Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter EGGS cetera! Fresh from the oven, BABKA

As I sit here doing this post, the smell of fresh Babka is filling the kitchen.

Tomorrow we will have breakfast for 2, then head to Mass.

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As tired as I am from the preparations, I am sure this guy has a long night ahead of him!

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Look how nicely he cleans up!

image001Easter Bunny

I was trying an egg method I saw last week on Seasonal Sunday.  You whip the whites, then bake them.

They didn't come out very pretty for me...

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So I dusted them with cheese, and they tasted fine.

I decided to use this pan, and try my own method.

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Much better, I think.  I baked the 2 egg whites, then dropped in the yolk for a few minutes more.  Served on a flattened biscuit. My own egg mcmuffin!

This morning I was reading my daily email from Martha.  She had a video about doing your eggs in natural things.

I only had red onion skins, so I gave it a try.  I think red cabbage would be better.  Kind of blah...I like the soft pastels, what can I say?

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Don't think the gkids would get too excited over these!

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Martha said go to the market and ask if you can have all the loose onions skins in the bins.  Seriously?  I think you might get some strange looks! I couldn't find my cheesecloth, so I used a white cotton hankie.

I guess if you were doing a table in non pastels it would be fine.

Debbie at Mountain Breaths did one with a silk tie, I like how that came out.

Suzy at Kitchen Bouquets showed them last year too! Very cute!
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I picked up this sweet salt and pepper at the Lenox Outlet.  I wrapped it for my 4 little gkids to give their mom for Easter.

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I hope she likes it!

And this cute platter from WSonoma Outlet for me.  Sometimes the bunny forgets to visit here, so I took things into my own hands!  :)

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This is for dil too.  The Tablescaper insisted I get one at CTS, and I filled it with Just Born Jelly beans, my fave.

Do you have a brand you like?  These are nice and soft and fruity.

The Babka's done, time to go! I can't cut them to show you yet, they are still hot.  But I will, next time.



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cross01crossMay you have a glorious Easter!  Many blessings to you and your families.

Thanks for visiting!

(If you haven't signed up for a chance to win ML's new book , Gone with a Handsomer Man and the 100 dollar gift cert. go back one post and leave a comment.  One more chance next week for Foodie Friday.  Hope you win!)

I am joining Laurie for Favorite Things, and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.  Thank you ladies for hosting! 


  1. Happy Easter Kathleen Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share today. I love it that the Easter Bunny brings everyone a little something at your house. Now that is the way to do it.

    I love the look of your mcmuffin. Those eggs on that flattened biscuit look absolutely wonderful. You did an amazing job of making those. They look so tasty.

    Love the gift for the DIL and especially love the platter that the Easter Bunny bought you. I love it when I get to take things in my own hands, don't you?

    That little jelly bean jar with the rabbit is just adorable as well. Looks like everyone will be happy at your home tomorrow.

    Have a glorious Easter Sunday sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. Happy Easter, Kathleen, to you and your entire clan! Great looking McMuffin, that was really cool to think of that pan! Love most any jelly bean but I really love Jelly Bellies.
    Nice gifts!

  3. Womderful post my dear Kathleen, I'll be cooking for tomorrow, til late tonight! Love the Mcmuffins, like your way too, I'm doing it tomorrow for breakfast as I'm having my first cup of coffee after my give up for the Lent Season.
    Have a blessed and a beautiful time this Easter Sunday...I know I will.
    Hugs from Queens girl!

  4. Happy Easter to you and your family. All of your Easter delights look fabulous. Your eggs turned out splendid. I wish that Babka was waiting for me on Easter morn.

    I hope you have a wonderful day with your family. Happy Easter.

    - The Tablescaper

  5. Love the present for your gkids for their mom! Oh, I want it too! Lol. The platter is adorable, love it! The cakes look yummyyyyyyyy.....I'm making your Mcmuffin tomorrow for us two.
    Have a great Easter dear Kathleen, enjoy your fam.
    Hugs from Queen's girl!

  6. Happy Easter, Kathleen.
    Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful day with your family. Love the eggs!
    I have died eggs with onion skins (and blueberries and beets) takes some trial and error...but eventually, they really do look great.
    Have a blessed Easter!

  7. I wish that Babka was in my kitchen. Looks delicious! Jelly Bellies are my favorite. I like the little citrus ones. ;-)
    I've wanted to try the silk tie egg dying. I first saw it on Martha Stewart. Looks fun. Just haven't done it. Have a beautiful Easter! ~ Sarah
    One of those bunny plates almost came home with me, but I put it back before check out. Glad you have one!

  8. What a gorgeous post! Your table setting is absolutely beautiful and everything looks delicious. Happy Easter!

  9. Happy Easter K! Your eggs are beautiful and I'm lovin' that great new platter! I just know the Babka is wonderful! Enjoy the day with your family:@)

  10. What a nice bright way to start my day. Wishing you and yours Kathleen a wonderful Easter.

  11. You are the sweetest grandmother to help get a gift for their Mom. Everything looked lovely and I hope you have a wonderful Easter Sunday.

  12. I like only orange and red (cherry) jelly beans (sometimes yellow). Picky girl that I am! Love the adorable salt and pepper set ~ sweet gift to your little ones momma.

    Your Babka looks so good. I saw Susan @Writing Straight From the Heart made one on her blog but she didn't post a recipe. I Googled it cause, you know, I just always have to try something at least once :)

    We are having a quite dinner ~ just me, John and Abbey. NY family is back home and the other kids are all tuckered out after such a busy week.

    All the best today as you enjoy your family and your two days of kitchen preparation. I know it's going to be great!

  13. Lovely post, Kathleen. I love your egg McMuffin! Sometimes the Easter Bunny needs an extra hand or two! Lovely gifts for DIL and you! Happy Easter!

  14. Easter Greetings from Normandy, Kathleen.
    I'm so enjoying reading about everyone's Easter traditions, I think your Babka looks delish.

  15. Stopping by to wish you & your family the happiest & most blessed Easter ever!

    Your morning table is beautiful & I enjoyed your "experiments". I did the "eggs in a cloud" twice. Its not easy! Your version in that cool pan turned out beautifully.

    I know you were up late, waiting for that Babka to finish baking. I had toasted homemade bread this morning. Yummy!...but probably not as good as yours!

    Enjoy the day with your family, Kathleen.
    Bunny Hugs,

  16. Happy Easter to you and your family, Kathleen! I hope you have a wonderful day.

    I love that WS platter! I've never heard of Just Born jelly beans! I usually don't buy them but I do like Jelly Belly jelly beans. There's a factory store here is Wisconsin.

  17. What cute finds! Love the s&p shakers and that cute little bunny jar! I wish we had a CTS nearby! I still need to make that babka. Happy Easter!

  18. I can almost smell that Babka...yum! You had me laughing with Martha's suggestion. She is so talented and yet the woman drives me crazy when she speaks. I always remember the time she showed how to make "decorative napkins" by taking white linen napkins and picking fern leaves and beating them with a hammer to transfer the fern design onto the napkin. I had 2 little kids at the time and I thought the woman had lost her mind.

    Happy Easter!

  19. Breads look beautiful and delicious, so do your baked eggs! Have a wonderful day with your family, Kathleen! Happy Easter xo

  20. Happy Easter Kathleen! Your Babka looks wonderful! Those eggs really look great too! Dear was looking over my shoulder as I scrolled down and he was very impressed :o)

  21. HIS JOY

    Happy Easter, Kathleen!

    ps. I love reading up on your wonderful ideas!

  22. Happy Easter. Your babka is scrumptious looking. I do like the naturally colored eggs, although I agree, they wouldn't make the kids go nuts. Your treasures are lovely. Be blessed and enjoy the day.

  23. I plan to try a babka soon. Usually I do Greek Easter Bread, but I was just plain lazy this year! I like your S & P and platter.

  24. Wishing you a Happy and Joyous Easter!
    I saw a blog post where eggs were dyed in onion skins for 30 minutes, also had some leaves and flower petals wrapped in there. Then Susangkj didn't have time to unwrap, but put in fridge overnight. They were glorious!

  25. typo. I meant Susan.

  26. Kathleen, I see nothing's changed. You're still setting beautiful tables and filling up that trunk with goodies. ;)

    Scratching my head on the onion skins. Why not just use natural brown (or blue if you can find them) eggs? More realistic and a lot less hassle.

    Hope all is well with you and your family.


  27. I want to be there with my video camera when you go to the market and ask if you can have all the loose onions skins in the bins. LOL

    One of these days, I am going to make babka. I buy it at the store and love it. Your eggs look wonderful too.

    Love the S & P that you got for the children to give them mom. So sweet :-)

  28. Many blessings to you and your family too.

  29. Happy Easter to you and Mike... Love your McMuffin, that would have tasted nice this morning! The S&P set for your DIL is darling, I'm sure she will love it...never heard of those jelly beans. I like Jelly Belly, esp the coconut!
    Mike's babka looks perfect again, hope you had a great day.

  30. As I set out my filling, tasty, nice, but plebian Easter lunch today, I actually though of you. I've decided that you are my cooking role model. In my next life, I hope to prepare recipes with your flair and expertise. You make it seem so doable. Thank you for sharing the eggs and babka...they look so wonderful. Cherry Kay

  31. I can't imagine a prettier Easter table. Your babka look delicious and with our beautiful weather today I'm sure you had a wonderful Easter!

  32. It all looks so wonderful! I wish we had outlets like that around here.

  33. Beautiful and Yummy as usual... And Kathleen, I "DO" color my Easter Eggs! hehe... You are SO LUCKY to have those outlets near you... I LOVE babka, How delicious yours looks. I've never seen a pan like you baked your eggs in, that is very interesting(It looks like little pet dishes!) I will have to find one, I LOVE Baked eggs...
    Have a wonderful week, AND enjoy the nice "Warm" weather!

  34. What a pretty s/p shaker set. I'm sure she loved it! Oh that Babka looks wonderful! He is a master at that, isn't he? Did you see the onion skin dyed eggs that Delores (Vignette Designs) did? They looked pretty. You are so clever to bake your eggs in that pan and make your own Egg McKathleen! Thank you for linking up. laurie

  35. What goodies you have for your Easter breakfast! Every thing looks delicious. Your daughter is a lucky lady - those salt and pepper shakers are precious. Hope you had a wonderful day with your family. As always, thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  36. I hope you had a wonderful Easter my friend! As always - you set a delicious table!!


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