Monday, December 6, 2010

Santa and the Mrs. Had a Holly Jolly Time!

Yesterday we hosted our Christmas Party. The week before was filled with lots of preparations, and this elf is plum tuckered out.
The invites went out...
Picture 1052 And the preparations began.
Picture 948
There were breads to be baked for take home gifts.  Three kinds,  Pumpkin Nut, Date Nut. and Irish Soda.  Irish Soda was also served with the dinner.
Labeled, wrapped and packed.
Picture 969
Picture 950
Little chocolate men to be baked...
Picture 946
Cookie trays to be polished...
Picture 949
Centerpieces to be made and bowed.  I cut the greens from my yard.
Picture 957
Picture 954
Picture 960
Picture 966
Picture 1053 Stockings to be filled...
Craft bags to be made.  ( I put a red ribbon on foam wreaths and foam stickers in the bag)
Picture 962
Picture 961
Packed and ready to go.
Desserts to be made...
Picture 963
Kahlua soaked chocolate cake, layered with pudding, cool whip and few crushed candy bars thrown in.  It got topped later with more whipped topping and chocolate curls.

Bake your favorite chocolate cake in a rectangular pan.  Let it cool, then pour Kahlua all over it.  Let it soak in for a few hours.
Make 2 boxes of chocolate pudding.
In a trifle bowl, ( I needed a lot so the one in the pic is 2 cakes and 4 puddings and 3 containers of cool whip)
crumble the cake and press down.
Make a layer of choc pudding
Layer of cool whip.
Repeat the cake, the pudding,  crumble some Heath Bars on top, then the cool whip.  Continue till you get to the top.  Last layer should be cool whip.
Take a choc bar and use a veget peeler to make chocolate curls for the top.
Let sit overnight, or a minimum of 4 hours.

Apple Crisp...
Picture 968

The tables were set
Picture 984
Each table was named with something Christmasy.
Picture 991
Picture 983
Picture 975
Picture 1010
The guests mingle....
The children are entertained by a clown while they anticipate the honored guests..
Picture 1014
Picture 1012
And then, they came!
Picture 1022
Picture 1030
Gifts for all!
Picture 1040
Songs were sung...
Picture 1043
And a good time was had by all!
Picture 1047
Picture 971
I hope my guests enjoyed the party, and I hope you did too! A special thanks to my dear sister who made her outfit and was Mrs. Claus, and of course to Santa!
My friend A., of  The Tablescaper blog took some pics for me, but her card is much larger than mine so I couldn't download them.  When I can, I will add some more.  I hope she got some of the buffet table, as I didn't!

Please remember the White Christmas Party next week.  See the top of my sidebar for details!  A 55 dollar give away from CSN that night too!
Thanks for visiting!
I am linking up with
Marty for Tabletop Tuesday
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday
And Gollum for Foodie Friday.
Thanks for hosting, Ladies!


  1. What a great party you had, Kathleen! I am so amazed at how organized you are. I never would have been able to pull off all of the details you did! Everything looks wonderful. And it also looks like a good time was had by all! great job! :-)


  2. Beautiful Kathleen, Now you must rest! That looks like a LOT of work, and I'm sure you enjoyed every minute of it!
    Hug, Donna

  3. Kathleen, you have been busy! I need to take lessons from you in organization. I know a good time was had by all at this party. You didn't miss a detail. Love Mr. & Mrs. What a cute idea! And the invitation was also clever. Thanks for sharing this special gathering. ~ Sarah

  4. Kathleen, You really know how to host a party. I would consider it an honor to attend any of your gigs!! :0) Wonderful preparations and attention to detail!

  5. It looks great Kathleen! You did a terrific job!!

  6. What a wonderful party! Love the invitation! Very cute and all that yummy food.

  7. Looks like a perfect Christmas Party! You did a beautiful job! Beautiful and lots of fun!

  8. Wonderful fun! I think you are deserve to settle down now for a long winter nap after putting that amazing party together. Happy Holidays!

  9. Looks like a great party Kathleen! Lovin' the Santa mug with the greens and flowers! No doubt everyone ate very well and had a great time:@)

  10. You must have been exhausted from all the preparation, Kathleen. But I know all that hard work is all worth it cause I am sure everybody had lots of fun. Everything looks amazing. Beautiful decor, delicious food and great gifts!....Christine

  11. Kathleen, you really know how to throw a fantastic party! Looks like a really awesome time! You covered every detail!

  12. Hostess with the have such a flare for decorating and pulling everything together! Lucky you can still get everyone together..
    The Trifle I will need further insructions on....

  13. It was wonderful! I loved the bread! The invite! Wish I was there! You did a lovely job! Created a wonderful atmosphere! Love it all!

  14. My goodness what a party! I am surprised you don't need a week to sleep after all of that! It looks like such fun!

  15. I think I would be a little on the tired side if I did everything you I thought you were down sick again and you were baking, making floral arrangements, seating plans, doing tablescapes, wrapping gifts, and making sure Santa and the Mrs. were going to available for your Christmas bash! Looks like everyone was enjoying themselves...were you or were you too tired by the time of the party?

  16. I want to come to your party - this looked fabulous! sandie

  17. Unbelievable! I can't imagine how much preparation it took to host that wonderful party. You are certainly making memories for all the youngsters.
    (I like the art bags, by the way.)
    You must have been cooking into the wee hours. That kahlua chocolate pudding thing looks scrumptious. I could dive right in (literally).
    I'd like to say, "Take it easy," but who can do that with less than 20 days until Christmas.
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I am all set to go with the Winter White Table.

  18. You must be plum tuckered out Kathleen! What a fabulous party you throw! Every detail thought of and with such panache! I'd love some of the chocolate trifle shown in your fridge! Yum yum! Hope you have time for a bit of a break now!

  19. Just wonderful Kathleen! No wonder you are all tuckered out! The decorations, the food, it all looks just fabulous!!
    My invite must have gotten lost in the mail! lol.
    Just kidding,

  20. Well done! Quite amazing..Love the spot for it too..
    Good for you! happy Holidays..

  21. What a wonderful party. All of the decor and the food are amazing. You sis is a wonderful Mr. Santa. Looks like everyone had a fabulous time. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  22. Oh my gosh Kathleen...this is the very best!! If this post doesn't get us in the Christmas Spirit nothing will. I love it!

    Your talented sister is a beautiful Mrs Claus.

  23. What a beautiful party.... I hope Santas and MRs are going to give you the most beautiful present !!!Hugs, Flavia

  24. Oh Kathleen, what lucky friends you have! To receive that cute invitation; be treated to your pretty decor; eat your delicious creations; and even take home some of your delicioius creations; and to be treated to a clown and Mr. and Mrs. Claus - I can't think of a better way to celebrate Christmas. I'm sure this is a day that will be remembered by all who attended. Those children will be talking about all of this fun when they are adults! The only problem with your wonderful party is that I wasn't able to attend.
    I also want to tell you that I love the way you've decorated that window in your header. laurie

  25. That is some shindig there! You covered all ground, and it looked fabulous. Yes Kathleen I did take a step back for three weeks actually!~ Then emails asking me to post Christmas were coming in, and it all started back again! What can I say, I love you guys!

  26. You are amazing! I can only imagine the hours of work you put into that party, Kathleen! I see some familiar wee faces ;) The tables are gorgeous!

    BTW, the cutters in my last post were the tiny pastry cutters from WS. I thought of asking you too look for them at the outlet but I needed them now :) The big ones are coming out soon!

  27. Great balls of fire, woman...this is an amazing affair. Your baking is just amazing and your ability to make EVERYthing beautiful just blows my sox off.
    You must take a break and catch your breath...:))
    Your sis is beautiful. Wish I could see YOU.
    hugs, bj

  28. OH Kathleen, your Christmas party food, decor, gifts, storyteller and everything else... looked amazing! How do you manage to do it ALL?

  29. This had to be the bestest party every for those kidlets & their parents, as well. I'm so glad you found a use for all those stockings you bought years ago. LOL

    Everything turned out so beautiful...I like the idea of the take-home breads. I may do that for our party on the 16th with the tennis team.

    Thanks for sharing all that you do & love, Kathleen. I enjoy coming to your blog so much!!

  30. Wow! You've been busy and it's just the first week in December! Yummy stuff you got there!

  31. What a wonderful party - it looks perfect. All the work preparing it had to be worth it seeing the joy on all your guests faces. Mrs. Claus had a wonderful outfit but I especially like the 3 boys in matching outfits the best :)

    I hope you are spending this week with your feet up relaxing after that big event.

  32. You always have just the right touches! Lovely, lovely, lovely. Busy, busy, busy! I love the little loaves of bread for the guests.

  33. Wow! You need a vacation after this event! You did a great job and everyone looks like they enjoyed your wonderful event.

  34. I wanna come next year!!! Oh what fun and everything was so beautiful. What a great event Kathleen. Your comment on my NY post just cracked me up. You're so lucky to live so close to the city!

  35. Kathleen - this is such a wonderful way to kick off the season! The children look like they had a ball. So much work, but a big payoff in their smiles. Thanks for visiting my Kitchen Christmas post - your comments are very much appreciated! I am looking forward to your White Party next week!

  36. Looks like a wonderful party! Lucky friends to get invited to one of your parties with all those goodies!!

    Love your new banner!


  37. Wow, Kathleen! When you throw a party, you go big! You outdid yourselves! I know that must have been so much work. It looks as though everyone enjoyed it. I have to vote you hostess of the year, my friend. fun that your son has gone to visit my favorite place! Are you sure he didn't need an interpreter? lol Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  38. Wow, what a wonderful party you had! So much preparations but it looks like it all worked out beautifully! Your sister is darling as Mrs. Claus!
    I'm sure the kiddies had a ball!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  39. I am so impressed!! Here I am struggling to get a house decorated, and you pull off this whole wonderful party! Your sister was a great looking Mrs. Claus, and the whole thing just looked wonderful.

  40. LUCKY ME!!!! I was there and I can tell you first hand, it was a magnificent party. No detail was overlooked.

    I'm so grateful to have found such a wonderful friend as Kathleen. Who would have thought - all because we met online blogging??? I know her son looks at me and must think, where did this lady come from?

    What a wonderful way to ring in the season! Thank you for including me and my family.

    - The Tablescaper

  41. I didn't realize your sister was Mrs. Claus. She did an amazing job!

    P.S. I've been enjoying the date nut bread I got to take home - each morning, with a big slab of cream cheese. Delicious!!!

    - The Tablescaper

  42. Kathleen, you are amazing! A holiday party with memories to be treasured!

  43. Kathleen, I'm back for a second look. Plus I wanted to comment on you silver star cookie trays. I love them. They're so pretty.

  44. That room is wonderful. I know those children had the time of their lives. It all turned out beautiful. Your centerpieces are lovely. Food looks scrumptious.

  45. Kathleen, What a fabulous party! Love all the goodies you made! Pretty decorations too. I'll see you next week for your White Christmas party!
    Hugs, Beth

  46. I'm so tired just reading this. Beautiful post, Superwoman!
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  47. What a wonderful party! Now I want some of that Kahlua soaked cake!!!

  48. Hi Kathleen,
    Wow, where do I start. My mouth was watering while visiting your blog. Wish I could have one of those baskets sent over here. You did such a lovely job and all of the guests had smiles on their faces.
    Happy Holidays!

  49. What a great party!! Everything decorated so nice and the food looked delicious! What a nice thing to do!!!

  50. I'm sure your guests young and young at heart had a wonderful time at your party. Love all the goodies you baked and the pretty centerpieces for the table.

  51. Kathleen your annual Christmas party looks to be another wonderful success! Every detail was perfect from the invitations to the centerpieces and the entertainment. Your take home breads looked yummy and the chocolate gingerbread men too!
    Your sister looked adorable as Mrs. Claus! :)
    I'm in Colorado this week for my grandson's birthday so that means I will have a wild time trying to get all my Christmas decorating done when I return home. Wish me luck!
    ♥ Pat

  52. Fantastic!!! I love the invitation, and it is just incredible that you put so much work into this party! I applaud you...and your sister (or should I say Mrs. Claus?)!

  53. Kathleen,
    You really know how to throw a party! What fun... and I kept thinking, what work! YOu outdid yourself. Beautiful surroundings, food, games, elves, crafts and a lovely parting gift!!!!!!!
    I know my invitation must have just been late because of our mail, so I will enjoy all the pictures and descriptions instead.

    Mr and Mrs Clause are just to cute!!!!

    I bet your party was the most coveted Christmas party invite in your area. What a joyous post.

  54. Boy, have you been busy, and you've done every just beautifully. Bravo!

  55. You must never sleep! I don't know how you do it all -- I am exhausted just reading it! Looks like it was a great success.

  56. What a beautiful party! Everyone looks like they had a lot of fun and the food looks delicious. I am sure you are worked hard to pull off such a wonderful party!Thank you for sharing!

  57. Oh, I loved looking at each and every detail! What a lot of work! You are amazing.

  58. Oh, Kathleen, you OUTDID yourself with this amazing party! I loved the photo of all the beautifully set tables with the red napkins folded just so. I know everyone there had a fabulous time -- just amazing what you did!

  59. Hi Kathleen,
    Looks like a delightful party to me!! Everything looked fabulous, and so neat you had Mr. and Mrs.
    Claus with you. Am sure the children loved that!!
    You put a lot into that and I am sure it was enjoyed by all. Lovely tablesettings!
    Blessings for a Joyous Christmas Season, oh yea,
    loved you cute invitation too!

  60. There's a tacky old West Texas saying..."Worn slicker than snot on a door knob." That's how I usually feel after preparing for a major event like yours. LOL. You did an amazing job...I'm so impressed. Your centerpieces are lovely, and to think that you were able to pull them from your own yard! Wow! That's a dream. The tables looked lovely, and it's easy to see that everyone had a wonderful time. If you go to a good camera store, they usually have an inexpensive usb device that takes multiple size memory cards and will automatically load them to your or any computer. I want to say that I bought one for $20.00 when I misplaced my dedicated USB cord for my camera. It works really well...a no brainer. I can hardly wait to make the Kahlua Chocolate Cake. Thank you for sharing your marvelous party. Cherry Kay

  61. I hope you have put your feet up for the day and are enjoying a cup of tea. The party sounds wildly successful. Have a great - and restful - weekend. Blessings...Mary

  62. Your tables look amazing. lots of credit to you for making your own flower arrangements and especially from your yard. You have been quite busy and it definitely shows. Those yummy desserts are tempting. Time to relax and enjoy your amazing efforts. happy holidays! Linda

  63. Great party Kathleen! WOW...terrific all the food and the baking you do, I love all your gifts, wish I got some, hahahaaa...but, since I can't I will bake myself and give them away like you do. Thanks for sharing. Do come and visit my blog, we just baked and decorated cookies with my're very welcomed.
    Merry Christmas

  64. Now YOU'RE my kind of hostess! You know how to do it right to show your guests a good time. The table centerpieces look lovely and the desserts look divine. Can't wait to see what pics the Tablescaper sends you. Now take a breather and let "Santa" show you a good time! hugs, Sue

  65. Kathleen, you really outdid yourself. I know your family and friends were so tickled to be there. Everything was so beautiful! Your sis makes a beautiful Mrs. Claus. She has a great smile. I love her outfit. I don't think you forgot a single detail. I hope you are giving yourself a break to rest before Christmas.

  66. I tried and tried to leave a comment on your latest post and it wouldn't go through! I am so glad I finally FOUND you again. My blog list got erase when I started MY OWN BLOG!!!! What a fabulous party you throw!!!!!!!!! I can not believe all you do for it, I am exhausted just looking at the pictures;):) Your guests must do a HAPPY DANCE when they get the invitation! I hope you ahve a WONDERFUL Christmas, Kathleen!! Please stop over to visit me when you can!!! XO, Pinky


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