Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cook Book Challenge

Lynn at Happier Than a Pig in Mud has a  monthly cook book challenge.  Last month it was Ina, this month it is Pioneer Woman.

I made the Pioneer Woman's Recipe for Potted Pork Chops a while ago.

Picture 1750

I would give it a fair rating.  My mom made great potted pork chops, but like me, wasn't much on recipes.

I looked around PW's site for something else to make.

Her recipe for Pulled Pork is similar to what I do.  No peppers here, and Coca Cola in place of the Southern fave, Dr. Pepper.

I add powdered mustard, onions and ketchup into the mix.

Bargains 085

I made it the other day, along with fresh cole slaw.  Pulled pork is a no brainer, one of those things it is hard to mess up!

I have done it in the crock pot overnight, a little funky to wake up to that smell  in the morning, and I have also done it low and slow in the oven.  Both work!

I like to do the cabbage in a food processor.  A landmark restaurant here in Southampton, John Duck's was famous for their cole slaw, and I have  duplicated their recipe. 

Bargains 084

I can't wait to see what others picked to make, and I am anxious to hear who the next cook will be.

Please stop over  to Lynn's to see the rest of the entries.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. I've never had potted pork chops, but I would love to, they look really good! So does the pulled pork, now you've gone and given me a craving!

  2. I haven't tried her chops, but her cinnamon rolls are something else! I'm just catching up after a few days missing from blogland. Hope all's well!

  3. I know you're not big on recipes but my whole family LOVES and MISSES John Duck's cloeslaw, and if you think you've duplicated it, that is a recipe I must have.

    What makes the pork chops potted?

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Hey K! Your sandwich looks great, I love pulled pork and it's just about dinner time! I'm with Tablescaper, you sharing the cole slaw recipe or you gonna make us sit here banging our forks against the table? Thanks so much for joining in:@)

  5. I have been looking for a great recipe for pulled pork. Never heard of adding pop to it! Wow...I have to look up Ree's recipe.


  6. ♫♫ We want the coleslaw ♫♫
    ♫♫ We want the coleslaw ♫♫

    You're going to have a riot on your hands if you don't share that one, Ms. K. LOL

    Both of these look sooooo good & I'm just sitting here trying to think of something for dinner. Thanks for the tip on adding dry mustard to your pulled pork. I never would have thought of that.
    I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I spent a long while on Ree's site trying to find something to make, still linky-challenged :-) and having lots of other stuff take preference for the next couple of days, but maybe next month will be better for me. Hats off to you, Kathleen, for these delicious meals. xo,

  8. Wow!!! Lucks really yummy!!! Must give it a try! Tonight we're having curried chicken...Cathy

  9. man those chops look good! this sounds like a fun thing to get into, we've gotta cook right? lol

  10. Once again, your food looks so delicious that I wish I could eat it right off the screen! Thank goodness I'm full since I just had Burger King my son brought home for us. Yes, I DO have refined palate, don't I? ;)
    Anyway, lovely food, as usual!

  11. Oh boy am I glad I'm stuffed right now or I'd be in a bad place. What a fun challenge...

  12. Kathleen, You set a gorgeous Easter table for your header photo. Gotta love it!!! The pulled pork looks absolutely awesome. I'm heading right over for the recipe!
    Hugs, Beth

  13. Everything looks delicious. You sure know how to photograph food.

  14. Y*U*M Kathleen, your chops and pulled pork look smashing. Thanks for posting at Lynn's party too!

  15. Even though I just made pulled pork and cole slaw recently I could do it again in a heartbeat. So delicious! The potted pork chops look delicious too. I got my copy too! Hope to read it during slow times at the office next week.

  16. Pulled pork? OK.....*shruging...
    I never have made it. Pork roast in crock pot? I gotta try that one. Sounds great.
    xoxo bj

  17. Hi Kathleen, I've never had potted pork chops but if potting them makes them tender I would like to try potting them. I'll have to look up what that means exactly! I don't like tough pork but I do like it if it's tender. The pulled pork looks good! I could try that and putting the cole slaw on the sandwich is always great. Linda

  18. I'll take a pulled pork sandwich to go, please.

  19. I am a pulled pork fan. I have never used a soda before...I haven't tried it in the crock pot either. We have slow cooked it in the smoker. I think I will be giving this a try.

  20. We love pulled easy! I just made one with Root Beer...delicious!

    I am not sure I've ever heard of potted pork chops?? I will have to give these a try.


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