Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Witches’ Fly 2010

Last year some naughty witches stole a list of my visitors and played some tricks on them.


Blog Labor 319_thumb[2]4 witches

Witches’ Fly By


Part 1

Those witches are convening

To make a lengthy queue,

Of Bloggers they will visit

BEWARE! it could be you!

Picture 638

All Susans, Sues and Suzys,

Your names are on their list,

Better put away your treasures

I know you get my gist.

Picture 651

Sarah and Laurie are worried,

They hide their Quimper stash,

And hope those naughty witches,

Get sick on horned toad hash!

Picture 635

They sip a few “bonetinis”,

And have some witchy spats

Then prepare to toilet paper,

Back Porch Musing’s and Brooklyn Pats!

Picture 640

They’ll send some toady pizza,

To Stephanie, Bill and Patti

Rett, Joanne and Marsha,

Hide, as rotten eggs go splattie!

Picture 644

Hey Carols, Lynns and Lindas,

Watch out Natasha too,

They are dropping off a cauldron

Of slimy warthog stew.

Picture 639

If you think their junkets over

You really are quite green,

They hope to visit all the friends

Who hang out with Kathleen!

Picture 647

So Shelia sing your sweet songs

BJ, hide your Dunkin’ D’s,

This trip continues next time,

Come visit if you please!

Picture 633

Table Notes

Centerpiece is 4 small witch hats, black and white bow, candle in the middle on top a small cake ped. with a b and w check napkin scrunched underneath.

Cloth , remnant from Duralee, 2.00

Chargers Pier 1, 3 yrs ago on sale

Black plates, Mikasa outlet, salads HG clearance .70

dot napkins, black inner napkin

white alabaster ring, Wsonoma outlet, stick on  letter

Butter dishes WS outlet, skulls $ store

Black stemmed glass, Pfaltzgraff clearance store , skeleton, $ store

The witches ate…

Baked Worms :)

Picture 611

Baked Spaghetti Squash

Cut squash in half and remove seeds

Microwave till you can easily pull strands with a fork.

Picture 613

Use a fork to pull all the strands, mix with olive oil or butter, s and p, grated cheese.  Sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake till top browns.Grate fresh parmesan cheese on top. You can use spaghetti squash any way you would use pasta.  Very easy, enjoy!

Here I used it in individual pans, and I added mozzarella to the mix.

Picture 615

I am joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday and Michael Lee at Designs by Gollum for Foodie Friday.

Thank you for visiting!


  1. Love the black and white table, but the poem is priceless! Looking forward to more!

  2. Have to say, even your Halloween table is beautiful! Love the black and white!

    LOL, you've covered it, looking forward to the next witches installment! Have you been dipping into the witches brew? Or what?

  3. Absolutely adorable! Well done, Kathleen!

  4. This is just so cute and your poem is so clever. You do have some really naughty witches. lol Love it. Your table is stunning and dinner looks fabulous too. Great post. Hugs, Marty

  5. Blogger is driving me nuts with the "no service available." It takes forever to get a comment through. This is the fifth time....aaaaggghhh...

    I love all your black and white patterns mixed with the skulls and little skeletons, Kathleen. And I think I might even like the baked worms. LOL
    Wouldn't it be fun to get together, conjure up some spells, then partake of some witchs' tonic?! We could toast from one witchie to another- *smile*
    hugs, Sue

  6. Nice Halloween twist on the the tablescape!!

  7. Those little witches made me laugh along with the poem. Lovin those dots. Enjoy the day.

  8. O, I do remember these adorable witches from last year.
    Your table...just precious. I love everything about it...imagine that!!

    Your poem is so cute..I've noticed over the months how good you are at that. I couldn't make a rhyme if they were going to give me a million dollars. I'm going to work on one, tho.:)) See what an inspiration you are to me!!
    Cute cute post...
    and when I was making coffee this morning, wondered if you liked the DD..??

  9. Oh what fun! I love your witches fly tablescape. The food looks yummilicious, too. Love those polka dots!!

  10. Love your black and white table Halloween table. The witch hats are adorable. Cute poem, too!

  11. "Oh this was SUCH FUN"!!! LOVE those Witchy Ladies!!! Your post was SO MAGICAL!!! LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the black&white!!!
    Hugs to you,

  12. You make me laugh out loud, Kathleen. You are quite the poet. Love your black and white table and all the whimsical holiday touches you've added. I can't wait for the next installment.

  13. Your poem is a gem...
    Enjoyed hearing about the Witches again.
    This B&W table is beautiful. Did you make the Witch Hats?
    Your Spaghetti Squash looks so good and you make it sound so easy to prepare. Love that.

  14. What a fun table! Love the black and white! Double, double, toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldren bubble!

  15. Oh, Kathleen you are too funny!!! I see you found a wonderful use for the lidded pan from our excursion to Savers.

    Love, love, love your new header. Was this a post from the past?

    - The Tablescaper

  16. You are so clever! Love the poem! It made me smile :)

    Your tablescape is darling! Love the use of black and white and the witches hats are so cute.

    I'm doing my 2nd annual Witches luncheon for my friends this year so I have no doubt the witches will be making a stop by my place soon :)


  17. Oh, what a cute poem, Kathleen! I didn't know you were a poet! The witches are very cute too, they look very friendly. Pretty tablescape!...Christine

  18. Hey Kathleen! Great B&W table, lovin' the polka dots! How talented of you to shape the butter like skulls too:@) Thanks for the fly-by, I thought I heard some cackling!

  19. Beautiful black and white tablescape! Love the polka dots! I also like the black and gold banner tablescape!


  20. Awesome table scape - love the black and white and Halloween poem. sandie

  21. LOL - you are so good with words!! The "Baked Worms' look awfully yummy!!

  22. Hi Kathleen, first thing I notice is your new header...I like it. And then, your post, well, you're really letting your creative self show. Glad you are getting some good fall weather finally. Isn't this time of year just the best!

  23. I LOVE your fun posts! I'm having fun enjoying everyone's creativity since I"m not allowed to for a while :(
    Spaghetti squash is on our menu this week too
    xoxo Pattie

  24. Kathleen, I love the black and white polka dots! :-)

  25. Oh bravo! I love that you wrote a poem from your witches. Such a cute poem and black and white tablescape. I wrote a poem for next weeks table! I am hoping it has the desired effect.LOL

  26. OOHHH--I'll consider myself warned! I can't wait for your next clever installment of the annual poem. I am in love with the black and white polka dots and that centerpiece of hats!! It's a very modern touch to an old holiday! ps-I'm that little short witch on the end :)

  27. So clever! I love the black and white polka dots, but the skeletons lounging in the glassware are a brilliant touch!

  28. Hi Kathleen,
    Great fun, and I do remember those witches. I have missed your wit. Have a great day.
    PS - Love those tables too...very spooky

  29. Oh my goodness, Kathleen, this is absolutely adorable!!! I enjoyed the poem so much that I had to scroll back to enjoy the table.

    And I LOVE the black and white table!! By the way... I also love your header today. It's beautiful too. You just never, ever, cease to delight me.

  30. I love black and white. Perfect for the month of October. Thank you for visiting My Cozy Corner. I do love to stop by and say hi.

  31. I'm back just to say that I HOPE the gremlins get out of your computer! Could they be those ....um.... witches up there?

    Seriously, hope all is OK tech wise.

  32. Love the black and white polka dots! Come see my orange and white polka dots on my blog today. Link up to Centerpiece Wed. Great ideas for the centerpiece!!


  33. Thank you for stopping by my blog! As soon as I arrived my eyes have been feasting on all your beautful work. I cant believe what I have been missing.Your poem was GENIUS and the black and white is FAB! I'm a follower now too. LOVE YOUR BLOG!

  34. Kathleen -
    You are too much!!! This is all so entertaining. You got us all! The most clever ever.

  35. That was so cute Kathleen. Can't wait for more!!;-)

  36. Kathleen, what a cute post! The table and the poem. Love them both! You just get better and better with these tablescapes. I always love coming to see what you're going to do. Thanks for including me in your poem. I'm off to hide my Quimper now! (BTW, have a missed one of your tablescapes? I LOVE that one in your header!) laurie

  37. How cute. I loved the poem so much I could hardly look at the table and had to go back through the second time.. I love your table. it's so cleverly done. and so wonderful.

  38. Hi Kathleen, Thanks for the head's up on the pending witch visit, although I may let them in if they come with those sparkly black hats in your centerpiece! Linda

  39. I love your polka dots, totally my style!

  40. I just loved this, it was too clever. I was planning on a black and white table too, but now that I have seen yours, I might just give up! This was stunning. I think you love witches too. This was just a treat, and their squash looks like a treat too. Way fun post.

  41. You are so funny Kathleen!
    I love this table, you never run out of creative ideas do you!
    Black and White seems just perfect for a scary feast!

  42. What a wonderful post! I laughed while I was reading it. I love your whole table...just great!Of course the polka dots and witches are too cute!

  43. Oh, Kathleen! You are totally awesome! This poem is darling and thank you for mentioning me in it!:)
    Your little witches are darling, even though they're up to no good! :)
    Your table looks great and your are the most creative one - ever! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  44. What fun! Your table is enchanting! Love the B & W and all the touches of Fall and ghostly fun! Enjoy your day! ♥

  45. Yes, Kathleen, that polka dot flatware would be great with your table, I just love the black and white polka dots, plates are amazing, and the witchey women are soooo adorable!! You are so creative! Can I come and visit???

  46. Love the black, so creative. Welcome Fall. I'm new, come see me please.

  47. Thank you for following me! I am simply delighted. Love, S

  48. soooooooooooooooo clever!

    adore your table too.

  49. Hi Kathleen...

    Ohh my...those witches are mischievious!!! My friend, your black and white tablescape is simply stunning...so fun and so festive...all at the same time! Your poem was FABULOUS!!! I loved reading it...what a creative lady you are, my friend! Thank you for sharing your talents and wit with us today...such a treat!!!

    I also wanted to thank you for stopping by at my place today! I enjoyed your visit and sweet note, my friend!

    Warmest autumn witches...urr...I mean wishes!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  50. That is so neat! I love the black & white, and those skeletons hanging on for dear life (or death!) on the glasses are really great!

  51. Another 'killer' poem, Kathleen ;) Great table and I love those witches' hats!

  52. How clever are you!!! You can set a gorgeous table AND do a poem to go with it!!! I am GREEN with jealousy:):) Just like a WITCH:):) XO, Pinky

  53. ADORABLE!! You are so clever with your witches...and your table is beautiful! Can't wait to see more.

  54. No, I don't have a blog. Have been thinking about doing it though, have had alot of bloggers ask me to sart one. I just have NO CLUE how to go about it!!!!:):) Yes, I am a retired floral designer but do work on my own now when I get a client!!!!!

  55. Love the "riding of the witches"! So fun to see where they appear -- however, I don't know how they could leave your darling table!

  56. WOW! this is great. the tablescape is awesome and so is the narrative. You are so funny. also love your header photo it is so beautiful. thanks for visiting me and your kind remarks. I look for to many mutual visits. Ginger

  57. How sweet of you, Kathleen, to save me a big cauldron of slimy warthog stew...my favourite! I wish I could fly on over (on my first class broomstick of course) and sit at that gorgeous table right now and taste some of that yummy Baked Spaghetti Squash, I mean worms! Think of me when you sip on those bonetinis!

    Best wishes always,

  58. Those mischievous witches are making the rounds. I guess I best lock up my best Quimper. ;-)
    You know I adore every detail of this black and white themed table. Have to say those chargers are pretty wonderful.
    Thanks for the giggles. ~ Sarah

  59. I have to say that dining in your home must be the best! Your tables are always set to the nines and your meals look yummy! I love your energy!

  60. Hi Kathleen! Thanks for stopping by! No I didn't get an email from you:-( I have had some issues not getting emails since hotmail changed to putting things in folders. but I looked through and didn't find anything. Try again: anita-faraboverubies@live.com. This is such a lovely table! Those little hats are adorable. It's so nice to see these colors...it really stands out! Beautiful!!

  61. Kathleen, how wonderful and too cute! Love your setting and your witches are to die for!

  62. I love this table scape SO much! Its really in the spirit of the season! Hehehehe...


  63. Heavens, Kathleen, how do you do it! You have great recipes, you garden, your pictures are lovely, your tables gorgeous AND you are a poet! A creatively, funny poet to boot! What a girl! :)

  64. What's happened to Lynn at Happier Than A Pig ?
    I noticed she'd been missing a day or so and tried to visit and her blog is closed. ??
    Do you know anything? She had this Pumpkin party planned and I thought everything was going good..wonder what happened? I don't know how to get thru to her....

  65. Oh YUMMY! I LOVE spaghetti squash and use it all the time in place of pasta! I was just telling Nan (in Alaska) about that earlier today! Your little witches are so cute. And you are a wonderful poet!! :-)

  66. Absolute perfection!
    Thanks so much for letting me know about the Word Verification...I wasn't sure how it worked...just thought blogger was picking on me!
    I added a short post about it, too!
    Thanks again!

  67. This was adorable Kathleen! I had to run so I didn't get "TP'd"...lol! I love the skeleton table ..those skeleton cupcakes that I sent you the recipe for, would be perfect for this setting. I love spaghetti squash!

    I gave a victim impact statement on Friday (we have to do one every two years...sigh) and today, to cheer myself up, I went upstate with my daughter to go apple and pumpkin picking! It was a beautiful day today!

    Thanks for your congrats and good wishes...we are all very excited to know #2 is a girl!

  68. You know, I have decided I like dried, store bought pasta better than homemade! I will just buy and enjoy it that way. :)


  69. Love your cute poem- and your chic black and white table setting! Gorgeous!

  70. What a wonderful tablescape! And the food looks so yummy, Kathleen! Cute witches!Hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie


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