Sunday, December 19, 2010

Make New Friends, But Keep the Old...

All you old Girl Scouts remember that song!

But it is true.

Picture 1235

I have written about my friend , Gail before.  We started teaching together, and have remained friends to this day.

Gail made this ceramic tree  and brought it to one of our Santa parties filled with goodies. Anyone else out there have one of these from 35 yrs ago?

There is a base and 4 tiers .

Picture 1228

I used Petit Fours, but any treats will work.

It looks like Lenox, cream brushed with gold.

Picture 1233

One of my Favorite Things is remembering these special  people as I unpack the Christmas decorations each year. All the different ornaments and other decorations friends and students  have given me over the years, all bring back sweet memories.

Picture 1232Another thing I love during this beautiful season, is the Christmas Concert and Nativity at my gkids school.

Picture 1213

  The grade school orchestra played.  My 5 yo grandson held his ears and said, "They sound awful!"  LOL

The chorus sang...

Picture 1215

The Nativity arrived...

Picture 1220

The third graders get the honor each year.

Picture 1222

Picture 1221

A little peek at my son's home decked out for Christmas.

I hope this Sunday you are finding a little time to enjoy the season.

Picture 1226

Put the music on, put your feet up, and treat yourself to something sweet!

Picture 1231

Picture 1234

I am joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie for Favorite Things and The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.

Last but not least...The winner of the 55 dollar CSN give away is .....In the Middle of Nowhere, Mimi/Marigene.

Congratulations , Marigene, and thank you everyone for visiting!


  1. Love the tree dish. Such a unique piece. It does remind me of a Lenox bowl that was given to my grandparents in 1969 for their 50th anniversary. It sits in a special place in my home to remind me of some wonderful folks, too.

  2. Love the tiered tree dish! I've never seen one before, and I even took ceramics :-) Congratulations to Marigene!! She will be thrilled, and I am thrilled for her!

    I have had my music on since I got up this morning in the dark, the gifts are wrapped and under the tree, my feet aren't up because I don't know how, and I did treat myself to Carol's vanilla spiced pecans. OMG are they good!

  3. That Christmas tree dish is so neat. I've never seen anything like it and to have had it made by such a treasured friend is wonderful. Son's house sure is decked out! Love your gingerbread boy ornament. Glad to hear you've got your feet up.

    Thank you for being a part of Seasonal Sunday and spreading all of your good seasonal cheer!

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Everything is beautiful but that little kitchen gingerbread tree is just the sweetest! Merry Christmas. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  5. I love that ceramic Christmas tree goodie holder. Around here everyone made those ceramic trees that were one piece with little holes for Christmas lights so I have never seen one like yours. All of your decorations are beautiful especially your kitchen tree and your son's house is also so wonderfully lit up for the holidays. Around here the bushes that are lit are buried in snow and the snow lights up!

    Congratulations to Marigene! I am happy for her and I hope she blogs what she picks in the giveaway.

  6. Love that old girl scout song. Wonderful seasonal pictures Kathleen and congratulations to Mimi :)

    Merry CHRISTmas!

  7. Everything is so festive! Love the use of the copper measuring cups on your kitchen tree! It is truly a blessing to have old friends! Her tiered tree is lovely! I have never seen one like that before, but now that I know they exist, I will be keeping my eyes peeled! Merry Christmas to you, Kathleen!

  8. Beautiful dish! Nice to have such a long history with your old friends! And I remember the song. I was a Girl Scout for about a day :) Yay for Marigene on the win!

    Your grandson is a pip.

  9. Congratulations, Marigene! Somehow, I think I know what you're going to spend it on :)

    What a wonderful post full of lovely past memories and memories in the making.

  10. Wow, what a nice friend to give you such a wonderful gift. I have never seen a Christmas Tree dish like that. It is really very nice.
    Merry Christmas!

  11. Congrats to Marigene...and thenks for these beautiful pics...ciao Flavia

  12. Lovin' that fun snack tree your friend made Kathleen! I agree, it's reliving the memories that make things special! I made fudge today, so yep, I did have something sweet:@)

  13. Dear Kathleen, you have the most lovely blog! I love the photos reminding us of your love of friends and family! The concert with the little ones as Nativity characters is so precious. Obviously not a public school program.

    Sending wishes for a great week before Christmas!

  14. Thanks for dropping in with your sweet comments. I used to love my children's programs.. so many memories. your son's house looks fabulous. I love your nativity.. Merry Christmas

  15. Your candy tree is really pretty...I don't remember seeing one like it when I did ceramics back in the 70's.

    The music must have been pretty sad for a 5 year old to comment on it!

    Thank you, I am so excited to win your giveaway! I am sure I will make good use of doubt it will be something for a tablescape, but one never knows! Thank you again, Kathleen.

  16. The tree dish is pretty. And I love your gingerbread tree.(-; Going to see a children's Christmas pagent is such a part of the holidays; it is one of the things that make it a special time. Thank you for visiting me and leaving such a nice message. Merry Christmas!

  17. Oh how I love "melt-in-your-mouth" petite fours!! You do have some really wonderful pictures!!! Treasured memories!! Always the best!! Merry Christmas~~ Cathy

  18. It is fun each year as the ornaments and dishes come out of the cupboard. You have some lovely gifts and wonderful memories! I love your kitchen-themed Christmas tree!

  19. The white lights at your son's house are so nice. That is my favorite look. That is all we have up outside and on the tree.

  20. I love this post! It is remembering friends and family that brings me such joy as I decorate my tree and put out other decorations. This is my week for baking, carols and really enjoying the spirit of Christmas. Congrats to Marigene!

  21. Congrats Marigene!! Kathleen - love the tree, what great the wreath on Michaels house!
    Also your kithen tree is so precious!

  22. Kathleen, what a pretty gift from your friend. No, I don't have one, and I've never even seen one of those tree servers. (Musta been a Northern thang!) Your son's house looks so pretty with the Christmas lights, and I love the cute little kitchen ornaments. We went to our grandchildren's Christmas program at church this week, and enjoyed it sooo much. Our grandson was holding his ears too! Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. laurie

  23. Your life is so blessed and I know you know it...
    Merry Christmas.
    Mary Ann

  24. Kathleen, I've never seen one of these tiered servers. The finish on it is very much like a lovely Lenox piece and oh so pretty. You're lucky to have a special friend and lots of memories of her and others. I truly hope that you are enjoying a blessed Christmas season with friends and family. I have been blessed to have had your friendship this past year. It wasn't always an easy road, and your comments always made me feel good! Lots of love, Sue

  25. I love that tiered serving dish! I don't have one but I sure wish I did!
    Beautiful post Kathleen!
    I love the pics of the kiddies and your son's home looks so pretty all decked out in lights!
    Merry Christmas my friend,
    Thanks for your friendship this past year!

  26. Don't ever remember seeing one of those of cute tree dishes. Cute. I agree that the fun of opening the Christmas decorations each year is the memories each brings. My cookie baking marathon is officially over so I can put up my feet a bit. I had to laugh at your GS comment about the singing:-) My little "Mr. Vundervants" is very shy but when they had the Christmas concert at school last week he pushed to be center stage and sang the loudest. We could not believe it was the same child. Now he wants a microphone from Santa:-) Merry Christmas.

  27. These are great! Thanks for sharing! The pageant looks great - the kids are always so adorable in them, aren't they? Everything looks beautiful, Kathleen, and you know I love your kitchen tree. A couple of posts ago, I posted some of my favorite baking ornaments too. I hope you and your family have the Merriest of Christmases!

  28. I look forward to be able to see my grandchildren in a few school paegants in the future, Kathleen.

    I love your kitchen tree! Such a cute ornamenta!

    I have been so busy since coming back from CO., but trying to enjoy it all!

    ♥ Pat

  29. Hi Kathleen,
    Love all the memories and new memories in the making heading towards the final days until Christmas. Your gkids Christmas program looked darling....nice to see a nativity in the school program.
    Merry Christmas

  30. Everything is so pretty. Love the dish and tree from your long time friend. :)
    Your son's home looks amazing. Beautiful decos.
    I love the Christmas plays our kids are putting on now. So so cute.
    I am in full blown COVET mode over your adorable kitchen tree. By next Christmas, I aim to own one!! It may be bare but.......:)

    Hoping Santa brings you a 'take my breath away' gift this year. I just LOVE those. I have told my Santa that I am so wanting the comforter that would bring my guest bedroom into my inspiration picture. I've been collecting bedding for almost a year and just need the comforter (well, and some pillows)...I told him just where to go online to order...but...a large package hasn't arrived....yet. If it does, I am going to be breathless. If it doesn't, I'm gonna bawl and squall. :)))
    Merriest Christmas to my sweet friend that I love.
    xo bj

  31. A fun post, I enjoyed reading it!


  32. I love the ceramic tree, Kathleen, so pretty. Gail is one talented lady to be able to make that. Your grandson is so funny, must have taken after you, lol. Fun times, so nice to see all the Christmas activities in school.Merry Christmas to you and your family!..Christine..Christine

  33. I LOVE your tiered dish!! I am always looking for new serving dishes or even just a new "way" to serve lovely treats. Thank you for sharing, also Thank You for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas!

  34. Oh, I love this post, Kathleen. Christmas time brings wonderful memories with it of dear friends and special events. I miss the grade school Christmas programs now that my gkids are older. Love the ornaments on your Christmas tree, especially the little copper pans.

    Merry Christmas!

  35. Grade School Christmas Programs - boy, oh boy. For years I worked in a team with two other second grade teachers. Seems like we put on about a million of those programs. Cardboard, spray paint, paper grocery bags and glitter - it was sort of amazing what props were created with just that stuff. I don't miss putting them on, but I sure miss watching. My grandchildren's school is VERY POLITICALLY CORRECT, so they've chosen to skip the "Winter" Program completely. Darn. I was so jealous when I saw your pictures.

    And there's that Kitchen Tree again. I finally got one, but it will be a few years before it has a nice layer of ornaments like yours.

    Merry Christmas, Denise

  36. That is so true, Kathleen about unpacking treasured ornaments and decorations and remembering the "story" behind them. Love your tiered tree stand. Kids say the funniest things, don't they! Your gson must have either made you laugh or hide with embarrassment! Your nativity surrounded by the wreath is beautiful!
    A very Merry Christmas to you!



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