Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Blue Easter~Gone with a Handsomer Man Give Away for Cuisine Kathleen readers, and Teeny Talk

By now some of you have read Michael Lee West's new book, Gone with a Handsomer Man, so you know who Teeny is.  ML's blog, Designs By Gollum is having a party for the next 2 Foodie  Fridays, featuring foods that Teeny, a Southern gal, would make. 


ML sent me 2 books, one for me, and one for you!  She said the winner would also get a $100 dollar gift certificate to a fine store.

Followers who leave a comment on this post get one chance, and another on the 29th. 

Tonight I did a table for the grown ups.  My last few have been crayola crazy, so tonight , a pale blue.

I started with a solid blue, and topped it with a Quaker cotton lace.

I used a crystal ash tray that was a shower gift 40 years ago (you CAN find uses for those pretty ashtrays, they make great little bases for fresh flowers in oasis) to give the crystal basket some height.

Bargains 178

Bargains 180

I filled it with some sphagnum moss, and dried blue baby's breath.

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I made this wreath and placed it around the basket.

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I dyed some hard boiled eggs blue.  Pretend they are a perfect match!  :)

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Silver charger, delicate blue flowered china with a silver rim.  I have had it over 40 years.  Nests from PB outlet, I painted the eggs blue.

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Blue napkin with white overlay in silver Swan napkin rings.  Silver egg cups.

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Robin eggs salt and pepper, silver basket votive holders, porcelain white eggs for condiments, Villeroy and Boch.

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Stems trimmed in silver , wedding gift. Silver by International.

I am joining Susan at BNOTP for  Tablescape Thursday.  Please visit some of the beautiful tables posted.

Foodie Friday~Teeny Talk

Teeny Templeton is an out of work Pastry Chef.  She needs work, and she needs it now.

Miss Dora arranges for her to meet Jan, the owner of the Picky Palate. 

Jan comes for coffee to see if Teeny has the skills to work for her.

Bargains 154

Not having much time to prepare, she makes a pear wrapped in puff pastry.

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She served it with a vanilla cream sauce and a dollop of ice cream.

(Peel and remove the core, I use one of those orange tools you get free from Tupperware. Poach the pears in water, vanilla and brown sugar . Remove the pears and let them cool. Reduce the syrup down and at the end stir in some heavy cream and reduce some more. Cut puff pastry into strips and wrap the pear overlapping a bit. Bake till golden, serve with the sauce and some vanilla ice cream)
With the left over pastry, she makes some peaches and cream mini tarts.

Bargains 158

Will Jan hire Teeny?

Does she become the next Iron Chef?

 paula and the sullivans_thumb[15]

Will Paula and the Sullivans be the judges?

Did you know Southerners call recipes, receipts?

News to me!  Here in New YAWK, receipts are the things you save so you can return items!  Thus the origin of "Many happy returns!  "

Bargains 125

And that they all have 6 names like Laura Wells Phillips (Mrs. John Wilkes Phillips) ?  :)

Will her fresh peach blueberry muffins  save her buns?

table 828

table 1341

Her ribs tickle Jan's?

table 4272

table 4274

Will her peach crumb cake be peachy, so Teeny's salad days will be  over?

table 4021

To find out the answers to these and other burning questions, please come back next week for a party and Teeny's Tasting Table.

Wear a big hat, and we'll  have some sweet tea on the porch and discuss the fate of Miss Teeny Templeton.  Read the book so we can get into the juicy  details!  :)

table 971

RSVP, I want to make sure we have enough food!  :)

Now y'all leave a comment so you can have a chance to win the book and a $100 gift certificate, and do come back for the party!

Thanks for visiting!

Hop over to Yvonne's at Stone Gable for a chance to win there too!
And go see what's up at Gollum's Foodie Friday!


  1. Your table looks so beautiful and I love how you made the pretty little basket.

  2. I follow Michael Lee West's blog, and her FB page too, and I have been really, really wanting to read this! Those Peaches and Cream mini tarts look absolutely delicious!

  3. I love those "receipt" books. I have a few from South Carolina that I picked up many years ago.

    Beautiful tablescape. I really like your napkins and the sweet little nests/eggs for placecards.

  4. I was going to let ML know there was a typo in the book because it read receipts instead of recipes- LOL! Pretty, pretty table, K!

  5. Your table is so pretty..and your food is amazing.
    Well, I am from the south but it's always been *recipes* to me....:)

  6. Your table is lovely Kathleen! And OMG, I am starving now after seeing all those yummy food pictures!! please enter me in the contest! of course I am a follower!

  7. The table is great and ALL that cooking and baking!!! With all the reviews I'm anxious to read the book...

  8. I love this blue and silver table. So pretty and delicate. The birds nests are so sweet. I would love to read this book, so I'm hoping it's my lucky number! hugs, Linda

  9. What a beautiful table for the grownups. I love the china and your centerpiece. That food looks m-m-m- good! Please enter me in your giveaway! xo,

  10. Oh crack me up, you silly girl! Well, if I'm gonna be a judge, I promise to be impartial. I'm all for tasting yummy food- hope Paula doesn't hog it all. If you tell Teeny to use lots of buttah, I bet she'll get the Queen of Southern Cooking's vote!
    The blues on your table are gorgeous! The china, the napkins.... And the eggs- did you use my tried and true method? Let me know how they turn out, if you did. :-)
    hugs, Sue

  11. omg....all the food, yummy! I would love to win this wonderful book we are hearing so much about! Happy Everything, Pamie G.


  12. Wow!! Everything looks amazing! I'd be happy to come eat at your table! love your give away idea!

  13. This is such a fun post, from your pretty tablescape to your recipes and comments on ML's book. I have that Charleston book and was also amazed to hear they call recipes, receipts! And the six word names...lol!! You are so funny!!


  14. Wow, wow, wow! I'm absolutely wowed by those awesome photographs of scrumptious things! Gorgeous tablescape too!

    I'm your newest follower, happy I found your blog!


  15. Hi Kathleen,

    Your table looks beautiful! It's festive, but calming, with its soothing blues and shimmering silver. The Quaker lace cloth is so pretty. Was it one of your mother's?

    Hmmmm ... "receipt" for recipe? Must be a Mississippi thing! I know "comin' up a cloud" for thunderstorm, "fixin' to" for making preparations, "be there directly" for on my way, and "chester drawers" for bureau. My mother used to say (jokingly), "All that's able, come to the table." I think that's Southern for, "The table is set, come and eat!"

    Eating at your tables must be pure delight! The dishes you've prepared (as always) look delectable! You've done Teeny and Michael Lee proud! As my father's Army buddy (from Georgia) used to say, "Mmmmm, that tastes like more's behind!" Is that what folks say about your cookin'? ;)

    Bye y'all!

    P.S. I started to sign all my names, but I didn't have all night to spend on one li'l ol' comment! ;)

  16. Beautiful table...delicious looking food...and I am with you, a receipt is something you use to take merchandise back. I need to get a copy of ML's new book.

  17. Yes, I am a Follower; Yes, please enter me in the contest; Yes, I want to eat all of your food. Especially the pear wrapped in pastry and the mini peach tarts! I usually go for the savory entress over sweets, but those two desserts are to die for. Seriously, they look so good, you did a beautiful job.
    P.S. Oh I almost forgot: Your tablescape is lovely -- as is your porch, love the wicker. And I have the same little cake stand that your muffins are on... CTS? ;)

  18. Kathleen, I LOVE your grown-up Easter table! I'm so done with all the pastel colours and was thrilled to see how elegant you can make an Easter 'scape! The light blue with the pretty china is perfect! You've done the book and author "proud" with your little snippets and delicious looking food pics! I'm not much of a cook but would still love to win that book!

  19. Kathleen,
    You never cease to amaze me with your gorgeous, whimsical and creative tables and food!
    I would be fatter than a holstein cow living at your house!
    Happy Easter!

  20. Lovin' your grown up table K! Especially the napkin rings and those fun silver egg cups! (Boy do I have an egg cup problem or what!?!?!)
    Got my book yesterday, will dig in. Your pear looks amazing:@)

  21. You had me at the lovely table setting then it kept getting better and better and ended up with the sweet tea and muffins on the porch. I had a lovely time dear.

  22. The table is beautiful and the FOOD...amazing! Thanks for the opportunity!

  23. This is a wonderful post from top to bottom. I love your blue table! I did a blue one, but yours is so much more delicate and Eastery, I think. I love the "egg blue" and silver. And your wreath would be absolutely perfect hanging above my mantel.

    It's funny...I actually haven't heard many Georgians in my neck of the woods call them "receipts", but I grinned when you wrote that because my beloved grandmother from the Berkshire mountains did. Maybe it's even more a folksy thing than a southern one. She was definitely folksy.

  24. I have to tell you Kathleen how much I enjoyed your post. The photos, that little nest, your stories and trivia.
    It was just what I needed. I am in northern Ontario Canada and right now it is snowing like mad. You brightened my day; thank you.

  25. Pretty table, Kathleen! Funny bit of trivia, never heard it called a receipt!

  26. Oh Kathleen...this is soooo serene & elegant looking! I love the idea of turning an ash tray upside down for height. Why didn't I ever thing of that? All I do is put peanuts in the pretty ones we still have.

    Your wreath & glass basket are beautiful. Love the little touches, like the ribbon on the handle.

    Your china & napkins are just gorgeous! I am loving every single inch of this table!

    I am also cracking up at the "receipts". I understand that was the old fashioned word for recipes. I just ordered that cookbook!

    Thanks for a wonderfully special Easter table.


  27. What a great post! You had me at the giveaway (count me in please!), and put it all the way over the top with your table, fantastic cooking, and re-purposing the ashtray. Clever, charming, and cute!

  28. What a sa-weet giveaway! I've been holding off buying the book in hopes of winning it some day! And I've lived in the south for 35 years and have never heard the term "receipts" in reference to a recipe. How odd! Thanks! Christy

    Armyscrapwife (at) gmail (dot) com

  29. Oh my, how delightful your table is. Perfect for Teeny to entertain. Love the blue and white. It's absolutely charming. Great swan napkin rings.. and darned right I'll be back next week!

  30. You overflow with creativity to put together gorgeous tablescapes! It is so lovely and I love the centerpiece. Perfect details everywhere!

    I am probably the only one who has not read this exciting book... I hope I can change that soon :)

  31. Such a pretty sweet table this week...love the centerpiece. Teeny is going to slip into my kitchen to bake this afternoon too!

  32. Oh how beautiful your table is Kathleen. Love the soft blues~that cloth is gorgeous. I can't believe you even painted the eggs in the little nests to coordinate with your colors. Love those swan napkin rings. Okay, the pear in pastry looks soooo yummy! Teeny would be proud to serve that. This was such a fun post, full of beautiful photos and your amazing wit. laurie

  33. Beautiful table - love how you re-purposed that ashtray! I also love those tiny nest with the eggs painted blue! Happy Easter!

  34. Kathleen:

    This is such an elegant table. I love that you painted the eggs. They look wonderful. Your entire table looks magnificent.

    - The Tablescaper

  35. I love your Quaker lace tablecloth, and the blue and silver is a gorgeous combination. I'm following ... and enjoying every visit here. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  36. I love the whole thing but I think I may have just found my dessert for Sunday. The pears are so gorgeous. You always have the best ideas.

  37. OMGoodness, I don't know where to begin! Your table is so beautiful, those swan napkin rings are exquisite! Love how you layered the napkins too. The dishes are so lovely. Now, the pears wrapped in puff pastry....OMG! I can almost taste them! I would LOVE to have one, can you post the recipe sometime???? Teeny would definitely get the job with them!!!! I will be back for the party, reserve me a seat! XO, Pinky

  38. This is just the cutest post that I have eer read, Kathleen. It is the prettiest too and the food of course always make me hungry. Beautiful presentation! I told ya I had the same napkins, lol....Christine

  39. Kathleen, the food looks fabulous and so does that table with the soft blues, the lace cloth, the silver chargers, and all the special little details.
    I look forward to the parties. That Teeny is certainly a character! ~ Sarah

  40. Love your feminine table with your soft blues, silver accents & sweet eggs. Living below the Mason-Dixon line, I am very familiar with receipts, sweet tea, and know a few southerners with six (or more names :)

    What a fantastic spread of food you've prepared! It's been a busy week for me, so no time to read, but I'm heading to Charleston this weekend & fixin' to crack open my book & find out about Teeny's troubles. Happy Easter~

  41. Gorgeous table Kathleen!!

    The food looks delicious...Gone With a Handsomer Man is delectable!

    Happy Easter!

  42. Hi Kathleen,
    Thanks so much for coming by and your nice comments. Love this wonderful Easter table, your china looks very similar to mine, accept mine is green with a touch of gray in the flowers. I went back and saw all your wonderful Easter tables, they are all beautiful and so different......but
    all very creative as usual. You do such a great job, always enjoy visiting and seeing what you are up to next. Love your header picture as well.
    Hope you have a Very Lovely and Blessed Easter,

  43. Kathleen-I am in the middle of the book--loving Teeny's antics!!!! I think maybe there is a book in you hiding somewhere :) LOVE this post! Now the question is: Am I going to have to Fedex you that sweet tea you want to serve?? :) I'm pretty sure that is not native to NY! Used my wonderful napkins in today's tablescape (that I did get posted finally this morning?!

  44. An Absolutely Stunning Easter table !
    Please enter me in your fab giveaway .

  45. Law, Honey, don't you love the South?

    That food looks like my own Mama mighta cooked it! And yes I have heard plenty of older folks say "receipts".

    That would be people much older than I am.

    Gaw-geous table! Gaw-geous food! I can hardly wait to get into my copy of the book. You must have been cooking for a week!

  46. Wonderful table, Kathleen! Love your blues and whites! Look at all of your fabulous food!! I love it!
    Be a sweetie and Happy Easter,
    Shelia ;)

  47. Wow, you outdid yourself! Everything looks so great, Paula definitely needs to be a judge. You have my mouth watering. What an elegant pear. I am going to have to make that for a dinner party.

    I am definitely a follower and would love to win.

  48. Teeny sure did have troubles, and I couldn't put the book down. Love your adult table with your soft blues and the pretty eggs. I wasn't familiar with receipts until I read the book, and at first I thought it was a typo. I spent a year in the south, and couldn't get enough of the sweet tea. I have made it here in New York, but there is something about drinking it in the south that makes it taste better ;o)

    Happy Easter to you and your family. I love the spread you just shared. I'd love to have my name entered in your drawing for the certificate.

  49. Kathleen, You've set the most elegant Easter table with the Quaker lace cloth. I love the blue undercloth. It really accents your china and your centerpiece.Everything is just beautiful.
    Have you had your Quaker lace cloth a long time? The one I have is 40 years old and still beautiful.
    Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter,

  50. Well, girlfriend, I was born and raised in Georgia and I've never heard anyone call them receipts before. lol Too funny.
    Did you do all this cooking because that food sure looks yummy. Your tablescape is beautiful! Those birds nest place cards are adorable!
    Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Easter!

  51. This is the nicest post I have ever read Kathleen. I adore your tablescape and all that incredible food...wow, you're a busy lady, allright! Come over and visit! Wishing you the best Easter.

  52. Priceless!!! Absolutely priceless!!! You rally give ol' Shecky Greene a run for the money! :-) The table is so beautifully set! The robin's egg blue is just magnificent with everything! I really, really hope you and your family enjoy a wonderfully peaceful and joyous Easter weekend!

  53. I always enjoy your beautiful table settings. I love to decorate my table for holidays and seasons also. My husband always gets excited to see the next look. I also set our evening meals with a different setting each day.
    I absolutely can't wait to read Gone With a Handsomer Man. Sounds like my kind of book. I would definitely hire Teeny!
    I'm a big fan of Diane Mott Davidson's culinary mysteries.
    Happy Easter~Kathleen~

  54. Your table is gorgeous and all the food looks delicious. I am a southerner and never have heard of recipes being called receipts. That is a new one on this old southerner. Nice giveaway and fingers are crossed.

  55. You know I had to come see what you were doing for your Easter table right?:>) Beautiful as always. And the food! Lord have mercy, I want it all. Happy Easter Kathleen!

  56. I don't know if Teeny will be hired. I think that they may be courting you for the job. Who knew? Reading can make you hungry...very hungry. My grandmama said "Come and git it fer I throw it to the hogs!". Thank you for sharing your beautiful design. Cherry Kay

  57. Beautiful blog, made me hungry just looking at the pictures of all your delicious food.
    I am eager to read Michael Lee's new book, it sounds wonderful!

    Mary L

  58. Oh Kathleen,
    Your post is an extravaganza! So many wonderful goodies here! First, I would love a chance to be entered in GWAHM's Cusine Kathleen giveaway!!!!
    I also LOVE your pretty blue and white formal grown-up table. Oh, the lace and the delicate flowers and the china! So pretty. I would love to be a guest at your table!

    ANd your baked pears are FABULOUS! I have never made them, but these will be dessert sometime soon. They are company worthy. Oh I am so excited to make these!

    I pray that you have a blessed and happy Easter!!!!
    BTW~ did the Tablescaper (A) talk to you about a visit to StoneGable sometime soon? I would love for the two of you you come!
    xo Yvonne

  59. Kathleen, this could be a cookbook! Teeny would be proud! The food is calling me loud and clear--and I love the pale blue tablescape. I hope you and your family have a blessed Easter. XX00

  60. Oh my gosh, you have the most mouth watering posts!! I always know I'm in for a treat (pun intended) when I visit your blog! It's so nice of Michael Lee to give you a book and one for a giveaway! Thanks for such a fun blog (and mouth watering photos)!!!

  61. What a beautiful table...and FUN post! Your food looks deee....licious! I cannot wait to read MLW's book...I'm saving it for my trip next weekend. It will be just the perfect book to read by the pool...
    Jane (artfully graced)

  62. Your tablescape is gorgeous. I love the glass basket with eggs. I follow Michael Lee West on facebook. That is how I found out about the giveaway. Will be following you to now that I have found you. ~~Sherry~~

  63. Kathleen, the tablescape is wonderful and the food is all just amazing. I'm resisting the urge to run to the kitchen and whip something up! wishing you and yours a blessed Easter.

  64. The table is lovely and the food is to die for!! Those ribs. . OMGosh!!! You have a new follower here!! ME!!


  65. What a pretty grown up table! Love all of the silver touches. You are making me so hungry! Those little peach pies look great.

  66. What fun! I think we have enough food for everyone...I'll get my hat! Enjoy your weekend! ♥

  67. It looks like you have been cooking up a storm, Kathleen! What a fantastic giveaway! I've got my fingers crossed.

    Happy Easter wishes and blessings of the season to you and your family.

  68. Very pretty table with the blue! As always, the food looks delicious! I have always wanted to serve baked pears for company and this post is giving me a nudge..in the right direction! lol! Happy Easter~

  69. Kathleen -- I have never heard of receipts for recipes. Love your table. I love the blue in your eggs as well as the lovely wreath. I always enjoy coming by to see your tables and to see what you are serving. Love the pears. They look dreamy and the salad with pecans in it. Fun giveaway. I am a follower and would like to be entered. I am a true northerner but am so intrigued by the south. Hope you had a wonderful Easter. Joni

  70. I love what you do to pears, Kathleen. This could be a five star restaurant recipe!

    I ahve been away over two weeks ..so much to catch up on. ML sent a copy of her book to me while I was away ( my daughter was feeding our cat and taking in our mail) and I have been dying to get to read it.

  71. Hi there Kathleen..
    Beautiful table!!! I used a lot of silver and crystal on the Easter table this year too. My under cloth was pale yellow though. I have the same little crystal basket that you do :^)
    Thanks for the book and gift card offer.

  72. Ooops signed in first time under my daughter's sign in, but loved the Easter fun pictures. Would love winning too. Love your tablescapes. Amazing.

  73. Wow, I love the place card holders, and the peach tarts look amazing!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com


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