Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cupcake Wars~Hello Yellow!

Did you ever watch that show Cupcake Wars on the Food Network?  I can't imagine making that many cupcakes in such a  short of time!  I could imagine eating some though.

I think it is like House Hunters, all staged!

I have been trying a few different cupcakes for Easter. 

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This is Banana , dressed in sunny yellow.  I used cream cheese icing.

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With a surprise inside.  I don't have one of those fancy cupcake plungers  {yet!} like Lynn at Happier Than a Pig in Mud, so I used one of those orange tools you get at tupperware parties free. 

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That cute sugar and creamer are old, but new!  I got them in a long gone place called Salvage City. They were 2.00 for the set.It is labeled so you don't get mixed up.  :)

The placemats are from Christmas Tree Shops, 1.99
I also did this one trying my grass tip.

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Hope you are having a wonderful weekend !  Having you visit is Favorite Thing for a Seasonal Sunday.

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The winner of the flower pancake molds  from WSonoma is... Bill from Affordable Accoutrements.

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Nah, it isn't, he didn't enter.

But he mentioned he has given of hope of winning a blog give away.  I don't want him to lose hope!  No one should lose hope!

I am still waiting for Ed McMahon to show up with my million from Publisher's Clearing House.  Oh wait, no hope there, he died in 2009!

The winner is LDH from  With A Grateful Prayer...

Lorraine,email me your addy!

More little giveaways coming up,  I emptied my trunk!  :)

Carol, don't worry, your gift is still there, 2 years now? 

Linking to Laurie's Favorite Things

The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.

Diann at The Thrifty Grove for Thrifty Friday
Sue at Sullivan and Murphy is having a give away for Paula Dean's Decorating Book, autographed!  Y'all go over and enter now! 

paula and the sullivans_thumb[15]

You must whiten your teeth and put on a low cut blouse first though! 


  1. Yeah, Cupcake Wars is a fun show. I love cooking, baking competition shows. Those banana cupcakes are beautiful and I bet they taste as good as they look.

  2. Hi Kathleen, unfortunately I like to eat baked goods more than actually creating them, although once in a while I get the baking bug. You have a knack for icing. I have the same placemats from CTS! xo,

  3. Oh crack me up, Kathleen!! I guess I should have whitened my own teeth before going down to North Carolina, huh? LOL But, dahlin'- it's not a cookbook I'm giving away- it's a book about Savannah style decorating. But don't you fret, "it's aaaall goood...." :-)
    hugs, Sue

  4. I'm working on the teeth but aging has left my tetracycline teeth more of a color that would go well with your table setting!

    Those banana cupcakes look amazing!

  5. Great looking cupcake K! Your orange thingy worked well! Cool grass tip for the icing, might get one of them myself. Lovin' the yellow and chicks! I'll whiten my teeth, but the neckline is staying put:@)

  6. You are too funny. She did not need to whiten her teeth as she had them all done up in porcelain veneers in the purest shade of white! LOLOL!! Dang, old women should NOT wear low cut, it shows off the old, crinkly, wrinkled, mottly looking chest! Not only THAT, but ya have to go really LOW in order to get the clevage since the girls have indeed gone south. Bahahahaha!! Your cupcakes and table setting are so pretty!


  7. Oh, Yes! I am SO EXCITED! (big smile) Thank you, sweet Kathleen!

    I'll send you my address in an email but I would much rather you deliver the flower pancake molds personally so we could share a really lovely breakfast/brunch with all the extras together.

    Maybe someday!

    My table won't be as gorgeous as yours but you can give me lots of pointers.

    ps the 'L' is for Lorraine, not Lynn :) Well, family call me Lorrie if you want me to really confuse you.

  8. I think I will go in with Bill. I am not too lucky in the giveaways either. What I want to know is did you make the placemats? They are precious!

  9. Kathleen, you are so funny and your cupcakes are darling. Congratulations to LDH and good luck to all who enter at Sullivan and Murphy for Paula's book. I have it and just love it. It's a gorgeous book and has lots of great tips. I'm with CeeKay and Bill when it comes to not winning give aways. LOL

  10. I have watched the cupcake wars - and I agree, no way you can make 1000 cupcakes, decorated and placed in 3 hours!

    You must have spring fever - your humor is getting funkier, LOL (Poor Bill) Paula just needs a good pushup bra!

    Cupcakes look fill the cupcakes i think it is easier just to cut out a triangle from the top to the depth you want, fill it, cut the bottom off the wedge you cut out, replace and's the lazy way to do it!!

    BTW, what was your filling???

  11. Congrats, Lorraine!

    This is the cutest table I have ever seen. I have not seen Cupcake Wars yet.

    I love the bunnies and duckies!!!

  12. OMGoodness YUMMY! Is there REALLY such a thing as a grass tip??? Your table looks fantastic! OH I have to somehow get my snow shoveled OFF MY HEADER. Everything is SO SPRINGY here in BLOGVILLE! Congratulations to the LUCKY WINNER!!!
    Have a great weekend,
    Hugs to you,

  13. Yummy looking cupcakes. Well, finally a use for that orange Tupperware thing. My friend and I were wandering the other day what it was supposed to be used for.

  14. Oh yes....the yellow and white placemats are so very pretty! Did you make those? Perfect for spring and Easter.


  15. How about just using the pastry bag with a large tip? I haven't made cupcakes in ages, at least since Trevor started school...I probably should before I forget how!

  16. You keep me smiling and giggling! Oh, I'd love one of those banana cupcakes for a little treat tonight. ;-)
    Would love a copy of that book! ~ Sarah

  17. Oh what pretty Easter yellows!! So sunny and bright!

  18. Oh Kathleen, you are too funny! If you were in a cupcake war, I'm sure you'd win. Great to have you with me at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. I think you should enter The Cupcake Wars! your cupcakes are adorable!! I need to make some soon and play with decorating. And I just bought those placemats at the CTS too! (different color). Love them! Thank you for joining me for TTF! I hope you are have a fantastic weekend!

  20. Congrats to Lorraine!
    Hey, Kathleen, I sure hope you aren't giving away my gift, still in the trunk? I've waited so long, LOL! Maybe this year? Great looking cupcake!

  21. Gosh Kathleen, everytime I leave your blog I am hungry!
    Those are adorable cupcakes and an adorable table too!
    My hubby's students pay for their projects and keep them. Someday he will probably be building more and selling it himself.
    Take care dear,

  22. Kathleen your cupcakes are worthy of any prize! They look delicious! My fave is the bananna. Yummy!

  23. Cracking up over this one...poor Bill! Lucky Lorraine!

    Your cupcakes look so yummy! Great job on both. I'm lovin' all that pretty spring yellow, too.

    Now I'm running over to Sues to enter for that book...thanks for the tip!

  24. Those doilies are to die for. Just makes that beautiful tablescape.


  25. Love your cute placemats! A gorgeous setting!


  26. I did buy one of those great cupcake corers after I saw it on Lynn's, but I think yours got more filling in it (and I am all about that!) We have gotten back into cupcakes too, and I bought those cute Easter Basket cupcake cups but haven't gotten around to those yet. Aren't the adorable?

    I will take the cream cheese one for breakfast, OK?

  27. Poor Bill. Don't we all feel sorry for him. Nah, not really.
    Wouldn't an icing bag and tip work for filling the cupcakes? The center would sort of move over to allow filling I am sure.
    I mentions to Sue that it looks like Miss Paula has been getting some face work done. She is looking much younger than she did 5 years ago.

  28. So I've seen cupcakes two blogs in a row now. I think someone is trying to tell me something. Time to make some cupcakes. I love the filling idea.

  29. Yum! Your cupcakes look so cute and scrumptious! I love the little stand your yellow cupcake sits on. And the placemats are perfect!

  30. I love those sweet place mats. Sure would love to have one of those cupcakes too!

    Congratulations Lorraine!

  31. Hey, Cupcake! I mean ... hello, Kathleen. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or get my dander up when I saw your announcement of my "win!" So I did all three (well, except for the last one).

    You are one funny and super-talented lady! Now that I see how it feels to "win" a blog giveaway, my hope is renewed. Watch out, ladies!

    I'm entering them all -- following, subscribing, Facebooking! I might even tweet if it comes down to that (although I've resisted the urge so far!).

    Seriously, Kathleen, thank you for the mention. You know I adore you! ;)

    bye for now ...

  32. You are so funny, Kathleen, crazy but fun. I never watched Cupcake Wars but I love your cake. I love your whole tablescape, so sunny and cheerful, love the placemats. I am playing catch up and taking a break from putting our house back together again after my stepdaughter and 3 kids left, lol....Christine

  33. I'll take the banana cupcake. You did a great job with the grass tip. Congratulations to the lucky winner!

  34. DAMN IT! I wish Bill WOULD have won! He is my self-appointed brother!!!!!!!!!! I could have gotten him to give me the prize!!!!!!!!! Oh, well, congrats to the winner though. I want to know what that filling is in that cupcake. Email me please! I want to make that/use that filling, it looks delicious. And I love that watering can milk pitcher, and that dish with the little bunny lying on it. Where do you find these cute things? Well, please make Bill win next time anyway, even if he doesn't enter. Tell him he won, but he has to give it to me, that's the condition of his win. :)

  35. I love those cupcakes! Mine never turn out to
    look so cute as yours.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comment!

  36. I love all of the pretty yellow! I can't eat sugar...but I love pretty desserts! My hubby can eat them! lol ♥

  37. Kathleen, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying here! LOL! I was just reading along, minding my own business, and whamo with that last statement! Every time we check out at the grocery store, if Mr. Magpie is with me, he keeps saying, "What on earth has she done to herself?" I adore her, but are they real, or are they veneers??? ;-)

    Okay, moving right along, I love your table, and that cupcake is as cute as a bug's ear. Love what's inside, too. Very clever using that orange tool. I want one of those things that Lynn has, too!

    Sending you all best wishes across the miles for a great week ahead...


    Sheila :-)

  38. There are many 'I wants' here...the cupcakes, the place mats (I think I could make those!), and Paula's white teeth ;) I'll do without the low cut blouse, though...and I think maybe she should give it up too.

    Congratulations to your winners!

  39. Beautiful post. I sure could be a cupcake judge at your

  40. Kathleen, I just love to come here just to admire everything you display for us. You are so good with you blog; I feel I still have lots too learn. Did I tell you I love coming here.. and hose cupcakes, well what can I say.

  41. Your cupcakes look yummy. I like making them and eating them, but since my husband is just not at all keen on cupcakes it sort of takes the wind out of my sails when dessert-making time rolls around, so I stick with what's traditional, but boring, alas.

  42. I had my fill of making and frosting cupcakes when the kids were little, because it seemed like I was always making them at midnight for something, but now they are hot and look so delicious on the blogs! I need one of those little cutter things. Your sugar and creamer, clearly labeled, are very cute. And I don't know what's up with that Paula pic--she's usually dressed perfectly and airbrushed! Linda

  43. You are SO, SO, SO, SO funny!!! Poor Bill! He deserves to win something someday, and I hope that day comes soon. He is so talented! Those pancakes look wonderful with that flower design. I may have to buy myself one of those! I am blown away by your cupcakes. You did a great job with that filling!!! Seeing that photo of Paula Deen reminds me that I want to pick up a copy of her book. I saw it in the airport gift shop and decided it would be worth the price! I love her hairdo. I want mine cut that way, but my stylist refuses to do it. She says it will make me look "matronly." It doesn't look matronly on Paula! Maybe because she has prefectly pretty silvery white hair and mine is salt & pepper!

  44. I LOVE your Easter basket cupcakes...and the little egg plate they are sitting on! I just bought new tips today to see if I could make some grass on my cakes!

  45. Love cupcakes..never have seen the show.
    The little plate with the bunny lying down is waay cute.

  46. Double yum on your cupcakes. And the adorable, Kathleen!
    Cupcake Wars is fun to watch.
    I love the Easter bunny plate; he's soooo relaxed!
    Congrats to the winner.
    (However, I think Paula might want to rethink the blouse.)

  47. Kathleen, you always make me laugh. I laughed several times while reading this post. You are too funny. Your cupcakes and your presentation of your cupcakes are beautiful! Now I might enter a cupcake eating war ~ especially if you made the cupcakes! What great Spring time place mats. (that darn CTS!) Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  48. I came over from Lorraine's (LDH) and am sorry I haven't been here in awhile. I try to follow SO many blogs, I just don't get top all every time. These pancake molds are so neat!!!! You are a big tease, girl, telling Bill that he won:):):) Have a great weekend. XO, Pinky


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