop Tuesday, and then I will try to do a very calm,serene, grown up table for T Thursday!

Now back to ML's new book and Foodie Friday.  ML is having parties for the next few weeks, featuring some foods mentioned in her book that was released yesterday, Gone with a Handsomer Man.

The main character is Teeny (Christine) who gets her mind off her troubles, and boy she sure steps in them, by cooking and baking.

Some of us who join ML's Foodie Friday every week at Designs by Gollum, will be creating some of the dishes mentioned in the book. (ML is hosting , so stop by for the details!)

This one wasn't, but Southern Fried Chicken would fit right in!

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Nice and juicy with a drizzle of honey! (Soak in buttermilk, dredge in seasoned flour, let rest, then fry till golden brown)

As a side dish, some thinly sliced browned potatoes,  layered with Swiss cheese and a sprinkle of crispy bacon.

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I think this is Southern too...

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Pulled pork and creamy cole slaw. It took many tries over time, but I got it just the way we like it!

I am sure it isn't the best ever, I know there's always something better!

When my bil was here last summer, he told me this wasn't the way they had cole slaw in the South. Well, this is NY!

The previous post has a link to PW's recipe for pulled pork.

Please stop back  here  soon to enter a give away of ML's new book and more.  Plus, there will be more of Teeny's cooking adventures...I thoroughly enjoyed it and laughed out loud in several parts.

Thanks so much for visiting, I am joining Susan at BNOP for Tablescape Thursday, Designs by Gollum for Foodie Friday, and Diann for Thrifty Friday.


  1. Your table is so pretty. The plum stems are my favorite!


  2. Kathleen! How did you get Michael Lee's book so fast? I want one bad!

    Your table is C-U-T-E. I love the colorful cloth, and no, I can't believe those two plates are from different places. They look IDENTICAL. This store you keep talking about sounds like a magpie paradise. Wish we would get it here in the Sunshine State!

    Speaking of which, I have a video on my blog today that is guaranteed to bring a little sunshine to your life. You might have seen it, but Kathleen, it's a scream!


    Sheila :-)

  3. Great looking tables, Kathleen! Sounds like a fun read.

  4. Love all the color....but then that should be no surprise. Your table is so much FUN!
    And southern fried chicken...what more could a southern girl wish for. I have to admit, I have never drizzled honey on my chicken. Although I remember a chicken restaurant from my childhood that advertised Chicken and Honey. (I always thought the honey was for my biscuits.)
    I'll have to try this next time we fry up some chicken.

  5. Kathleen, I am knocked out just reading about what you do! The 'scapes are great and of course the food, if it tastes as good as it looks, wow..I want to read that book, too! xo,

  6. As usual, I love your table. The colors are just plain festive and make it such a happy one. Those plates work perfectly together. I need to learn to think more outside the box than I so. Too often, if I can't find a whole set, I toss the whole table.

    And the food is perfect with it. I have to get a copy of the book. I've been thinking about it this week since Laurie is hosting her party with MLW.

  7. Cute could use many colors with that tablecloth. Your dinners look delicious, especially the browned potatoes, cheese and bacon!

  8. Great tablescape, great color, great food! And your tables are always beautiful, and DON'T be subtle with color, I hope you KEEP the color! Our dear Bill's are beautiful too -- but you are mixing apples with oranges. Each person has their own style, and you two happen to BOTH be wonderfully gifted! And I, for one, CANNOT tell the difference between the CTS plate and the Pottery Barn one. Just goes to show ya... What also goes to show is how lazy I am because I still haven't done my post of what I got at the CTS and Marshall's days ago... Well, hopefully SOON! Take care.

  9. Oh yum! Your food is making me so hungry!! I really love your little green bunnies that you are using as candle holders. What a fun new way to use them. (I have two similar bunnies... one pale pink and one cobalt.)

  10. Wonderful setting. I must look for that book, it sounds like it must be good. One stupid question, what is CTS? To me it means Canadian Tire Store (which does have dishes) but I'm sure that's not what you meant. :)

  11. I love the bright table Kathleen! It is so fun and you can't help but smile! My tablscape today is very bright and mostly from CTS as well. LOL I hope you are having a great week!

  12. I just got my copy this morning. My plan is to read all day tomorrow. Cannot wait.

    Love your table, Kathleen

  13. Love your purple stems! Wow. I am so glad I live far, far away from both Home Goods and CTS! I'd have to buy a bigger house. Totally love the centerpiece. Table is wonderful!

  14. Love all those fun colors in the tablescape!

    The food looks delicious! I'm from the south and we eat cole slaw on our bar-be-cue sandwiches! Yum! Where's that recipe you mentioned from the restaurant?


  15. Love your purple stems and the colorful table! I started reading MLW's book that I received in the mail yesterday, and I am loving it. What a gifted writer Michael is. We'll be at the lake this weekend, so it should be nice and quiet for reading ;o). The tourists don't arrive until Memorial Day weekend.

  16. Look at you and your southern self!

  17. I love your tablescape. It is so bright and just perfect for how I remember Easter as a child...all the colors, eggs and fun treats! I love how you did the ramkins...clever.

  18. Lovely purple stems and a fitting 'scape for their debut. Beautiful table!

    I am so jealous of your CTS. I'm thinking I might have to plan a road trip that features a CTS location....


  19. Hi Kathleen! Oh, I want to find a copy of Michael Lee's book!
    Now your table is darling. I love color and as much as I like looking at the folks' homes all filled with white, but I couldn't live with it! Gimme color! :)
    You're making me hungry and it's time to go to bed.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. What a pretty table. I love the blue plates, your centerpiece and that chicken looks heavenly!!!

  21. Lord have mercy. A YANKEE gal is cookin' up a storm here! Are you sure you don't have some Southern blood flowin' in your veins, Honey Chile?

    Well, I'm impressed! I had an art teacher who used to say that to her students and, as they walked away, confide to a favorite at her side, "I didn't say favorably impressed."

    I'm always FAVORABLY impressed when I visit Cuisine Kathleen! ;) Keep rockin' that color, Cupcake! It suits you and definitely delights your adoring fans ... including this Southern boy.


  22. I love your table of many colors -- very stimulating!

    My copy of the book was supposed to be here today, but maybe tomorrow.

  23. Gorgeous Easter table Cathleen! I remember Easter windows in stores when I was a kid, that looked just like your darling table! You know I'm a fan of your cooking and right now I'm feeling hungry looking at your pics! Love your centerpiece and chicken too.
    Happy Easter to you.

  24. Your table is so delighful, colorful and cheerful, Kathleen! I love all the colors and I love the flatware!...Christine

  25. Cute-Cute Table!
    Love the Tablecloth - Dishes and ALL those colorful accessories!
    Your table is like a 'Melting Pot' -
    So many great 'finds' from All Over!!
    Those potatoes are my favorite!

  26. Lovely centerpiece!! The egg place card holder is adorable!

  27. Fun table K! Lovin' the great colors, they're perky! While it may be spring, it's not always sunny outside, your table makes me smile-enjoy:@)

  28. Kathleen,
    The color combination of your dishes caught my eye. How unusual in the "WOW this is beautiful" way! I love the soft olive green with the purple! And that flatware is so fun and again unusual in the "WOW, I would love to have those" way!
    Your attention to Easter detail makes this table so festive an fun! Very sassy!!!!
    Details like your darling egg topiary place cards makes keep me so interested about everything on your table!
    Lot's of Easter fun here!

  29. Hi Kathleen, please do not give up on your colorful tables! I like them! I had an all day trip to Maine and back again yesterday and of course I had to hit at least one outlet, so I chose V&B, but I did not see any glasses like yours! They are perfect for your happy table. I have that Emma too, but I find it chips if I even look at it the wrong way...ML's book is here but I haven't even opened the Amazon box. Waiting for a peaceful few hours so I can really enjoy it! Linda

  30. Keep the color coming, as far as I'm concerned! Your table is really pretty, and I love the centerpiece idea. I'm going to file away that idea!

  31. What a tablescaper's delight!! So many things to look at & envy!! I'm dead-meat if CTS ever comes close to me in OH. I'm half tempted to drive the 3-4 hours just to shop at one at least once!! LOL I'd probably buy out the store.

    LOVE your new Villeroy and Boch stems....oooooh the possibilities!
    Yummo on that fried chicken, too. Your hubby is blessed with all your home cookin'


  32. Very colorful! Love the stems, and all the little pieces!
    Chop looked yummy and potatoes.. what about the slaw recipe???

  33. Everything looks delicious and that table is all ready for that great food.

  34. You did an amazing job with this tablecloth. It's colors are very vibrant which makes for a bit of a challenge. You certainly rose to the ocassion. Great table!

    Sorry it took me so long to get here.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. I haven't even pulled out one Easter dec yet! That is one happy and colorful table. I can't tell which plate is which but I like the one on the left better without the deeper set middle part - unless that's just the lighting playing tricks on my eyes!

  36. Kathleen, you are so brave. I won't even ATTEMPT to do a "Bill" table. you'll pull it off though. I just am not capable of elegance. Lovin' all of your brightly colored dishes. The table cloth is perfect with them, and what a cute touch the baskets with the napkins are. YUM! All that Sothern food ~ you make it look better than it does in the South! laurie

  37. Such a fun table. Those gorgeous new Villeroy & Boch amethyst goblets are going to easily transition from whimsical to sophisticated. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your darling design. Cherry Kay

  38. You must spend all week between tablescapes thinking about the next one and finding just the right pieces to make it happen. I hope your grandchildren are going to share this table. It's a delight.xox

  39. Kathleen, I would love to sit at your fun table and eat all that yummy food. I especially love the honey on the fried chicken and the ooey-gooey potatoes. Joni

  40. Great table, nice and colorful! Love those stems and the food looks amazing, as always!

  41. Oh so cute and colorful. What does Bill know! Ooops I forgot....he knows everything when it comes to tablescapes. Lol.
    I liked your honest opinion of the gnocchi too. I have never made either kind. Good to know.


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