Sunday, November 28, 2010

I've "BIN" Down in the Basement

Why do we have all this stuff?  Bin after bin of it, don't even remember some of it.  But if I throw it away, or donate it, I may need it, right?

I have donated a lot of it, but it seems to multiply when I hit those after Christmas sales!

Picture 931

Like these, 26 of them!  I bought after Cmas a few years ago for 90 off.  So I think they were a quarter!  I had a plan for them, but it didn't happen.  But they will be used next weekend at my family Holiday Party.  See, good thing I didn't give them away!

Then I found a bin with new items I bought at the after Cmas sale at Dansk.  We used to have a wonderful little outlet here , and they had the loveliest things, especially around Cmas. Long gone, bought out by Lenox.

Picture 932

And some high hat bowls to match.

Picture 934

I love finding things I had forgotten about!  A favorite thing!

I was true to my word, and I did not step into a store this whole crazy shopping weekend.

But Wed night I was in the WSonoma outlet, and picked this cornucopia cake pan up very cheap.

Picture 933

Some of you asked about the pie crust that was in my last post.

Picture 924

It is made with this tool, which some people have found at their local Ace Hardware stores, and my friend Suzy found it for a dollar in Washington state in one of those little cheapie stores.

Picture 935

Make sure your dough or puff pastry is very cold and press hard!

I am joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday and Laurie at Bargain Hunting for Favorite Things.

Thanks for visiting.  Don't forget the White Christmas Party  on the 15th to celebrate year 2 of blogging, with a $55 give away to CSN .  Be a follower and leave comment on that post , and you are in!


  1. Kathleen, I would follow you anywhere!, I'll be at your party and you know I am never without a comment. That must be worth $55?

    Only you could find a use for 26 of one thing, must come from all those years at school :)

    The dishes are so pretty! I miss Dansk, too!

  2. The red stockings will be perfect for your family holiday party. What are you filling them with? I can't wait to see that cornucopia cake! Yes, I too have that darling tool ;o) And Suzy got quite the bargain on it. The plates from Dansk are gorgeous. I'll be celebrating two years with you!

  3. I love the title of this post! Bin down in the basement. OMG....that is me! I found some stuff I got last year at the after sales and now I'm wondering what I'm going to do with them? Maybe they will be useful some year. Like your 26 Christmas stockings!

  4. I love those dishes, Kathleen! Can't wait to see your stocking idea.

  5. Pretty dishes, cute pan, not sure about the instrument of dough torture though, never saw anything like it! 'Bill' must send me 3 e-mails a day (borderline stalking really) and I haven't heard about the outlet... you sharing?:@)

  6. Kathleen, I am afraid you may be turning into a hoarder!! 26 stockings?? And a bin that was full of pretties you had long since forgotten?? Oh my.... :-) Am eagerly awaiting the cake in the cornucopia shape- now that is cool! I'll be at your party with bells on. I am trying to get things done and am sooooo slow.... I doubt I'll be posting but I will do my reading. It's an addiction, I do believe! ♥ Sue

  7. the pie looks delish! and the stockings.. what a find. I sure wished I lived where there were outlets.. You got some really great finds there. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Happy Holidays.

  8. NOW you tell me there is a WS outlet online?????? Huh???????? Who knew???!!!

    I'm going there right after I hit 'submit'.
    Your Dansk dishes are wonderful & I swear, we must be related....I have at least 20 aprons in the basement with the different calorie count of various foods printed on them. Thought I would send them to all my Weight Watcher friends...didn't happen. ~insert rolled eyes~

    You continue to amaze me with the bargains that you are able to find.

  9. Waaaaaaaaaa, I am sooo said "Rett, there isn't a wsonoma OUTLET on line that I know of, I have one 45 min from me."

    I mis-read what you posted...when you said you were "on the WSonoma outlet", I mistook it to mean ONLINE!! :*( ~sigh~ I'll just have to wait for them to expand to OH

  10. You always find the best deals Kathleen!
    I would loved to bin a little mouse down there watching you go through the bins!
    And that pie really is amazing!
    I will be joining the party too!

  11. Hard to believe, but I have no Christmas dishes! I may have to remedy that. But oh, where on earth would I put them?

  12. Kathleen,
    The Dansk dishes are BEAUTIFUL!

  13. Some of those plates you found could find their way under my tree. They are beautiful.

    Several years ago I got a bit serious about storing my Christmas decos. I store them in bins - by color. Not the tree decos, but the rest of them. So if I'm trying to do something blue, I dig in the blue bin. It takes a bit more time to put away, that way, but I think it's helped me use more of what I have. And of course - label, label, label.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  14. With bins like that I think I might be tempted to live in the basement!! Wonderful plates, such great deals. And yes, if you get rid of it, then (and only then) is when you need it again! :) Looking forward to your white Christmas party.

  15. I was in the attic starting to get some decorations down and filled 10 bags of stuff for Goodwill! I could fill 50 more! I can't pass up a good bargain either - and so the Goodwill bags will continue ;) Beautiful dishes and I love the cornucopia pan! Well done, as always!

  16. Kathleen my friend and I bought that cornicoupia pan FULL price before Thanskgiving. Then we saw it on sale on their website a few weeks ago for half price! Thank goodness when we called customer service to complain they refunded our money to make it equal to the sale price. So I have to give kuddos to Williams Sonoma! It makes a beautiful cake and I liked the maple bundt recipe that came with it.

    I haven't begun to bring the Christmas bins out of the attic as yet...too tired after the Thanksgiving

  17. good thing you remembered where the BINS were!
    Always love your 'stuff' - so pretty!!

  18. A treasure hunt! You always find the best things in your basement and the best sales. I need to follow you around!

  19. You must have more stuff than me, Kathleen, lol! You need a store too! I love those plates and the pie looks delicious!...Christine

  20. The Dansk dishes are gorgeous...26 stockings, enough for everyone in your neighborhood! I can't wait to see a cake made in that cornucopia pan.

  21. Kathleen-Don't you love it when you find something you have forgotten!!!?? I love your plates and the tall bowls! I have also never seen you crust gadget. Pastry is not my forte'--I use "already pie crust" :). Those darn leaves of ours will be coming down until there are new buds sometime in March---drives my husband insane :) Is the family party at your house??

  22. Kathleen, those plates are so pretty. I know you are going to make a gorgeous tablescape with them. Oh, you sound so much like me - don't get rid of it - if you do, you'll need it. Those stockings will be so great for your family Christmas party. That crust does look pretty. You must have every kitchen gadget ever made. Your post title is so clever. Thanks for linking up. laurie

  23. Where is WS outlet?? On line???? tell me...please!!!!

    With socks you can "dress" your Xmas tree!!! :D

    Ciao Flavia

  24. The Dansk Christmas pattern china is delightful, so too the Cornucopia pan from WS.
    Great bargains galore!

  25. Kathleen, those plates are gorgeous! Glad they made their way up from the basement. Can't wait to see your table set with these lovely pieces. And I'm eager to see what you do with the little stockings. ~ Sarah

  26. I'm late hopping over, but I do love that crust! Best to you, Jacqueline

  27. Kathleen, I have been up in the attic this morning dragging the rest of the ornaments down. I also buy things at the after Christmas sales and then promptly forget about them. Thanks for sharing your secret for the pie crust. I always wondered what those tools were for. Love your plates and I am interested to see what you do with all those stockings. See you at the party.

  28. We drug all our stuff out of the attic last night. You should see my dining room. Full of bins and just....stuff.
    Going to be busy the next few days with little time for computer play.
    See ya for sure at the party..:)
    Oh and I've never seen a tool like that and if I do, I will get it, for sure. Love your pretty pie..

  29. I gotta find one of those tools.. dang, I was just as Ace yesterday but grabbed twine and left.. next time I'll look around some..
    I adore that christmas china - what a beautiful pattern...
    My Christmas decor seems to give birth and manages to grow ornaments to adulthood from the time I put it away in jan. till the next nov. when I go back through my containers. Its a miracle , I tell ya..:)

    Holiday Hugs

  30. Oooo, Kathleen. I love your new heading picture. Lovely.
    I'm going to Ace to find that tool.
    The Dansk plates are very sharp. Your tablescape is bound to be great looking.

  31. I LOVE those Dansk plates & bowls. As I was setting my Thanksgiving table I was actually thinking of you and wishing that you were a neighbor who I could borrow from!

  32. I have to agree with Mrs. Sullivan....I think you are turning into a hoarder....who buys 26 Christmas stockings....but I can't laugh because nobody finds the bargains like you do....They can turn your shopping habits into a Reality Show. "SHopping on Steroids"....

  33. I figured you had to have some sort of a little gizmo to make that crust and now I will be looking for one of those in my dollar store. Your post just made me remember that I have about 20 Christmas rugs that I purchased last year but now I have to figure out where I stored them???

  34. How funny, Kathleen! I also found a whole bag of ornaments I bought after Christmas! I love those plates...gorgeous! Even our Lenox store is gone now! Sniff! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  35. Your pie looks wonderful! I can't believe how pretty those plates are! Great find.

    I love when I buy stuff and then forget about it. When I find it it's like a little gift I bought myself :)

    Oh and YES I would be thrilled to come help you with your party and stuff the bags for you. Just have my ticket waiting for me at the airport and I'll be right there :)

    Truthfuly I would KILL to be able to come to NY over Christmas time. It's a dream of mine to one day be able to do that.


  36. Those tablewares are pretty with its green and red pattern i like them. I was awed by that cake pan, it so nice i want to have one for my mother.
    Nice blog!

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  37. You are an amazing shopper, Kathleen! I would love to shopping with you at sale time!

    Can't wait to see some pictures from your family holiday party! Have fun organizing it.

    Best wishes always,

  38. I have a lot of stuff that every once in a while I can pull out and smugly say "Oh I have something we can use".

  39. That china is really beautiful!

    Thanks for the info about the pastry cutter! That cornucopia cake is neat! I look forward to seeing the cake you make with it! (Next year!)

    I hope I signed up for your White Christmas Party, I'm trying to come up with something for it! I'm a Follower too!


  40. I wish I could go down in your basement with you, Kathleen! What treasures there are down there, I'm sure! No doubt,some we haven't even seen yet (or I'll bet, M. hasn't anyway!) I'm hoping you'll show us what you do with all those stockings - lucky people in your family! I'd love to join in your White Christmas party if I have time, will have to see!



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