Wednesday, December 22, 2010

♪♪ Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas ♪♪

We won't be having dinner here Christmas, so just a little holiday table. Tonight is very traditional, red and green.

Picture 1252

The dishes, from a long time ago, made in France, called Noel, from The House of Salem, whatever!  I have told the story of how my aunt who was in her early 50's died in Nov. and I invited her children, 6 of them, and my uncle to join us for Christmas.  I didn't have enough matching dishes for the joined families, so I went to 4 different places spanning many, many miles to get enough.  So I ended up with service for 28!

  Very reasonable, very pretty in a traditional way, and very well used over the years. 

 Picture 1253

I used a red and green plaid table cloth, I love the edge!  From the Christmas Tree Shop. The napkins are from there too, as are the bell place card holders, green BEE glasses and red flatware.

 Picture 1256

Picture 1266

Green glass chargers by Gorham that I got at Lenox last year.

 Picture 1263

The centerpiece a simple basket filled with fresh greens form the yard and some baby's breath.

 Picture 1250

The candle holder matches the dishes.

 Picture 1247

Both sets of salt and peppers are by Spode, and both were gifts.  The trees this year from my friend Judy, and the Spode pattern from my niece, many years ago.

 Picture 1262

The larger glasses I got a long time ago on Cmas Eve after Mass  in the supermarket, for 50 cents!  They were marked down, and I ran in for milk, and of course had to buy them. 

Picture 1251

Oh Tablescaper, I have 48 of them!  :) But that was before I cured myself of buying so many of everything !

A green glass leaf serves as the butter plate.


Picture 1259 A shiny red cracker for everyone.

Do you use crackers on your table for Christmas?  We never did growing up, but the little gkids look forward to them now.

Picture 1254

Picture 1260

For an appetizer I made baked clams.  I am making them to bring for Cmas, so instead of shells, I baked them in a mini cup cake pan.

Picture 929

Much easier for people to pick up and eat!

Picture 926


Picture 1268

I use a very large fry pan to do this.

Place at least 1/4 C of Olive Oil in the skillet.

Brown 1 teas of granulated garlic, or fresh in the oil. Be careful, it browns quickly!

Add 3 C of flavored bread crumbs and let them brown, stirring often.

Drain half the juice from a 51 oz can of chopped clams ( we dig them in summer right here, but in winter, it is the can!) and reserve.  I like the clams smaller, so I use a blender stick to chop them more.

Add the minced clams and the juice you chopped them in to the crumb mixture.  Remove from heat.

Picture 1267

Add 1 teas chopped parsley, and the juice of a half lemon.

A few grinds of pepper.

Add a half cup or so of freshly grated locatelli cheese

Stir in a handful of shredded mozzarella cheese. You can add more of the reserved clam juice if you like them wetter.

Spray the mini pan and fill with the mixture.  You can add bacon crumbles to the top if you like. I added a dab more of cheese to the top.

Bake till brown and bubbley.  Serve with sliced lemon.

You can also make them in natural shells or the foil ones.

Picture 928

I am joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday and Designs by Gollum for Foodie Friday.

Picture 1244

May you have the Merriest Christmas, many blessings to you all!  And as always, I appreciate your visit!

 Jib Jab

See you next week!


  1. What a festive table - the familiar Christmas tree is still one of the prettiest patterns during the holidays and there are so many different styles out there. I love the tree s & p's too.

    I've never had baked clams but these sound simple to make so I might have to try them for New year's eve.

    Have a wonderful holiday with your family.

  2. I'm copying that clam bit recipe right after I post this comment. Might bring it over to a friends for Christmas Eve.

    Merry Christmas Kathleen,

  3. I see the break dancing is keeping you in great shape! Might have to take it up myself:@) Your plates are pretty, lovin' the bee glasses (gotta get some), and thanks for the grind up the clams idea-needed to see that! Merry Christmas Kathleen!

  4. Hi lovely lady. I love your Tablescapes for the Christmas Holidays ! You have lovely China to compliments your lovely table.

  5. omg, you almost gave me a heart attack when I saw your photo here. I am soooo glad. Now everyone can put a face with the name. You are just beautiful, Kathleen.

    Your table looks lovely, as always. Now, you might remember that I've never,ever in my entire loooong life, had even one bite of a clam. And, most likely I will go to my reward without a bite.
    But your recipe probably looks very good to someone that likes sea food. :)

  6. I just can't decide what I loved most - your table or being Elfed!

    Those glasses for .50 cents are just another reminder to all of us that when you go to mass, good things happen!

  7. Kathleen, you must have been a very good girl that year to find all those glasses for 50 cents each! I can just see you escaping with your booty! Your table is so festive. Have a wonderful, joyous Christmas. Linda

  8. Kathleen, an Elf? Photoshop a la 3M? LOLOL!

    The table looks fanmtastic! You always do the best tables! But those baked clams, look amazing, what a great idea! I wish I could!

  9. Thanks for the recipe.. What a great idea... Oh I love your table. I love the plaid tablecloth.. home, warm, inviting. Thanks so much for sharing. Merry Christmas.

  10. Christmas Blessings to you and your family, From my mountain to yours Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  11. Beautiful red and green tablescape, I love the plaid tablecloth! Those glasses are great, what a bargain!

    I'm so happy to finally see a picture of you!! Why have you been hiding that pretty face all this time???

    Merry Christmas!


  12. I love this table Kathleen! I have a few sets of dishes (and glassware) that I have LARGE numbers of..that is the caterer in me, lol. Now I try to stick to small quanities. Oh, and we do crackers...that is the Brit contribution of the husband's family..that and our traditional roast beef dinner...very cornish :)


  13. I really like this table! It's fun and yet pretty at the same time. I like those dishes they have a nice traditional feel to them. The green bee glasses are super cute! Have a wonderful Christmas.

  14. Oh, your the elf with the mostest! Nice dishes and yummy recipes!! Fun.LOL Have a very Merry Christmas!

  15. I agree with Carol, you do the best tables. I love the tablecloth...and the centerpiece.
    I am thinking I will make the baked clams next week...know my brother will love them, not sure about the two sisters, though...
    A very Merry Christmas & Happy Healthy New Year to you and Mike!

  16. Stemware and milk--sounds like my kind of grocery store run! I like to play around, but I think I love traditional the best! The clams sound delicious! Hope you and yours have the merriest Christmas!

  17. Love your table - and always thought the dishes were perfect for Christmas. At least you can afford breakage with that many..same with the glasses!! Bargain Queen rides again!

    Here I thought you went out and dug up your clams!! LOL They sound and look delicious..could you use the same recipe with crab???

    You make such a sweet cute Elf!! I'm saving that photo!!!!!

  18. I love it, love it, love it! Great post.

  19. Giggling at your "elf yourself" at the end!

    I love that tablecloth and the napkins too. To me, the linens just MAKE this table! Of course, the dishes are wonderful, and that centerpiece is so pretty.

    This is such a great table. I guess you could say it's quality AND quantity.

    Merry Christmas!

  20. What an adorable elf! I bet she is one of Santa's best helpers, or maybe even does all of the work for him!!! I love your flatware. I just got some for Christmas but I don't love it as much as yours, it isn't very bright, more of a brownish red. I too used to buy in large quantities but now we have even outgrown those numbers so I buy what I want and mix more. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  21. Wow! You've gone over the edge. Q photo of the devine Ms. Cuisine Kathleen herself!!!I had Mr. T take a lovely shot of the two of us at your party and you were around the table for my luncheon shots, but I was not allowed to use those photos!

    Love your table.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Looooking Goooood. Your table is very welcoming. We never do Christmas crackers.

  23. Beautiful table and oh my the food just looks super yummy!

    Happy Holiday,

  24. Well aren't you a cutie Kathleen!
    And how do you keep that cute little elfin figure with all that cooking and baking you do!
    So Christmasy to me!
    I love that centerpiece and the red plaid, well I always will love red plaid!
    Merry Christmas!
    And I sent some white stuff your way for Christmas Eve!

  25. Beautiful Christmas table Kathleen.

    We are having very simple foods, served buffet style.

    Loved the recipe, will have to give it a try.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  26. Love the table, but SO nice to see your smiling face! Merry Christmas!

  27. Have a wonderful Christmas Kathleen,loved your table so traditional!Your elf picture is great too!

  28. Oh how nice to *SEE* you!!! You make an adorable little elf! LOL

    Could you hear me laughing when you said you had "cured yourself of buying so many of everything"?? Yea, right! *wink*

    This table is such a timeless classic. PERFECTION! I like the addition of the crackers & no, we've never done them here.

    Thanks so much for that yummy sounding recipe. I can't wait to try making it & the idea of doing them in the little tins was brilliant. I wonder if I could make them in my Irish shamrock pans???? Thinking about St. Patty's Day already. ~~big grin~~

    Have a wonderfully Blessed Merry Christmas & more importantly, a HEALTHY New Year! Thanks for your friendship & all your inspiration this past year, Kathleen!


  29. What?! We finally get to see your smiling face? Woo Hoo! I love the simplicity of this recipe, Kathleen. It's been copied and placed in my file. Your table is so festive! Love the tablecloth glasses,and china. A service for 28 and glassware for 48? Good grief, girl- are ya havin' a party?!
    I want to wish you a Merry Christmas one last time!! So enjoyed your friendship all year long. See ya next year! xoxo Sue

  30. Oh, and I fogot to say how much I liked the recipe. I've never made them in mini muffin pans. Great idea.

    And 48 of those glasses...I don't thnk I have 48 of any one thing, 36 yes, but not 48. And when exactly did this "cure" occur?

    Have a merry Christmas and enjoy your family.

    - The Tablescaper

  31. I just copied the clam recipe. Thanks for sharing. I will make them for a future blog gal meetup. Had to laugh about running in for milk and coming out with drinking glasses:-) Have a Merry Christmas with your family and friends. Catch up with ya in 2011.

  32. Merry Christmas! The clams look so good..That's you?:) So cute as an elf!

  33. LOL, love the photo, Kathleen. Somehow that's not the way I pictured you, but I like the look. No question about it, you are the shopping queen.

    Your baked clams look delicious. I would have to eat a whole batch by myself and I think I could do it.

    Wonderful post, my friend. I hope you and your family have a very happy holiday.

  34. What a beautiful table you have made. I loved all your pieces especially the Christmas elf at the Have a Merry Christmas.

  35. You are the only person I know who has dinner service for 28! Your family is so fortunate to have you - not only for your beautiful tables but also for your wonderful cooking and baking!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Kathleen!

  36. I love your plates! And those baked clams look delicious :) Merry Christmas- xoxo

  37. I've known for a couple of months now that you and I could be trouble together...I've have bought 48, too...and I drive to multiple places to gather what I need all the time! Birds of a feather! Your tablescape is lovely! Thank you for sharing your charming design. Merry Christmas! Cherry Kay

  38. Love that plaid, and I like reading your comments about each piece of tableware.....I have that same green outfit... who knew?



  39. We don't have Christmas at our house either; one of the daughters has taken that as her day. Still, I love to have people for brunch or dinner during the season just so I can use all the Christmas themed stuff! Your table is, as always, delightful. Happy holidays.

  40. Kathleen, I smiled as I read about driving all over to pull together enough pieces of that pattern. I've been known to do that myself. Your table looks festive and the crab delicious. Thanks for the recipe.
    Cute photo!!! ~ Sarah

  41. The baked clams look fantastic! What a great idea!!! LOVE your "Elfis" at the bottom of the post! have a wonderful Christmas!!!

  42. Only YOU could drop in for a quart of milk after Christmas Eve Mass and run into a deal on stemware. Your Irish Luck is just unbelievable.

    I've saved the clams recipe. Too late to use this Christmas Eve, but I think I'll give them a try for New Years. Thanks for sharing.

  43. This made me smile at this early hour :-) I can just see you loading all that stemware in your car after Christmas Eve Mass.

    I've saved the clams recipe. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  44. Kathleen, what a wonderful tablescape and yummy food!

    I am checking in from my hiatus, and you were spot on. I have been sick, and I appreciate your concern. I won't go into it here as I wrote about it on my blog, but I hope that I will soon be on the mend.

    I hope that you and your loved ones have a very Merry Christmas! One of the best things of the last few years was getting to know you through Foodie Friday and Tablscape Thursday! You are a sweetie!

    Merry Christmas...


    Sheila :-)

  45. Gorgeous table...Beautiful blog

    Merry Christmas to my blog friend...Hope you have a wonderful day.

  46. I wish you and your family a very merry and happy Christmas....Buon Natale, Flavia

  47. Very nice table settings.

  48. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, Kathleen, and that you are safe in this terrible blizzard we are getting tonight! I can't believe how high the snow drifts are!PS: You make a very cute Elf! :)

  49. Oh Kathleen, what a cute elf! I'm so glad I scrolled down to see this post, because I've always wondered what you look like, and now I know that you are so cute! Your table looks beautiful. Love that china, and that wonderful cloth from that darn CTS (I've got to find one of those stores). Of course, your food always looks so pretty. I was glad to see that I could use canned clams (hope I can find it around here), because I sure don't have access to the real thing. laurie


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