Friday, December 10, 2010

Santa Love and a Few Favorite Seasonal Things

We know Santa loves us, we all have been so good!
But there's a special look in Santa's eyes as he looks at his newborn son.
May his days always be merry and bright!  Merry First Christmas, Aidan, a month old today.
He is my dil's nephew.

Stephanie at La Dolce Vita sent me this adorable cake stand filled with treats miniature for my kitchen tree.

 Stephanie lives here on LI and is a wonderful photographer.  Stop in and see her pics!

Click to enlarge to see the beautiful details.

I was on the phone for an hour with my cable provider today, plugging, unplugging, grrr!  After an hour I finally got someone who told me, oh, your whole area is out of service!  What a waste of time!  Bah humbug!  :)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  I am joining at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things, and the Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.  Thanks for hosting!

Oh, don't forget the White Christmas Party on the 15th and the 55 dollar CSN giveaway.
Details on the top of my sidebar.  Hope you'll join in!


  1. Love the cookie jar!
    Beautiful baby.

  2. Congratulations to Santa on the birth of Aidan, he is a beautiful baby.

    Your little cake stand tier ornament is cute, I have one very similar with cupcakes on my kitchen tree. There are so many cute food ornaments in stores this year.

    Love the new ornament shaped cookie jar and look forward to seeing it in a tablescape soon.

    I am looking forward to joining the white Christmas party!

  3. Beautiful Kathleen. Santa and baby are beautiful!

    I visit Stephanie. Her photography is wonderful!

  4. I was so busy keeping my youngest out of the Santa loop that I didn't know that was Santa's baby. What a sweet heart.

    - The Tablescaper

  5. Oh what a sweet picture. In our house, Grandpa Santa came to visit for several years.

  6. What a cutie! Great photo os Santa and his little guy!
    Love the little cake stand, such a nice gift!
    Very pretty cookie jar, are you going to fill it?

  7. What a special pic! Lovin' your new goodies too! Have a great weekened:)@

  8. Sants & son are adorable and I always have loved Spode's Christmas Tree design.
    Hope your weekend is full of cheer.

  9. SAnta's and Aidan's picture is something really special..... have a wonderful weekend!Hugs, Flavia

  10. What a sweet picture of Aidan! I love the ornament and I know that cookie jar will be filled with wonderful goodies that you will make!

    Don't you just love having to make those calls?!

  11. Kathleen, what a sweet photo of Santa and son. And the ornament and cookie jar certainly have a good home.
    Sorry you are having cable issues. Hope it is resolved soon. I'm looking forward to the White Christmas Party. Have a beautiful weekend! ~ Sarah

  12. Congrats on Aiden - he looks like a doll. My grandson will be a month old on the 17th. Aren't babies great?

  13. Congratulations and Merry Christmas to Baby Aiden. He's beautiful! I'm so glad you liked the ornament. Thank you for the sweet mention.

  14. Cute photo of Aiden - babies at Christmas are always more special!
    Been seeing so many of the food-kitchen ornaments lately - love them!
    The cookie jar I know will be put to good use....

  15. Hi lovely lady.
    I love the sweet picture of the new Baby Aidan!! With his first time with Santa how sweet, My son's always cry and cry !!
    I'am looking forward to joining the white Christmas Party. I hope you have a Great Day SWEET LADY.

  16. Awww! Love the picture.
    I can sympathize with you having to deal with the cable people.:( I picked up new equipment yesterday, hooked it up per their instructions, and I no longer have the right plan I am paying for. Called them 3 different times and got a different answer each time. They are now sending a tech out.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  17. O, the baby is so sweet. I wish we still had a tiny baby in our family. :)

    I love your kitchen tree. I keep thinking I would like to have one but there is not a spot one where I could put it.

    I am all ready for your WHITE CHRISTMAS party.:)

  18. Adorable picture

    Have missed stopping good to catch up with my friends

  19. Hi! What an adorable photo and such a keeper! It will be long treasured!

    Kathleen, your Christmas party photos are so lovely. I enjoyed reading the entire post and will definitely put that Kahlua cake recipe in my files! Quick question for you... how much Kahlua did you pour over the cake?

    It was wonderful stopping by again! Have a very Merry Christmas*

  20. Love the photo of Santa and little Aiden. It doesn't get any better than a new baby in the family for Christmas.

    I know your beautiful new cookie jar will be filled with treats throughout the holiday season. Wish I could stop by for coffee and a cookie.

  21. Kathleen, Your party looks like a very special event! I'd like to try one of those little chocolate men. Merry Christmas to Santa and his little one! Linda

  22. Precious little baby with Santa photo!

    And sweet ornament and cookie jar too.

    Sorry about the frustrating cable problem. I did like your response though ;)Bah humbug!

  23. What a sweet wee one! Sorry about your computer/cable woes!

  24. What a precious picture of Santa with his cutie pie baby! Love the tiny cake stand ornament, and that cookie jar is beautiful! I'm sure that will be filled and emptied a LOT of times during the holidays with all of the baking you do. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

  25. What a cute photo of little Aidan, Kathleen! I have a grandson coming in April and he will be Ayden...a non-traditional spelling. I love your cookie jar! Too bad about your son's trip. I read there was snow! :-( See you at your party on the 15th! Happy week!...hugs...Debie

  26. What a sweet picture of Santa and the baby!

    Love the new gifts you received! Lucky you!


  27. What a cute photo and and a precious baby! Lucky you for getting those pretty gifts!...Christine

  28. What neat and pretty gifts you got Kathleen!
    And I love the Santa pic! I am going to try so hard to get ready for your party.


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