Sunday, December 26, 2010

Silent Night...NOT!

What is Christmas with out a set of drums?  :) 

Santa brought one of my little gkids drums, well, because that was on his list!

Picture 1282And gdau wanted a microphone.  So have you ever heard Silent Night accompanied by a very energetic drummer? 

Knock knock jokes with the punch line  accented with a whack to the cymbal? 

A fun day was had by all, and seeing the kids enjoy Christmas is such an important part of the holiday.

Picture 1285

My 3 year old gson brought me over to see Jesus, and told me , He didn't even cry! And then gave Him a little spin for good luck!  :)

Picture 1279

The halls were decked...

Picture 1281The tree was lit...

Picture 1283The table was set...

Picture 1287  

There was plenty of food...

Picture 1291

My dil and son did a wonderful job, nothing was left undone.  They certainly are excellent hosts!

The presents were opened...

Picture 1272

And this morning, we had a lovely breakfast with some drum music in the background!  :)

We were supposed to attend our 4th grade gdau's CYO basketball game, but old man winter had started to spit out some snow.  We hated to disappoint her, but the forecast wasn't good, and we had a long ride home.

It was a nerve wracking 2 hours, and when we were about a mile from home, barely escaped a crash.

Although we were going only around 20 mph , we hit ice, and spun out of control, back and forth across the road.  If another car had been coming, we would have hit it head on, and then back across to the other lane.  We finally came to a stop, off the road, narrowly missing a pole.  I am very thankful to God we landed softly!

I am very lucky to be writing this , safe and warm from home.  Another Christmas gift for sure!

 table 3267

I think we will be snowbound for the next few days.  It is supposed to continue through the night.

Stay safe, everyone! Thanks for visiting!

Hope you all had a delightful Christmas!

Blog Labor 021_thumb[4]wreath snow

I join my friend The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays.


  1. Everything looks beautiful. We've got lots of snow in NYC and I'm so glad it wasn't yesterday. Keep cozy!

  2. I'm glad you got home safely, Kathleen, it's brutal out there. Christmas with the kids looks fantastic! The house looks so beautiful and so festive! LOL, aren't you glad the drum set stays THERE, at their house? :)

    I know it's a PITA, but it sure does look pretty!

  3. Kathleen...what a tale you have to tell. So glad to know that you are safe and sound. Your Christmas sounded wonderful...the little guys my daughter nanny's have a drum set...very loud, lol.


  4. Good definitely stay put for the next few days!! It's a terrible feeling to lose control of the car and there is nothing you can do..your guardian angel was looking out for you!
    Michael and Stacy's house is the red dining room. Everthing perfect..helps to learn from the best!!

  5. Kathleen, what a relief to hear that you are now safely home, warm and cozy. Thanks for sharing the Christmas with your grands. It all looks festive and special.
    Stay warm! ~ Sarah

  6. Oh I'm so happy you made it home safe and sound after your out of control spin. We've had some horrible experiences with black ice. Looks like your Christmas was wonderful. Ha! I remember the year I bought all the nephews noisy toy guns. I was not popular with my siblings but I was very popular with my nephews! Enjoy staying put. We are getting quite the weather reports for your part of the world!!

  7. Kathleen:

    I'm so happy you made it home safely. It sounds like it was a terrifying ride home. Snug yourself in for a long winter's nap. I don't think this white stuff is leaving us for a long time!

    It looks like you had a wonderous time at your son and dil's beautiful home.Merry Christmas.

    - The Tablescaper

  8. Thank God you all are okay. My goodness!!
    Yes... stay in, watch movies, visit, eat popcorn and just enjoy looking that beautiful snow.
    Ladybug Creek

  9. Now, I have visions of a set of drums and a microphone in my future - LOL!

    As joyous as your Christmas was, what a frightening end to your holiday. I'm so relieved that you are both safe at home, Kathleen! We were spared the snow that was forecast for us, thankfully.

  10. Oh, so thankful ya'll weren't hurt. Icy roads just scare the p out of me. whew...

    Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. I am so glad you were with family...drums and all.

    And, yes, we did have shrimp cocktail, the only sea food I care for and then, it's only about 4 and they have to be C.O.L.D. and the sauce really great. O, I am soooo picky, aren't I? lol
    xo bj

  11. Scary! Glad you all made it home in one piece! Stay safe -- our snow has all melted.

  12. Oh my goodness! I am so glad you were fine and did not get into any accident, Kathleen. I am so afraid of driving in snow or ice. Be careful! The house is beautiful and the food is yummy!...Christine

  13. I am glad your ok Kathleen! It's looking a lot like our place around your place!
    Your daughter's home is so beautiful! I love the garland and would love to have some like that!
    My son is a drummer. He started as a little boy and is still going at it, so I can relate!
    He did become a really awesome drummer so it can be worth it later on.
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful pics!

  14. Kathleen,

    What a beautiful Christmas post. I can relate to the drum set! The decorations and food are scrumptious.

    So glad you made it home safely. Ice is treacherous.

    Happy New Year!


  15. Glad you're home safe and sound! I haven't even looked outside yet, gotta dig out and go to work... eventually:@)

  16. I remember a drum set year..:) Now it's the real shebang at one DD's.. w/ guitar etc..I LOVE it..I do..

    Your sons home is just perfect! Happy snow-in!

  17. I remember when my son went through his drum set stage. Lordy, it was noisy! I'm happy to read that you made it home safe and sound despite your scare. Being out on the road during a snow storm is no fun.

  18. Kathleen, I have been offline for a few days spending time with my family and this is the first I have heard of your near accident. I just want to say that I for one am very THANKFUL that you and M were spared. Icy roads are so scary and I hate them more than driving on the poor visibility ones.

    I love the post about it not being a silent night! I imagine there was quite a bit of drumming going on :) How fun for the kids and also good for their musical talents. Your son and DIL's house is so beautifully decorated it must have been magical sitting down to all those twinkling lights surrounding you. I love the story of D telling you "he didn't even cry" - he was paying attention :) Is there a reason to give him a spin for luck or is that just a D thing?

  19. Wow, Kathleen, how scary that car spin must have been! I know just how you felt. That out-of-control/please-God-help-us feeling... So glad that He was there to help you guys. And your son's house looks beautiful! It looks like you all had a great Christmas. And what was that a 'dip' near the shrimp cocktail on the table?? THAT looked delicious!!!
    P.S. Oh, and boy did I laugh when you wrote: have you ever heard Silent Night accompanied by a very energetic drummer? LOL!

  20. Although it was scary for you I could hear the sound of the drums cymbal when you came to a stop at the side of the road. Bada bing.
    So glad you are safe. My BB guy has gone to the cabin and will get there before the projected dump of snow later today. Now those are some scary roads.

  21. Merry Christmas Kathleen! Your son's house looks so beautifully decorated and what a yummy meal you had! So funny, about your gkids and the non-Silent Night! I am so very thankful your accident was not more serious! I know that feeling of spinning out of control in a car and it is so scary! Hope you can rest at home now and enjoy the winter wonderland from indoors!


  22. Everything looks great! Beautiful home and decorations! Hope you are OK with all the snow. We got over 20 inches here. Brrr...

  23. Kathleen, I think someone was looking out for you- we all have our angels, you know.... What a lovely home your son and DIL have. So glad you enjoyed your time with family. We spent the evening w/ Mr.'s sisters yesterday. Sr. Pat is visiting from KY and even though the other two live in town, we never see them. So it was fun and enjoyable. No snow falling here. So glad... Stay warm and toasty. :-) Sue

  24. My gosh Kathleen hearing you tell me your story again just brings it all to life how lucky you were. In just an instant thing could have ended so differently. Snow can be so pretty but so dangerous. Angels were watching out for you!

    Thank you for sharing your Christmas Day with's the perfect Christmas house. That mantel and tree look staight out of a Christmas showroom,


  25. Hi Kathleen! Your home is simply gorgeous and the dinner looks fabulous! Sorry the snow was such a dangerous mess for you! Ours was lovely for a day and is melted now...a dream come true! :-) I understand about the drums...that was last year's gift for my grandson! The new wore off pretty fast! And then the new baby brother came along...shhhhhh! End of problem! lol Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  26. Oh, I'm so glad you're safe! That must have been so scary! God sure is good! I'm giggling at what your little 3 year old grand said. :)
    Drums go with everything - my son was a drummer! :)
    Everything looks so beautiful and the food so good!
    Glad you had a wonderful Christmas.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. Oh my goodness, Kathleen! You did indeed have angels sitting on your shoulders who were guiding you to safety! I'm so glad yiou are both OK.

    Your son and daughter-in-law's house is lovely and the food looked so good! I have a feeling my grandson will want a drum set one day, too! :)

  28. Glad you made it OK. What a scary moment!

    I love the story about the Little Drummer Boy. I can hear it all now!

    Happy New Year

  29. Gosh that makes my heart thump harder! Glad to hear you and hubby are OK. I lived in Buffalo for most of my life, and had escaped a few of those myself...although one time I did hit a guard rail, but I was OK, car not so much...Well all in all had a very lovely holiday with your family. Thanks so much for your sweet comment.

  30. Oh My Gosh Kathleen! Thank God you made it home safely. What a scary ride! Your son's home looks beautiful in all of it's Christmas decor, and Chrismtas dinner looks fabulous. The entertainment sounds like the best! So glad you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. Are you getting cabin fever yet? laurie

  31. Your snow covered wreath is so pretty. Glad you had a great Christmas with the family -- how scary that slip on the ice must have been! Glad you made it home safely -- stay in and stay warm and cozy!

  32. So glad you are alright. I was just in Mammoth (snowy mountains) and was terrified driving due the ice...but in So. Calif. we have crazy drivers in the rain (no one slows down). Anyway, I can see you are very blessed. Ha! You may be a rock band groupie in the future.
    Mary Ann

  33. Everything in your home is absolutely gorgeous Kathleen. What a lovely holiday home you have created. I am sure they all appreciate it and marvel at it!

    Drums!!! How fun! Yes, my brother had those, and what a riot they are!

    Loved the snow covered wreath. We had the snow dump 4 days before, I bet it was the same storm system traveling across the nation. All melted quickly and a green Christmas. Have a wonderful New Year.

  34. What a sweet Christmas!Your home is so pretty. I love your french horn wreath! Gorgeous!

    Merry Christmas!


    P.S. I'm your newest follower.

  35. Oh how fun with the drums and the microphone, I am sure you were well entertained. Wow, I am so happy you didn't get into a wreck. That must have been scary. Glad you're home safe and sound. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  36. So thankful you made it home safe and sound! Otherwise, it sounds like you had a wonderful time with the grands. My youngest grandson loved drums too when he was three last year!

    Cute story about the manger getting a "spin!" LOL! My Nativities survived our 4-yr-old gs making the angels fly, etc!


  37. Catching up on posts this AM and glad you were OK. Very scary to hit an ice spot on the road and have the car spin. Looks like the beginning of a new rock band with the kids. I bet your gs was excited as well as your gd with the microphone. I think a set of ear plugs would be a nice gift for the parents this week:-) Thankfully the set is too big to bring to your home when the kids sleep over. We had a some what nice Christmas day here with one of the grands sick and then every day another person caught the bug. Just getting over it myself. Still was happy to have my family under one roof. Looking forward to a healthy 2011!

  38. Wanted to stop by and wish you a happy new year! Your home looks so festive for the holiday season...super lovely. Thank goodness you were not involed in an accident...just reading your words sounds scary, can't imagine what it was like to experience that terror.


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